There he stood and remained among the shambles of Mechcity as if waiting for something or someone. Nesra was always one to leave out important details to Mirage even after destroying the city in search of something. Mirage was not quite sure what that something was but it had to be important for Nesra to go this far. Mirage stood there as he gazed at the purple card on the ground with it's strange symbol.

What did it symbolize? Only his leader Nesra knew the answer. Mirage looked around the wreckage of the city and now noticed a giant hole in the middle of it. That was odd indeed and from what Mirage was told before the mission it was clear there was something hidden under Mechcity, but what?
Clearing his thoughts he paced to see other players logging in and seeing the city before them in a way they would not have been used to, as if a virtual bomb hit the place right smack dab in the middle of the city.
"It's a shame but what I don't understand is what they wanted."
Mirage was only telling half the truth as he knew part of the plan was to find something under mechcity but Mirage did not know what it was they were looking for.

What did it symbolize? Only his leader Nesra knew the answer. Mirage looked around the wreckage of the city and now noticed a giant hole in the middle of it. That was odd indeed and from what Mirage was told before the mission it was clear there was something hidden under Mechcity, but what?
Clearing his thoughts he paced to see other players logging in and seeing the city before them in a way they would not have been used to, as if a virtual bomb hit the place right smack dab in the middle of the city.
"It's a shame but what I don't understand is what they wanted."
Mirage was only telling half the truth as he knew part of the plan was to find something under mechcity but Mirage did not know what it was they were looking for.