Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Tholo gave a nod of agreement and worked on his own meal as he listened to Danilo's tale on what yesterday had been like for him. Tholo held his tongue back on his negative comments, finding the whole idea of the scene that he described as being romantic rather unlikely, to him it would seem more of a nuisance having such a racket and so much attention but he figured that could of been to his past so he let Danilo go uninterrupted, only replying to the question that he had asked before the tale.

"No don't think you have," he said finishing his meal ",Once again best damn thing I've eaten in ages. As for the dishes yeah no worries, not like anyone is going to come in while I'm gone and see them. I'll just get my keys and we'll go check this cafe out and see what gossip your friends got." He walked over to the counter and picked up his wallet and set of keys before leading the way out the door and to the car. Soon they were off and going down the road. Tholo looked at his gas meter. Seeing that they probably had enough to make it to the shop without worry, he decided that the gas station could wait until a bit later.

"So if you had to make a guess on your soulmate, how would you describe them?" He asked Danilo as they made their way through the maze of streets. His mind drifted to his first soulmate name, how he had imagined what they would of looked like. Of course most of what he thought turned out to be to be untrue to the real thing, he could never complain about who his first pairing was. Neither with his second, the third well he was still working that one out and brought himself back to the present.

Upon finding a place to park that wasn't much of a walk away from the cafe, Tholo got out with Danilo and locked up the car."All right lets see what your friend has. Who knows if we are extremely lucky we'll find your soulmate there as well."

Entering the cafe provided many different aromas to wafe into his noise. At first he didn't notice that one scent was not right, he figured that it might of just been a brief stay of the air outside coming in before the door shut but farther in as the scent grew stronger he knew something wasn't quite right. His eyes looked around the cafe and soon found out why and quickly darted his gaze away in an attempted to ignore the two bloodsuckers that were there. Not only did one of them had to be Trixy but the other he could tell by even the back of his head who it was. Solenne, that damn old bastard had to live in the same area that he did. Of course he could just easily avoid most of the vampire populace but a run in was expected. Solenne though had been different to say the least and they went a few rounds leaving their marks on one another. What it had been over, hell Tholo couldn't remember just that somehow the bloodsucker had crossed a line and Tholo had shown just how much bite he had. Ever since then, he avoided that vampire best he could. Only one other time he and Solenne had crossed paths. There hadn't been a fight since the area was public but if looks could kill, they probably killed each other more times then the lives they had taken in their time living combined.

He wanted to get out of that cafe after spotting the two undead creatures but he had to wait for Danilo so his best strategy was to just ignore them and hope that neither of the two wanted to start something. Last thing he needed was a fight in a cafe. A bar fight was one thing but in a more civilized place of establishment was something else he would rather avoid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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The car ride was nice, looking at his gloves, he enjoyed the motion. Then Tholo asked him his till yesterday favorite question. He imagined so many possibilities... Danilo chuckled.
''Hm.. I... think I ont really have a answer anymore. I imagined a person in need for a friend, a soulmate ready to hug me till my bones crack. Imagined a soulmate who would be all up with me going a wimp to lend out a hot air balloon and sail over the Central Park.Yesterday I even day dreamed about them car crashing into me.'' He laughed, adding casually that he hoped Tholo do not car crash into his soulmate. He wants them in one piece, and dragons can be quite scary when angry. A chuckle following that statement, showed the joking of him. After a brief stop on the red light Danilo changed his tone to a more thoughtful one. Answering the question a new.

''Maybe a person who is in hurry, someone who works a lot? Economy maybe? Or lawyers? They hurry all the time too. Or someone Invisible. ''

The car parked and Tholo cheered Danilo up with the hopeful words of that maybe they would run into his soulmate...Only Danilo silently added how would he recognize them now? Now that the burn wouldnt alert him? Positive and hopeful.
He entered the cafe beside his friend giving a glance over the place, hoping to find someone who would fit the description he gave a few minutes ago. Not finding anything from interest in that department he looked at his friend and grinned wider.

''Thats the person I told you about. The singing guy. I will introduce you two. Maybe he can sing on your wedding? ''
Danilo got Tholo word that he would be the one making the cake if the werewolf ever go to have a wedding. So in his mind it wasnt too far fetched to organised a singer while at it, as well. And the dragon waved at the table, as the singer was with his back to them with a lady he decide to call out while he approach. Manners, right?

''Hey~. ...Solenne'' Danilo called out after a moment of remembering the name. He was up beside the table in few steps smiling wide. '' Hope you taken good care of Delilah friend. Is that your sister?'' Danilo looked at the company he was seated in. Spinning his staff once, taking his hat with the other he made a gracious bow at the woman. ''Its a pleasure to meet you. '' Returning his hat back on the orange red locks he added. ''Ah I am sorry for interrupting but wanted to introduce you to my friend Tholo, here.'' Danilo grinned, turning his eyes to find where his friend was at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Mia had just cinched her apronstrings behind the small of her back when the kitchen doors flew open by the reckonable force of Delilah. "What - " With two stalking strides, Delilah slammed a piece of paper torn out from her waiting pad on the stainless steel countertop in front of Mia, the metal surface rippling with the sound of thunder. Behind her, the kitchen doors oscillated slowly shut. The chef looked quizzically at the disruption, and Mia shared with him a look of astonishment over the crown of Delilah's head.

