Hi I got an Rp Idea
I was thinking of an rp that takes place in a world with about current era. Save for some advanced robotic implants to help save lives, or enhance soldiers. Because in this world god like beings exist, and with them so too do elves, demons, lycanthropes, warlocks, and witches. Magic permeates this world ever since the cataclysm three hundred years ago when portals to another dimension opened up. Filling it with these magical beings and their gods. Since then the natural inhabitants of the planet have attempted to live side by side with these other worlders. But, with all things there was an unnatural tension a rift formed between the other worlders and naturals. They began to fight one another of course the naturals came at a great disadvantage because they weren't as strong. Which meant like with every war science rapidly advanced all in order to combat the new threat. Now equipped with robotic enhancements the natural became a formidable opponent especially once scientists discovered metals that could absorb and harness the otherworlders magic to use against them. As a twisted joke they named these metals after mythological metals: Mithril, Adamantium, and Orichalcum. Now the wars and battles became bloodier than ever before both sides taking heavy casualties. It wasn't until fifty years ago when both sides leaders met, and agreed to a ceasefire. Neither wanting to watch their comrades continue to drop like flies. However, hate never truly goes away especially at least not easily anyways. Thus their cold war began both sides waiting for the other to make a big enough mistake to start the war all over again.
Our story would take place in a small agency that deal with small crimes that have to deal with naturals, and other worlders. This agency is the governments pet project that puts both factions together. To see if it is possible to finally start working together on important matters.
I am open to all sorts of comments, and ideas this is a rough plot I know.... Sorry if I'm not that great.