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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Weary traveler's to the rustic charm and rugged allure of TNT 'The Nameless Tavern' a cosy, award winning multi universal tavern that sits right on a fracture through time and space. That's right, it means anyone anywhere can find their way here!

There is no title nor sign to signify where you are, merely the soft warming glow from a burning hearth and the solid wooden walls of the welcoming structure.
While nameless the tavern has taken on many incarnations during its existance depending on upon the merry occupants taking refuge from the cold at the time,
The beard and kilt,
Winking Titan Taproom
The Crown and Castle
The Prancing Pony
Honkers holy house of Havoc and Booze...

So please drop on by, come on in and rest those tired legs. Regardless if you are between here and there or seeking a bed for the night, let our wait staff look after you, just sit back and enjoy a drop from any of our vast extensive range of beverages or have our master chef whip you up a nice warm meal. If it is your lucky night you might even catch sone of our grand entertainers.

The doors always open and our ever growing team of somewhat questionable staff are always eager to assist and ensure your visit is a pleasurable one. We pride ourselves on offering a great atmosphere for all patrons to mingle in and enjoy.


  • The tavern is open for anyone seeking some free/casual short or long term roleplay. There is no specific story or plot but who knows what may develop when you spend some time with strangers.
  • First timers please read the rules on the notice board below.
  • Character sheets optional.
  • We are always welcoming any feedback or ideas for improvements.
  • Most importantly, be creative, challenge your writing skills and have fun!

TFFN- External Locations
(The Free Form Network)

The East Market || The Tavern || The 'WOLF' Wastelands || Fight Club || The Basement

(Contact me if you would like your thread to be apart of the cross-thread character network)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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~!Notice board!~


22/11/16: If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. That's right, nothing note worthy here.



Tavern Layout:




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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 9 days ago


It all starts with a...


And just like that the tavern was open for business. Dorian nonchalantly tucks the sturdy brass key, attached to his fine chain necklace, back down the top of his shirt. Standing tall, his posture perfect, he spins on his heels and lets out a soft sigh that's quickly washed away with a wide charming smile and a quick playful wink in Charlottes direction.

With arms flourishing out wide in gesture to all the staff before him, he addresses them all at once, his voice holds presence as it reverberates loudly throughout the tavern (easily reaching Chef Bronco out the back) without him having to shout, his words hit firmly yet gently, his demeanour is somehow cold and at the same time caring and passionate.
"Alright everyone, it's time to get to work!"

He was wearing one of his finest suits for this event, it was hard to tell though since they all looked similar but he knew the differences like apples to oranges.
The sleek black suit was sheer artistic sophistication, subtle hints of forgotten era's lined more modern elements creating a purely individual piece of trend leading fashion, expertly fitted to his form the suit was delicately measured to the exact millimetre giving the perfect cut and complementing style.

His shiny black shoes as luxurious as the rest of his ensemble, clap across the wooden floor as he walks towards the bar. Dorian stops to look over young Willow Watersong inspecting her and the tray of many drinks preprepared by Snarfulblast that she had balanced delicately in her hands. In silence he gives her an approving nod that extended out to his bartender as well.

He reaches the stairs and his eyes fall upon Sophia, he examines her attire much like he did to Willow, only much slower. His face expressionless like it is much of the time but as his eyes finally catch hers, her training allows her to make out a shimmer in those deep brown pools that could only be described as a hunger. Although nothing was said, nothing was ever shared. He carries on his path up to the top of the stairs.

"Alright team," he calls down to his staff members. "You are all here because you were the best, or only applicant in your field. Either way, the future of this grand establishment is in now in your hands. By the ties of our employment we are now all family, I only ask that you do each other, yourselves and this taverns reputation proud!"

Dorian leans on the railing and takes one last glance over the staff and the establishment, admiring its rugged charm and allure a half smile of pride creeps across his face. These were good capable people, he told himself, I hope they are ready.
Before leaving he softly, politely gives them one last piece of advice. "I will be in my room should you need me." With those last words he turns and walks away, down the long hallway passing all the other rooms available for rent to the large grand doors at the far end. His office.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Cash walked through the door, he looked side to side and noticed that he was currently the only patron which suited him just fine. he then proceed to walk towards the counter and sat down then quickly read over the specials "Ill have a glass of Dwarf Toss and a ash trey" he said as he lit his cigarette
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by timelord1101
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Alex stood by the door, leaning on the frame, watching as a man in... flip-flops? walked through the door.

"What is this nut job wearing...? Oh, well. None of my business really."

She turned toward the direction of Dorians office and sighed. She thought to herself, 'Today might not be so boring after all.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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She followed through the door, pulling her hair behind her in a braid as to not upet the cleanliness standards.

Chuckling softly at Alex's words, she grabbed an apron from behind the counter, and hurried over to the patron.