"An expresso," Delilah said with strange calmness, juxtaposing her heavy breathing and shuddering shoulders. She spat the order out with venom, and Mia half-expected a sludge of something black and viscuous to be on the floor at her feet.

"All...right," Mia said, pupils sliding from the corners of her eyes resting on Delilah to the spare machines in the kitchen, hands moving through a familiar routine to get the order out. Delilah never moved, but rested the heels of her hand on the table. Metal groaned beneath her rigid arms. As the cook muttered something faintly about realtime hulks, Mia glanced at her again in her peripheral vision, and the concern intensifying she abandoned the expresso to stand before Delilah across the table. "What happened out there?"

"The expresso was ordered by some bangin' woman sitting out there with Solenne, that's what's the matter!"

Mia pried Delilah's flattened palms off the tabletop before she could leave dents. "A relative then?"

Delilah scoffed. "Come off it. Do sisters come to cafes looking like they could make any guy drop dead with a snap of their fingers to see their brothers? Aw hell no!" An indrawn breath. Mia sucked in a sharp gust of air and Delilah's chin tilted upwards as though in triumph that Mia understood even slightly the gravity of the situation as she saw it.

Mia took several steps back, to get the drink ready. "Don't be silly, Delilah. Solenne is bound to have some old friends." Very old friends. She balanced the mug on a serving plate and slid it over the table to Delilah. "You're more anxious than I am," she said with a light laugh and a smile that felt plastic, her insides twisting as she said words for herself to take comfort in.

"Because you're as naïve as they come!" Delilah threw her hands up, and Cookie rapped at her elbows smartly as he manoeuvred his way around her. Turning, she slumped against the edge of the table. "Men are dicks," she huffed, eyeing the espresso. "And I'm not serving that, in case I sock the daylights out of the girl out there. You go on out and fight for your territory. And give him your number too, because he has the gall to ask for it now."

"Solenne is not a piece of land," Mia reminded her admonishingly, picking up the ceramic mug and dish. As she backed out of the kitchen carefully, she gave Delilah a brittle smile. "Don't worry." And she turned around, into the hustle and bustle of the cafe, ice in her veins as her eyes flew to Solenne.

Opposite from him - just as Delilah had reported - was a brunette beauty. At their table was a familiar face. Dan.

As she glided her way through messy chairs and tables, she felt a faint tingle on her wrist, as though the magic of the ink still hadn't faded completely. Or maybe it was the nervousness that everything Delilah had been alluding to wasn't as much of a lie as Mia had tried to believe. She came up behind Solenne, and set the expresso down on the table in front of the pale woman.

"One expresso," she said. A hand came up to slide over Solenne's shoulder blade, for no other reason but for the benefit of the girl before her. You're being just as ridiculous as Delilah, she chastised herself. She smiled at Dan. This time her lips did not feel too rigid. "It's good to see you again, Dan. Delilah's in the back for a while. I'm guessing you would like a drink?" Before the grin could slip, she turned to the lady. A friend of Solenne's would be no enemy of hers. "Mia," she said by way of greeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

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Trixy noticed that he chose his words carefully around this waitress, referring to her as '…an old friend'. When the waitress' eyes darted back over to her, Trixy gave her warmest smile. The girl rushed off to the kitchen, probably itching to spread some gossip.

Solenne looked back at her, ”So… what did you need? Wait” he rubbed at his temple gently as if he was able to read vampire minds like she was, Trixy chuckled lightly in wait “It’s the rogue isn’t it?” he said. He was surprisingly spot on, which caught Trixy off guard. ”Right?” he pressed and Trixy nodded. “Yes, indeed, it is a rogue. I almost had him yesterday but… things got complicated.” Her voice trailed off a little, she wasn’t willing to discuss that part of the story. “Anyway, I know what he looks like, roughly. Blonde, tall, pale, I would guess a Swedish vampire. Did he check in with you?” Trixy realized that she never really went through the formal ‘check-in’ process herself. “Consider this my ‘check-in’ by the way.” She said with a teasing smile.

And then, as if a dark cloud had to come in and rain on her so far very pleasant day, in walked Tholo. Trixy nonchalantly pulled her wrist under the café table, hiding the name as if it would hide the person itself. She wasn’t quite ready to admit to Solenne that the fates had paired her with a wolf. Surely he wouldn’t come over here, he wanted as little to do with her as she him. But, the rambunctious red-head had other plans and beelined for their table, greeting Solenne and then, in turn, her. Trixy laughed a little at the sister comment. “I’m Béatrix, a very old friend.” Her voice was level and still maintaining a friendly warmth. It would seem off to Solenne if she didn’t show some sign of hatred towards an unknown werewolf, so she flicked her eyes flicked to Tholo and wrinkled her nose in disgust, ’pretend you don’t know me’ she projected into the wolf’s mind.

