Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So are you here to hear another exciting story about the Time Travelling Triple TTT? No? Too bad I am telling you anyways!

So where was I? Oh yes, now I remember. It all started on the 5th of May 1621, Germany. Spring already folded it's beautiful butterfly wings, and the forsets in the Alpines came to life. Birds chattered around the forest and squirrels hopped from branch to branch to get their breakfats. It was early in the morning, and the sun shines upon the emerald blanket that seemed to cover the trees. It was a sight to behold after the cold and quite dead months of the winter. Finally life claimed it's place in the nature where it belongs, instead of shivering in caves and tunnels. Or sleeping. Because bears do that. Look if you expected something amazing you came to the wrong place. Now don't interrupt! Just let it sink in. Or whatever you do just stay quiet. So it was bears right? Yes, the mighty beasts of the forest, who now wandered around picking fresh berries and roots. But enought of this crap, no one cares about the forest. You all know what it's like. You are here for the real action!

So as I mentioned earlier the sun was shining and the forest was alive. It was a strange silence where all the voices formed a perfect harmony, that could be listened to forvever. However there was one noise that broke this silence. Footsteps. A man dressed in a big leather jacket, carrying an enormous axe. He was whistling a song that seemed awfully lot like the "Wednesday Special Performance" at the local tavern, the Red Wolf Inn. Anyways so as I was saying he was walking in the forest. Of course to cut wood. What question is that. He is a lumberjack. A big one of that. So he was walking down the forest when he spotted something: An enormous rock with an intersting shape. Curios he was to find out what it was, so he decided to Investigate. When he arrived he found a huge metal hatch on the side of the rock buried halfawy in the ground, grown over by moss. Without sufficent equipemnt, he noted the location and went back to cutting wood.

Later that night he entered the Inn, pulling a small wagon of wood behind him. He chatted friendly with the bartender and after an exchange of wood and coins he sat down at the counter. It didn't take long until many alcoholic beverages were drank and soon his mouth softened up. He started talknig about his find, but after every time he told it, new pieces were added. Soon it was a castle of great height and strenght, covered in golden moss, crystal doors and glasses all around. Townsfolk didn't give much for the word, but there were some fellows in the tavern who didn't question it. Some call them idiots, and troubleseekers, but I call them the Time Travelling Team, or the Triple TTT!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Though the sun had not yet touched the horizon, Tyrus was adhering staunchly to his 'happy hour somewhere' philosophy and was already several pints into schmoozing the barmaids, regaling them with tales taller than ancient redwoods. He spun stories of his adventures fighting Spanish bounty hunters in the Mediterranean, and British buccaneers in Barbados. The tales were wild and fierce and he told them with such conviction that even he might believe them, waving his arms in great sweeping strikes whilst perched on a table, fending off fictitious foes. All the while, through his drink and exuberance he was completely oblivious to the barmaids obviously feigned interest.
"And then, with the waves crashing over the bough as the ship went under, I grabbed a stray piece of rigging and swung back to the safety of my ship with the Spanish gold under my arm!" He leaped from the table, stumbling as he landed, the remainder of his pint splashing onto the floor, mush to the nearest barmaid's chagrin. He righted himself and grinned at the barmaid, giving a wide smile.
"Oop." He chuckled. "Sorry about that, lass. Looks like I'm going to need a fresh pint if it's not too much trouble." He held out his mug and a couple of coins to he barmaid. She gave a strained, tight lipped smile and nodded, leaving to get Tyrus' drink.
As he waited for the barmaid to return Tyrus scanned the room, his attention being quite easily drawn to the large man who had entered some time ago who was now spinning tales of his own. Tales that quickly caught his attention. The man spoke of a great castle where even the moss itself grew gold. A place like that would be a mighty place to loot indeed.
He put on his best smile, straightened his collar and medals and ran a hand through his chocolate locks as he approached the large man extending his hand.
"Excuse me, sir. I couldn't help but overhear the tales you're telling. My name is Tyrus Nobel. I'm a... self made explorer and collector and was wondering if you might be able to tell me more of this magnificent glass castle."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@6slyboy6@RhineQueen"And I'm pretty sure that everything you just said is a load of hogwash." A well dressed man who had been sitting close at the bar turns towards the two people close to him,"And I'm also fairly certain that your both drunker than an Irish dock worker after a long days work, so I will kindly ask you to please move your selfs else where while I enjoy my drink. Other than that I hope you both have a jolly good day." He turns away from the two with a bright smile on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tyrus' brow furrowed and he looked to the dapper man with an offended look.
"Excuse me?" He said. "You do me a great disservice, sir. I'm simply trying to seek information about something relevant to my interests, not bothering anyone. It would beseech you to not just sit around being aloof and dismissive. Did your mother not teach you manners?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So as the tension arise if I remember, a heated argument began. The other occupants looked shady at the two man for ruining their jolly time. The 2 strangers met with angered looks for their disgrace in the sentimantalism of drinking beer.
"Stop it you 2!" Said the lumberjack! With a booming voice he shouted over the conversation. "No need to be picky about what others say! I can tell my story with pleasure, but as a new face here, you better watch who you complain about. Now drink your beverage and either listen, shut up or get outta here!" With that the lumberjack began telling his story once more, adding even spicier details. What would have happened if a fight broke out ya ask? What a stupid question! Bah, just listen! The story is yet to unfold!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@6slyboy6@RhineQueen"Fine along as this, man keeps his manners in check." Tiberius turns towards the lumberjack,"Well sir why don't you continue your tale?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tyrus nodded and took a seat across from the lumberjack as the barmaid brought him his drink. "Yes yes. I'm sure we can all stay civil." He said, thanking the barmaid with a pat on the ass as she left. "If there's a story to be had, let's hear it, mate."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Theodore Toussaint had consumed a few drinks, while entertaining those around him, but he was not drunk yet. He was surrounded by a couple of other travelers, who were listening to his fanciful tales, which they could no bring himself to believe. A barmaid handed him another drink, and Theodore tried to have her stay as well. No matter how adamant he was, however, she would not stay for more than a few moments at a time. Theodore was aware that not all believed his story, but he had to tell his tales in order to spread the facts of his deeds. He thought himself the greatest explorer still alive, matched only by a handful of people in history.

