Oath Freedom

Above is displayed the light of the Earth-sphere mobile suit defense force, The Oath FREEDOM(Fusion Reactor Empowered Engine Deployable Omni-purpose Mobile-suit). Built in conjunction with the Oath ANGEL(Attack Neuro-Genetic Espionage and Land mobile suit) in mind, it has survived hundreds of decisive battles within the Crossworld War due to its advances in mobile suit engineering, and exotic experimental technology, coupled with the combat experience and extensive training from its ace pilot, Kyrie Lennis.
Prior to this model, mobile suits were incredibly large and heavy beasts of machinery, forged of a titanium-ceramic alloy as they needed to be to facilitate their defenses, as well as the large thermonuclear reactor that provided their power. This however created large, slow, and power-inefficient machines. The answer to this was in a miraculousg alloy originating out of a far-off comet named Auricite for its strange interactions with light. This material was hyper durable(could only be mined and cut with particle beams) and lightweight, and even non-magnetic, which allowed for more compact, intricate mobile suit designs.
As mentioned above, the Freedom is made of a very light, very durable metal that interacts strangely with light. It is capable of both absorbing, and defracting it at variable ratios dependant upon the angle at which it is struck. Various transcievers linked to the PSI System allows for automatic control and gauging of the uses of light.
In terms of durability it is capable of surviving the harshest weather conditions, including extreme temperatures in either direction, and massive amount of pressure before giving in. That said, the defense is not impregnable, and while it is capable of absorbing massive amounts of heat, prolonged retention will inevitably begin to melt away the exterior and effect the suits interior as well if not managed properly.
Moreover, through experimentation in quantum machinery, the entire surface of the armor houses billions of Auricite-based nanites that are programmed to cluster together in response to incoming values of force and speed to deflect and more efficiently combat impact force. The suit may also rapidly shed these nanites, mixing high speed and Qua-m particles to create afterimages, sometimes with interesting side effects. This material makes up the entirety of the first layer of the mobile suits framework(comprised of three six-inch sheets. Altered to 3 inches thick in the power armor variant.).
Beneath the foot and a half of aurilite are hundreds of thousands of meticulously weaved metallic nanofiber cords analogous to human musculature, allowing for a more streamlined, human-like degree of mobility and meneuverability. This extensive increase in mobility is accented by various thrusters and verniers placed throughout the surface of the armor, with a giant liquid coolant propulsion system installed on its back capable of generating incredible amounts of thrust and speed, as instead of being a chemical propellant, it is instead nuclear powered.
The deepest level of the suit is made of a dense skeletal system, packing piston power into each limb, and an incredibly dense 'ribcage' complex that protects the E. P. Drive that resides where the human heart would be.
E.P. Drive(Exotic Particle Drive):
The heart of the Freedom and the source of its near limitless power. The Exotic Particle Collision Drive is essentially a microcompacted, self sustaining solar furnace. It acts as the heart of the suit in a literal sense, generating both near-perpetual energy for virtually unlimited operation times and also generates the titular Qua-M particles and distributes them throughout the mobile suit.
The Drive utilizes solar power to activate a reaction between hydrogen-3(A gas limited to Jupiter) and baryonic decay(via topological defects) to create the Qua-M particles and energy, resulting from the near endless collission and annhialation of particles. This results in both massive stores of energy at almost any given time, and an abundance of self-perpetuated particles.
The engine is designed to generate a steady amount of particles over time, though this function can be manually overwritten to allow the engine to run at maximum capacity, causing massive influxes of V particles. When these limiters are removed, the phase is called 'Full Burst' and offers massive increases to power output, strength and speed(via incredible amounts of thrust through overstocking of particles).
It is the single most important piece of machinery present within the mobile suit. The destruction of or otherwise shutting it down of it will result in the suits immediate destruction/powerdown.
QUA-M Particles:
Discovered in 2049(113 years ago) via the research of genius professor Himler Vikowski during a test reaction of the Vikowsky Reactor. During the reaction a strange electromagnetic wave effect occurred that could not be explained by conventional physics. A byproduct of the reaction was the discovery of an exotic, previously unseen particle. That particle became known as Qua-V, or simply the 'V' particle - the Quantum Vikowski particle.
