Name: Pandora, Holder of the Box, Creator of the Glass
Age: Her age, unknown and undiscoverable by normal means, her appearance however shows her as a young woman; age of 25.
Powers and Abilities:- Pandora's Box:
The accursed vessel, long-since it has altered has from the jar it had been, has been molded into a form more suited as a bringer of evil, disease, pain, and suffering. Instead being just a jar or box, it was transformed into a blood-stained marble coffin that Pandora is forever chained to, that seems to constantly rattle with shrieks, howls, and growls. It echos with the cries of beings that hang lying in wait for the coffin to be opened.
The chains that drag on the ground and connect Pandora and the Box can be uses as a shield or barrier, at the cost of one of the 50 chains breaking. When all 50 of the chains are broken they are unleashed, opening the lid as the true horrors inside are unleashed and attacks everything nearby including Pandora herself.
Attacking the body, mind and soul, the evil that comes from the box seeks to corrupt and turn those who are touched by the blight. Maddening those who possess weak will who fail to resist the influence of the box and the darkness that it spreads. Causing real pain and agony once they fall into that state of mind. - Eyepiece of Pandora:
The goddess that is trapped within "Pandora's Box", is a miserable existence but she can only be released once the box itself opens. Leaving the hordes of darkness and evil quickly hurrying and spreading itself before she may awaken to take them back into their prison.
However after so long, she managed break the rules of the box and was able to extract the goddess and place her inside a mirror. The mirror is what we now call Pandora's eyepiece. It has the ability to absorb all the evil that has escaped turning itself black before placing inside the coffin and wait for the mirror to shatter releasing both the Goddess and evil trapped again inside the coffin.
While the mirror's true purpose is to trap the evil that may escape it has other uses as well. It has the ability to peer at every angle of a person's personality and even the deepest and darkest part of them. That dark part of them can be channeled as a reflection into which they can mentally confront this darkest part of them.
Weapons and Equipment: TBA