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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


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"So, my Lady," Blake said. "I am quite sorry for all the fuss. Perhaps I may have this first dance?"

He carefully laid out his hand for the girl to grab. He still did not know who she was. He had ideas of course, but her identity had remained hidden. If only he had gotten to know the others better, he could be able to tell. He sincerely hoped none of those fools got in his way this time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"I would be delighted if you were to sign my book for the first dance. Perhaps one other one?" Bessie asked as she held out her hand to him for the first dance.

The doors swung open to a grand ballroom and music started to play.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yes, that would great," Blake said. "My lady."

Blake signed the girl's book in two places and grabbed her hand for a dance. He had not been a good dancer, but he was the son of a King, and admittedly a decadent one. Of course he had learned to become a graceful dancer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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"Thank you for the dances. I wonder when we get to take of our masks and this thing in my mouth. It bothers me." Bessie spoke as she glided into the waltz.
"In fact, I wonder what kind of a dance he will dream up next. I am not sure that I like him."
Bessie wanted to speak with a certain male but she was not sure that this is the male she wanted to speak to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


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"Really? I am sure I do not like him," Blake said. "Please, why don't you try to tell me about yourself...At least as much as you can."

He kept up the dance. He was not really sure what he was to do now. He would get to know her, he suppose, but how do you acquaint yourself with someone you can't learn anything about?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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"Hmmm.... I enjoy things like embroidery and other crafts. I love animals. I read a lot. I love cooking for someone. I am not sure what else to say. I am the youngest child of a repairman and a waitress. I have three older brothers and three older sisters. In fact, I was a surprise to my parents since there was two years between the older ones and I came along seven years after them." Bessie spoke softly as she danced.
"You dance very well, sir."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


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"I try," Blake said. "I can't imagine having that many siblings. I feel as those if I were to have perhaps even just five, I would truly go insane, especially if they were brothers. Of course, I could never understand what it was like to live as you have, considering I was born rich."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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"Is being rich easy? I have always wanted to have enough money to be able to live as I want to. Like I had hand me downs all of my life and am happy to have brand new, my style clothes. I have my own apartment with nice things. The house where my parents live is run down. Things like that are what I wanted to change. To be able to stop at the movie house if I wanted to then get pizza afterwards.

That is enough about me. It is your turn to tell me about yourself." Bessie smiled up at Blake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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"What a bitch." Valask mumbles to himself after a lack of reply, and being totally ignored. His eyes glance over to Penelope and he gives her a nonchalant sly smile and a shrug.
With the book in his left hand he holds it up in display as flames leap from his gauntlet and the pages begin to crackle as they catch alight.
Once satisfied it was burning he drops it in a small bin and pours a drink over it.
'Highly dramatic as always'
He casually returns to the bar to his spot at the bar to continue drinking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


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"About myself?" Blake said. "Imagine a castle in which there are so many rooms that there is no real use for them, and they are used only for the rights to brag that you have that many rooms. There are two boys, one of them is me. When I see the other boy, I see so many things he has that I do not. I may buy things that are like them, but I am not satisfied. The itch cannot be scratched, the food lies eternally above my head. I do not see what he was so angry about, with so many things I can never have. There is my father and mother. Mother is but an extension of father. Father wanted an heir, and he got two. If only he wanted a child, he could feel. Instead he seemed dead inside, and only knew how to be miserable. In this castle of wealth, decadence makes the edges of everything moldy. We hated each other at home, we despised our very presence, so we got lost in other things. I don't know what normal people do with wealth, but people who inherit it only want more. At least I think that's right. That's the only thing I can think of to explain how horrible we are to each other."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"If that your parents wanted was an heir or two, they could have adopted them. When I have children someday, I want to hold them, play with them, take them places and show them things. I want to be a part of their lives. But I have a couple questions...." Bessie glances around quickly to see if that guy that stepped between her and the one she was with was around but he was on the other side of the room.
"I don't like that guy that stepped between us. And what was his comment
us demon born are too bound by the complexities of mortal emotions
all about? I don't exactly fear him but I am uneasy around him." Bessie shuddered as she spoke softly to her dance partner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Blake continued the dance with his masked partner, who he still did not know. She seemed to have a mature attitude, and yet at the same time she seemed sweet.

"I do not like him," Blake said. "Like he says, he is a miserable little devil. There's no need to fear him. He wears a jester's uniform, and it is all too fitting. But I would say to keep an eye on him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Aaron continues to dig into the food, pocketing a few non-perishables for later.
He looks around trying to find a distraction from his growing boredom. Noticing the hall doors open he excitedly grabs Penelope by the hands and drags her out onto the floor with a playful giggle.
What he lacked in skill, he made up for in enthusiasm. A wide playful smile sat on his lips and a deep gaze in his eyes. He would lead her around, offering a twirl here and there, occasionally stepping out and pulling her back in.