What separated the V-Reactor from traditional nuclear reactors was the use of Helium-3 as the reaction fuel, which was hundreds of times more efficient than previous reactors, and more importantly, made the first recorded 'clean' reactor.
Following its discovery, the properties of the V Particle became immediately apparent, and ideas for its use in society came almost just as quickly, though research would show the particle was even more peculiar than originally thought.
The V particle has a near-zero rest mass, though like any particle this value will increase to reflect its kinetic or potential energy, and can be positively or negatively charged. When scattered into open space or air, they take on quite different and interesting characteristics. They interfere with and effectively 'jam' other frequencies such as infrared, radio waves, and light across the magnetic spectrum, creating a fogging effect about the Oath. This is possible because when scattered freely, the repulsive forces between the particles forces them to naturally align in a cubic lattice called an 'M' field that blocks longer wavelengths, and diffracts similar wavelength fringes across the magnetic spectrum via diffraction and polarization.
When concentrated and controlled, the M Field can become a semi-tangible barrier that can lase physical objects and repel other excited particles. This effect can be used for an improvised cloaking mechanism as well, blocking the visible wavelengths of light. However, when this is done, its defensive properties are marginally decreased.
Because of their reaction with other forms of radiation, wireless or otherwise long range signals are rendered inept, and allows for emission less thrust when channeled through the Freedoms various verniers. The properties of the particle encourages visible contact range encounters, as opposed to ranged combat.
Heat Management and Auto-Fuel System(HMAFS): The various advanced operation and weapon systems equipped on the Freedom generate large amounts of heat over time, so to deal with this a series of heat fins and sinks are equipped into the shoulder guards of the Freedom, as well as various heat exhausts spread about the frame of the suit that are hidden until in use. A primary exhaust is located in the mouth of the Freedom, equipped with an internal thermionic transfuser, capable of channeling heat into electrical energy, releasing streams of kinetic and electric force long ranges. They also by extention help shed heat from outside forces, such as radiation, or superheated gases/substances.
PSI(Psychic Innovation) System:
An experimental neuro-software system meant to maximize the combat potential for those with psychic ability, namely ace pilot Kyrie Lennis. This system utilizes Quantum Brainwave transcievers set within all of the nanites present within the suit, which receive quantum brain waves from a host capable(psi), and converts them into machine code, allowing for the pilot to control the suit remotely when not within, and like an extension of his body when piloting.
A series of separate yet related Brainwave Amplifiers are set within and about the suit as well, at low power simply aiding with the pilots connection with the aforementioned transceievers, but at higher output levels can amplify brain waves until they are powerful enough the physically manifest as kinetic energy, mass, and potential energy that can be sent out short to medium ranges.
The primary sensory unit of Freedom. As its name implies it is similar to the human brain, and its processes and programs are similar to that of human thoughts and emotions, and is responsive to those factors. The bio-com transmits outside data and instead of displaying that data on a monitor, instead translates that data into sensory information. Mathematical location, atmospheric changes, heat signatures, energy signatures and the like are all present within this suite of sensory boons. Sense of kinaesthesia is maximized, allowing for pinpoint reaction times.
This bio-com is directly linked to the senses, and via brainwave-to-code technology, senses can be enhanced or decreased on mental command.
AutoLock System:
An automatic targeting system built within the hundreds of sensory receivers placed throughout the suit. Upon mental command, the pilot can mark a target or targets based on their perceived hostility, and it is then that the hundreds of panoramic screens present within the cockpit become loaded with available information about a target, and will 'lock' onto that person or thing. Capable of tracking locked energy emissions and various biological factors after the initial lock, the targeting system is also cross linked to all of the Freedoms various weapons systems, and all fire, regardless of angle or location, will be set to the hostiles location.
