Hello When I saw the Multiverse hook I couldn't resist
So here's an adorable little Lady who loves a good fight almost as much as she loves a Buffet
Name: Lina Inverse/The Pink/Dramata/Dragon spooker/Bandit Killer/Scares the dragon from its nest/Enemy of all who live Age: 18 Species: Human sorceress Gender: Female Abilities: Lina is foremost a Sorceress of frightening power
Shamanistic Astral:
- Blast Ash: The caster makes a black void appear in a certain area, and anything alive or possessing an astral body is turned into ash. Inanimate objects such as the ground, buildings and equipment are not affected; the spell has an effect of a relatively large area, making this one of the few black magic spells which can be used in cramped alleys and town squares.
- Elmekia Lance: The weakest of the spells which solely affect astral targets; the lance of light created by this spell can knock an opponent out on a direct hit, but does not deliver serious astral damage, although the target's mental strength (and so his ability to concentrate on spells) might be weakened for a while.
- Elmekia Flame: (Japanese: 烈閃咆エルメキア・フレイム, Kanji translation: Violent Flash Roar, Romaji: erumekia fureimu) is an offensive spell belonging to astral shamanistic magic. Its possible connections to the Elmekian Empire are unknown. This spell is a significantly more powerful version of the Elmekia Lance, even the incantations are similar. However, this spell manifests itself as a pillar of light which engulfs the target, meaning that targeting the spell is easier. The astral damage caused by this spell is big enough for a human's mental component to be torn asunder.
- Shadow Snap: The spell is usually cast on a small object, which then can be thrown at the opponent's shadow. If the object lands on it, it causes the shadow to be frozen in place, preventing its owner from moving. The target can still breathe, speak (and therefore cast spells), but is otherwise held completely rigid and motionless. Despite this, the spell cannot be used to stop a person from falling because it only affects the astral plane and not the physical world.
Shamanistic Air:
- Bomb Di Wind: A shamanic air spell. Creates a powerful gust of wind via compressing air in an area and releasing it at high speeds. Can be used for several purposes, from uprooting trees to leveling a medium-sized building to making sailboats move.
- Ray Wing: a shamanic air spell. Creates a vortex of air around the caster, which can be used for flight. It can be also used as a means of shielding the caster from physical attacks, and can be even used to breath underwater.
Shamanistic Fire:
- Blast Bomb: A high-level shamanic fire spell. The spell is considered to be one of Lina's most powerful spells(aside from the Dragu Slave, the Laguna Blade and the Giga Slave). Creates a battery of fist-sized flare orbs which explodes upon impact. There are different ways to cast this spell; while it's raw damage exceeds that of the Dragu Slave it is limited to the material plane. In addition, like the Dragu Slave, it requires a lot of magic/mana from the caster.
- Burst Flare: (Japanese: 裂火球バースト・フレア , Kanji translation: Rend Fire Ball, Romaji: bāsuto furea) is the strongest fire shamanistic spell castable by a human without amplifying her bucket capacity. A ball of light appears in the targeted area, and in the next instant the ball bursts, raising a tongue of blue-white flame. The flames can melt even a golem made of metal with ease. Against a human, not even the bones will remain. This spell can have a very large blast radius, unless the caster explicitly focuses on keeping its destructive power in check. Burst Flare can be used to counter its ice counterpart, Vice Freeze; if the two spells collide, they vanish with a loud explosion, leaving thick fog behind.
- Fireball: A simple shamanic fire spell that just deals material plane damage, Lina has modified this spell to be able to detonate at her will.
- Flare Arrow: A simple shamanic fire spell which creates a fiery arrow of flame. Usually Lina creates more than one Flare Arrow on each occasion, and has been shown to create flare arrows from a different direction, as opposed to from her hand/finger.
- Flare Lance: A relatively high-level shamanic fire spell. Creates a pillar/spear/lance of flame which is then thrown at the target. It is apparently more powerful than the standard fireball spell, and has a wider area of effect.
