Name: Sylvia Hunter Taft Gender: Female Age: 22

Standing at 5'9", Sylvia's a bit taller than most women, but not outrageously so. She's of a normal build, weighing in at 130 pounds. Although pretty, living on nothing for years has taken its toll, and though she's getting better, her skin is slightly gray, her hair dull, and her face still bears some markers of too little sleep and too much worry.
She has a tattoo on the side of her left foot which she got at 18. It says Thomas - the name of her high school sweetheart. She tries not to display it, as things didn't exactly work out all that well.
Occupation: Before the mansion, a minimum-wage employee at Target.
Astrological sign: Libra
When did you arrive?: Sylvia arrived as number 7.
PersonalitySylvia Hunter Taft - average cheerleader type - pretty, popular, and a real people-pleaser. In many ways, Sylvia lives up to her sign - hopeless romantic, hates conflict, easily distracted... Where was I?
Sylvia, above all else, strives for pleasure, fun, and being on good terms with everyone. She's quick to fall in love, and tries her very best to make sure everyone around her is comfortable. This also means bad moods affect her easily, and concerns about others can sometimes outshadow her own. Due to her diplomatic nature, she's pretty easy to get along with, although she does have some subjects she is fiercely passionate about and will not back down from defending - beware the wrath of a gentle woman scorned, as the saying (almost) goes. Other than that, whatever she pleases at the time is likely what she'll be doing - she likes to indulge in good food, luxurious clothes and long, soapy warm baths.
History Sylvia's always gone about life with a pretty careless, day-to-day view, never looking more than a month into the future. When it came time to decide on college, Sylvia didn't really know what she wanted to do, but people... People were interesting, so she reluctantly settled on psychology, egged on by friends and family eager to see her set long-term goals for herself. Her expectations ended up not quite lining up with reality, and coupled with a new, exciting social scene and a partner, her grades took a nose-dive half way through the second semester, and by the time she tried turning it around, it was far too late. Now, she was out of school, out of a job, half a country away from home and weighed down by student loans and the odd debt here and there.
Faced with few options, Sylvia got a job as a barista - part time, minimum wage, crappy living conditions. She didn't quite tell her parents the whole truth, claiming to have dropped out intentionally to pursue art. Well, latte art. Shortly after her 20th birthday, Sylvia moved, fed up of it all. The move didn't come cheap, though, and her new location offered nothing but minimum wage either. Coupled with a broken leg a year in, a hefty hospital bill - Sylvia, of course, being uninsured - and missing time from work, she found herself helplessly stuck in debt, maxing out credit cards in desperation for a few months after the accident, interest compounding the issue and sending her spiraling into a black hole of loan payments and tiny paychecks.
As so, when another year had passed, she had made very, very little progress. Soon thereafter, Sylvia Taft disappeared, leaving behind a few distant friends, parents who knew nothing of her situation, a dead-end job and a towering pile of debt. This, of course, was nothing Sylvia was eager to return to, especially knowing it would only get worse with time unless she was declared dead... At which point, of course, she'd have to own up to both the debt, her parents, and all of her past mistakes. She quickly acclimatised to life inside the mansion, spending her days with the people, with music, and with art.
Miscellaneous: Sylvia managed to accomplish a few things in her life before the mansion. She sometimes painted, using boyfriends, lovers or somewhere-inbetweeners as her models. That was mostly before the debt, though, and she has shifted away from painting others to painting scenery and herself.
Relationships: TBA once there are more characters.