Valask on the other hand had found a nice large clearing of white table cloth, using a mixture of ashes from his book and tomato sauce he begun drawing up some unholy abyssal demonic symbols. Strategically placed had he his powers and used blood instead, his runes could call forth some vile and ferocious mindless beasts from the dark depths of the lower levels of hell.

He was quite contempt just to continue to drink and dream of chaos.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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Penelope stifled a laugh as a defeated Valask skulked back to the bar. That was the easiest bet she'd taken to date. He still had plenty of time but she was sure she could count on her free drink every other night. She'd totally brushed him off without a second thought and it probably wasn't a sentiment that would change. At least he was in disguise, she giggled again.

She turned back then, and spent a few moments shuffling around the fountain, nibbling on fruit bits until the doors to the hall open beside them. A merry tune played gently in the background and before she could comment Aaron had snagged her hands and was leading her towards the sound.

She hadn't been particularly looking foward to danceing, but Aaron held enough excitement for them both, and she couldn't help but catch his infectious enthusiasm. With a smile she swayed to his movements cheerfully following his lead. He wasn't a fantastic dancer but he hadn't stepped on her yet and that was enough.

With a laugh she leaned in and teased "and here I thought you had two left feet"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"I will keep an eye on him but I have to dance at least one dance with him. And I am not sure who is my second dance partner. I shall be glad when this dance is over. There is something a bit uneasy in the air and I don't like it at all...." Bessie spoke softly as she slowly closed her eyes for a moment.

Mictlantecuhtli did keep an eye and ear open, particularly on the males. It seems that one in particular was going to give him problems. He sauntered over to Valask and his mischief. On the way he picked up a glass of wine.

"Not a good way to describe a human female that you will be dating at least a week. In fact those two comments may have hurt your chances to be the first one to go back. I did hear that there is a substantial reward for the first one back to Hades. I won't stop your little prank but I will counteract it if you happen to go through with it....." Mictlantecuhtli spoke in a low voice to Valask then he turned away to glance around the room.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Neven released his dance partner and turned to face his next partner, #10. "Well then I believe the next dance is mine?" he asked with exquisite politeness as he half bowed and offered his hand to her. Exhausting really, being this polite, but if he pretended he was at a real court occasion it wasn't that bad. Perhaps if he simply pretended he was home it would make this bearable until he actually was. Though he did somewhat detest the thought of self delusion, nearly anything would be acceptable as long as it helped him get home faster. How was it determined when they got home again? Was it just as soon as they had a bride or some other absurd qualification? He would have to ask later. Neven glanced at Valask for a moment, "fool", is all he mutters under his breath before returning his attention back on his partner.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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With a smile and a laugh Penelope released Aaron and readied herself for the next dance.

Turning to Neven then she gave a smile and promptly set her hand in his, lowering herself ever so slightly into a half curtsy.

"That it is" she replies sweetly.
one down, one to go

For being held captive the night had been going fine, she had to admit. Her last dance had breezed by, even if clumsily, but she could survive another. What had really been weighing on her mind now was the announcement at the end of the night. What if she was paired with someone taking this seriously? What if they caught her trying to get out? A dejected sigh escaped her without permission. She'd have to wait and find out she supposed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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"Such a forlorn sigh is unseemly when matched with such beauty, please grace me with your troubles, if perchance I may relieve them." Neven asked gracefully moving his partner through the steps, giving her a pause between steps as he carefully lead her through them. It would reflect poorly on the both of them if any mistakes were made after all. The females were the lucky ones here after all, they had simply shown up for schooling and a fun time. He on the other hand was restricted here as forcefully as though bound with chains.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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"Well..it'll probably sound ridiculous but.." she started..then paused, carefully weighing her options. It was Neven afterall. He didn't seem like the type to care enough to mention it to anyone else, but she was still nervous of anyone else catching wind at her attempts to escape. She almost decided to to mention it, but it was clear she would need help one way or another, so this bet was as good as any. "Do you remember when the Overseer said we couldn't leave here unless we coupled up? she asked, easily following his movements without missing a beat. She took a deliberate half step closer to Neven then, closing the small space between the two as if the song had slowed to a more intimate pace. "I thought it was a joke..but it's true." she whispered softly. "I..I tried to leave from both the exits and the guards won't allow it." She stepped back from him then, allowing the proper spacing once more. "I don't know what to do.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Neven tilted his head curiously as her problem was slowly explained. He was about to nod his affirmation to her question when the music changed and she suddenly stepped closer to him. Blushing lightly Neven half missed a beat before quickly getting back in time. He listened to her as he tried to get the color of his face back under control, thankfully his mask concealed it for the most part. He had of course seen succubi before but due to his status they didn't try anything as they would be punished severely even if they succeeded. Neven thought over her statement as they returned to a more comfortable distance. "But, whyever would you want to leave?" Neven asked confused, sure he wanted to go home, but wasn't this ideal for the females? Were they not simply here to simper and learn things and look pretty?
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