Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The world was not always ruled by mortal men. Once, there were Gods who ruled in the skies up above and the world beneath our own. They were both loved and feared by humanity- some even worshiped them, such as the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. However, in truth, the Gods did not care what the humans thought of them. Mostly, they did as they pleased- causing misfortune and mischief, while also capable of benevolence and kindness.

That is until, 7,000 years ago. And all the gods fell- bound to the human earth and damned for the rest of eternity.

Why? None are truly certain- however all knew who the culprit was. The God of The Underworld was considered a most fearsome god- yet also a mysterious one. No one could really tell you anything about him. That is, other than the fact what he did that day enraged and angered all. At least, at first. You see, as soon as the deed was done- he disappeared without a trace.

Until now, that is.

It is the year 2015, humanity and it's technology is at an all time high as the world crawls with cities. In one such city, The God of The Underworld has returned. But little does he even know, he will set off events that will change the way the world works...

Well here it is, it took a while but finally here is. Welcome one and all to the world of fallen Gods. Let's get started shall we? Time to make our OCs and find out what exactly this is story is going to be about :3

Edit: The God Status's taken are- Art, Imagination, Creativity, Music, Light, Winter, Snow, Fun, Monsters, Play, Dead, Dying and Lost, Magic, Knowledge, Secrets, War, Love, Life, Fertility, Spring
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Story So Far...

Hey guys, so this is a little thing of my own. Are you tired of having to read through pages and pages of stuff in order to find out what happened when you were away? Yeah me too. So here's the thing, each scene is going to be summarized into a small paragraph that'll go into this post for everyone to read. So if I or neither of my GMs are in the scene, could one of you write a paragraph and PM it to me? It doesn't have to be long, just enough so everyone can get the general idea. Please and thank you!

1. In a city like every other, a young boy is happily exploring the city. It is the Winter Festival, a time where all children get to have fun and play. However this is no ordinary little boy. He is the god Amare, a God scarred by betrayal and loneliness. Yet he carries on, acting sweet and cheerful- because love and kindness are the things he has learnt about the most in the last 7,000 years.

It is on a day he thinks is an any other day, he runs into a beggar. He helps the poor soul before realizing that the man before him is not a man at all. The Beggar reveals himself as Brontes, the God who betrayed Amare- Amare's best friend. Amare has some very mixed feelings of love and hate. However he knows for certain he does not want Brontes gone again. So the two head to a Coffee Shop together to talk. Unaware that Brontes presence has already been noticed. Armarion, The God of Knowledge and secrets, is watching their every move, while Ash and Jack sense his return and spread the word...

In the Coffee shop, the two have a heated discussion- about love, betrayal, and what Brontes did. It was a cruel act with good intentions, as far as Amare is concerned. However before Amare and Brontes can truly talk- they are noticed by another God. The Twined God Kalith and Skouro- who attempt to attack Brontes within the shop. Seeing as they have no time to lose, Amare quickly acts and convinces Brontes to flee- before The God of The Underworld can get carried away and hurt the intruder. Together, they head off and into hiding...

2. It is just as Amare and Brontes have escaped it has become apparent that certain...other Gods have been watching the scene, Tetsuo, the god of Play and Ernestine, the goddess of Chaos- sister to Brontes. Said sister smirked at the scene before her, after which she did what she did best- causing chaos. It was at this time that Kalith and Skouro got up after their encounter with Amare. Just in time to see the fire and the mess it caused. Ernestine had started a fire at a building across the street (and a car crash). Swiftly, The twinned God went into action saving the people. Then, they put out the fire by using the water from a nearby frozen lake. However, little do they know, but this action awakens The God of Sea, Seatus. A God preparing to go after Brontes in order to get his powers back. Meanwhile Skouro and Kalith are left with a lot of unanswered questions, all of which they will find out in due time...

3. Tetsuo, unlike Ernestine, watched Amare and Brontes then followed them. This caught the attention of Armarion, who offered a truce with his former rival in order to get to Brontes. Tetsuo accepts and the two chase Amare and Brontes. Amare convinces Brontes to hide and let him deal with the two chasing gods. It's a risk, but Amare hopes the fact the two haven't had a chance to really plan anything will work in his favour. Which it does, through a simple ambush, Amare escapes. Thus leaving the two Gods behind him and quite furious...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Laws of The World

Due to the fact I don't know the story myself (Or I don't at the time of writing this) I figured it might be best to set up some basic laws. You know, so everything doesn't become complete and utter chaos.

1. There are three dimensions: The Heavens, The Earth and The Underworld. No more, no less. I don't know what's in these dimensions (except Earth) but limiting it to three to make all our lives easier.