Another waitress came out with Trixy’s order and placed it on the table, mispronouncing the name. “It’s espresso, dear, with an ‘s’” Béatrix corrected. Another fault of most Americans is that they consistently butcher words from other cultures. The waitress then put her hand on Solenne’s shoulder blade. Ahh thought Trixy, “This must be the one you mentioned?” she asked Solenne with a raised brow. “A human, that’s… interesting.” She mused, not mentioning the fact that that hadn’t worked out in the past for Solenne. Come to think of it, Solenne had managed to kill one of his soulmates, why then couldn’t Trixy do the same? Maybe the rules had changed…

"Béatrix" she offered her name in a returned greeting. Trixy noticed the obvious discomfort by the girl’s body language. “Don’t worry, Mia. I’m here on business. Although I could see plenty of reasons not to trust me, and you shouldn't, but you should trust SoSo. He is a good man,” she looked to Solenne with a mischievous smile, like a kid who was about to light an abandoned barn on fire “and an even better lover.” She said it to be not only a dig at Mia, but at Tholo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Tholo paused for a moment at Danilo's introduction as he seemed to hear a voice in his head that was similar to Beatrix's. He then remembered her saying she could mess with minds or something in their first introduction. Perfect, she could get into his head, but he understood at least what she meant, taking notice of her hiding the arm with his name on it. He had to play the same game but he didn't have a table to cover it up and his usual overcoat was at home so he just had to keep his arm close to his body while using his other arm. At least the name was on his dominant arm.

"No offense Danilo but I have no plans of marriage in the foreseeable future and even if I did, I would prefer someone who's meal wasn't human, let alone this bloodsucker," he said with aggression his eyes like daggers stared at Solenne before regaining composure reminding himself that this wasn't the time or place to start a fight ",Well Solenne it has been some time hasn't it? See you found another one of your kind. Small world, guess I'll have to watch my back more."

He stood where he was next to Danilo as someone brought Beatrix an espresso. He felt internally a barb hit him at the comment about Beatrix being with Solenne, or who she called SoSo. He noted the nickname figuring if he ran into the vampire without Beatrix he could pester him with it. He gave a shrug of his shoulders though at the comment."Long lives, got to find ways to please ourselves," he responded with little interest despite the internal pain it caused him for some unknown reason. Perhaps because it was Solenne, the vampire he had the biggest grudge against currently in this point of life. That had to be it, not because he felt anything for Beatrix, he thought to himself, it was because not only was he stuck with a vampire for a soulmate but also now she had been with Solenne. Bloody perfect, it felt like someone was toying with him now, wanting to just agitate the wolf under his skin.

"Well lovely chat and all but I can't stick around, you know vamps and weres just don't mix," he said unfortunately it wasn't entirely his call since Danilo wished to speak with Delilah ",Danilo I'll be outside when your done." He left the cafe and went outside. When he got gas for his car, he decided he was picking up a pack of cigarettes as well and start smoking again to calm his nerves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Solenne couldn't help but continue to knead the side of his head with two of his fingers. The idea that Beatrix was going to hunt a rogue in the city worried him greatly. Not only was she prone to causing a lot of collateral, but Solenne had tried his hardest to ensure the human civic leaders of the city that ferals and rogues of the cursed ones were something of the past. They had been breathing down his neck ever since the indiscriminate killings. While he disliked the idea of using Trixy as an attack dog...it seemed like his last resort.

“Glad you remember you need to check in” he said, his voice coming out smoothly.

This was not going to go smoothly. Solenne knew this when he saw the blaze in Delilah’s eyes as she stormed off and soon Danilo, the red headed man who asked him to sing at his own wedding came in, dragging with him Tholo. Ah the mutt DID have friends. Go figure. The old Vampire’s ever keen eyes flicked to the movement of Beatrix. She moved the arm her ink would have been on the moment they had seen Tholo. A small smirk played on his pale lips. Solenne was going to introduce Trixy to them, but the conversation was quickly overtaken by the other two members. Trixy and Dan had a small talk, Trixy laughing at the idea of being Solenne’s sister no doubt. Solenne was instead caught up in the sight of Mia leaving the back. He smiled at her warmly as she set down the espresso in front of Trixy. A hand slid across his shoulder blade, Mia seeming to passively show Beatrix that Solenne was hers. The vampire smiled and reached a hand up, twining his fingers with Mia’s. Tholo decided to interject with a little barb.

“Oh little pup, you've no idea how many of my kind are actually in the city do you?” Solenne said, the smile on his lips as sweet as his words were venomous.

“How are you today, mia cara?” Solenne’s crimson eyes flicked towards Mia as he said that, the smile playing across his lips.

