This story is set in the middle of the summer, and in a very peculiar universe. The same technological advancements and events have taken place. However, a strange condition has occurred that has given people God-like powers that defy the laws of science itself. Granted by a mysterious green energy that resides inside of them. These people have been around for two centuries, until they came out of the shadows nearly fifty years ago. Since then, they've became a growing part of society. Strictly regulated by the NEST organization, most of these enhanced humans are no different from the average human. They wear no capes, no cowls, they are average citizens that simply want to live their lives. They go to school, they get jobs, they have fun. And they are everywhere.
This story in particular is set in a sunny Californian city called Verthaven... The Sunny city of dreams and heroes. They couldn't be anymore wrong. Called a mixture of New York, Miami, San Francisco, and Venice, this watery city is paradise to some people, the perfect summer vacation spot. They rarely note the rampant crime and sinister organizations working in the background. Now is the time where they put their plans in motion, and like dominoes, the city will be brought to its knees. This story centers around the trials and tribulations of the Metahumans of Verthaven. Their choices and involvement in what will change the city.
You can be one of these characters with superpowers. Of any background, and ability. Remember, power corrupts, but only if you let it. It is entirely up to you what you'll use your supernatural power for. Robbing banks, gaining strength, or helping the world for the better.
Choose your battles carefully, and your allies with even more care. Since all actions have consequences... Can you be sure who will follow you?
This story in particular is set in a sunny Californian city called Verthaven... The Sunny city of dreams and heroes. They couldn't be anymore wrong. Called a mixture of New York, Miami, San Francisco, and Venice, this watery city is paradise to some people, the perfect summer vacation spot. They rarely note the rampant crime and sinister organizations working in the background. Now is the time where they put their plans in motion, and like dominoes, the city will be brought to its knees. This story centers around the trials and tribulations of the Metahumans of Verthaven. Their choices and involvement in what will change the city.
You can be one of these characters with superpowers. Of any background, and ability. Remember, power corrupts, but only if you let it. It is entirely up to you what you'll use your supernatural power for. Robbing banks, gaining strength, or helping the world for the better.
Choose your battles carefully, and your allies with even more care. Since all actions have consequences... Can you be sure who will follow you?
Hello, I have already started the Roleplay, but I'm in the scope to recruit a few new members due to a few dropouts. Nothing relevant has happened thus-far, and I could easily fill new people in on the story. So, if you're interested, have a look at the OOC.