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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Aron woke in the middle of the night. He was undisturbed and silent. There was no recollection of a dream for him to ponder upon. He stared into the darkness, and eased back into his sleep;

Dark, ominous clouds filled the night sky; Rich blues overlaid on a moonlit abyss. A dark tower raised of stone before it, with a wooden peak. The tower was hailed with spirit fires that could not be seen. At it's based, the most lush grass, emerald green in a storm setting.

Warm light crept and washed into the visage, revealing a great Hall. Laughter and conversation could be heard over the pleasant melodies of the prosperous setting. A green wreath of leaves, needles and herbs encompassed the image. Maidens in white skirts and children playing at their games brought one attention away from the firelight's unifying aura - Fading away;

An old parchment covered the scene. Upon it was a cabin, and decorative labels and headings, before it became lifelike - revealing a stormy night. There was no rain or wind, but it could still be felt. The tall grass was bent to the gale, in a still image of incredible hues of vibrant green.

The Cabin, appeared to have light in the windows, but if observed closer they were dark and empty. The image lingered before it was taken away,

to where a man was found riding on a mount down a road. He rushed passed people walking on the road: a small caravan of men, women and carts: And an urge to speak to them overcame the man. He spoke in an authoritive, Guard of the Union tone.

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

The people stared without reply ~ His horse began to pull away, turning in retreat. He was in dismay that he could not bring an answer from them, nor understand why he was so stern. He had no control of his horse, as though he was rearing into a vortex.

When suddenly Aron awoke again.

"I will not give up again."

He was wrapped in his comforter, alone. The voice sounded as though it was in his ear. He stared into the darkness remembering his dream. Seacrhing for the meaning of the words, the exciting colours and sounds blinded his discursion. He hugged his blanket a little tighter, and closed his eyes. Trying to delve back into his dream. He had been asleep only a few moments; it was still night.

The voice had not beckoned him from his bed. He cringed in pathetic plight. He was unsure of the dream,a nd guilt prevented him from seeking it further.


The prosperous land of Calanda was above all reproach. The people were happy and kind, well educated, rich and Noble. Their streets were lined with planters and barrels of wheat, vegetables, water and ore. Fabric tapestries and banners hung from banisters, across streets, on flag poles and as sunshades for balconies and porches. The royal army had soldiers stationed at every district of the city; noble honor guards for show and assistance.

Children ran the town with paper works, toy swords and assortments of dexterile training, songs and animals. The women were seen endlessly organizing their affairs in the streets, interrupted by children and flattery. The men, coming from and going to work, supplied the streets with dispatches and hearsay, which quickly became news and gossip.

Life in Calanda was simple. It was the worlds largest nation, though its culture was the least confounding. Of all the worlds pronounced nationalities, Calanda had the least apartment buildings, so their people adventured abundantly and focussed less on science.

" Though and Although, mean the same thing and can be used the same way. BUT if you use them both in the same sentence. Although cannot be used second." The teacher explained to the students.

Some scowled, others gawked in humorous expectations, and other openly laughed. The teacher winced, bowing his head in confusion.

" You Just Used them both in the Same Sentence. And you used Although after Though!" a girl squeaked in hysteria.

Geramy laughed ~ He indeed, had. He looked up from his notes and caught someone in the corner of his eyes. Aron was leaning against the door to the class room. Thirty kids and five or so students were learning English grammar. They smiled at eachother.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Diao
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Diao She was once ruled by demons...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A gentle rasp came from black heels walking along the marble floor of the hallways in the school. Large white pillars brased either side of the walkways as the path seemed to stretch forever. Storm hued pupils searched over the paperwork that she'd been instructed to deliver to the offices. According to her information, she should have nearly been to the main rooms.

Glancing up to catch a glimpse of her reflection in one of the mirrored trophy cabinets, Danii paused. Her had grown to nearly her lower back and had darkened over the last couple of years. What used to be a brilliant, vibrant red was shaded and hooded into subdued tones. It nearly looked pinkish purple in the light she was currently standing in! A gentle hand lifted to touch the side of her face. She had yet to meet anyone with skin as pale as her own. Her skin looked more ivory than white, with only soft hints of pink in her cheeks.

With a deep inhale, she turned and continued walking, the raven blue dress she was wearing hung close to her form, swaying slightly with each step. At the bottom, it bellowed in several layers of what could only be described as some kind of strange silk. It almost looked as thin as web, though it was not transparent enough to see through. On her right shoulder bore the marking of her Elder's Clouds, the symbol of the institute from which she'd been raised.