“Yes, a human” Solenne answered Trixy, and he solemnly hoped the mischievous grin on his former flings lips wasn't going to go anywhere. Then she spoke. God Fucking Dammit. Solenne closed his eyes slowly, jaw slowly grinding back and forth before he sighed audibly. After that little barb at Mia, Tholo seemed to freeze up. It wouldn't be noticeable to the others, but Solenne could see it. He added a two actions together, with the need for Trixy to prove to someone that he and her had been together, and made a Sherlockian jump of logic. Solenne turned, smiling at the vampire across from him. She sat sipping at her espresso and he laughed “Say Trixy...it couldn't be that the pup Bartholomew is the name etched across your wrist….could it?” the smile on his lips widened. Solenne was always quite good at these jumps of logic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Danilo was pleased he got a small laugh from Béatrix at his introduction. Mia came from the back and Danilo planed to great her nicely as well. It was Tholo that made the dragon wonder what was happening, stopping him in his action. Dan tilted his head watching his wolf friend interact with the male. The dragon had to replay what he said in his head. He was positive he said for Solenne to be the singer, maybe Tholo misunderstand his words, going for the idea of marrying him. Well sadly that was now not possible if the way Mia was rubbing Sollenes back meant anything. She was clearly telling the world he was hers and who ever touches him will have their head bitten off.

As a dragon with experience he was more than happy to respect that type of signals.

He was about to shrug it off, but the two didnt drop it and Beatrix added fuel to the fire. He was more than determent to question Tholo if he did had a passionate night with Sollenes. He didnt like feeling like was missing the first act of a theater piece.

"Well lovely chat and all but I can't stick around, you know vamps and weres just don't mix,Danilo I'll be outside when your done."

That was even weirder for the Dragon to hear. Huffing he called after his friend back. ''Its 21th century! Leave the bad blood in the past and move with modern times...'' His friend already out the cafe, as if he was running away and Danilo shock his head looking at Mia. '' I mean really modern times, no one will start killing each other just because of race... Humans did a lot of effort in showing a example in this anti racism things, right? ''

He completely went over the question, about what he wanted. Now that Tholo escaped the Sundae Dan wanted to make him try out, he wasnt all too pleased. He started to pout, hands crossing over his chest. Well it lasted for several seconds, until Solenne spoke towards his old friend.

“Say Trixy...it couldn't be that the pup Bartholomew is the name etched across your wrist….could it?”

That flipped the switch in the dragons mind and mood. The redhead looked at the woman adn than looked at the grinning old friend of hers, he looked back at her. Who cared about anything, his best friends soulmate was in front of him. She didnt get a chance to open her mount to say a word, as Danilo with speed only used to get away from his siblings he hugged Beatrix in a not escaping bear hug. Dragons could cling, and he was clinging. Call it fear from having his friend missing his soulmate just like him...

''This is great!'' Danilo declared already being on a happy train. ''Wonderful! I am so having a piece of talk with Tholo for hiding that his day was coming up.'' He was overjoyed, and with it he went on like on a sugar rush.

''He needs a nice, understanding soulmate. Someone who can relate with him. He can be a bit of stubborn and such but he is having a soft side as well. As his friend, I am making you twos wedding cake. And I am not taking a no, my collages would kill to put such a attractive woman in a wedding dress. We will make it a fairy tale worth of experience.'' He blabbered on not releasing her.

''Oh! He must be looking for you outside! Come, come you two cannot miss each other. '' He pulled at her, looking at Mia and giving her wide grin. ''This is a soulmate cafe.'' He was determed to drag the female vampire to his wolf friend and make them have a date. He planned to drink his sorrow away with Tholo, but he couldnt be possible so selfish and not let him have his sweet time with his soulmate. Dan silently wondered if the two would be angry if he stalk them to see how cute of a pair they will be...

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Long lives, got to find ways to please ourselves.” Tholo responded to the barb with a level of nonchalance that Béatrix could respect. He then quickly found an excuse to make an exit. Good, one less uncomfortable thing to occupy her mind. Trixy did not wear any discomfort on her face; however, she instead sipped her espresso with otherworldly grace. There was just the right amount of crema on the top to counterbalance the bitter flavor of the drink. It seemed as though Solenne was trying his hand at a little Sherlockian exercise, as he announced. “Say Trixy… it couldn’t be that the pup Bartholomew is the name etched across your wrist… could it?”

Béatrix supposed she deserved that dig, after outing their affair to his newfound soul mate and all. She calmly set her tiny mug down on the saucer and brought her eyes to Solenne’s. With a unnervingly playful smile, she spoke “Now, Solenne.” She even went as far as to not use his nickname “I do believe Mia stands here as evidence that what may or may not cover my skin, is no longer any concern of yours.” As good of an actress as she could be, what he’d said really ruffled her feathers, and she no longer wanted to be there. A true good friend wouldn’t joke about something so serious. Solenne knew about her issue with wolves, her fear and hatred of love after losing Francis, and why it was all so personal to her… he was one of the only people she’d opened up to after the death of her true love, and now he joked and pried where he had no right. She would have talked to him about it, in time, but not in a way like this.

Trixy was just about to stand and say her goodbyes when the strange redheaded dragon launched towards her. Her first instinct was to stab him in the neck with her dagger, but being in a peaceful public place, such a reaction wouldn’t fly – even if she could just compel all of the café guests to forget it happened. Dan hugged her, he fucking hugged her, a stranger… who does that? And then the word vomit came, he said how this was so ‘great’ and ‘wonderful’ (not adjectives Trixy would have picked), and he even mentioned cakes and her in a wedding dress.

