Name: Grace Rivers
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Grace stands about four feet five inches in her socks; she usually walks around on tiptoe to compensate, at least to some degree, for her lack of height.
Talent: She has the most aptitude at Futuresight; the ability to see the possible threads of what the future might be. She also has some aptitude for telepathy and empathy, hearing other peopleβs thoughts and feeling their emotions.
Backstory: To be revealed. I don't really want to type it out.
Magic Color and Meaning: Her magic is a shade of very dark purple. This color is considered mysterious and usually relates to the psychic powers, which is what Grace is best at.
Primary Source of Magic: Her magic is in the form of threads of power, kind of like veins, that run through her body; they follow the same network as her nervous system, since to access her magic she needs to reach inside and feel and think what she has to do.
Other: Is very sensitive about her lack of height. Actually, is very sensitive to criticism in general. Will add more as I think of it.