'Atlas' Positron Rifle:
Two large rifles mounted on the shoulders of the Freedom. Drawing power from its internal reactor as opposed to the less efficient on-board weapon engine, the positron rifle compresses positrons within a pressure chamber giving them incredible energy and mass before releasing them. It has three power levels, one being low, and three being the highest, capable of punching clean through the hulls of battleships. When not in use they are placed upon either side of the Freedoms main thruster, and can be used to increase thrust. When in operation, they are extendable via metallic pole-like extentions that are hidden where the shoulder blades would be, allowing them to fire in any direction as opposed to just forward.
'Archimedes' Variable Beam Rifle:
Not to be mistaken with the similar positron rifle, this rifle instead uses 'V' particles as ammunition instead of other generic particles. The Archimedes compresses a great quantity of V particles that, when released are held in beam form by the M field they create, and magnetically guided. However, because of their rapid firing speed the M fields are never fully formed, and thus have 'leaks', which bleeds V particles into the surroundings slowly. Because of their nature, these beams are able to pierce just about anything, and moreover, can have their release waves altered. Tuned to finer frequencies, the beam is in its standard shape, and has incredible piercing power. At lower frequencies, the beam is significantly widened to the point that its far closer to a wave shape, capable of dealing massive close range damage a la a shotgun.
When not in use the Archimedes is stored in a compacted micro-weapons hanger kept on the back of the Freedoms waist named hapheastus, and is not weighed down by it until its use.
'Sentinal' Kinetic Revolver:
A long-nosed 6-barreled revolver held in a hidden compact holster on the right thigh. It, like majority of its other weapons, is powered by the reactor of the suit, and utilizes that power and channels it into raw kinetic force and thermal energy. It has two firing modes, and can alter the shape of the blast similarly to the Archimedes. The standard firing mode is semi-automatic, firing single shots from the revolving six barrels. The second mode allows for 'Burst fire' which fires multiple blasts at a single time for more power, but less range.
'Vulcan' Guns: Two small caliber machine guns placed on either side of the mobile suits head. Using such a small caliber bullet, these are not meant for offensive use, but rather suppression and defense applications, such as shooting down missiles and lightly armored aircraft.
'Longinus' Melee Beam Array:
A series of V Particle based close quarter beam weapons spread about the Freedom. The first and foremost of these is the beam saber, a cylindrical 'hilt' which channels V particles through out, and then projects the particles from the opening at the top of the hilt utilizing M fields to conform it into a sword or saber shape. When making contact with another object, that part of the m-field is released, allowing the energy to flow out freely to cut just about anything in its path. That said, a saber is not the only form they can take, as they are only limited by the shape of the M field the user wishes the particles to conform to. Two are held within hidden compartments on the underside of either wrist within docking stations where they charge until used. An extra two are also located within hidden compartment along the Freedoms primary back thruster.
The second weapon of choice are the particle, or 'V' Tonfas - two cylindrical objects not unlike the hilt of the beam saber, but altered for use in a style that better suits actual tonfa combat. These hilts generate an M field in various shapes analogous to traditional tonfas, which the particles conform to. The M field can be manually removed to allow for sudden, often violent discharges.
Other variations include 'beam' knuckles, knives, and other close quarter weaponry.
FANGs(Ferrokinetic Angular Neuro Garrisons):
Remote weapons used utilizing the brainwave-to-machine code technology present within the PSI System. FANGs are collapsible, 'funnel' shaped machines made of the same material comprising the Mobile Suit that can be controlled via the pilots brain waves. Eight in total, each fang is equipped with various verneirs that expel V particles for propulsion and rapid directional shifting for aerial dogfighting meneuvers that could not be performed otherwise. Each is also equipped with a mechanism that allows them to discharge V particles as a beam for BVR combat, or can contain them into a blade shape via M fields for close range combat.
However, utilizing these weapons systems eats up battery power, and each Fang can only fire a single shot before needing to be either discarded as deadweight, or redocked to the back of the mobile suit for recharging. When docked and not in use, the Fangs are collapsed and set on charging panels, taking the appearance of wing-like apendages that when used in conjunction with its other verneirs and primary thruster, allows for maximum mobility and speed.
Note: A miniaturized version of the suit is capable of being used as well, simply being a power armor variant. However, the performance of this model is reflected to show the decrease in size and power.