When Danilo tried to coax her outside, she stood as still as stone. Trixy gripped the dragon’s arm with affair amount of her vampire strength. Her eyes were cold and fierce, and when she spoke, her words came out rigid and haunting. “So you like fairytales, do you? I used to live in a fairy tale. I knew a love so strong, it would make a hopeless romantic like yourself weep. And I did wear a dress like that once, more beautiful and elegant than you could imagine, France has always been at the front line of fashion. And then one day, the fairy tale was over, and the ending was the stuff of nightmares. And do you know what happened to the protagonist of that story? Well, she became the villain, and villains? ... Villains don’t get happy endings.” She released his arm, obviously having caused some amount of pain. Her hatred was a bit misdirected at him, but she wouldn’t apologize for it. Trixy smoothed her sweater down when she looked at Solenne “I’ll find the rogue on my own. He’s wanted dead by the NYPD for his crimes.” Her eyes flicked back to the dragon “You were wrong, by the way, humans are perhaps more racist now than they ever were. They fear what they can’t control, that’s why they hired me.” At that, she turned to leave the café. A certain level of sadness hung over her and a weaker, more human version of her might have cried, but she’d abandoned such humanity long ago. Or so she thought…
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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The dragon smile slowly dropped as the woman spend out her response. He would have lied if he said it was the first time he heard words out to cut him where it hurt. His siblings were the sort to sharp the teeth on each other. He didnt stop her pushing away from his hug. It was good nature, but... she wasnt really angry at him?

A tragedy still hunting her, Dan understood that she was needing Tholo maybe more than the werewolf needed her. He took off his hat just when she was informing her own friend that she will do something on her own and her jab on the humans nature to fear and dislike, even in a extreme towards the unknown.

''Béatrix '' He called just as she was about to leave hoping she would hear his words. His voice a serious tone, reflecting his believes. ''The story only ends when the protagonist gives up, not before. You may only need a second or a hundredth chance to reach your happy chapter once more. ''

He made a elegant bow, his eyes closed. Watching her back leave the cafe. It hurt, a fairy tale person, he was indeed one. Someone who searched the comfort of the happy ending regardless how cruel the tale becomes along the way. Somewhere in it there will always be a chance for a happy treasured moment. He may be a idiot for clinging to it, but he rather be that than face the world as a cold unwelcoming place.

He took a deep breath, he was so setting off some fire crackers later on. The dragon slowly look over the older vampire and Mia. ''Could you pack me a few pieces... nah, a whole chocolate cake for taking out?'' He asked Mia a smile wide and happy on his face. Not for the first time he enjoyed having the bangs of red hair covering his eyes, hiding away the fire that burn in them.

'' Solenne, as her friend, I hope I can rely on your support to help them both. I will not ask what happened, but their fate didnt pair them up for nothing, dont you think so too? My mom kept saying that the soulmates are the carrier of each others heart most needed medicine. ''

He placed the hat back on his head. Taking the wallet and pulling some bills out. Over paying the cake with little care. Planning to leave once Mia packed the cake order. The vampire had his visit card, and Dan had the card of the vampires manager. If they needed to contact each other they would easily do so. Today he had to scold Tholo for hiding the date, and see what his stand is on it all. With a clear goal in front of his eyes it was easier to move forward. maybe he missed his soulmate because if he hadnt he wouldnt be there for his friend.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Tholo waited outside for Danilo to finish what he needed to do in the cafe. He heard the door open of the store and looked over to see it was Beatrix coming out. He let her go without saying anything just giving a simple nod of acknowledgement and returned to the position he had been standing before she had come out. He caught a brief word of Danilo saying something in a rather serious tone, unusual for his dragon friend but he groaned internally thinking on what he was going to say to Danilo once he was done in the cafe. He had caught briefly Solenne taunting Beatrix about the name on her arm and if Danilo found out, he wasn't going to hear the end of it about him hiding the name on his own arm. While Tholo anymore didn't care about the name or his soulmate, at least he thought he didn't care, Danilo was an entire another matter who he didn't doubt was going to push him to get together with the vampire.

Worst would probably be when he found out that he learned about the cafe being the third time running into her, not the first. After all he did say he hadn't wanted to talk about yesterday and Danilo could eventually put two and two together on why seeing his unfavorably opinion on vampires currently. Here he had thought today was going to be a decent day of some driving around and drinking. Now it as becoming a bit of a headache.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Listening to Beatrix's words, Mia waited with bated breath for dislike to harden within her, for bitterness to precipitate into hard pebbles. Was that not the way jealousy emulsified? But contrarily, she felt misgivings dissolve. Beatrix declaring herself as the least trustworthy person solidified her impression of candour, of frank truths both gentle and scathing. Mia might not yet believe she would take a bullet for another, but she hadn't proven herself a liar yet. With a thoughtful look across the table, Mia felt the corner of her lips turn up in consideration. "I think I might like you."

But then Mia watched as words flew across the table, accentuating tension and discomfort around the table. And then Beatrix spoke of love eternal and love lost, of monsters and villains, and Mia felt her perception of the woman shift wildly. As she left the cafe, Mia leaned down next to Solenne's ear, concern furrowing at her brow. Beatrix had mentioned a rogue, and even if Mia did not know what it meant or had her doubts of the safety of such a mission, she knew enough to link that Solenne had been approached for help with the rogue, and suspended her curiosity to ask, "Should you go after her?"