As she made her way down the hallway to her right, her eyes lit upon a door with someone standing in it. She wasn't quiet sure if she should interupt but the man seemed to be at ease so she strolled over, quietly clearing her throat before speaking in a soft voice.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you.. I was wondering if perhaps you could instruct me with directions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Aron spun on his heal ~ The look on Germamy's face was unrevealing ~ his crossed arms seemed to tie him up as he came across a young woman. His foot held and with a stern stop he faced the girl. His arms were still tucked in his armpits, but with such a distraction he hadn't found a place to move them.

He: wiped them on his chest twice; looked up over her head, down into her waist then with raised eyebrows right into her alarmingly beautiful eyes. His face shone with unprecedented elation as he leaned forward like a chicken to look her in the face and respond.

"Uh, ah. Yeah. Yeah, I can help you." He straightened out and, checked his shoulder. before hoping he could actually give the direction she asked for.

German may or may not have saved him some embarrassment. He had asked the children to excuse him briefly.

"Can I help you?" German asked. He didn't need to evaluate if Aron had addressed the situation ~ It was a pleasure to simply stand in her presence; she appeared to be his own age and wasn't Calandrian. Her hair betrayed a North eastern origin - Rich and wealthy lands of orient wonders. National colours of purple and green lit his minds eye gazing into the fiery corona to peer into her complexion. He himself had dark, almost black hair untypical of Calanda.

Aron however, still standing with his elbows out and hands on his chest, allowed them to drop and crossed his arms again. He was still elated to be standing next to her.

"Where are you trying to get?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diao
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Diao She was once ruled by demons...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Danii rose a brow delicately at Aron, her eyes shifted a bit to take in his appearance. Her eyes settled on his strange blue eyes for a moment, simply staring at him. She opened her mouth to speak as Geramy came over to speak.

Taking a moment to obsorb Geramy's dark hair and appearance, she glanced between the two. What kind of school had she walked into? Danii felt suddenly nervous being in their presence. Not being one to let her emotions show she gave them both a brilliant smile, hiding her insecurities deep beneath her expression and out of sight beneath a slight blush.

"Oh, thank you. I seem to be a slight bit lost.. I'm to report to the main offices to turn in this documentation..." She paused, glancing down the hallway with a hopeless look. "..I can't seem to find the way. I'm not from around here, so this entire campus is very unfamiliar to me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Aron let out a brief puff of exasperation, looking to German. "I can bring you there myself. But it's not far away. -"

German pursed his lips with a smile, nodded his head and turned back to the classroom. He had more to say than he let off, and only hoped this wasn't going to be his only opportunity to introduce himself to the girl.

"- If you follow the hall to the end, take a right, go to the end and lake a left, leave through that lobby. Then, just cross the court to the building on the far left not the far side. Most people just - just walk around. ... "

Aron began to feel as though he might have gone a little overboard. He had to run his hand through his hair to calm himself. His hair appeared gold the way it caught the light although it was distinctly a light brown.

Raising his right hand also he pointed in the right direction. "You want me to show you?"

He felt shy and short for words. Usually he engaged the woman he wanted to meander about with. Fortunately,
he didn't have any class until focused-training after school hours; He had only arrived to catch German at the end of his lesson.

German gave a curt nod and wave, before looking down at his papers, thereby giving Aron the right-to-go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diao
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Diao She was once ruled by demons...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Danii watched German's response to Aron curiously. Of the two, she somehow got the sense that he was the 'leader' or the head of their little group. She watched him go back to the classroom quietly before turning her attention to Aron directly.

End of hall, right.. left.. Across the room? Then to the left again? Danii frowned slightly, trying to keep up with the strange directions. When asked if she would just like to follow him, her expression lit back up.

"I don't want to inconvenience you but if you could lead the way then of course it would be much more preferred than trying to remember all the left and rights on the way." She took a moment to glance back to the classroom.

"You're sure that your friend won't mind my taking you away for a bit?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Aron tried to not noticeably straighten up. His pointer finger had retracted during the girl's response, leaving his hand held ready to burst open with accord.
"That'd be great. German's got'ta tie some knots before class ends."
Aron felt childish again standing next to her, [He was giddy ~ and currently kept as well as a senior teen.]
Clad in metal plates that covered his toes, his leather shoes, felt somewhat small; as though he was out-suited. His knee pads were drooped about his shins; allowing his flowing, ivory cover-pants to drop near full suspension - leaving a 6" gap of visible stockings. A few small satchels were cluttered with things he wanted to dig through to show her, as though his life story was held within their contents... they were filled with inconsequential materials.

