- - - > Gimme your opinion thus far, I'm going to sleep for now < - - -

The Orders of Illum
IllariThese men and women, people of the planet Illum are known as the Illari. People gifted with extraordinary prowess in both supernatural, and technological advances. The Illari are a vaguely human-like race with numerous differentiating features. The interesting reason for this is generally due to their incredible affinity with other-wordly powers, resulting in unexpected mutations such as horns, teeth, arms, and so on. What makes one a man or woman of Illum is no longer as much about appearance, but rather birthright, due to this, they've learned to become self-centered, and instead of condone mutations, they now praise them unlike any other civilization.
Even amongst this generally affiniate species, there will always be those who tower above even the tallest prodigy. Originally, these people were called Hamman, or Devourers. They were feared unlike any other, an uncontrolable factor that needed to be dealt with. More actively sought after than any other, to ultimately chain them to slavery for the rest of their lives. However, through Illums way of mockery or not, these 'Hamman', now crowned Illuminarchs, are the ultimate Illari.
The Illari follow a strict categorization of affinity towards the supernatural in their social standard. Upon birth, all Illari are stripped of their parents, given in to the Elliarchy (a civil service/governmental observation and analyzation department) for further tests. Upon the results of the child's affinity, it will then be dispatched to another family more fitting to it's social future. In Illum society you are born into your class and profession, and you may not change or advance beyond it. This is all in representation for the struggle of the Hamman, but also the struggle of Han, the God-King of their pantheon.
The categorizations are also heavily influenced by a childs future mutations, something an Elliarch (an analyzer of the Elliarchy) can easily observe. For instance, if a child shows signs of great mutation in the future, it's status changes positively upon it's social standing. Something else to note, regarding mutation, is that it only effects Illari postively, for unknown reasons. Either physically or aesthetically.
Description of government:
Illum follows a strict principle of Illuminarchy. This entails that the Illuminarchs, Ultimate Illari citizens, hold all general authority on the planet of Illum. Whilst these Illari of great magnificence, genius, and supernatural affinity rule the planet, they do so through the guise of their house, or Order. There exists seven great Illuminarchs, and seven great Orders at their helms. Whilst on paper this'd be all. However, the Illuminarchs have been generally accepting of sound and logical critic or guidance from Order affiliates of high stature. In the civilization of Illum ones rank means all, you cannot be smart and live amongst the slums. That is a principle they've followed for over one-hundred million years, according to their codex. Amongst the Illuminarchs there exists seven Thrones of Order. Each throne is tailored to represent the personality and majesty of it's masters station and persona. These thrones, and the Illuminarchs whom hold them will be shown now:
Throne of the Forge - Mirald Yemahn, Illuminarch of Kao-ban.
Throne of the Dreaded - Tassa Yemahn, Illuminarch of Jorr.
Throne of the Desired - Hirold Massa, Illuminarch of Mii.
Throne of the Remembered - Kas Tanah, Illuminarch of Aen.
Throne of the Punisher - Sattan Massa, Illuminarch of Tohn.
Throne of the Ruler - Illum Tabath, Illuminarch of Han.
Throne of the Warrior - Milond Yemahn, Illuminarch of Kao.
Military tradition is in the very roots of Illum history, from one-hundred thousand years ago to today, the military has always been a gathering of the prestigious elite. Whilst few in numbers and filled with political intrigue, the military is a gathering of the smartest minds, greatest mages, and most proud of Illari. The military of Illum stands as an entirely seperate entity from the rest of the political and social systems. Nova Illum, it's called, and the nobles of the Illari whom acquire their rights to stand here will lead enjoyeable and great lives. However, even amongst these types of men there are titans.
The Illuminarchs, great fore-fathers to current Illum civilization. Some records state the oldest Illuminarch, Illum Tabath, to be incomprehensibly old, and all this is thanks to the magical currents whom seem to adore the planet of Illum, thereby it's very name (Illum means Center). However, there are even greater beasts whom slumber. Deep embedded into the beautiful architecture of Illum, amongst it's marble-like skytowers and majestic community centers there lie engravings, some pointing back as reminders to terrible times.