- Vice Flare: (Japanese: 炎裂砲ヴァイス・フレア , Kanji translation: Flame Rend Cannon, Romaji: vaisu furea) is an offensive spell belonging to fire shamanistic magic. The spell is a stronger version of Val Flare; the Flare Arrow-like projectile deals considerably more damage on a larger area. Vice Flare should never be cast indoors; if used irresponsibly, the spell can seriously damage the caster as well.
Shamanistic Earth:
- Dill Brand/Dill Brando: A shamanic earth spell which sends objects and the like flying upwards at high speeds, with the caster as the center of the spell. The shockwave itself isn't lethal, although landing on a bad spot can render people unconscious.
- Mega Brand/Mega Brando: A shamanic earth spell which is identical to Dill Brand/Dill Brando, but with increased area of effect.
- Vu Vreimer/Vu Vraimer: A shamanic earth spell. Creates a golem which can be commanded to fight for the caster. Since this is a basic summoning spell, the golem has limited intelligence, and can only be told to do simple commands.
Shamanistic Water:
- Demona Crystal: (Japanese: 霊氷陣デモナ・クリスタル , Kanji translation: Spirit Ice Ranks, Romaji: demona kurisutaru) The spell causes thick, cold fog to appear from the ground, and suddenly freeze anything within. Since the fog comes out of the ground, only battle-scarred veteran adventurers can dodge this spell.
- Vice Freeze: (Japanese: 氷魔轟ヴァイス・フリーズ , Kanji translation: Ice Demon Roar, Romaji: vaisu furīzu) is an offensive spell belonging to water shamanistic magic. It is the strongest known water spell a human can use without artificially enlarging their bucket capacity. The spell is the ice counterpart of Burst Flare. It causes a ball of ice to appear in the target area, which, upon bursting, covers its surroundings in ice. It can also be used to counter Burst Flare; if the two spells collide, they vanish with a loud explosion, leaving thick fog behind.
White Magic:
- Lighting (Japanese: 明り, Kanji translation: Light, Romaji: raitingu): The spell creates a ball of light which is about as bright as a street lamp. Normally the duration of this spell is 2-3 hours, but by shortening the duration the spell can be made brighter. A blinding flash of light, for example, can be made by decreasing the duration to a split-second.
- Recovery (Japanese: 治癒, Kanji translation: Be at peace Healing, Romaji: rikabarī): The spell actually does not heal the target directly, but rather hastens his or her natural healing rate, which makes wounds close and disappear in a matter of minutes or seconds, depending on the seriousness of the injury. However, such a process is exhausting for the human body, and therefore casting Recovery on someone who is already weak because of injury or illness will do more harm than good; the recipient may very well die. Furthermore, the spell also affects any bacteria or viruses inside the target's body, so casting it on a diseased person may actually worsen the disease.
Black Magic:
- Assher Dis: This single-target spell is designed to attack undead. Most undead creatures such as vampires will disintegrate on contact, leaving only a small quantity of black dust behind.
- Dragon Slave/Dragu Slave/Drag Slave: A spell that takes the power of the resident demon lord Ruby Eye Shabranigdu, the spell takes the form of a red blast with destruction capability of Citybuster+, this spell affects both the material plane and the astral plane, which means the damage it does to the material plane it also does to a spiritual level, capable of damaging noncorporeal creatures and souls (The strongest version of the spell can destroy a mountain and further boosted with the demon blood talismans).
- Garv Flare/Gaav Flare: The caster releases a beam of red flame, which has a limited homing ability. While it is a single target spell, Garv Flare is powerful enough to pierce through most opponents and damage anyone who might be standing behind it.
Chaos Magic:
- Ragna Blade/Laguna Blade: Calls forth the power of the Lord of Nightmares in the shape of a sword (varies greatly in the novels, the length its about a long sword), this sword can cut material things and those in other dimensions, so far it has cut Mazoku Lords and even the weapons of light. Also called Laguna Blade.