Above is displayed the light of the Earth-sphere mobile suit defense force, The Oath FREEDOM(Fusion Reactor Empowered Engine Deployable Omni-purpose Mobile-suit). Built in conjunction with the Oath ANGEL(Attack Neuro-Genetic Espionage and Land mobile suit) in mind, it has survived hundreds of decisive battles within the Crossworld War due to its advances in mobile suit engineering, and exotic experimental technology, coupled with the combat experience and extensive training from its ace pilot, Kyrie Lennis.
Prior to this model, mobile suits were incredibly large and heavy beasts of machinery, forged of a titanium-ceramic alloy as they needed to be to facilitate their defenses, as well as the large thermonuclear reactor that provided their power. This however created large, slow, and power-inefficient machines. The answer to this was in a miraculousg alloy originating out of a far-off comet named Auricite for its strange interactions with light. This material was hyper durable(could only be mined and cut with particle beams) and lightweight, and even non-magnetic, which allowed for more compact, intricate mobile suit designs.
As mentioned above, the Freedom is made of a very light, very durable metal that interacts strangely with light. It is capable of both absorbing, and defracting it at variable ratios dependant upon the angle at which it is struck. Various transcievers linked to the PSI System allows for automatic control and gauging of the uses of light.
In terms of durability it is capable of surviving the harshest weather conditions, including extreme temperatures in either direction, and massive amount of pressure before giving in. That said, the defense is not impregnable, and while it is capable of absorbing massive amounts of heat, prolonged retention will inevitably begin to melt away the exterior and effect the suits interior as well if not managed properly.
Moreover, through experimentation in quantum machinery, the entire surface of the armor houses billions of Auricite-based nanites that are programmed to cluster together in response to incoming values of force and speed to deflect and more efficiently combat impact force. The suit may also rapidly shed these nanites, mixing high speed and Qua-m particles to create afterimages, sometimes with interesting side effects. This material makes up the entirety of the first layer of the mobile suits framework(comprised of three six-inch sheets. Altered to 3 inches thick in the power armor variant.).
Beneath the foot and a half of aurilite are hundreds of thousands of meticulously weaved metallic nanofiber cords analogous to human musculature, allowing for a more streamlined, human-like degree of mobility and meneuverability. This extensive increase in mobility is accented by various thrusters and verniers placed throughout the surface of the armor, with a giant liquid coolant propulsion system installed on its back capable of generating incredible amounts of thrust and speed, as instead of being a chemical propellant, it is instead nuclear powered.
The deepest level of the suit is made of a dense skeletal system, packing piston power into each limb, and an incredibly dense 'ribcage' complex that protects the E. P. Drive that resides where the human heart would be.
E.P. Drive(Exotic Particle Drive):
The heart of the Freedom and the source of its near limitless power. The Exotic Particle Collision Drive is essentially a microcompacted, self sustaining solar furnace. It acts as the heart of the suit in a literal sense, generating both near-perpetual energy for virtually unlimited operation times and also generates the titular Qua-M particles and distributes them throughout the mobile suit.
The Drive utilizes solar power to activate a reaction between hydrogen-3(A gas limited to Jupiter) and baryonic decay(via topological defects) to create the Qua-M particles and energy, resulting from the near endless collission and annhialation of particles. This results in both massive stores of energy at almost any given time, and an abundance of self-perpetuated particles.
The engine is designed to generate a steady amount of particles over time, though this function can be manually overwritten to allow the engine to run at maximum capacity, causing massive influxes of V particles. When these limiters are removed, the phase is called 'Full Burst' and offers massive increases to power output, strength and speed(via incredible amounts of thrust through overstocking of particles).
It is the single most important piece of machinery present within the mobile suit. The destruction of or otherwise shutting it down of it will result in the suits immediate destruction/powerdown.
QUA-M Particles:
Discovered in 2049(113 years ago) via the research of genius professor Himler Vikowski during a test reaction of the Vikowsky Reactor. During the reaction a strange electromagnetic wave effect occurred that could not be explained by conventional physics. A byproduct of the reaction was the discovery of an exotic, previously unseen particle. That particle became known as Qua-V, or simply the 'V' particle - the Quantum Vikowski particle.