He stepped with his right, forward almost out of sight of the door, spun 180 to look left and peek past the door into the room, and back to his right where the young lady appeared prepared to follow suit. His arms quaint but open;

"Shall we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Aron lead the young miss along the hallway, past numerous occupied and many empty rooms. He spent unwarranted breath on cultural facts about the schools recent student history, but she received it with an air of timid and well mannered respect.

He pushed open a large door that lead from the rather lavishly sculpted hallways into a Very spacious Lobby. Plants were established in all suitable locations, and banners hung from what would be called, "wasted space". The room had a theme of red and yellow, but the dark, rich decorative blues of ornaments and the green plants simply made the room appear dark even with regard for the large windows which made up the better part of the exterior wall, {bellow and above the second story balcony}.

"If you may~" Aron requested, dipping his head without averting his eyes. He followed her into the room. What awkward first introductory steps that had to be made were gone and done with. He held himself with over confidence and proudly stalked up beside her (it would be crushing for his over-confident ego for her to turn on him before he got beside her to relaxed into an appropriate composure.).

He waited for her to respond. The Offices were not far away once one were to step outside into the incredible, and professionally cultivated Garden of a games Court. It was however connected to the main school yet - yet not so simply an explanation was accompanied with those various directions.

Eyebrows lifted, he took in a full breath of her cheeks, and the contour of her face, while he thought to himself briefly: that his shirts were certainly clean - in all their layers-, his odder was un-concerning, his hair, must have been flawlessly windswept, rain washed and sun dried, and well ~ His eyes peered deep into her soul, precariously unfixed on her own mystical accent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diao
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Diao She was once ruled by demons...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Danii nodded at the simple explanation that Aron's friend had other things to do. Besides, it was none of her business right? She gave Aron her full attention, her expression lighting up with a brilliant smile. "I do appreciate your assistance, sir. I'm sure you're saving me a great deal of time and effort becoming lost in these halls."

Taking in more of the detail of his outfits, Danii found herself wondering if all the layers he wore were of personal choice, or if they were part of some kind of citizen type structure here. She glanced down at her own web-woven gown and smiled a bit. Her clothes were of the top quality from her compound. The elders had favored her for her dedication through the years.

She nodded to his suggestion that they head off and folded her arms quietly in front of her, the paperwork she held tucked neatly between her hands. Her eyes strayed from pillar to post, taking in the details of the school as they walked.

Aron's facts and history lesson on the great halls did not fall on deaf ears, Danii watched him intently, absorbing all of the information she could. As they walked through the large door leading to a spacious lobby, Danii stopped with a light gasp of awe.

"Oh my.." She breathed, breathless at the incredible colors and bold statements of the furnishing around her. Though the room had a red and yellow theme, so many colors and shapes stood out to her. They made a powerful staple to the history Aron had just been telling her about....

"Why, this place is absolutely beautiful.. You get to come here for your teachings all the time? Amazing!" She walked into the room several steps before pausing quietly as she gave a slow circular swirl to take in the massive room before facing him, standing still.

Danii tilted her head slightly as her storm grey eyes focused on Aron's, her expression soft and welcoming as she took a deep inner breath unable to resist the smile on her face. "I hope that once my transfer is complete here, I'll be able to see you and your friend more. T'would be nice to have some friends in such a new place..."

Watching him as he came over to her, she managed to notice that he was observing her features more than what he had before. A slight blush came to her cheeks as she bit her lip glancing away from his stare. "I'm sorry, I'm sure that come across as horribly direct didn't it.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

(thanks for continuing to elaborate on the hall. I didn't because the first time you did I thought you had done such a great job setting a tone. I wanted to go on that, so I didn't comment much.)

"Nah. Don't worry. I'm just a little bit lost. I've been so busy lately that I haven't met any knew girls in a while. Something about you just smashed me." With round cheeks and tight lips he smiled at her. "I'm over it."

Aron had been busy; with school and work and training and even an intrusive recreational life.

He paused for a minute soaking in the idea that the girl had already welcomed him into her inner circle. He took that as a queue to appreciate the things she had been herself, and really took the opportunity to look in amazement at the well orientated lobby. It had hosted many historical events and people in times of their ascension to renown.

