Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Following the breaking of the First Seal, and the saving of the soul of Dean Winchester from Hell, nightmarish creatures the world over have been working in unison to continue breaking seals; so that they may once again unleash Satan upon this world, and spark a War that will change humanity forever."

Roleplay - In Character - Information:

This Roleplay is to be set either just before or just after the resurrection of Dean Winchester, and the subsequent beginning of the Apocalypse. You will be playing a character that has been tasked by the Powers-That-Be to stop the breaking of the Seals; because it would simply be impossible for a handful of Angels and Team Free-Will to handle that shit on their own.

Although your characters truly believe that these orders have come from Heaven, this is not the case - as you know, many of the more powerful Angels are quite happy for Heaven and Hell to clash once and for all... even if it means the death of humanity in the process.

So, from a mysterious leader, you are among a group of hunters - not all of you human - to halt the rising of Lucifer, and to stop the apocalypse once and for all.

Out of Character Information:

Canon Storyline and characters:

Now, as the story demands it, our group of hunters and Team-Free Will won't be meeting; both are too busy stopping seals from being broken open. There may be a few crossovers, but again, they have their story, we have ours. So, no-one will be playing Sam or Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, or Castiel. These four will remain firmly as NPCs.

As for other canon characters, I will be a bit more lenient. Obviously, you won't be able to play anyone real big who comes after Season 4; Dick Roman or Abaddon? Nuh-uh. Sorry. Character's that are canonically dead (And that's DEAD-dead, not fickle-Supernatural-dead-for-like-three-episodes dead.) before Season 4 will not be brought back - HOWEVER as we are messing around with the storyline a little - and if it's popular enough to go onto further Seasons - we will be able to prevent deaths of certain characters. So, that one death you just never got over may be just prevented. :D

If you would like to be a sibling of a canon character, or some other relative, that's fine with me (TO AN EXTENT). Just be aware that you can't be a full-blooded Winchester. Mary kicked the bucket before she could have anymore after Sam, and if there were a middle child, they would have likely remained with the brothers.

Oh, and if you want to use a canon character solely as an NPC, that's gonna be fine too. Just be sure to capture their personality, okay? I don't want to see Crowley kissing babies and drinking a cheap vodka.


Alrighty, I'm going to be pretty lenient here. You can swear as much as you goddamn like - if you've watched the show, I'm (probably incorrectly, but eh) assuming that you're old enough to know some potty language. So, yeah... don't hold back.

UNLESS it's a racially offensive term... yeah, you know the ones I mean. Even if it matches your character, I'm not seeing that shit written up on my roleplay. I won't even give you a warning, you'll be gone.

SEX SCENES: FADE TO BLACK. PLEASE. WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT PENETRATION. Anything beyond heavy making out is just GoT territory, and even you are George R R Martin himself, I don't want to be reading about your nasty-ass acts of coitus!

Ah, now we get to the nitty gritty.
English! 'Tis a wonderful language. Kudos to those who have it as a second, third, etc, language! And it's even better when one writes in it correctly.
I want correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling at all times. I mean, yeah, people will make mistakes. Or, you'll be on your phone and make a couple of them there. OR, it's not your first language. Those are the only exceptions I will allow. Seriously guys. I want to be able to read your damn posts.

I'd like some decent writing in there too. Remember folks; quality does not mean quantity! I don't want to read a long-winded paragraph about going up the stairs, I mean, come on. Character development, and descriptions of the scene would be fantastic. As this is a High Casual roleplay, I should automatically expect this from you, just as you'd expect it from me - but I'd like to lay it down in the rules anyway.

On top, of this, there's the usual stuff. No God-Modding, no abuse in the OOC thread, and jeez, have fun.

ALERT! ALERT! I have not actually seen any episodes after the Season 8 Finale, so PLEASE if you are discussing anything beyond that, put it in a Spoilers! hider, or do it in PM! Thankyou very much! :D

Additional note: As this is being set just after September 18th (The date at which Dean Winchester is resurrected), it will be most likely span over 2008 to 2009! So don't be mentioning shit that hasn't happened yet; this includes the newest iPhone, other technologies, and current events.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Currently tossing the idea of a shapeshifter with a less than humble personality in my mind...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


My fault for not mentioning it before, but I'd prefer for you to put your finished CS' in the OC, and when I approve them, they can go in the CS tab.

First of all when I say sexuality, I mean what they prefer in their partners. Hetero, homo, pan, asexual, stuff like that.
Secondly, I'm going to need a whole load more of detail in your appearance.
Thirdly, you haven't exactly explained how the curse from Kali came about, or why it happened rather than she just killing him as she would with any other unimportant Hunter that came along.

