Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Origin

From One came the Cast Off and the Seven
From the Seven came the World

The tale of this world is a long one, one that is rapidly coming to its end. Much of its history has been lost, forgotten and in many cases destroyed. Much is only known in broad strokes, exact names and details forgotten. It is a world watched by Seven Divines.

Long ago, thousands of years, the continent of Jasi rose in power and splendor. Its influence stretched out to rapidly encompass the rest of the world, made up of the larger continent to the north, Vei, and the even larger continent to the west and northwest, Aatroia. The continent of Jasi was much more advanced and powerful than the rest of the world, and with these advantages the Emperor of Jasi was able to keep a solid grip on his rule. The only way his rule would end would be a falling apart on the inside. The sons and daughters of the Emperor stood against him, and together slew him, and split the world among themselves. Though some of these lines died out or just disappeared, some royal families are still believed to be descended from these Jasian sons and daughters.

For a long time, the world continued on in a relatively normal manner. Kingdoms rose and fell, power shifted hands, and people grew and died out. However, one hundred years ago, Aatroia erupted into sudden turmoil that went quiet. The instigators of this chaos became known as the God Kings. Any previous rulers were found and slaughtered by their forces, and the God Kings were the ones who claimed power. Their power was beyond that of any mortal, and though some appeared human some clearly weren't, anymore at least. With their power they could "Remake" an individual, shattering their soul and piecing it back together into one that completely worships the God King or Queen. This was how they gained such power and followers, and brought the previously established kingdoms to their end.

While the God Kings gained power and made new kingdoms in the west, to the East the continent of Vei was split, for the most part, between three nations: Barcea to the southeast, H'kela to the southwest, and Gurata to the north. Barcea, a green land with plains and hills with mountains to the east, was ruled by the Serio family for generations. H'kela, a desert land with ancient crumbling structures, often changed leadership due to the political struggle for power. Gurata, a cold, rocky land, was split between the various tribes that roamed the land. During this time the struggle between Barcea and H'kela began, rooted within religious reasons.

The God Kings kept their rule completely up until fifteen years ago. Finally, a full-fledged Rebellion began to form, large enough to not immediately be destroyed or "Remade", and continue to go. To the east, the then ruler of Barcea, Olain Serio, put his struggle with H'kela on hold to head West as well, to fight and perhaps gain land and resources. It was a struggle, and though the Rebellion gained momentum it seemed that one day they would eventually lose... Until, suddenly, individuals began who could not be "Remade" began to appear. This group of people became known as the Gifted, and helped lead the Rebellion to victory. Those God Kings who were not killed were banished or fled preemptively to parts unknown. The forces of Barcea were defeated, Olain Serio terribly wounded, and returned back East. New kingdoms and governments began to rise, led by the people, and many of the Gifted elected to take rewards in the form of positions, land, or power, while some went back to their former lives, and even more just simply disappeared.

As this redevelopment happened in the West, things began to change to the East. Olain Serio eventually died of his wounds that he earned in the West, and his oldest daughter became the new Queen. To the surprise of many, including those that would manipulate her, she began immediate reforms, ending conflict with H'kela entirely and bettering the lives of the people to the best that they had ever known. Along with herself, her younger brother and sister became symbols of this rebirth and bettering of the land.

In the present, Barcea is still a nation of peace, though H'kela's aggression continues to grow and grow.

It is five years before the end of the world.

My Goals and Vision for this Roleplay

This is a story about the end of a world. Depressing enough, but at the same time it can be considered one last series of great struggles before the end. The roleplay will go through the final stories before the end of the world, and the actions of those who had the greatest impact. I have the overarching story in mind, but things can easily change due to the actions of those within. I also don't want the roleplay to be completely dominated by my story. I would love for there to be events and even arcs centered on what you, the players, come to me with. When it comes to the "realism" of the roleplay, I see it as being mixed. By that I mean I don't want it to be too over the top, but things like fighting and the like can be more... stylistic, rather than steeped in pure realism. However, as the roleplay continues, then all sorts of new abilities and powers will be found, so the combat will grow in terms of... "ridiculousness."

Also, I'm open to all sorts of ideas. Different races, smaller nations, types of magic, everything. I'm even willing to extend the list of characters like the Gifted if you give me a really good idea and impress me with it. In terms of organization, I see this as going sort of like a D&D game almost, where (for the most part) the various players come together and work together to achieve a goal, while I provide many of the obstacles and villains, but also some guidance and help. However, again, I'm more than willing to listen to ideas, and if you want to come up with some villains or antagonists I can get behind that too, so long as the proper planning is done.

Hey everyone, I'm finally done being formal! So, putting everything into a shellnut, it's been awhile since I've made my own group roleplay, and even longer since I've been active on this site. In fact, I had stopped being active before the Great Collapse, but because of recent events I feel it's a decent time to come back. Anyway, I hope this idea is interesting, and will encourage people to be creative and have a good time. While the main genre is fantasy, there are elements of other genres like action, drama, mystery, and even some sci-fi(ish, it's still fairly magical based) and horror. This is just the interest check, and I have tons of more information that will be included in the actual roleplay. Despite the amount of information I give, I don't want people to either feel daunted or like they have to go above and beyond with length. I just want people to work together, plan, and have a good time writing to their characters' eventual deaths.

Also, coding certainly isn't my forte, so I hope this doesn't look too weird or boring because of that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sumi desu
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sumi desu

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Announcing my interest as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 5 days ago

1 post in 615 days?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Like I said, I had stopped being active since before the Collapse. When the switch happened, I made an account to save my username, but never really looked at the site again until now. Shameless, I know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As a heads up, I've been working on coding and the like for everything, getting the entire roleplay ready to present. I should have it up this weekend, and maybe all of the information will draw more people. I felt like putting up all of the specifics and description might be too much and too cluttered just for a starting interest check, but we'll see what happens soon enough. Also, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask because I do have a lot of information ready and available!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So counting the people who have privately told me they're interested, and are in fact coming to the site to join it, we've got five people willing to join, six including myself. Because of that, I'll be working on getting everything up today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm interested...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@shinigami94 Make that seven!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Darklight Project
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The Darklight Project Them Done Horrid Murder on Bloody Stages

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

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