He snapped back into it, "Well. Maybe I should let you get going. I'm sure what you have with you is quite important. Classes will be ending shortly." He began to make a retreat while rambling ~

He was ready to let her say her farewell when he jumped all over her, "Hey,

Me and German - my friend
[ The instructor* ] - , have a class after school. Just outside campus. Ask anyone where the Academy is. You'll find it." (it is an arena combat center*.)

he gave her his ear, as he made his progress for the door ~ With a skip;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diao
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Diao She was once ruled by demons...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Beaming as brightly as she could to Aron, she nodded. "Of course, I'll see you there as soon as I'm able to complete my tasks." She waved lightly as he made his way through the door.

Turning on her heel, Danii made her way through the opposite doors to the primary office. Inside, a woman sat behind a marble counter that doubled as her desk, looking at Danii as if she'd just disturbed something vital.

The woman sat tall and proud behind her stone wall full of folders and papers. A notepad and pen sat before her as she gave a long pause looking from top to bottom of Danii's clothes, her keen eyes taking in everything.

With a bit of a narrowed gaze she raised one dainty brow to the girl. "I see you are clearly not from these parts, Miss." She paused looking at the paperwork in her hands. "Transfer notices? How interesting..."

The woman stood and walked around the side of her desk, gathering several forms, a folder, and a packet of stapled papers as she made her way over to where Danii stood quietly.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm to report in for new classes right away."

"But of course you are... " The woman's eyes stopped on the half-exposed tattoo across Danii's shoulder. "But you're not from just any where are you.."

Stiffening slightly, Danii shook her head. The woman sighed and handed the papers to her, taking the forms that had already been filled out. "I've dealt with ...students.. from your region before. I expect no trouble from you. Understood? Fill these forms out and have them returned to me by the end of the week. Not a day later."

"Understood, ma'am.. Before I go, could you point me to a class being held on the edge of the campus? I was told an interest there would be good for me."

The woman nodded, handed Danii a campus map and sent her on the way.
Frowning a bit once outside, Danii took a deep breath and began walking towards the outside of campus... That woman had something against her, for whatever reason, and she'd be more than happy to put some distance between them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Although the Academy of Contests was the smallest collegiate structure on Campus (of the 4), it was striking.

It had a domed roof that was topped with an ornate peak. And Columns and Pillars circled all the way around the structure on each of the three levels. The wings were capped with small cabinets, high up on the third stories, to serve as posts for watch guards.

It was perhaps the only structure in town, to have no decorative Banners and Tapestries layered over the structures exterior as decoration. Any and all Flags were standard issue for professional reasons.

Still, the Academy has a yellow aura. It seemed to be glow with advancement.

Around the structure, the trees were well maintained. Where as throughout the campus, where the trees were rather dispersed and permitted to grow naturally, these ones were orderly, abundant and pruned. They concealed the on-goings of many students that were congregated in units practicing unified motions. The grass was clearly cut with blades. and many of the grounds ornaments (tables and chairs) were evidently used as weights and obstacles.

Aron was rolling in, beside German, with his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Nah nah nah. She'll be here." He had been talking with his head up, almost lost in the tree tops. He was bloating with conceit, but he allowed it to fall as cantor when he looked German in the face, "Did you notice something?" They had been discussing the class primarily until just shortly.

"Yeah yeah. She had Diamond Eyes." German replied. He was taken aback by it so much, that he furrowed his brow in contemplation, but without coming to any ends. He wanted to express his inner thoughts, but didn't want to boost Aron's ego ~!# Aron was often humble when he wasn't elevated to a position of authority. He couldn't allow it to escape his thoughts since she walked away from his class,

He'd only every met 5 people with blue eyes now - Which is not high or low ~ but striking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diao
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Diao She was once ruled by demons...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It didn't seem to take very long for the tension to roll off Danii as she had left the offices. Whoever that woman inside was, clearly the woman had a strong dislike to her.. Perhaps it was because she was different?

The wind blew against Danii's frame, whipping the long webbed dress around her limbs. Her hair fanned out around behind her back and neck as the breeze brushed through each strand as, her storm colored eyes moving across the rich green grass to notice the building she'd been directed to.

The first thing to catch her eye was the beautiful dome that reached high into a ornate peak. Frozen by the structure's appearance she smiled brightly, her eyes moving slowly from one great column to the next. Standing far enough back, Danii could see how each of the structure's wings sat high on what looked like the second or third story of the building. She wondered why they were so high up...

Walking forward, she took a moment to glance at the Academy's flags. Each one looked so strong and proud. Clearly, the people who went here were proud of their heritage. Looking to the tattoo on her shoulder, her chest swelled with pride. She knew how much it meant to be honored by your heritage.

