Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChaoticFox
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ChaoticFox The Fabulous Fox

Member Seen 1 yr ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sterling
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Gina Hollis, more Aptly Doctor Gina Hollis, PhD in biological and agricultural engineering

Age: 30
Occupation: Biological and Agricultural Engineer, specifically creating hardier plants and crops.
Family life: Gina was a foster child, eventually adopted by a loving family in Idaho. Her real parents had a little meth problem. But that didn’t stop Gina, her new foster and then adoptive family was supportive albeit large. She has three foster brothers and one foster sister as well as her parents. She has one biological sister but they haven’t seen each other in years and years, being spilt up in the foster care system.
Hair: Very dark brown, wavy, mid chest length
Eyes: Bright blue, hidden behind large black rimmed glasses.
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 130lbs
Group: CDC
Appearance: Gina doesn’t pay much attention to her appearance, more interested in what’s in her head. She tends to wear odd patterned shirts or dresses, with comfortable loose skirts or even scrub pants as she works in a lab. Clogs are the shoe of choice here.

Gina is a small and slightly curvy woman, her dark brown hair unaltered in anyway and usually falling over her shoulders in a mop or messily thrown up in a bun so it’s out of her way. She has large glasses that she really needs and bright blue intelligent, albeit odd eyes.
Blood Type: O+
Immune: Yes.
Reason For Government Interest: Gina probably wasn’t their first choice, she was brought to the CDC last minute and was probably just the best option closely available with her credentials in genetic alteration and biology. Her main area of focus is producing hardier, longer living, larger producing agricultural yields.
Gina Hollis was the first daughter born to her biological parents Stan and Lindsey Hollis, who married at 17 when Lindsey got pregnant. Both her parents dropped out of high school and after several years of holding minium wage jobs and working the most unwanted shifts, another accidental pregnancy, they seemed to realize their childhood was stolen and felt it was time to reclaim that.

Partying on weekends turned into partying on weeknights too, and then maybe afternoons… Drinking and weed moved onto harder stuff until one of the teachers at the public elementary school Gina and her sister Caren attended noticed something was amiss.

Social services was called and the Hollis’ were deemed unfit parents. Caren and Gina were placed in the foster care system, and to find them both homes were split up.

Gina was placed with the Adams’, a family who was highly religious and already big. They were farmers and welcomed Gina into their life graciously. Gina was clean, cared for, fed, and even loved. She continued to go to school and learn, enjoying what her teachers had to say and show her, and attended church with the Adams’ . By the time Gina was 10 years old they officially adopted her.

Gina was accepted into the university of Idaho and got her BA in Biology. She continued through state funding to get her PhD in Biological and Agricultural Engineering and took on a position in a local lab making stronger crops.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by drummer-dan


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Ryan Bishop
Age: 34
Occupation: Head Scientist of 'Advanced Systems Innovation Division', US Military.
Family life:
Mary Bishop - Mother- Status unknown
Doug Bishop - Father - status unknown
Francesca Bishop - Wife - Status unknown

Group: Walkers

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue.
Weight: 164 Lbs


Blood type: AB
Immune: Yes.

Gear: Backpack -
bed roll, light toolbox, flashlight, box of lightbulbs, medium travel medikit, numerous canned foods, tripwire, random magazines (protection for arms)

Customised Life jacket-
packets of biscuits, Bishop & Strauss 9mm Semi automatic pistol (5rnds), x1 magazine Hollow point 9mm (12rnds), leatherman multi tool, Aluminium baton, hip flask, M67 fragmentation grenade for "emergency use".

Bio: Ryan is one of America's 'Great minds'. He grew up in a stable, loving home as an o ky child to parents Doug and Mary.
Mary was a house wife and Doug was a professional racer. He used to bring his son along to the races- where he would be left with the pit team whilst Doug raced- and found a love for mechanics.
Ryan graduated high school and gained a scholarship to MIT where he majored in Advanced Mechanical science and Aeronautic Engineering.

It was at MIT that he stumbled upon the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, a French Canadian girl by the name of Francesca Deloure, a neuroscientist studying for her PhD. The two had a spark between that was overwhelming and soon became a couple.

The couple married four years later and bought a home together, Ryans got a career straight out of college, a career that paid well, very well, and his genius and undisputed knowledge in the field of advanced weaponary saw him climb straight to the top, Head of division, in only 2 1/2 years.
His ruthless leadership and high expectations led to many replacements within his team as they simply could not meet his needs, he would say they were lazy or simply not clever enough. However expected people to be on the same level of intelligence as himself, which was unfair given his IQ.

He is a very loving and caring man outside of work, but once he steos into his lab he is all about business. Caring only for results and success, he can get irritable with people less intelligent than himself, and hates laziness.

Brainiac - Ryan has an extraordinary brain capable of working out tough equations and solving problems, he can think on his feet and Improvise, can create useful items out of seemingly nothing and can repair pretty much anything.

Headstrong: can keep calm and composed in even the worst of situations, can bolster morale and ease the nerves of those around him. Steps up to the plate when necessary.

Soldier boy- has basic knowledge of hand to hand combat and small arms fire due to military background.

Family man - Ryan is a very caring man and is hurt deeply at the probably loss of his beloved family. This makes him somewhat reckless with a 'nothing to live for' mentality. Should he learn that his family is alive he would stop at nothing to get to them, taking risks his intelligence wouldn't usually allow and possibly putting anyone with him in danger.