"...rather than being a weapon developer/weapon's scientist/researcher for the U.S army..." : This sentence! Are these random examples, or was this his actual job? If so, he'd have to be pretty much a borderline genius to get a job like that at such a young age. You haven't elaborated on why he decided to do this job when his obvious choice was to be a Hunter. Hunter's don't have day jobs beyond working a bar or being a mechanic, really.

Also, why has this Asclepius God decided to help a random hunter?

I'll have to rule out invulnerability too. Immortality I can live with, but there's no-way a Demi-God would be harder to kill than a demon or an Angel. Enhanced strength and quicker reflexes, on top of the increased healing - but the healing is to a certain extent. Certain wounds will take longer to heal than others, just like with Angels.

That sounds great! I'm happy with a Shapeshifter - and let's be honest, Hunter's are never squeaky clean, regardless of what they are.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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My fault for not mentioning it before, but I'd prefer for you to put your finished CS' in the OC, and when I approve them, they can go in the CS tab.

First of all when I say sexuality, I mean what they prefer in their partners. Hetero, homo, pan, asexual, stuff like that.
Secondly, I'm going to need a whole load more of detail in your appearance.
Thirdly, you haven't exactly explained how the curse from Kali came about, or why it happened rather than she just killing him as she would with any other unimportant Hunter that came along.

"...rather than being a weapon developer/weapon's scientist/researcher for the U.S army..." : This sentence! Are these random examples, or was this his actual job? If so, he'd have to be pretty much a borderline genius to get a job like that at such a young age. You haven't elaborated on why he decided to do this job when his obvious choice was to be a Hunter. Hunter's don't have day jobs beyond working a bar or being a mechanic, really.

Also, why has this Asclepius God decided to help a random hunter?

I'll have to rule out invulnerability too. Immortality I can live with, but there's no-way a Demi-God would be harder to kill than a demon or an Angel. Enhanced strength and quicker reflexes, on top of the increased healing - but the healing is to a certain extent. Certain wounds will take longer to heal than others, just like with Angels.

That sounds great! I'm happy with a Shapeshifter - and let's be honest, Hunter's are never squeaky clean, regardless of what they are.

Okay. Not total invulnerability. Just high durability, does that make sense? I will edit it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Vicky
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Angel Vicky As sweet as Angel Cake

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Incoming Angel tomorrow after work. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


My fault for not mentioning it before, but I'd prefer for you to put your finished CS' in the OC, and when I approve them, they can go in the CS tab.

First of all when I say sexuality, I mean what they prefer in their partners. Hetero, homo, pan, asexual, stuff like that.
Secondly, I'm going to need a whole load more of detail in your appearance.
Thirdly, you haven't exactly explained how the curse from Kali came about, or why it happened rather than she just killing him as she would with any other unimportant Hunter that came along.

"...rather than being a weapon developer/weapon's scientist/researcher for the U.S army..." : This sentence! Are these random examples, or was this his actual job? If so, he'd have to be pretty much a borderline genius to get a job like that at such a young age. You haven't elaborated on why he decided to do this job when his obvious choice was to be a Hunter. Hunter's don't have day jobs beyond working a bar or being a mechanic, really.

Also, why has this Asclepius God decided to help a random hunter?

I'll have to rule out invulnerability too. Immortality I can live with, but there's no-way a Demi-God would be harder to kill than a demon or an Angel. Enhanced strength and quicker reflexes, on top of the increased healing - but the healing is to a certain extent. Certain wounds will take longer to heal than others, just like with Angels.

That sounds great! I'm happy with a Shapeshifter - and let's be honest, Hunter's are never squeaky clean, regardless of what they are.

I see. . . I edited it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Full Name: Walter Ron Miller

Age: 30 years old

Species: Human/Demi-god ((Has Asclepius'es blood))

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: His eyes are green, and his hair is blonde/brown, tanned, hawk nosed, with a side scratch on the right side of his face

Personality: Walter Ron Miller is a man with experience for his age. He has been a hunter since he was eighteen years old. He has read many books on the targets he hunts and is serious, and very career oriented. He can pretend to be very laid back and casual but he is more of a formal kind of man. With friends he can be very silly and hilarious at times but it's hard for him to lay back and do nothing. He is educated and philosophically inclined, and even ingenious, as he was almost hired as a weapon's science researcher/inventor for the American military.

Backstory: Walter's parents, Ken and Martha raised him until he was eighteen. His grandfather was a Hunter and his Father was also a Hunter. His mother, ironically, was also a Hunter, both parents taught their son how to fight very well, all about monsters and such creatures, before they gave him the choice to fight them and hunt them down. Originally, Walter was "just" a vampire hunter, but his stalking of evil monsters gave rise to allies of his enemies, such as witches, Pagan gods and Kitsune's, even demons aren't above his pay grade now. What convinced Walter to fight, rather than being a weapon developer/weapon's scientist/researcher for the U.S army was the brutal murder of his parents, sister Daria and his brother marcus, an entire family of skilled and notable Hunters. Walter has a list of so many enemies of who could be behind the slaughter that he has had no idea of where to start. So he decided to take down as many enemies as he could, and who wants to spend time as a genius working in a military installation when you could be out there killing vampires, werewolves and demons? Plus, revenge for your family's murder is satisfactory.

