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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Great, I love her! If you'd like to touch up the formatting, you can move her on over to the CS tab. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Still a work in progress, and obviously will be updated, but I decided I might as well put what I have in case I'm going a wrong direction.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


I like what I see so far! As we all know, SPN is notorious for its sass and dry wit - so Jackson will be a welcome addition from what I can see. I can also see him either loving or loathing my character - when I get her CS finished, that is. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Vicky
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Angel Vicky As sweet as Angel Cake

Member Seen 5 mos ago

My CS, let me know if there's anything you need me to change.

Full Name: Variel
Age: Actual age over 2000; looks 22-25.
Species: Angel.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Appearance: Long wavy golden-brown hair to her waist. Height 5'3”, weight 130lbs, average muscle mass for a toned female of that height, not overly muscled. She has curvy hips, modest breast size. Blue eyes that seem to glow as bright as the stars. Very fair skin and a smooth complexion.

(this is not a faceclaim, it is only a concept to how she looks)

Personality: Kind and warm hearted but can be deadly serious in her resolve. She wields a righteous fury like no other common Angel. She is a sorrowful and lonely angel and wants nothing more than companionship. She is fiercely loyal and devoted to Heaven and her kin. She is protective of mortals as she is duty bound to Gabriel. Beautiful singing voice and a graceful demeanour. And she loves nothing more than to dance.

Backstory: Variel is a songstress and messenger in Heaven. Under Raphael's command, as 3rd tier defence rank. She is his best messenger and healer on the field and as such had earned her place as Raphael's Left Hand. Variel is widely admired amongst the Hierarchy for her beautiful voice.

Once Raphael was a kind and gentle Archangel, he was left inconsolable after his brother Gabriel left Heaven, but Variel provided him some small comfort as she was like a daughter to him. He had helped to create her in his image – a graceful, beautiful soul with the fiery heart of justice. Variel questioned everything, whereas most would just obey without thinking; she had a spirit that often caused her trouble.

Over time, Raphael became bitter and twisted towards God’s order of bowing down to mortals. Perhaps it was jealousy. Variel became increasingly concerned of Michael and Raphael’s growing wrath. Until Raphael finally let her into his plans – he wanted the Apocalypse to befall the Earth, he wanted to set Lucifer loose upon the world. And he wanted Variel to see it that the last seals were broken. Variel was so shocked by Heaven’s plan and refused to co-operate – Lucifer would kill them all, angels, mortals and archangels alike. How could Raphael condone such an act? She had no choice but to run away from Heaven to find Gabriel. He was the only one who could stop this madness now. And if no-one else would help the mortals, then she would. She had always been loyal to God’s word and so, as Gabriel did, extended her love to humanity. She has to stop the seals being broken by any means necessary…

Extra: Her powers: Healing, Telepathy, Can conjure her weapon out of thin air, Angel Wings for flight and the usual super-human strength, endurance and speed that Angels possess. She can keep up with demi-gods, vampires and demons but she is outmatched by an Arch Angel.

Her weapon is a holy sword called the Seven Blades of Heaven, passed down to her by Raphael to aid her difficult task. This sword transmutes into a bow for long range combat to fire holy arrows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Angel Vicky

I think she's fantastic! My only concern is the manner in which she was born. The angels are siblings - I'm not even sure they can mate with one another to produce a full-blooded Angel. The idea of her having a secret that only Raphael knows - and therefore protects - is fine with me, but as Angels are created by God and not born, I'll have to disagree on her parentage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Vicky
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Angel Vicky As sweet as Angel Cake

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I can remove that part altogether.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Angel Vicky

Excellent! In that case, you can move her on over to the CS tab. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Vicky
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Angel Vicky As sweet as Angel Cake

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Angel Vicky

Excellent! In that case, you can move her on over to the CS tab. :)

Will do ^_^

Yay for being bullied by @ArenaSnow! XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

I should have the CS done by monday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry again about the delay on my CS guys. I had some serious writer's block over the weekend. I'll get it done soon!

Additionally, you can have more than one character if you'd like to. Just as long as you give decent posts for both, 'kay?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry again about the delay on my CS guys. I had some serious writer's block over the weekend. I'll get it done soon!

Must be going around, hit me a bit as well... but I ended up getting it eventually.

Full Name: Jackson Marlow

Age: 86, looks as though in his 30's (presently, it changes...)

Species: Shapeshifter

Gender: He forgot. He's usually male.

Sexuality: Little care for species, usually goes with females unless necessity dictates otherwise. Helps that nobody knows his real age... (did I write it above? You don't see that.)