"One 'Dwarf Toss' coming right up." She may not be a bartender, but her skills at improvising come in quite handy from time to time. It was as if she was the flash! An exaggeration of course, but it didn't take her very long to set an ash trey in front of the man, followed by his drink only seconds later.

"I can see if the chef is around if you're hungry", she smiled warmly at the man
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timelord1101
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timelord1101 It's good to be back.

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"G'morning Charlotte," Alex breathed out tiredly.

Walking over to the bar, heels rhythmically clicking on the wood, and taking a seat, seeing as she's not needed until trouble is caused. It's doubtful that this Hawaiian looking lad with the funky shoe choice is going to start anything.

"You mind firing up that coffee maker for me, doll? I had a rough night and I could use a cup about now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@IcePezz "Perhaps later love" Cash said shaking his head "You're not the regular bartender are you?" he toke a sip of his drink and tapped his cigarette's ashes into the ashtray
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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"Of course, Sunshine!", she called over to Alex with a grin.

Coffee was exactly what they all needed, herself include. The difference was, when she made coffee...it was like the world was made right. She'd throw in a pinch of mocha, a pinch of cinnamon and warmed the milk just right, the foam on top looking like fluffy clouds.

"You want a cup too, boss?" She called out to Dorian's office

She glanced to Cash and winked. "I'm not, so don't go telling him my drinks are better!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timelord1101
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timelord1101 It's good to be back.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Billsomething "HA, If she was the regular bartender, we wouldn't need Snarf. Speaking of, where is he?" Alex wondered as she pulled a stray hair behind her ear.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@timelord1101 "Sweet Monkey Jesus!!!" Cash jumped a bit when he felt Alex slap him on the back "Where the biblical hell did you come from love?" then he realized something she there entire time but he hadn't noticed her thanks to being too occupied with his own thoughts "Well if you are going to join in on the conversation then i find it only to be fair that i introduce myself, I am Dr. Cashino King am an author"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timelord1101
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timelord1101 It's good to be back.

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@Billsomething "You seem a bit jumpy there Dr. King." Alex remarked with a chuckle. "I'm Alex. Alex Hoss. Im the bouncer of this fine establishment."

@IcePezz Alex looks over towards Charlotte working diligently behind the bar. "Hey Charlotte, hows that coffee coming along?" She breathes in the smell of bitter, fresh ground beans and cinnamon. Delicious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@timelord1101 "Please just call me Cash none of that Doctor Crap" then toke a sip of his drink "and i was startled because i was bit occupied with my thought on certain matters" he defended himself and toke a long drag of his cancer stick
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timelord1101
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timelord1101 It's good to be back.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Billsomething "Alright Cash." Alex replied, "I see. No worries. We've all got our own problems."

Alex sat thinking for a moment. She shook her head and looked towards Cash, smoking his cigarette. She looked down thinking, 'I wonder if I'm allowed to smoke on the job...'

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She hummed a happy tune as she worked behind the bar, finally pouring that beautiful cup of steamy goodness and setting it in front of Alex. She poured herself a cup and then one for Dorian.

"I'll be around if you need me!"

She made her way around the bar, her big behind bumping into things here and there, but for the most part everything made it out alive. Carrying a cup in each hand, she disappeared into the clutter and clank of the inn.

She had so many things to do today, cleaning wise, getting the nameless in tip top shape - she only hoped the coffee would fuel her for the long haul.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@timelord1101 Cash noticed her looking at his cigarette so he toke out a pack "Want one?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Of course you can" Dorians words appear out of nowhere in reply to Alex's thoughts regarding the cigaret, Dorian must have seen the look in her eyes as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere behind the bar.
He raises his open palm towards Charlotte signalling he wasn't interested in a coffee but gave her an affirmative nod with a slight smile for the good job she was doing.

Shuffling about Dorian removed two elegant wine glasses from somewhere hidden beneath the bar.
Then with a polite bow he greets Cash. "It's on the house my friend." He says ensuring the others heard him before hastily making his way back to his office, glasses in hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by timelord1101
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timelord1101 It's good to be back.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@IcePezz Alex took the coffee in both hands and brought the cup to her lips. She took a small sip of the dark liquid. She smiled as it slid down her throat.

"You're a goddess!" she called out to Charlotte.

@Billsomething "Oh no, I've got my own thanks."

@Dark Light Startled by Dorians sudden appearance, Alex jumped a bit almost spilling her coffee. "I'll keep it in mind, boss."

Alex sat sipping on her coffee and waiting for nothing in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thrasher18


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Would it be alright if I took the role of a comedian struggling to make ends meet but gets close with all of the members of the tavern?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@timelord1101"Oy I'm right here lassie, I was just looking for sumthing te stand on." The top of the dwarfs head can be seen moving to the middle of the bar, a quiet thump is heard. Snarf climbs up the crate he was carrying to look out across the inn only one patron so no need to yell or toss drinks, a bit boring but nice. "So what was that about someone else's drinks being better then mine lassie?"
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