For years dreamers have been trying to achieve a form of telepathy through their minds and now, they have figured out how. There is no technology, no chemical compound you need to ingest or inject into your body; just sleep. Through various techniques, many people are able to become lucid, or "awake", allowing them to control their dreams.
Until a few years ago, lucid dreamers were not able to break the barrier into this dreamscape. They were mentally barred by their freedom and desire to create an alternate reality. One such dreamer, Rebecca Turner, was able to break this barrier. She found herself amongst regular dreamers and was able to enter and influence their dreams freely. A place where people from all over the world could come together and inspire others.
The Dreamverse.Disclaimer!
While Rebecca Turner is an expert on lucid dreaming, the Dreamverse is of my creation and she does not support it. Further more, I obtained permission to use her name and she is not affiliated with this role play as anything more than a source of information.
Link to her website: world-of-lucid-dreaming.com
It has been some years since the discovery of the Dreamverse. The woman that discovered the way in made it publicly known, but she kept the way in a secret. She feared the way people could simply wave their hand and cause nightmares. The only ones that knew were her closest friends and a few researchers.
Unfortunately, the information was leaked and soon became common knowledge among the lucid dreaming community. After, people began reporting higher amounts of not just nightmares, but dreams that inspired them.
While travelling the Dreamverse, lucid dreamers often come across repeating figures. Some good, some not so good.
Every person has demons lurking on the inside. Things about themselves they can't let go or they hide from others.
Not to mention that which lives between dreams.
How you learn about the Dreamverse is irrelevant. You want to know if its true. So you go to bed, hoping to see for yourself. Once you are lucid, you follow the instructions on how to enter this seemingly magical place.
You stumble into a dream. Certainly not anything you'd ever dream of. It doesn't take long for you to find the one who did. You converse with them for a while before you move on, making sure not to effect their dream.
You find yourself at the edge of their world and see nothing but blackness. What do you mean blackness? I'm a lucid dreamer! LET THERE BE LIGHT!
You aren't the only one between dreams though. In the light, you can see things moving around. At first, you pay no mind, but the light seems to attract more than just inhuman globs of.. stuff. There are ghastly, frightening forms wearing police uniforms. They seem to change shape every so often. You realize they are looking for you. The light goes out and they move on.
You dont want to be stuck in this dream the whole time, so you brave this dense limbo. You dodge freaky clowns, moving piles of goop, and the occasional scary shadow thing. In the distance you can see the pale light of another dream. At last!
It was not to be. Before you could get there, you are stopped by a cloaked figure. It whispers to you in a hollow voice.
To see this world through cloudless eyes, a dream in itself. To keep you here you must remain within good health.
If you find the place you were to stay, it all may go away. If you don't make it in time, it is your soul that shall be mine!" it placed a shadowy, clawed finger upon your brow and you feel a sense of dread come over you. You blink and it disappears.
You've had enough. You close your eyes and tell yourself to wake up. You are safe in bed! But you aren't. You are still in that black in between. There was no time to wonder why and you race to the next dream. It seemed to be a sort of dream market conjunction. It was filled with all sorts of people, each lucid. There was an information stand at the center and you rush to it. The lady behind the glass box is taken aback.
You look like you've seen a ghost, sugar!"
As you tell the woman what happened, her smile is replaced with a look of pity. She hands you a pamphlet titled, 'What to do if a cloaked figure touches your forehead'. All it said was to drink yourself into a stupor as you wouldn't be around much longer. Accompanied by a map to a nearby bar. You follow it and see a sign that says free drinks to those with <picture of your pamphlet> and walk inside thinking this is complete bull.
End prologue.
This is just a way to get you to think about what might be out there. How all this happens is up to you. Feel free to put it in your opening post. :)