I know how to get rid of him!
I know how to get rid of him!
<Snipped quote by TheUnknowable>
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
Lol, that's cute. Wanna try that on me, the living fire?
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
Your all washed up now fire man
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
Puny mortal - you really think the mighty god of the sea can be hurt by a little splash like that? Pfft!
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
Bitch please!
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
I got moves like Jagger
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
nope this
<Snipped quote by Vampy>
Dance Off !
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
challenge accepted
<Snipped quote by Vampy>
oh it's on like donkey kong
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
It's poke style
<Snipped quote by Vampy>
we do it Gangnam style
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
Rillacuma style
<Snipped quote by Vampy>
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
lets do the magarena ( or how you write it )
<Snipped quote by Vampy>
in the spirit of Halloween
<Snipped quote by Kel Kannan>
you got it