And then Dan asked for a cake, and Mia nodded, smile slipping back in place. The man did so love his fairy tales, and his optimism could be rivalled by no other. She did not think she would ever bear to frown at him, not when the illusion had been so abruptly shattered. "Of course." Leaving briefly to pack it away, she returned to place the plastic bag weighed down by the boxed cake in Dan's hand. "Twenty eighty, Dan," she said, feeling the flippancy of such a mundane phrase undercutting the day's happenings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

”Béatrix” the dragon called to her, surprisingly pronouncing her name correctly, ”The story only ends when the protagonist gives up, not before. You may only need a second or a hundredth chance to reach your happy chapter one more.” Even with the back of her head facing him, she still rolled her eyes. He was indeed a hopeless romantic, how sad for him. Pathetic, really. Who needs trivial things like love when you can find pleasure in the chase, the hunt, and the kill?

Trixy paid for her espresso at the counter, leaving a generous tip for Solenne’s new sweetheart. Béatrix might be bitter about the idea of love, but it wasn’t because of jealousy, and the girl hadn’t really done anything to earn her ire… yet. After taking a deep breath, Trixy ventured outside.

Of course he was there. Why wouldn’t he be there? Like a wilted cherry on top of the world’s shittiest sundae. Trixy wanted to be angry about it but, to be honest, the feelings just withered away in silence. He didn’t say anything taunting, which she appreciated. If she was in his position she couldn’t guarantee that she’d be that big about it. Her lips parted as if she was about to say something, but she closed them and let herself think before any words could pour out.

“Thank you,” she began "For not saying anything... Even if you only kept quiet so your obnoxious lizard friend was kept in the dark." The kind words felt foreign on her tongue. "It turns out I’m not as good of an actress as I thought. What is that American phrase, the cat is on the bag? Whatever it is, thanks anyway, and I'm sorry your friend found out…” her voice trailed off a bit and she looked uncomfortably in the distance. In her mind, that is where she turned on her heel and walked away, but in reality, her feet stayed put. Thankfulness and apologies really weren't her thing, even back in her human years she'd been headstrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"It was nothing," Tholo replied after a short pause ",No worries about Danilo, he was going to find out eventually. He isn't bad once you get to know him. Sure his hopeless romantic ideas can get a little nerve racking but a good guy to talk with." He should of perhaps turned himself to his car, waited for Danilo there but he remained where he was, his mind thinking on what else to say. A grin formed on his face when he remembered the little scene in the cafe.

"Though the hug was priceless to watch," he joked ",I was afraid I was going to have to go in and pry him off you before you attacked him." He slightly laughed at the thought of trying to pry Danilo away from an angry vampire, something he would never of though imagining but the circumstances had made it happen.

"Also I think you are looking for 'le secret est découvert' in your tongue," he added afterwards ",Met my first soulmate in France so needed to know some French." He explained if she asked him how he knew French. It pained him to mention his other soulmates but he couldn't always try to beat around the topic. It stung but the wound at least wasn't fresh and open.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Solenne simply sat and watched the reactions that took place after his little act of logic. Trixy was angry, there was absolutely no doubt in the vampires mind about how his former flame was now ignited like fury incarnate. Especially with her storming away without the information she seemed adamant on gathering from him. Solenne simply sighed and watched as the man who had grabbed him the other day, the dragon if Solenne remembered correctly. Terse words spat from Beatrix’s mouth towards the dragon after he gushed. Solenne simply sighed. There was no talking to her after something like this. Solenne knew he had crossed a line but, as ever he was a stoic ass, let her leave and fume. The Vampire knew he would be hearing about this later. He was prepared for that. He rolled his head slowly, his face not changing from the stone slate it was set in. This was the closest Solenne had ever looked to one of the Elders, it kind of scared him.

Then the story came out from behind him. It was directed at Danilo...but it was the story Solenne had heard so many night ago. A bleary eyed Beatrix, tears running crimson trails down porcelain cheeks, hands clutched together. The name of her progenitor never leaving her lips without heaving sobs and shuddering shoulders. Solenne remembered this story very well, so well that he even predicted what she would say before storming off. Another pointed barb struck his way from her lips. Those ruby lips he was previously so fond of. Were the humans racist? Solenne had made it his recent life work to make sure they weren’t...to openly share what vampires were and could do. But he supposed there were always outliers. He laced his fingers together and once again, a soft sigh escaped his lips.

Danilo spoke to him, questions lost on his ears from the running freight train that was his mind “yes yes, I agree” was all he could muster before looking to Mia. His eyebrows furrowed together gently as she spoke “No...no trust me on that…” he said softly. his eyebrows knitted together once more. Something was pressing at the back of his mind. Something urgent. something...not supernatural. His cell crackled to life. Marie. Solenne held it to his ear.