One of the Pagan gods, Asclepius was suicidal but could not die. Eventually Asclepius discovered an alchemical elixer that could be made, through sacrificing his own life. . . Consuming enough of a combination of potions and elixers together could allow him to bleed himself to death. Asclepius helped Walter by removing the curse of Kali, who had taken some of his blood, and in so doing, sacrificed himself by creating the potion and having his servants inject the entire "donation", therefore effectively making Walter immortal, and possessive of healing powers.


Walter possesses healing powers, immortality and ni-invulnerability. He can still be killed, but it takes extreme power to do so. A White/Black light would take at least two blasts instead of one to kill him, for example.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MsMellow

MsMellow Aim2MsBehave

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Can I possibly be Bela Lugosi, since we never actually saw her death? Or perhaps a character along the same lines?

I admit, trying to find a story in which Bela could still possibly be alive is pretty intimidating, but it could be possible she is now a demon or had some hidden item to protect her? I'm just tossing around ideas. I am really interested in this RP so I am willing to negotiate what type of character to be, haha.

Though- I have just finished watching the finale to season 5! So, I am rather behind compared to most of you probably. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Well, considering how pretty much impossible it is to stop a Hellhound, I don't know. Even if you kill one, a friend swiftly appears to drag your butt to hell.

Her coming back as a demon would be likely, but at that point she'd be a pretty low-down one in the ranks, which means following orders. As I recall, Bela isn't too good at that sort of thing. XD

However, a character similar to Bela, would be amazing! It'll be nice to have a fully human hunter, should you choose it. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Small question - how active do you expect us to be?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Well, one post a week should be fine, as long as it's fairly substantial. I understand people have jobs and shit IRL, and that always takes precedent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

That should do :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


That's better, but you still haven't done all of the things I've asked you to change or add. If you're still in the process of editing, kindly disregard this comment. :) Don't feel rushed or anything bud, I'd rather have some good quality stuff than something done in a rush.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MsMellow

MsMellow Aim2MsBehave

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Awesome! I would love to play a similar character to Bela..a thief of relics (semi-reformed) turned hunter maybe? (they all have a reason to become hunters..I'm sure I can think of a compelling one.) I'll post a character sheet for approval tonight!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I look forward to it!
Oh, for future reference as to what kind of hours I'll be online, I'm on GMT timezone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Vicky
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Angel Vicky As sweet as Angel Cake

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Can you just confirm what is happening with Raphael at this stage - is he pre-going against heaven? Needed for my Angel CS. Ta.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Angel Vicky

Oh, God no. He'd love a good ol' apocalypse - and was quite happy killing anyone who got in the way of that; including angels. So he would not be happy with our work.
The way I'm having it is that Heaven does actually know about the whole stopping-the-seals thing, but in order to keep their naive underlings (Such as Castiel) obeying their orders, they're pretending to support our actions: much like they did with the Winchesters.
However, they don't know who or what brought this second group together. And after a few successes on our part, they'll begin to get rather impatient with us.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MsMellow

MsMellow Aim2MsBehave

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here is my application :P

Mia Ildosi: Relic and Ancient Artifact thief, has a vast network of hunters among other things at her disposal. She is starting to lean toward feeling more compassionate about the fight for the seals, however, and re-thinking her position as possibly less neutral.





Appearance: 5' 11, Curly brown hair with subtle natural highlights that is shaved on both sides, mostly worn down but in the occasional mow-hawk if she ever has down time, which doesn't happen often. She is a little thicker than an average girl, voluptuous one might say. She has gold-brown eyes with a green rim around the iris. She is medium complection, being half spanish.

Personality: Sarcastic, and a bit of a lone wolf who has a problem working with others unless there's an angle involved in which she profits from. Despite her cold exterior, Mia is a compassionate soul, but she has seen enough to try and hide that from the world. Her wall is practically impenetrable.

Backstory: She grew up in a Foster family who was very wealthy, and home life wasn't exactly picture perfect. She rebelled against the world after her foster mother died and her father disappeared. After going through her fathers things, she realized that he was into some very intriguing and mysterious businesses. She collected all of the relevant information to make herself proficient at spotting monsters and any way to profit that she could from Holy or Demonic relics. Establishing contacts first from her father and then learning how to turn on the charm to collect more investors and information from the people she met. She became quite the con-artist and makes a pretty comfortable living while knowing enough tricks to keep herself out of harms way.

Extra: Her alias and car change as fast as her hair does(and mostly, she's in wigs). Her preferred weapon is a pistol, though she is also proficient in throwing knives and decent in martial arts.
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