2. All gods have 3 powers of their own plus a weapon of somekind that can be stolen and used by other Gods/Demi-Gods but not humans.

3. Gods can't be killed but being immortal and immune to death doesn't make them immune to everything- They can be hurt. People get creative! E.G. Have someone trapped inside the Earth's Core for all eternity. On the other hand, Demi-Gods can live forever but can also be killed- it's just very hard to do. Humans are well...Human.

4. The King and Queen of the Gods are The Sun and The Moon and together they have 12 children. The oldest of which are important Gods. Apart from that, the origins of the rest of the Gods and their society and all that is up to you.

5. To simplify things all Gods and Demi-Gods will be OCs. They can be based on real Gods but they can't be those actual Gods- otherwise things are going to get 10 times more confusing.

6. Gods can have up to 4 titles maximum.

7.. All rules can be broken and/or bent, however please ask permission from the GMs and Me first, much appreciated. As some rules can be permanently broken (E.G. Rules 3 and 4) and others can only be temporarily broken (Rules 1, 2, 5 and 6)

The Laws of The Heavens

Rules of the Earth Gods (Pre-Fall):

Laws of The Underworld

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Character Sheet

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Amare (Pronounced A-Mar-Ay) Dedoria (Pronounced Dee-Duh-Ee-Uh)

Also Known as: The Artist (by everyone), The Fool (by other Gods), Beauty's Child (by humans)

Age: Young for a god/typically likes to look like a child between 8-14

God Status: God of Imagination and Creativity, Art and Music

Personality: A passionate God who is a slave to his emotions, desires and whims. Amare used to be self centered and uncaring to all but those he was truly close to. Now however, he has learnt the true meaning of life and has a care for all living things. While he is still a little selfish and quite foolish, he now knows how to be kind.

Parents: The Sun (King of the Gods) and The Moon (The Queen of the Gods)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Form on Earth:

True Form:

Powers: Flying (Only in True Form which is not really possible on earth without causing an uprise from the humans), Telekinesis, Persuasion (Only works on humans)

Weapon/Attribute: Siren's Flute- an instrument with a song so sweet it puts all those who hear it into a deep slumber, for mortals it puts them asleep for half an hour, for Demi gods, 15 minutes and for the gods themselves a mere 5. However if you can't hear it your entirely immune to the device.

History (Pre-Earth bound): Amare was the youngest of the 12 children of The Sun and The Moon. Because of that, he did not have as many duties as his brothers and sisters. He was unimportant and was often ignored by the other busy gods and goddesses. All except for one of his sisters The Goddess of Light, Thellie. Despite being important, she saw her brother was lonely and spent time with him. One day, he decided it would be a great idea to break into the Underworld, despite knowing how dangerous it was. However Amare wanted to prove that he too was strong. He dragged Thellie along with him, despite her protests that the plan was entirely foolish. Of course, it was and they were caught by The God himself. Not wanting his sister to be harmed, he swiftly sacrificed himself to the elder God in exchange for his sister's life. Brontes was amused but also touched by the way Amare desired to protect his sister. Thus Brontes accepted the Boy's offer. This struck an unlikely friendship between The Lonely God and the Boy. One that would last for the next half of eternity. Though The Moon eventually demanded that Brontes give the child back. The two already had an unbreakable bond. As Amare grew older he became rather bored with the other gods and their politics. Often messing with mortals for his entertainment. If they were nice to him he would help them. If they were cruel to him he'd swiftly kill them. During this time he often took on the form of an attractive young man, and have flings with mortal men. His interactions with mortals were not judged by his fellow gods, however his disregard of his own people were. He often missed meetings with the gods, and never helped anyone when they fought. The only exception was when Thellie had trouble. He would do the same for Brontes of course, but the older God always seemed to keep out of the fighting. Overall, he was a God with no real aims in life but his own whims and desires.