"So have I told you," he began. "Of my great discoveries of still virgin lands? Did I tell you of my great discovery of a great wide and long land south of Cathay? It was I who discovered it, before any others! It was inhabited by dark-skinned savages who lived among the tropics of that place. Have I told you how I went to the top of world, past Svalbard, filled with white bears, where everything is frozen? And I went to Giapan, where I met the King of that land, and he gave me this sword, they called it a Katana, which I still use to this day."

"Impossible," said one of those who sat at the table. "You couldn't have done any of that."

"Oh, but how it is all so very true!" Theodore said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@6slyboy6 At a table that was a few feet away from all the commotion a well dressed gentleman known as Thomas T. Thorncraft was enjoying a Gin & Tonic, but said drink was currently being left to collect dust thanks to Thomas having his nose buried inside an ancient tomb which he had acquired in his last adventure in Africa. "those who reads this tome shall experiences the most inhuman of horrors" While such sentences might put those of a more sane mind on edge.

But Thomas is a cavalier who lacks a few screws, so he paid no mind to the warning and read onward. but stopped and closed the tome when the aforementioned commotion finally caught his attention so with a grin and no bit of hesitation. he placed the book into his shoulder bag and stood up then proceeded to walk over to the woodsman "A tale of Glass castles you say?" he said as he sat down with them

(Sorry if this is a bit lack luster this is the first time i have ever roleplayed as a gentlemen)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Indeed" Explained the lumberjack "I saw it with me eyes! Glass as string as stone that rose so high the trees seemed like ants. And there were golden wines hanging from it, thick as my hand! I tried to cut it with me axe but no luck. The fron gate was a large metal door full of carvings from ancient masters. I pushed but it wouldn't budge. Needs more than me self for sure!" The man looked away and gestured at the bartender. He nodded and brought another mug of ale. "So where was I again?"
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