“Marie...use your words”


Solenne sighed “ahh...thats what that niggling thing was”

A sigh muffled from the handset sounded out. Marie was exhausted it seemed “Just get here soon...please…” A click and she was gone.

Solenne stood, wrapping an arm around Mia’s waist and pressing her into a kiss. He smiled against her lips before breaking away “Hey...so I have a...concert thing...at The Saints Theater up town...would you like to come along tonight...seeing you in the audience would make me want to perform so much better” he smiled and cocked his head to the side “A dress is required” he smirked at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Tholo surprised her with how much he had to say. He seemed like the quiet, brooding type, but maybe she’d pegged him wrong. He mentioned the awkward hug and she didn’t give him the pleasure of reacting to his taunt. What did get a reaction from her, however, was when he spoke her language. She raised a brow, “So you can pronounce my name correctly, then. I expect you to do so from now on.” He mentioned his first soul mate, and something about that jarred her back into the realization that that’s what they were: Soul mates… regardless of their willingness to be such.

“Je suis sûr que nous nous rencontrerons de nouveau, malheureusement.” The French barb was quick and smooth from her tongue, polished off with a sly smile before she finally turned to walk away. Her thoughts were swarming and her feelings were all over the place. She was angry at Solenne for crossing the line that he had, upset that she hadn’t tracked down the rogue or gotten the information that she’d hope to gain from SoSo, mad that she was stuck paired to a werewolf that she couldn’t keep away from herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so burdened by her emotions, it was so… human.

This little date hadn’t gone at all like she’d wanted it to. She wanted to get the information, chat with an old friend, and even explore a bit of that passion they’d once shared. Anything to distract her, to make her forget… but wasn’t that always her M.O.? Just keep filling your life with things to do, people to see, and maybe you can forget about everything you lost, everything you’re losing…

Béatrix needed a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, and from herself, so she hopped on her ninja and headed back home. After parking the bike, Trixy pocketed the keys and walked to the front door. Checking her mail in the foyer, Trixy found a single parchment envelope in her mailbox. The very scent from the letter sent her back to the past, and the swirling script made her heart swell. It’d been so long.

As Béatrix walked the steps to her apartment, she eagerly unfolded the parchment, breaking the Council’s wax seal that her grandmother put on most of her letters. This wasn’t her human family, of course, but her vampiric grandmother of sorts: Francis’ sire. After closing the door gently behind her, Trixy sat at the kitchen table and devoted all her attention to beautiful script, written in her native tongue:

I hope this letter finds you well, though I fear it does not. I write to you because I felt your sorrow today, though when this letter reaches you, I suppose it will have been yesterday.

It has been so long since you have felt deeply enough for it to trigger my empathy from so many miles away, and then I realized what day it must be. My dear, it has been centuries since my son passed. And if Francis was alive to see you today, he would be so proud of the strong, independent woman you have become in his absence; but your deep well of sadness? Well, that would be enough to kill him all over again. He would want you to be happy, my darling, as I want you to be happy. Whoever this gentleman may be, he doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you. Don’t be so pained by the opportunity to find love again, you deserve all of the happiness this world has to offer.

Scotland is so beautiful this time of year, you should visit me. Even though I have no plans of dying anytime soon, you know that my seat on the council will belong to you some day, it would do you some good to meet the other elders. Either way, don’t hesitate to write me back, you know how much I hate those phone devices.

With all my love,

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Mia turned in bemusement to hear words none too gentle exploding from Solenne's phone. Catching the rough train of words, Mia laughed in shurprise when Solenne curled her towards him for a kiss. She felt the curvature of his lips against hers, and had to smile in return. “Hey...so I have a...concert thing...at The Saints Theater up town...would you like to come along tonight...seeing you in the audience would make me want to perform so much better. A dress is required.” Mia's grin widened under his crimson gaze.

"What, and give you a chance to blow me away even more?" she asked, before arching up for another chaste kiss to whisper, "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Even if it meant finding a dress for the occasion. Well, Delilah would help.

Mia scanned Solenne's face. It had been stoic and emotionless minutes before, and even if he was wearing a smirk, it did not erase the weary lines from Mia's memory. With a degree of concern, Mia cupped his cheek in her hand. "Don't fret too much," she murmured, before stepping back and nudging him towards the door. "Now go, and get yourself ready. She didn't sound too pleased on the phone, and I would hate if your concert got cancelled because she tore you apart," she jested, the smile in her voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Yeah see you around, Béatrix," he said with a smirk as she walked off. He wasn't sure why he shared details on his first soulmate, it just happened normally he was more guarded about it preferring to just let the past be the past but somehow sharing it made him feel a bit better. He returned to his post by the side of the building, waiting for Danilo, it was only a few minutes later when his phone went off. With a grunt he took it out of his pocket and raised it to his ear once clicking the answer button.

"Yeah what do you want?" he said in a gruff voice.

"Well you act like that perhaps I should call another time," the voice on the other end replied making Tholo's blood run like ice for a brief moment before giving a response.