History (Post-Earth bound): Out of all the gods, Amare would be the only one to one day understand why The God of The Underworld did what he did. However at first, he felt terribly confused and betrayed. Not knowing what to do with himself at first, he like many other Gods, tried to return to The Heavens. He joined the army who attempted to find The God of The Underworld and force him to let them go home. However after being with them for a thousand years, he realized it was a lost cause. He stayed 500 years longer for the sake of Thellie, however in the end he couldn't do it. So he cut ties to all the Gods and Goddesses and set out on his own. For the next 5,500 years, Amare would live among mortals. At first he tried to do what he always did, mess with them, help them, have fun with them. However, something unexpected happened, he formed true...connections. The mortals he fancied, he fell in love with and had long meaningful relationships. The Humans he hurt, he began to feel remorse for. The Humans he helped he began to make friends with. For the first time in his life, he learned the true meaning of Love- of Kindness- but also of Loss- Hatred. Amare learnt what it was to be...Human. Something that was wonderful at first. However there was a good reason as to why most Gods did not have humanity in the way that humans knew it. As time passed by, Amare became sick of watching those he cared for die over and over again. Living in such a manner took a toll on his soul and for almost the last thousand years, he was a recluse. It wasn't until he met a little girl in the Victorian Era called Emily did he change again. The child taught him how wonderful human children could be, and managed to give him something he has not felt in his entire life...hope for the future. Her innocence and simple view of the world put him on a new quest- he wanted to see what everything humanity had to offer- everything it was now and everything it would become. He wanted to go on Adventures again just like when he was ever so small. Now he takes on the form of a small child, now finding Children the most charming things humanity has to offer. He also understands now why Brontes did what he did. He understood now why his dearest friend and father figure was disappointed in him when he was cruel. He now understood that The Lonely God abandoned him to protect him- if the Older God had contacted Amare then he could be targeted by all those Gods furious with The God of The Underworld. However how does Amare feel about his return?
Amare is about to find out.

Motive: He wants to live in the human world in peace- exploring the Earth and having fun. However, his connections to The God of The Underworld isn't going to allow that to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Etain
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Etain A Bagle Bite

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Thalliana Dedoria
Prefers Thallie.

Age: Young for a god. Let's just say that.
She looks 21.

Also Known As:Heaven's Light and Child of The Sun
Personality: Misanthropist. While on earth that is. Thallie honestly and truley doesn't care or rather bother to care for the people or thing's around her. She prefers to avoid helping others but if she has to she will. This is how she pretty much goes about her day and or life has been.
God Status:
Goddess of Light
God of the Moon
Goddess of the Sun
Forms on Earth:

Forms off Earth:

  • Light Manipulation
  • Light Healing
  • Produce a ball of light to attack with it

Weapon/Attribute: Thallie has a necklace that she was given by her mother. This is used to protect her from damage but she can still be controlled by another god when caught/exposed to a power
History Before: The middle child of The Sun and The Moon, Thallie was one of the happiest and was cherished deeply by The Sun. That was rather odd as The Sun did not really care for her childeren but she did like Thallie. She was also a rather kind and caring Goddess- having time for even the likes of her youngest sibling, Amare, who truthfully did not have much use in the world of Gods. In fact, because she knew how lonely he was, the only person she spent more time with was her mother. Though perhaps she could have looked after her brother a little better. It wasn't her fault, she didn't know anything about being a mother- how could she? The Gods did not exactly have the best concept of parenthood. So when Amare dragged her to the Underworld in search of adventure, she was distraught when he then sarificed himself to Brontes for her safety. Fortunately, after begging The Moon, her brother was saved. Since then she had kept a better eye on Amare, while also keeping up with her godly duties. Overall she was respected, even if some believed her to be naive.
History AFTER: : Like a lot of the Gods, Thallie too tried to get back into the Heavens. Yet despite how hard they tried, they could not find The God of the Underworld. She did not give up so easily though- not compared to her brother Amare. She could barely believe it when he left- how could he say this was all pointless? How could he betray her this way? But, to her dismay, he was right. After 3,000 years she left the army, unsure of what to do with herself. She tried her best to make friends with other gods- with humans even but, well, it was more of a failure than anything. As time went on, Thallie grew lonely and reserved. She became world weary and the lights that once shun in her dimmed. Yet now, in the year 2015, there is new hope. With the return of The God of The Underworld, there is now a way home. There is now a chance to be happy again..
Motive: Her motive is to go back to the heavans. This is because she wants to be cared for and or care for something. She doesn't want to be lonely anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I like it, just a few small changes though

1. A space and distinguish between the two histories would be nice

2. Your necklace needs to have it's own power.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Etain
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Etain A Bagle Bite

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@EtainThank you :3 She's perfect now. Approved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Name: Edward Von Brahms

Original Name: Onatar

Also known as: The Dark Lord, The Destroyer, The Dragon Lord, The Great Master

Age: thousands of years old

God Status: The God Of Monsters

Personality: Edward Von Brahms looks like a teenager but he's extremely old in years. He is mature and accordingly experienced and seasoned, though he can be immature at times. He could be diagnosed as insane but that's just because he has supernatural knowledge and insight that could make it difficult to appear rational when he IS. Even for other gods, however, he can be strangely aloof in ethical matters, but he is beginning to question the need for a superior, and is tired of taking orders. Even he has limits on his evil deeds and wicked demeanor, however, and although he's bad, many gods are MUCH WORSE. Edward Von Brahms can be redeemed. His origins as a despicable, evil bastard come from constant war with other deities just for being a monster.

