Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Looks interesting so here's my potential app.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GoPackGo
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mine is being written at the moment, tossing this up to reserve the God of Fire. Will also be located in the north-eastern part of the map (far east of Sang Guo).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@End Here
Alright I believe that I finished, with a territory claim. Mine is in red.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I like it, and you're approved.@Durandal

You are too@Lauder
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Reserving a spot.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Brink_ Oh geez, could you put it onto the new map on the first page? its a lot easier for me to update the map that way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Rhymer@Nerevarine@OppositionJ@ActRaiserTheReturned@Durandal@Lauder@GoPackGo@Willy Vereb

I'm starting the RP in a bit.

The first post will be about the voting on who is crowned king, and then the king will select their advisers.

The king can then set down his rules, and we can start posting about our nations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bigher, God of the Earth and Strength, King of the Giants

Indirect or Direct
He indirectly influences his people granting them power over the earth itself and the ability to create golems.

Bigher often takes the form of a mountain, one the reaches into the clouds themselves. The peak covered in snow representing his beard, which is pure white. In certain situations however, especially in the presence of other gods he appears in his true form, a massive giant in tough leather armor, a long white beard that reaches to his belt buckle, so large that he stands above the clouds, carrying an Axe named β€œSigmire”.

Bigher cares only for the strongest of individuals or those who wish to get stronger. Often times he finds himself fighting others, especially gods whom he sees as a worthy challenge. So obsessed with these challenges he often times will go out of his way to handicap himself just to make them more enjoyable.

Stio Clal β€œThe Stone City”

Total Population

Human Population

Giant Population

Golem Population

Denizen description
Giants stand anywhere from 10-15ft and have immense strength in comparison to the average human (the average giant can lift around 1,000 to 2,000 lbs.) and with skin as thick as leather armor. They have limited magical ability, able to create earth golems and manipulate the earth to create boulders and various other objects. Most giants can live to up to 800 years, but only have around 2-3 children during their lifetime. With their immense size however giants are not very agile and in combat take immense beatings being easy to hit targets.

Making up the majority of the population of Stio Clal are humans who have the ability to manipulate the earth into various forms and shapes, but other than that have no special strengths or weaknesses.

Golems are strong hardy human-like beasts made of the earth itself and stand around 8ft tall, but are as strong as giants. They however have no sense of intelligence, and if they stray too far (about 20ft) from the overseer (the person who controls them) or when their overseer is killed they are rendered immovable. They are incapable of being used as weapons of war, so they are just used in heavily labor tasks.



Government description
The Stone City is an absolute monarchy ruled by the strongest warrior, chose strictly based off their strength in combat alone. If the current monarch were to die a competition would be held for any and all to enter, whether they are from Stio Clal does not matter. The only other way to dethrone the monarch is to challenge them to a fight to the death. The strongest emerging as the new king.

Though there are no regulations forcing them, often times kings will hold tournaments immediately after inauguration. These are often to decide new advisors, generals, or various other positions within government to help run the stone city.

While the Golems work the field, the humans and giants are trained for war. Experts on the mountainous terrain the surrounds the city the men of Stio Clal are experts on defensive warfare. The human side of the force consists of nearly 70,000 warriors often carrying large body length shields, and two blades, a short sword and a small dagger. They carry heavy metal armor, making the effective in defensive situations. About 20,000 of those human warriors man the wall with throwing javelins as bows and arrows are seens as a weak man’s weapon.

The remaining army consists of around 20,000 giants, considered the strongest part of the Stio Clal army. These warriors carry anywhere between two handed great swords and small wooden shields and hand axes. Due to resource limitations they wear crude leather armor instead of steel like the majority of Stio Clals army. Thanks to the cultural values of strong leaders in Stio Clal most generals are often times Giants.

Stio Clal is truly a bastion to the idea of β€œsurvival of the fittest”, a land where your wealth and family matter little in comparison to personal strength and combat prowess. Though merchants and family ties can get you luxuries and homes, political influence and respect only comes from strength. The people of Stio Clal find that because of these laws and regulations the giants rule the land. There have only been two human kings in Stio Clal out of the thirty-eight that have been king.

Though humans hold little influence in the government of Stio Clal they still enjoy many luxuries due to golem workers, especially women, children, and the elderly. Since most men are trained to be warriors, many women are tasked as overseers and help build the grand walls of the city, repair broken down buildings, cultivate fields, and mine resources. This leads to a sense of respect for the women in Stio Clal that other cultures often times would see a lack of.

At the age of thirteen humans begin their training as warriors for Stio Clal, often times suffering through dangerous situations like combat with wolves and other beasts, sometimes even other men. When they turn sixteen they are enlisted into Stio Clals army until the age of thirty where they are free to live their lives as they wish, even if it means remaining in the army.

Giants from the age of fifty onwards begin training to become warriors of Stio Clal, but begin a much longer process of training, often taking the next thirty years of their life. Once eighty years old they are to serve until six hundred. Unlike humans, Giants who are men are expected to be warriors, often times giants seen doing anything else, but fight are shunned.

Stio Clal is an extremely mountainous region surrounded by eight walls. Each wall leading further out of the territory and encompassing more land.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GoPackGo
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Imariel, the Flame of the East, the Lightbringer,

God of Fire

Deity of Fire
Personality: Is quite often reserved when in council with the other various Gods, but becomes rapidly antagonistic and brash if his people become threatened. Above all else, he holds his pious creations within Arcadia in the highest of regard and is willing to do almost anything to secure a prosperous future for them, so long as they maintain their offerings.


Population: 782,274
Denizens: The people of Acadia are on average taller and more muscular than that of the typical race of man, this innate physicality combined with their often serious demeanor and religious fanaticism leads to outsiders viewing Acadian's as an imposing people. While the people of Acadia may be fanatical to an extent, they often don't persecute others unless they have wronged the state in someway or another. The Acadian clergy can often be found providing aid to those less fortunate, often in the shape of service to the church in exchange for food and shelter. Overall, the people of Acadia take their duties very seriously from the peasants tilling the fields to those within the ranks of the Acadian Inquisition. While they aren't particularly welcoming of outsiders, most Acadian's would not go out of their way to make anyone feel unwelcome within their borders.


Government: Acadia is a Theocratic state ruled over by the head of the Church of the Eternal Fire, Highlord Lothar Velius. ((in progress))

((Nearly done, been busy and have to hop out for a few hours. Will be done before the end of the night (12 EST) ))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition π•‹π•–π•”π•™π•Ÿπ• π•π• π•˜π•šπ•”π•’π• π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I am going to throw my character in the character tab and I will begin creating my heroes shortly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll get something up tonight hopefully
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


You mention that half of your population resides within the 'forest cities', though such large settlements are supposedly home to nearly two-thirds of your population. Does this mean there are cities within the coastal plains, or am I reading too much into your application?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Brink_ Yea it says so near the bottom of the NRP sheet
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

One of my "heroes":

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


You mention that half of your population resides within the 'forest cities', though such large settlements are supposedly home to nearly two-thirds of your population. Does this mean there are cities within the coastal plains, or am I reading too much into your application?

I realize now that it seems a bit strange how I worded it. Half of the overall population of Faeros lives within the forest cities. One-sixth of the total population lives on the coastal and minority marsh/swamp cities. The last third of the population lives outside of the cities, although not necessarily far away from them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The first posts might be small but thats fine!
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