"Bran, it has been some time," Tholo replied it a more conversational tone. If an alpha was what led a pack of wolves, Bran was alpha of the alphas. Contrary to some beliefs, the packs weren't entirely just left to their own devices there was some organization to everything in the North American werewolf population. Bran had been one of the first werewolves to the new world and had established one of the first packs. He then helped established all the others through the centuries. He was connected to all the packs and was the only wolf any alpha would back down too without a fight.

"Well I wanted to check up and see how you considered my offer," Bran replied ",I never got a response and after the wait I figured it would be a good time to check up."

Tholo sighed."I appreciate the offer but I'm better as a lone wolf, you know that my past keeps most other weres away and besides two alphas in one pack would be trouble and last thing I want is trouble."

"Well it shall remain open but I also thought to give you a second offer. I noticed the place you are staying at has no official pack, and with some new wolves that need a pack, I thought I would offer you a position as a new alpha wolf for a pack."

"You'd have to let me think about it," Tholo replied after a few moments ",it's not a light offer and theres some stuff on my plate right now that needs working out."

"No worries any chance it is the name on your arm? I know you don't like thinking about it but it's been centuries I doubt Chloe would of wanted you wallowing in your sorrow. Amelia would especially be disappointed," Bran said making Tholo cringe at his past two soulmate names.

"Yeah well I'll let you know in perhaps a few days," Tholo said. He talked a little longer with Bran before shutting the phone. Besides Danilo, Bran was his only other true friend, a werewolf even older then him who had helped him in his past. Of course Bran also was the only wolf to be able to make the other half of himself shutter in fear and be submissive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Danilo thanked Mia for the cake, paying her a bit more than needed. ''Thank you Mia. '' He hummed back smiling giving her a small nod, but taking care of the well being of the cake. His eyes roamed back to the vampire who was left. The aura was noticeable to the dragon. The feeling of someone who lived for a long time. It made the young dragon feel small and respectful.

“yes yes, I agree” Then Solenne spoke he wasnt really hearing him. It was fine, Dan supposed. Giving a one armed hug to Mia it was time to leave. He had a werewolf friend he had to question and drink with his own burning away. Or at least a bit. He made his way to the door, looking once more back and over the cafe. Many faces sit and he wondered if one of those belonged to the name on his own wrist... Mia was hugged by her own soulmate and Danilo smiled leaving. Sing the old songs... He remembered the old song its melody and words playing in his head. Maybe he can ask Tholo to find a bar where he could sing them? Outside he saw Tholo on the phone. He walked closer tilting his head.
The conversation was close to the end, as before the dragon could catch some words Tholo ended the call.

''I let you wait a lot didnt I?'' He showed the bag with the cake. It nearly looked as nothing at all happened. Than Dan put a arm around his friend shoulder. '' Lets go, Shall we. '' And Danilo all but started dragging his friend towards the car. He didnt say much until they got driving the streets again.

''A lot happened in this few days. '' Danilo casually said looking towards the driving wolf.

''You could you know.... at least hint it to me...That the day was coming. Well maybe its my fault I was talking too much about my day. I can imagine I did not let you come to word. '' Danilo spoke before he took a small breath in and let just a small flame out.

''I was thinking we were friends, there to support each other if some hard or important times came. '' Now Dan was simply pouting waiting to see what his friend would tell. Well what ever it was Danilo already forgave him more or less for keeping it a secret. But he had to poke him just a bit. He himself was holding back from thinking the day was just too nice for it, even thought a lot not nice things happened. He wondered how should he befriend Tholo soulmate... Maybe just hug her every time he sees her?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

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Solenne smiled and nodded “you aren’t wrong there…” he laughed and placed a hand to her cheek “and I have something to ask you later tonight” his thumb rubbed gently across her cheekbone before looking to the growing line of customers that Delilah was having trouble with controlling “You go back to work before you give another reason for her to be angry at me” he winked and left, giving her a wave before quickly walking through the door of the cafe. Solenne furrowed his eyebrows together under the glare of the sun that was slowly lowering in the late afternoon. The vampire chewed his lip gently and continued walking through the town, knowing that he should head straight up town.

-- That night --

The old vampire looked at the blonde in front of him. She bounced up and down, she had been listening to Solenne practice all night and was very excited about the night. The entire theater was filled to bursting point. The concert was only described as a ‘performance by a multi-talented artist and an accompanying band’ so the crowd was eclectic; metal heads rubbing shoulders with glamourous woman, punks next to suited men. Some people had figured out how and when Solenne performed and thus there were a few people wearing his merchandise, shirts with red print of the name Nocturnal. Solenne couldn’t help but smile. This was what he loved...making something for everyone.

“Are you ready?” Marie called out.

The vampire simply nodded and grinned, walking out on to the stage. The vampire stood at the center of the stage, people unsure of what to make of him. Some, those wearing his shirts, knew that had indeed picked correctly and squealed gently. The vampire took to the mic “welcome one and all” he smiled gently “to my show” he held his arm out gently as confused murmurs ran through the crowd about where the backing band was “or...should I say...our...show.” The crimson eyes of the vampire closed and his body blurred. Solenne’s body split in half, then half again, four exact replicas of the vampiric multi-instrumental artist stepped out from behind the one at the mic. The crowd took in a collective breath “I hope you enjoy”

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