To the time of the Hamman. Devourers, fanatics, demons. The original primes of the Illari were sent into deep captivity in their very infancy. Whilst many were locked up in mere cages, entombed within maximum security holdings, there were yet some whom were feared even more. However, they were given hope. Amongst a council of terrified beaurocrats there were also 'sensible' men and women willing to enrichen the planets military traditions in the battle against it's neighbouring moons and planets. Thirty five Hamman, renamed Kaomann-Illu were taken, under the guidance of Temple-King Mymrond Taspa and transported into the Palacade-fortress of Temple Kao (currently the fortress of the Order of Kao) and placed into the deepest sanctums of the holy palace of war.
Under Mymrond's guidance, these thirty-five were enriched into the ways of Kao, fanatically so. These teachings would continue for 23 hours per half-day and the Kaomann-Illu were increasingly enriched after every session. However, one day Mymrond did not arrive, and instead, all was silent. The now full-grown Kaomann-Illu bearing the markings of Demons and Devourers were left to themselves, and they enriched themselves further. For Kao was all they had known, and now Kao is all that they knew, the Kaomann-Illu studied for uncountable millenia, only to one day be greeted by a new teacher: a Preacher-Warrior, and with him were ten-thousand Kaoian Royal Sorcerers.
Bathed in more magic than untold amounts of Illari sorcerers could possibly cast in their lifetime, these Kaomann-Illu became new beings, through their treacherous path they became Illuminated, enbrightened. They became the illuminated thirty-five, or the Illunari. Empowered beyond question, to the point of illogicality, these Illunari were drenched in molten Arranite, and from their bodies were forged great and golden-dark steel from which their souls would call home. Great hornes and flaming haloes, these thirty five are naught but utter legend to peasants, but they exist. Meditating, mumbling, entombed deep beneath the House of War.
It was from these Thirty Five ageless titans the new world order was formed, and it was for them that it has continued to stand, for they are gods in the eyes of Illum's people. Around these titans was the military reformed, ten thousand warriors now stand guard to the legendary House of War, the Temple of Kao, unknowingly guarding the titans of Kao himself. The defenders of Kao were ranked into different classes depending on their social status, the lowest being a Lightbearer, a crusader willing to serve Kao in every sense of the word at the very frontlines of battle. Lightbearers are the vangard of any battle, however, Nova Illum has always deployed small groups to counter-act essential and crippeling targets, therefore Lightbearers have now become more along the lines of the 'first choice' for most operations. The Lightbearers is an overarching term refeering to just about 25 different ranks and duties.
Then there are the Bodyguards, a far more elite force guarding the inner courtyards of Kao. Honed with gruesome training and unquestionable intellect, these Bodyguards would serve Illum much better beyond the walls, however, each bodyguard place their lives to Kao upon their birth and have yet to ever leave the House of War, it is a commitment that is paid in service to the God of War and Sacrifice. The bodyguards are an over-arching term which encompass ten different ranks, all standing above the other.
And finally there are the Illuminators. Righteous paladins of Kao and Han combined, carrying the wisdom of Aen upon their shoulders, these men have declared their lives for service and have thereby studied the teachings of Kao, Han, and Aen combined. Dedicated with their personal Fortress Library, the Illuminators are an order in and of themselves to dedicate themselves to convert the wicked to the proper pantheon. Thanks to the work of the Illuminators the Primo Illum Segment of space has been put under the rightful pantheon, and their fortress library is even located at the top of the moon of Messo's greatest volcano, the Mouth of Kao-ban in honor to the God of the Forge.
Due to the old-fashioned nature of the Illari, the military used close-ranged weaponry exclusively in combination with magic.
Illarian technology is only plausible thanks to their magical prowess. Whilst they have great brains, they have even greater magic, and therefore their tech functions and works as it should. Things such as shields, holograms, lasers, fusion, anti-matter is all a thing of the past for these people. The only adventure they experience now is their exploration of the realms beyond logic, because they've already learned the necessities of reality, at least in their eyes.