Appearance: (this will probably change over time. I'll try to update these things as the RP moves along, but if there's a change on the spot, it will be described IC)

Presently, Jackson has taken the appearance of a random person he saw at the other end of a bar in Alabama (he decided a change was in order). He's tall, almost 6 foot, at 180 lb, with a figure that indicates some, but not extensive workout. He's definately not fat, but he isn't a mass of muscle (he prefers to take that sort of form). He has short brown hair and matching brown eyes that could almost stare into your soul (I know it's Supernatural, but don't take this literally).

Personality: Cynical, smartass-y, and second-guessing of everything he hears. Paranoia is his middle name when he's high on coffee, but usually he's a casual (too casual sometimes) kind of guy. He doesn't reveal his nature and stays away from cameras, but in every other way he blends in and sometimes does it by being a royal pain. He's the kind of guy who asks why when someone gives orders, speaks when he finds something to be stupid, and would consider an angel an overstiff nuclear bore, while second guessing whatever he (she?... it?) says. Typically he is a little reckless and would be the only guy to really piss off the most powerful being in the room, but he's careful when he needs to be. He hates hunters and thinks they can go where the sun doesn't shine right along with demons. Otherwise he doesn't mind monsters and most humans. Basically, he is a bit of a contrast to his demon-hunting background.


Jackson Marlow was born in the dark forests of the western world (a relatively obscure part of southwest Canada). His family is unique in that it is not only a 5 generation line of shifters, it also has a few roots in hunting; odd indeed for a family of monsters. Given their irony, the older members of the family haven't done much in regards to hunting the "normal stuff" - so long as the monsters in question don't get in the way and aren't causing particular harm to people, they get off rather easily. It's ghosts and demons that they target.

As a result of a monster/hunter upbringing, Jackson is sort of the best of both worlds. He is most assuredly the kind of fellow a hunter would normally go after; and for that reason his family has few to no connections with other hunters. At the same time, he knows what takes out monsters, knows his capabilities and has a deep distaste for ghosts and demons, which are what his family hunts (demons particularly). He considers the average hunter to be a stuck up hypocrite with no life to speak of. He is again an enigma - he gets the job done when he goes after demons (in his lifetime, he has 12 chalked up), and is often busy and on the move, yet believes in living at the same time and being open minded about things. Why kill a nest of vampires if they aren't putting things out of balance?

Jackson's casual, but cautious (particularly whenever he gets a "gut feeling") nature and his ability to get along with monsters when it suits him are the keys to his survival - 86 years. Any regular hunter would count their blessings to have reached such an age, but not Jackson. He hates to associate himself with older (looking) folks, as it reminds him of how old he is. He tries to keep up with the times and act like he's under 40. That said, he has a few things to say about how the quality of certain things have declined over the years - don't get him started on appliances or cars. He seems to think both have declined over time. If he gets started on that conversation, just ask about his age.

-Expect a bit of hunter/shifter drama. After all, don't we need a little drama while the seals are being broken?
-Most weapons he is alright with. He'll flounder a bit with long things, but short ones he can use well (daggars, crowbars, whatever). Guns he isn't a great shot with... at all. A bow's arrow would go back into his face. What he is good at is dirty fighting and dealing with hunters, and a bit of knowledge on what makes a demon say "ow".
-He takes to mimicking people he doesn't like. That means in the course of the roleplay during non-mission times another roleplayer might se their own character walk in and act like an idiot, particularly hunters. Angels would probably get a comical and royally offensive mimic from him as well if he gets off to a bad start with them.
-As mentioned before, he's a bit paranoid. Sometimes that will conflict with the reckless part of his personallity. Paranoia typically wins.
-If you don't already suspect it, he is a bit of a comic relief character. Bit tired of playing the serious folks :) doing that already in another RP.
-If he can get his hands on silver, he wears gloves and smashes it as best as he can with a heavy blunt object as available. Could it be that he hates the stuff?
-If he is being hunted, and knows he can't simply shake his enemy off, he will avoid cameras at all times, and if he is identified he will give the appearance of a vampire. That bit probably won't (or shouldn't have to) come in handy this RP :)
-He would probably get along better with monsters better than anyone else in the group. In fact, he would probably get along better with a group of monsters :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Accepted! Looking forward to seeing him in play. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Full Name:
Rozalia “Roze” Singer


Human, with diluted Deity blood within her. Also, a Witch.