No Nonsense- Ryan believes everyone should have a focus in life ans that they should work hard to achieve it. Anyone he sees just lying around doing nothing but moaning would really aet him off and could cause confrontation within a group.

Misc: Ryan, along with his partner Nicholas Strauss, designed and built the new Bishop and Strauss 9mm pistol. He trusts it over any other pistol and carries one with him everywhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChaoticFox
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ChaoticFox The Fabulous Fox

Member Seen 1 yr ago

**An FBI background file lays open on the table, parts of it blacked out (Needed info is OOC in brackets)**

Name: Charlotte Edwards (Doctor Edwards)
Group: CDC
Age: 29
Occupation: Classified (Neurosurgeon, neurophysiologist and Pathologist)
Family Life: Classified
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Weight: Around 120-130 pounds.
Blood type: Classified (AB+)
Immune: Classified

Reason for government interest: As one of the leading researchers in Neuroscience and Pathology, she could be vital to understanding the reanimates’ behaviour and physiology, as well as how the virus spread.

Bio: Born as a city girl, Charlotte grew up in downtown New York city. She was raised in a wealthy family who lived up in a modern highrise. She led a fairly normal childhood, excelling in her schooling and finishing public school with stellar grades. Moving into high school, she continued with her stellar grades, often found in the library studying up on her courses, all at the most advanced level of course. She didn’t have much of a social life because of this and was often taunted for being a show off and a nerd. She graduated with next to perfect grades and left the town and her past behind.

Moving down to Massachusetts, she bought herself a small condo and interviewed for a few part time jobs to help pay for school and necessities, eventually getting in at a local coffee shop. She started her schooling at MIT the following year, studying for a medical degree, along with Neuroscience on the side.

Five years later, she had graduated from MIT with her medical P.H.D and a degree in Pathology. She was accepted into the internship program at the Northwestern Memorial hospital in Chicago and soon after moved there to pursue her career.

Fast forward three years and she was head of the neurosurgical team at the hospital and was known across the country for her skill and talent. As she worked, she began to hear news of this supposed outbreak of a virus and began seeing more and more patients with symptoms. She began secretly taking samples from them, something she could lose her job over, and began researching it’s various properties.

She was alone one night, sitting in her office reading over yet another article about the reanimates when she heard a knock on her door. She looked up, wondering who the hell needed a neurosurgeon at this ungodly hour. Before she could even get up out of her chair a tear gas cannister was tossed in and before long, agents had filled the room and put a bag over her head, before knocking her out with the butt of a rifle. The small notification sound of an email could be heard from her laptop, something from the FBI about wanting to bring it’s most valuable assets into safety, either peacefully or with force.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Kiều (Family name) Mặt-trăng (Middle name) Viveca (Given name)
Goes By: Viveca, Vi, or Vivi K.
Stage Name: Tabris Scott
Age: 19, (Born; 04/01/1998)
Gender: Female (Genderfluid)

Group: Walker//Independent or Group, w/ Dahlia
Occupation(s): High school Dropout (2014), College Dropout (2017), Remixer (2010 - 02/14/2017), Freelance Producer (2013 - 02/14/2017), DJ (2016 - 02/14/2017)
Marital Status: Single
Family Life:
  • Phán Trái-đất Rita/Rita Phán - Mother (estranged), status unknown
  • Kiều Thần-linh Jeanne/Jeanne Kiều - Father, deceased
  • Dahlia Halona-Morenos - Adopted Guardian (illegally, estranged), alive!
  • Mala Garcia - Adopted Sister/Best Friend (unofficially, estranged), status unknown
  • Kiều Sun Jeanne II/Jeanne Kiều II - Younger Half-Brother, deceased

Hair: Black
Eyes: Very dark brown

Height: 5' 1" (1.549m)
Weight: 105.2lbs (47.71kg)
B/W/H: 22.04in; (56cm), 18.11in; (46cm), 21.65in; (55cm)
Physical Description: Viveca is a petite, frail-bodied, incredibly androgynous young woman. She has short hair, pale skin, and long limbs with skinny fingers for someone of her size.

Blood type: O-
Immune: Yes

Gear: Viveca doesn't carry much, preferring to scavenge as she goes and let Dahlia do the heavy lifting. Currently in her messenger bag she has; Several bars of candy and protein, a single half-empty bottle of water, a change of underwear, a woolen cap, pads (you know what for), a rag, and a sharpened kitchen knife.

Hoisted over her shoulders she has a moderately large woolen coat.

In her front pockets she has; An iPhone 4S, earbuds, and several adaptable chargers. Charges are scarce-- but not every source of electricity has been exhausted, for those who look. Despite the lack of wifi, the phone is still capable of being used as a general multi-tool as well as playing music.

In her back pocket she has; A 5-chambered snubbie, with 3 bullets.


Personality: A lack of affection from her mother and the perceived abandonment by and subsequent death of her Father have melded Viveca into a very unstable and damaged individual. She is compassionate, but reserved and has extreme difficulties in her relationship with others, and with others.

Her depression can reach states where she will become absolutely catatonic. And following the end, she seems to be resolute in her apathy, refusing to completely appreciate reality or those around her. She has little personal survival instinct left, and as it stands-- her one shining strength that has developed since the end is an incredible martyr complex.

Viveca will do almost anything that anyone asks of her if she feels it will improve their survival, with little regard to her own.
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