Nations Name: The Councilate of Arbasses

Form of Government: Republic
Describe the System: The Arbasses Council is the ruling institution for the land and it an odd mix of Oligarchic and democratic elements. The Council features a number of hereditary seats; twenty are given to the major families that led the revolution against the last tyrant Jurgen, five are given to the army and navy of the kingdom for their officers to allocate. A further fifteen seats are given to city officials and a final sixty seats are allocated to a democratic election; with people voting for regional representation every four years in order to create what comprises the majority of the council.
Candidates are paid for their services to the republic and vote for a Councillor to lead the government itself; therein all allocation votes count as double whereas democratic carry a singular weight. From there the Councillor will select various councilmen to form his government and ministers. Due to the nature of the elections; a number of faction exist within the senate which propose various policies and stances on certain issues, as such vying for control and influence in the council.
Location on Map Desired: Grey

Capital: Stendmark – black star-blob thing
Home to one of the largest ports in the land, Stendmark is a trader’s dream port of call. It had a large sea wall built outside which turns this natural port into a mammoth centre for commerce, industry and warships. This city has grown wealthy of the incessant trade taking place in the land; port fees are kept low to entice ships, bureaucratic tolls and non-existent, significant tax breaks are available to merchants both domestic and foreign and there is always a generous selection of berths available. It is a home of culture and civilisation, here the emigrants of just about every kingdom come seeking the opportunity to better their lot in life.
The port is built in a natural bay cut into the land, with cliffs rising off to the western side where the Council chambers and the wealthies members of the city live closest to the cliff edge. The streets wind down towards the port; generally the closer to the centre of the port or main road the wealthier the family. Those living near the docks on the eastern edge are generally the poorer members with the majority of the western wing is used for the military docks and sailor’s barracks.
The entire city is ringed by a huge wall, modern in design and sturdy in construction, it has constantly been maintained and adapted to advances in technology in order to keep it a bastion against the outside wall. The port itself is defended by the naval forces nearby, from coastal guns placed within the city and by defences placed on the sea wall itself. Finally a number of coastal defence stations are dotted along the coastline near the city; they are fitted with large coastal guns, smaller landside guns, a small garrison and are enclosed by walls.
Important Settlements:
Lindisfarne (lavender blob)
A city built on the southern plains of the nation, it is built on the southern crossroad where all the external roads come to meet before branching out into the other cities. It is a common waypoint for merchants; offering homely accommodation, the security of a walled town and a small military encampment located nearby. It keeps a constant vigilance of the southern border, sending patrols to keep the bandits off the merchant roads in order to keep their reputation for a safe land intact.
The Korpsburg (brown)
An intimidating Gothic fortress, this monstrosity built on the top of a large hill was the former capital of the King before his deposition. In the days of the republic it has been converted into the major military base where the bulk of the soldiers of the Abbassian Army are housed and keeps a watchful eye on the heavily forested lands of the western lands. It features a large central keep ringed by increasing circles of wall rings with an abundance of towers and gun emplacements all built from a dank, grey stone. Whilst physically intimidating many of the outer walls have been neglected in the wake of its departure from being the capital and lacks the garrison to feasibly defend many of the outer walls.
Havensport (marroon)
Built in order to be a competiting port to Stendmark , it never really stood a chance at replacing it with the ambitious founders having been bankrupted by their endeavours. Nowadays it houses much of the Abbassian fishing fleet and it’s once proud docks have been converted to support the many fishing wharfs and the industry of the city.
Formerly a kingdom known for its brutal kings and violent dictators it threw the shackles of its corrupt kings and was reborn as a republic with a large focus on trade. The xenophobic, nationalist policies of the past were replaced by liberalist policies of free trade and self-empowerment. The ruling class changed from noble to merchant; albeit many of the noble class used their existing fortune to become merchants themselves however many more lost their significant sums with poor merchants. Whilst nationalist and monarchic factions still exist in the land, the golden age being experienced and the increase in living standards are more than enough to silence any widespread disturbance.
The population consists of a large number of immigrants, almost overwhelming the number of native Abbassians who grew to trust and co-operate with their foreign neighbours in order to survive and thrive. Diplomacy replaced military force; trade replaced war albeit that is not to suggest they remain incapable of defending themselves. Where a trade ‘war’ may fail to dissuade the invaders would find themselves facing an arduous task to take the cities of the land.
The average city features is enclosed with a healthy abundance of towers dotting the lengths of stone and a number of star forts in critical defensive positions along the many roads provide support to the cities in times of war. They are dotted with an abundance of inns and taverns providing accommodation and entertainment to the many wagon trains that pass through the land. They are generally built on the major road junctions in order to maximise the thoroughfare through the city. The people are composed of a large mixture of immigrants of every domination with a slight advantage to the number of native Abbassians. The populace are generally pretty healthy and happy but a large amount of wealth segregation does tend to exist in the cities; the wealthier live to the main roads and the centre whilst the poorer extend outwards to the walls.
Important Characters:
Councillor de Happself
Councilmen Artanus, Curan, von Schleck, Koneg
General de Vries
Admiral van Wulfstan
Small Army +2 (4)
Never Been Out of The Village +1 (5)
Ambitious Generals +1(6)
Ships of the Line -2 (4)
New Age Ship Construction 0 (3)
Trading Hub -3(1)
Free Market-1(0)
500 Veterans
25,000 Regulars
20,000 Recruits
5 Ships of Line
4 Frigates
5 Schooners
10 Sloops
3 Brigs
49,000,000,000 ($)
Stability: Unstable