Parents: The Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars and Sky all at once.

Sexuality: Monster

Form on Earth:

True Form:

He is a divinely powerful dragon in Human form, so he can control fire magic to an immensely powerful degree.
He can conjure monsters to himself, during the conjuration they are totally obedient, even fanatical.
He has a powerful healing factor, and is almost invulnerable. His reputation for toughness and tenacity is a legend even among gods.

Weapon/Attribute: He has a ruby red gemstone amulet which amplifies the power of it's wielder.

History (Pre-Earth bound): He has been a powerful monster god for scores of millenia, some say even longer. He attempted to destroy the world long ago during the mythological age and was stopped by a group of two dozen Pantheon leaders. Not just one, two, or three deities, but it took two dozen of the world's most powerful deities to stop him, though some say that other deities than the Pantheon Fathers fought with him as well. The legend says that he was brought back to life one thousand years later. Onatar has cursed an entire Pantheon with death, and attempted to do similar things to other Pantheons, but eventually, continued fighting with too many enemies made him far easier to deal with.

History (Post-Earth bound: , and he attempted to do similar things with other Pantheons, but it's unknown if he succeeded. He sent dragons to China as a gift for the people there for unspecified reasons. Some say that he fell in love with a mortal woman there. An Empress of the Xia dynasty, who's name is unremembered to time. Later he provided gargoyles to Europe for protection of the Church. It's unknown why he did this either.

He's most famous for being evil but he has had times of goodness in his heart as well. Right now, he just wants to get away from his superiors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ActRaiserTheReturnedI like most of it just two things that go against the law of the world.

1. No mention of real gods- OCs and real literature would make things too complicated. That being said real monster speices are totally allowed because you know your using monsters. The lore of this world is being made up as we go along you know. What I'm trying to say is, mixing events that happened in real mythology with whatever we make up would be exhausting in what we're trying to do.

2. You can only have 3 powers. That being said Intelligence is more of a skill than a magical power so he cam totally have that without it being a power-so is supernatural knowledge. By powers I mean literally things that only a god could do. Humans can be clever too you know- so yeah that's totally allowed but shouldn't be on the list of powers xD

All in all I do like the character. :3

P.S. You might wanna talk to Tendo about working for The God of The Underworld, because overall he isn't actually that bad of a guy .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Okay. . . he's working for enemies then and not the Underworld deity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Lucas Tallador
Can I edit the CS slightly, but still keep the same necessary requirements in there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ActRaiserTheReturnedIf I remember correctly there's someone who wants to play God of Disease and Decay.

I like all your post earth bound stuff (You should know the mortals don't know of us so what your character did he did in serect)

But I do have questions about the pre earth bound stuff.

Like the most powerful deities would have to be The Moon, The Sun and The Sky as oppose to real gods. But the Patheons are totally allowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@WhiteStar19 Do you mind me asking what the edits are?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@ActRaiserTheReturnedIf I remember correctly there's someone who wants to play God of Disease and Decay.

I like all your post earth bound stuff (You should know the mortals don't know of us so what your character did he did in serect)

But I do have questions about the pre earth bound stuff.

Like the most powerful deities would have to be The Moon, The Sun and The Sky as oppose to real gods. But the Patheons are totally allowed.

Well yes. . . but the Moon, Sun and Sky are all those who created him at once. Hence why he used to be so powerful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ActRaiserTheReturned Doesn't mean they aren't all powerful. As the Law states The Sun and Moon are like The King and Queen so they are the most powerful creatures to exist. Or at least they used to be back in the old days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Lucas Tallador
Adding color to the headings, and putting his name and a gif of the actor/model whom I choose to be him above the rest of the things. Like this (this is a character from another roleplay)

~Blaize Barker~

and then for the headings do:


Random Name


Random Age

Etc. Etc. Those are the only two changes that would be on my CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucas Tallador
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Lucas Tallador

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@WhiteStar19 xD Oh yeah of course, then yeah. Go right ahead.

Just remember guys, please stick to the Law because that just...there's gonna be a lot of characters all set in the same world and if we don't keep the basics it will be entirely chaos. Okay? Also Please read the bios that are already confirmed to see what already exists in our law.

Edit: You guys can be creative and add new things just don't contradict on what exists and on the laws- like I said I want people to do what they like but at the same time, I can't have chaos.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@ActRaiserTheReturned Doesn't mean they aren't all powerful. As the Law states The Sun and Moon are like The King and Queen so they are the most powerful creatures to exist. Or at least they used to be back in the old days.

I didn't say they weren't. I said they made him.
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