Roze stands at about 5’7, with a slim yet curvaceous build, and toned muscles. Her heart-shaped face is in no doubt an attractive one, with a dimpled smile that can range from mischievous to flirtatious in seconds; a small, button nose; and oval shaped eyes the deep colour of cerulean, framed with long black lashes, and natural dark brows above.
Atop her head sits an often wild mess of jet black curls; when tamed, usually reaching about her mid-back.
Prior to her death and resurrection, her skin was peppered with scars and bumps from altercations in her past. However, now that she’s been brought back to life by some mysterious benefactor, the only marks upon her skin is her anti-demon-possession tattoo, sitting just at the nape of her neck; and a handprint burned upon her right shoulder. Other than that, her skin is as smooth and clear as a baby’s butt.
Thanks Hell. You do wonders for a girl’s complexion.

On the surface, Roze appears to be a pretty easy-going friend. No matter the situation, she’s ready for a sassy quip or some kind of snarky joke – oh, and the puns. The puns are endless. As are the innuendos. Other than that, she’s both headstrong and brave, very willing to throw herself into the line of fire to protect those she cares about. Although sometimes clouded by her sarcasm, she has plenty of compassion and understanding; for those that don’t test her patience, that is.
When looking deeper, Roze is a severely troubled young woman. As one already knows, hunting is a stressful job. Top that with the fact that she was forced to witness (and partially cause) the death of her parents at a young age; and her recent stint in Hell following her own pretty horrific death – it’s a wonder Roze has retained her sanity in these troubled times.
Despite this, Roze is quite happy to cover it all up. Acting nonchalant about the situation is much easier than giving into her emotions – especially when it comes to her younger sister. Looking after her is far more important than her own safety – shit, that’s part of the reasons he went to Hell in the first place.
Because of this smothering of emotions and terrible experiences, Roze’s temper is certainly one to avoid. As her patience is tested she will happily resort to sarcastic insults – but when someone goes too far and makes her snap, she’ll quite happily beat the brains out of them.

Drives a 1969 Chevy Camaro, black.
In terms of weapons, Roze has a pretty well-rounded knowledge in all of them, from firearms to blades. As for personal preference, she prefers lighter handguns over the heavier stuff, and seriously loves working with blades. Long ones or short ones – if it’s sharp and pointy, she’ll like it and use it.
As for her powers, her magic is pretty diverse. A fluent speaker in most ancient languages, it won’t take her long to decode or translate a magic book in order to get a spell from it. Although she’s never gone as far as using black magic – where you use human sacrifices and whatnot – she’s still a pretty powerful witch.
Her natural power – control over Light – is something she prefers to avoid using. Because of the harsh and destructive nature, she never truly learned how to control it without it hurting her in turn. The few times she has used it has always resulted in haemorrhaging from the nose, ears and eyes, migraines, and depending on how much she has used, temporary blindness. Although she’s never gone far enough for it to happen, she’s fairly certain too much use would result in a comatose state, or even death.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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@BubbleGumKing@Dragon princess@Divine Darkness@Cassiopeia@ArenaSnow@Angel Vicky@MsMellow@ActRaiserTheReturned@Nightingale

Okay, so just letting you know I'm doing the first IC post real soon. I know not everyone in the mentions has posted a CS, or has just not completed theirs, but I've included you anyways in case you're still interested in joining.

The basis for the meeting of our characters is that we were all invited - or summoned - to some creepy abandoned warehouse. You can decide what exactly this invitation entailed of for your specific character, in order to actually make them want to go - for example, my character will have received a message containing *delicate* information only she was privy too. Naturally, that's too suspicious for any decent hunter worth her salt (HAH. GEDDIT? SALT! Because hunters use - .... I'll stop now.) to pass up.

So, I look forward to our meeting!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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@BubbleGumKing@Dragon princess@Divine Darkness@Cassiopeia@ArenaSnow@Angel Vicky@MsMellow@ActRaiserTheReturned@Nightingale

Okay, so just letting you know I'm doing the first IC post real soon. I know not everyone in the mentions has posted a CS, or has just not completed theirs, but I've included you anyways in case you're still interested in joining.

The basis for the meeting of our characters is that we were all invited - or summoned - to some creepy abandoned warehouse. You can decide what exactly this invitation entailed of for your specific character, in order to actually make them want to go - for example, my character will have received a message containing *delicate* information only she was privy too. Naturally, that's too suspicious for any decent hunter worth her salt (HAH. GEDDIT? SALT! Because hunters use - .... I'll stop now.) to pass up.

So, I look forward to our meeting!

Did I fix it now?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

On my to do list :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Sorry, no. There's still things to be changed in it. Take another look at my list of preferred changes or add-ons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MsMellow

MsMellow Aim2MsBehave

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I can't wait!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Vicky
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Angel Vicky As sweet as Angel Cake

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Whoo all systems go!! Wow did I really just say that like a nerd? XD
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