Walking quietly for a few moments she took a deep breath and relaxed, the shadows of the trees dancing across her face and clothes made her feel back at home. She'd walked across the large lawn, passing a few people here and there that stared at her oddly. Most likely her clothes, or perhaps her appearance.. She wasn't sure.

Danii made her way to the building, pushing through the large door on the first floor, peaking inside quietly. Was she supposed to knock? What if she was interrupting a class? A soft sigh escaped her lungs as she stepped through. Too late either way, the damage was done. She'd come inside.

"Hello? My apologies if I'm disturbing you in any way.. I suppose I should have knocked first, if that were more appropriate.." Her eyes trailed around the room looking for Aron or German.. This was after all where he'd told her to meet them.

Her heels clicked along the marble floors as she walked. Bold yellows flowed around her in accent colors of subdued hues and strong, superior yellows took dominance. It was clear that this structure had been built by the strong to represent those who became stronger.

Danii turned around a corner and paused looking ahead. She'd managed to come up behind Aron and his friend German. She paused, crossing her arms in front of her in a semi-relaxed manner. "Why, hello again." She gave them both a brilliant smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The room was set up like a small auditorium - a lecture hall. The stage was an outlined arena. It was a rather small room, however balconies still over-looked the stage.

It was a study hall as much as it was an entertainment venue. And a rather large number of students, participants and enthusiasts as well as meanders had filled almost half the seats between the door to the room and the arena. {the balconies, and other placements for hosting crowds remained sparsely occupied.}

Djord however was running through the motions with his comrades and support.

His brawny composure was refined - it complimented his form. He was average height, no more or less [in the Calanda region].

He bounced a bit with agitation. His bare, thick shoulders and muscular arms lead down his banded arms to armoured cuffs and arm bands, and thick brawling mitts. His hair was cut short, except for a ponytail which was ornately braided and tied out of sight and thought. His loose blouse was folded and strapped to fit, beneath a likewise fitted vest. His standard issue NationalService leggings reinforced the over all air of grit.

Aron was standing arms folded in the corridor for maybe a moment now, as he and German talked with a few of the other students. None the less, it still must have made him appear over-conceited. German's arms were at his sides with self assurance, but the other's had been laughing at Aron's assertions that he was expecting a certain someone.
"Djorald." he had been saying, "If you can step in that ring with anyone for a significant amount of time. I'll pay your way through Middle-school."
He said so with a welcoming grin, full aware Djorald couldn't 'Even hope' to accomplish the prerequisite Aron had put before him. He was a scholar and a theorist. He simply took part as an enthusiast of sport to see and study the climb and fall of Calanda's greats.

German's lip pouted (in humble-remorse of surprising his genuine reactions.). Arons's eyes popped, and his neck snapped. His friends heads peaking around each other as though looking out from behind a door.

He tried to point to her with his folded arms, turned to German out of confirmation before addressing the other boys, "Thi-
Aron replied to welcome their guest; ~ undoing himself, "Glad you made it here. I wasn't sure if you were sticking around."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diao
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Diao She was once ruled by demons...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Danii paused looking to Aron's friends standing out from behind him before she walked over to where they had been standing. She smiled to each of them before looking at Aron directly.

"What? Of course, I did tell you that I'd meet up with you and your friend once my errand was complete in the office.." She motioned to the papers she had been instructed to get completed. ".. I'm actually going to be around quite a bit. I've been transferred here."

She glanced over to German and smiled gently, bowing her head lightly to him. "Hello again. I hope that I'm not interupting... whatever this is.."

Her eyes strayed, looking around the area curiously. Everything had such vibrant colors here. It was very different than what she had been used to growing up so far from there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Creapers int eh dust,
I wanna see creeapers int eh dust."

The words resounded a second time.

"Ohgh, There's the sounds of the time. Wanna go watch the boxing show.*" After this, is round up, and after that is just free time. everyone wins out in the end. "

The guys were all getting excited, in a mess words had few grammar rules to accommodate.

The show had started up. Aron was still watching with a high brow to see if Danii was as interested as he had hoped she might be.

He gestured with a curtsy to the Match chamber. It wasn't particularly busy today, but the few who had gathered were rallying for morale.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
Avatar of ArcaneUnit


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm sorry the plot developed too slowly for you. I wanted to get to know you enough that I actually valued the life of your character and was not just attached to her through an obligation.
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