Hi sorry I've been mega busy and will be all this week too. Will get to first post as soon as I can. If you cant wait/dont want to wait I'l understand! Work is just hectic and I also run a business from home atm.
I'd like to make a suggestion that helped me role play during my busy times. I'd write parts of posts either in a word document on my phone or on a piece of paper than transfer it to my email and from there build responses during my free time.
Not sure if that could be a helpful tid-bit for you but it worked well for me! -smiles-
I'll try and sit down with it at work tomorrow. I have actually gotten to the point of opening a word doc to begin something but then something always came up to stop me writing. I haven't written anything in days because of how busy I am. :(
I'm sorry but it looks like I'm going to have to back out of it completely, sorry for wasting your time. I do not wish to waste anymore of it by my busy schedule and hoping to get a chance to get to posting as I keep forgetting.