What separated the V-Reactor from traditional nuclear reactors was the use of Helium-3 as the reaction fuel, which was hundreds of times more efficient than previous reactors, and more importantly, made the first recorded 'clean' reactor.
Following its discovery, the properties of the V Particle became immediately apparent, and ideas for its use in society came almost just as quickly, though research would show the particle was even more peculiar than originally thought.
The V particle has a near-zero rest mass, though like any particle this value will increase to reflect its kinetic or potential energy, and can be positively or negatively charged. When scattered into open space or air, they take on quite different and interesting characteristics. They interfere with and effectively 'jam' other frequencies such as infrared, radio waves, and light across the magnetic spectrum, creating a fogging effect about the Oath. This is possible because when scattered freely, the repulsive forces between the particles forces them to naturally align in a cubic lattice called an 'M' field that blocks longer wavelengths, and diffracts similar wavelength fringes across the magnetic spectrum via diffraction and polarization.
When concentrated and controlled, the M Field can become a semi-tangible barrier that can lase physical objects and repel other excited particles. This effect can be used for an improvised cloaking mechanism as well, blocking the visible wavelengths of light. However, when this is done, its defensive properties are marginally decreased.
Because of their reaction with other forms of radiation, wireless or otherwise long range signals are rendered inept, and allows for emission less thrust when channeled through the Freedoms various verniers. The properties of the particle encourages visible contact range encounters, as opposed to ranged combat.
Heat Management and Auto-Fuel System(HMAFS): The various advanced operation and weapon systems equipped on the Freedom generate large amounts of heat over time, so to deal with this a series of heat fins and sinks are equipped into the shoulder guards of the Freedom, as well as various heat exhausts spread about the frame of the suit that are hidden until in use. A primary exhaust is located in the mouth of the Freedom, equipped with an internal thermionic transfuser, capable of channeling heat into electrical energy, releasing streams of kinetic and electric force long ranges. They also by extention help shed heat from outside forces, such as radiation, or superheated gases/substances.
PSI(Psychic Innovation) System:
An experimental neuro-software system meant to maximize the combat potential for those with psychic ability, namely ace pilot Kyrie Lennis. This system utilizes Quantum Brainwave transcievers set within all of the nanites present within the suit, which receive quantum brain waves from a host capable(psi), and converts them into machine code, allowing for the pilot to control the suit remotely when not within, and like an extension of his body when piloting.
A series of separate yet related Brainwave Amplifiers are set within and about the suit as well, at low power simply aiding with the pilots connection with the aforementioned transceievers, but at higher output levels can amplify brain waves until they are powerful enough the physically manifest as kinetic energy, mass, and potential energy that can be sent out short to medium ranges.
The primary sensory unit of Freedom. As its name implies it is similar to the human brain, and its processes and programs are similar to that of human thoughts and emotions, and is responsive to those factors. The bio-com transmits outside data and instead of displaying that data on a monitor, instead translates that data into sensory information. Mathematical location, atmospheric changes, heat signatures, energy signatures and the like are all present within this suite of sensory boons. Sense of kinaesthesia is maximized, allowing for pinpoint reaction times.
This bio-com is directly linked to the senses, and via brainwave-to-code technology, senses can be enhanced or decreased on mental command.
AutoLock System:
An automatic targeting system built within the hundreds of sensory receivers placed throughout the suit. Upon mental command, the pilot can mark a target or targets based on their perceived hostility, and it is then that the hundreds of panoramic screens present within the cockpit become loaded with available information about a target, and will 'lock' onto that person or thing. Capable of tracking locked energy emissions and various biological factors after the initial lock, the targeting system is also cross linked to all of the Freedoms various weapons systems, and all fire, regardless of angle or location, will be set to the hostiles location.