- Giga Slave: The Giga Slave may very well be the most powerful spell of all time, the perfect version's power annihilating anything unfortunate enough to be in its way. Even the imperfect version of the spell was able to destroy a piece of Ruby Eye Shabranigdu. Casting the spell is very dangerous, however, should the caster fail to cast it properly or lose control of it, the spell would destroy the entire universe.
but she does have a few other Skills : She is a competent swordsman She has an enormous endurance level Standard Equipment: A sword, demon Blood Talismans (these talismans channel the power of 4 universal destroyer dark lords and can be used to cast more spells, boost a spell's power or allow the user to have a better degree of control over a spell), a black dragon beard headband that protect against mental attacks Intelligence: A high level of intelligence for human standards, good understanding of magic and combat tactics and strategy, very hard to trick (unless you're using treasure and food)
@Punished Homura I have a few, one of which is an OC. I hope this profile of my OC will be alright. If any problems, which I feel may be, I'll try to fix it up.
Name: Gojira-San (Colored by me; original drawing is not mine)
Age: 60 Years; Appears 26
Species: Human-Kaiju Hybrid
Gender: Female
Abilities: Like her kaiju doppelganger; Gojira-san has very similar powers to him:
Super-Strength: Gojira-san is strong... REALLY strong. She can lift heavy objects up to 10x her body weight and cause the ground to shake with one strong stomp. Her punches, if at maximum strength, can push a man back several feet. Her tail can also deal some serious damage.
Aquatic Abilities: Gojira-San is an excellent swimmer, being able to swim at a maximum of 15 knots (17 miles) per hour, and can stay submerged for 20 minutes at a time.
Atomic-Breathe: Gojira-san's signature move, she can fire a ray of blue radioactive plasma, which can melt away steel walls if concentrated for around 10 seconds. If her power begins to overflow, or if a sudden adrenaline rush hits her, she can unleash a more powerful red version called the Spiral Beam, which can deal 3x the damage of her regular one.
Nuclear Pulse: Gojira-san can unleash a shockwave of energy within a 5 foot radius to knock opponents back.
Enhanced Regeneration Abilities: Gojira-san has a slightly enhanced regeneration ability that can heal minor wounds in about 1 hour depending on the damage. If more severe, it can take several more hours to even a day for some for it to heal.
Universe of Origin: 1954b; An alternate universe where kaiju are signified as human hybrids.
Everyone so far is approved, and if I have any clarifications that I may want sorted out, I'll contact you guys over PMs. Make sure to check just in case I sent you one and want something cleared up.
Now let's not get too Hastey and disturb sis Besides I'm sure she's over the picture sell I mean what was I susposed to do; I needed money an dumb guys needed naked pictures of Luna
Name: Argon Charr Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/s11AzwA.jpg His armor is a green color with red pauldrons and trim. He has a squarish head with short brown hair and beard, his right side of his face is heavily scar with a cybernetic eye implant. Age: 31 Species: Human (Mandalorian) Gender: Male Abilities: -He wears traditional Mandalorian armor made from Mandalorian Iron (called beskar in the Mandalorian Language) which is noted for its high durability from blaster fire even being lightsaber resistant. The only downside is the weight as quite heavy
-The helmets almost always possessed a T-shaped visor and a sophisticated heads-up display (HUD).
-the armor can be sealed to protect the wearer from hostile environments and helmet was built with a built in filtration system.
- he has several weapons mounted on his armor these include a wrist mounted flamethrower, railgun, whipcord launcher, and rocket launcher built into his Z-6 jetpack.
- Other weapons he carry's are two DE-10 blaster pistol, an E-11s sniper rifle, combat knife, a short single edge sword about 3 feet long, and a Bes'bev was a traditional Mandalorian flute. Forged from beskar iron, a bes'bev was a combination of musical instrument and melee weapon. At one end, a bes'bev was cut to a sharp tip, similar to a quill stylus, and this bladed end made the instrument ideal for stabbing and drawing blood. He knows several traditional Mandalorian songs. He has also manage to recover the Darksaber from Deathwatch
- trained at a young age by his father his body as been honed into a killing machine overtime and has gain proficiency in unarmed and armed mando fighting style.
-he also have contacts with the hutt cartel allowing him to easily buy stuff of the multiverse's black market. Universe of Origin: Star wars