'Atlas' Positron Rifle:
Two large rifles mounted on the shoulders of the Freedom. Drawing power from its internal reactor as opposed to the less efficient on-board weapon engine, the positron rifle compresses positrons within a pressure chamber giving them incredible energy and mass before releasing them. It has three power levels, one being low, and three being the highest, capable of punching clean through the hulls of battleships. When not in use they are placed upon either side of the Freedoms main thruster, and can be used to increase thrust. When in operation, they are extendable via metallic pole-like extentions that are hidden where the shoulder blades would be, allowing them to fire in any direction as opposed to just forward.
'Archimedes' Variable Beam Rifle:
Not to be mistaken with the similar positron rifle, this rifle instead uses 'V' particles as ammunition instead of other generic particles. The Archimedes compresses a great quantity of V particles that, when released are held in beam form by the M field they create, and magnetically guided. However, because of their rapid firing speed the M fields are never fully formed, and thus have 'leaks', which bleeds V particles into the surroundings slowly. Because of their nature, these beams are able to pierce just about anything, and moreover, can have their release waves altered. Tuned to finer frequencies, the beam is in its standard shape, and has incredible piercing power. At lower frequencies, the beam is significantly widened to the point that its far closer to a wave shape, capable of dealing massive close range damage a la a shotgun.
When not in use the Archimedes is stored in a compacted micro-weapons hanger kept on the back of the Freedoms waist named hapheastus, and is not weighed down by it until its use.
'Sentinal' Kinetic Revolver:
A long-nosed 6-barreled revolver held in a hidden compact holster on the right thigh. It, like majority of its other weapons, is powered by the reactor of the suit, and utilizes that power and channels it into raw kinetic force and thermal energy. It has two firing modes, and can alter the shape of the blast similarly to the Archimedes. The standard firing mode is semi-automatic, firing single shots from the revolving six barrels. The second mode allows for 'Burst fire' which fires multiple blasts at a single time for more power, but less range.
'Vulcan' Guns: Two small caliber machine guns placed on either side of the mobile suits head. Using such a small caliber bullet, these are not meant for offensive use, but rather suppression and defense applications, such as shooting down missiles and lightly armored aircraft.
'Longinus' Melee Beam Array:
A series of V Particle based close quarter beam weapons spread about the Freedom. The first and foremost of these is the beam saber, a cylindrical 'hilt' which channels V particles through out, and then projects the particles from the opening at the top of the hilt utilizing M fields to conform it into a sword or saber shape. When making contact with another object, that part of the m-field is released, allowing the energy to flow out freely to cut just about anything in its path. That said, a saber is not the only form they can take, as they are only limited by the shape of the M field the user wishes the particles to conform to. Two are held within hidden compartments on the underside of either wrist within docking stations where they charge until used. An extra two are also located within hidden compartment along the Freedoms primary back thruster.
The second weapon of choice are the particle, or 'V' Tonfas - two cylindrical objects not unlike the hilt of the beam saber, but altered for use in a style that better suits actual tonfa combat. These hilts generate an M field in various shapes analogous to traditional tonfas, which the particles conform to. The M field can be manually removed to allow for sudden, often violent discharges.
Other variations include 'beam' knuckles, knives, and other close quarter weaponry.
FANGs(Ferrokinetic Angular Neuro Garrisons):
Remote weapons used utilizing the brainwave-to-machine code technology present within the PSI System. FANGs are collapsible, 'funnel' shaped machines made of the same material comprising the Mobile Suit that can be controlled via the pilots brain waves. Eight in total, each fang is equipped with various verneirs that expel V particles for propulsion and rapid directional shifting for aerial dogfighting meneuvers that could not be performed otherwise. Each is also equipped with a mechanism that allows them to discharge V particles as a beam for BVR combat, or can contain them into a blade shape via M fields for close range combat.
However, utilizing these weapons systems eats up battery power, and each Fang can only fire a single shot before needing to be either discarded as deadweight, or redocked to the back of the mobile suit for recharging. When docked and not in use, the Fangs are collapsed and set on charging panels, taking the appearance of wing-like apendages that when used in conjunction with its other verneirs and primary thruster, allows for maximum mobility and speed.
Note: A miniaturized version of the suit is capable of being used as well, simply being a power armor variant. However, the performance of this model is reflected to show the decrease in size and power.