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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PolishKing
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PolishKing Kebab Remover

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


An Age of Empires

"The Dark Sky surrounds us as we are out in the void. From here, everything we know is so trivial, our cities, our nations, our own solar system, all are so small in the grand scheme of things. It just shows that we have so much more to strive for as a people"
-Quote from a log of an unknown space traveller.

Welcome to Przestrzeń, my first RP on this forum. I'm not all for introductions so I'll keep this short, I specialize in Sci-Fi maps, and in my opinion I am also a pretty good OP. Now that we have that out of the way, let us begin with the description.
Przestrzeń shall take place in some random area of the universe I have created for the sole purpose of the RP. All of the individual red dots not in a system are meteorite clusters, meaning that those are areas you should try avoiding when you are in space flight.
Moving onto nations, you can place them wherever they want, as long as they aren't super huge. You can have some Pirate nation that lives on one of the Asteroid clusters, or a Merchant Republic on a single planet, or a strong Empire spanning 3 systems. The limit to Systems you can own is 4, so hopefully we will have room for everyone (if needed, I'll expand the map for more players).
Another main thing in this RP will be colonisation. Once we begin the IC I will expand the map with colonisable areas. Once an area is colonised, you can give a name to that area. This will show that the area is claimed by someone and flying through it could be dangerous depending on the owner.
Moving on to actual creation of a nation and race I'll be introducing something I call the "Interstellar Rule". What you say may be a completely impossible creature or some insanely obscure Pseudo Science, but if you make it sound realistic then I'll accept it.
The last three things are that the OOC will be from the nations leaders perspective and that I want names for areas. If you may, please provide name ideas for areas of the map, this will add depth to the IC because going through the Belt of Hyacios sounds better than just I went through that area. Lastly, to claim an area all you do is put an outline around the place you want to own of a certain color. The outlines color will be a way to distinguish who owns what.

Nation Name:
Nation Description (Currency, Government, etc)
Race Name:
Race Description (Color, Height, etc)
Culture Description (Religion, Holidays, etc):
Leader Name:
What area you own:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Much much much interest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nation Name:
The Ohurian States
Nation Description (Currency, Government, etc):
The Ohurian states is run by a senate which houses as many representatives for every planet that is colonized. Each senator serves a term of ten years before a new one must be elected to take his/her place. The Senate must agree on things for official action to take place of if a majority rule is called. They do not have total power, however, as a judicial system is made to keep the topics moving at a steady rate and deny anything that is harmful to the states.

The Currency of the Ohurian States has the official name of Scandars but has the street name of Scands. The worth of this money must be backed by a solid, rare material; often taking the form of diamonds and gold. If not then the economy goes to complete garbage.

All citizens have equal rights and they rely heavily on the progress made through civil actions. They are also extremely tech heavy, often being their downfall depending on what they are facing. Schooling is completely free but an Ohmuru must serve a full year in the military in their life time or else they will face heavy fines in their later life. The reason behind this is mainly to encourage a larger military out of fear in what is the universe.

Race Name:
The Ohmuru

Race Description (Color, Height, etc):
The Ohmuru are a race of avians that have evolved from their anscestor pteradons, they have evolved to fit a jungle biome as their homeplanet is just that one large jungle with seven oceans. There most dominant color it green or red while recessive skin colors would be blue, purple, orange, and black. They pocess a full body coat of feathers. Colors for the feathers are typically red, blue, yellow, or white. There is no eye color as all irises are just black.

Alright enough on that, here is what their body has evolved as. The Ohmuru have evolved beaks to be used to break open nuts and pick out worms or anything meaty. They have evolved to be humanoid so they stand upright, their wings have moved onto their backs and they have gained arms with a sort of set of talons as hands. They pocess talons for feet as well and their eyes have evolved to deal with near complete darkness. The Ohmuru have evolved a set of ears that would be mistaken as horns on the tops of their heads. They do not lay eggs like most avian species and so they give birth to live young unlike most of the avian species.

Culture Description (Religion, Holidays, etc):
The Ohmuru only worship beings known only as the Ancestors, these are the ones who gave their planet life, the ones who molded the Ohmuru. They follow the teachings of the Ancestors which was largely just equal rights and such. However, they are the ones who taught the Ohmuru to speak and write common language. There is one nationally recognized holiday and it is to honor the ancestors, no body needs to work on this day but can if they feel the need to.

Leader Name:
Seryl Helier


What area you own:

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Definitely, definitely interested.

My System Claim

Working on an app :b
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PolishKing
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PolishKing Kebab Remover

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Much much much interest.

Awesome, glad to have it!

Nation Name:
The Ohurian States
Nation Description (Currency, Government, etc):
The Ohurian states is run by a senate which houses as many representatives for every planet that is colonized. Each senator serves a term of ten years before a new one must be elected to take his/her place. The Senate must agree on things for official action to take place of if a majority rule is called. They do not have total power, however, as a judicial system is made to keep the topics moving at a steady rate and deny anything that is harmful to the states.

The Currency of the Ohurian States has the official name of Scandars but has the street name of Scands. The worth of this money must be backed by a solid, rare material; often taking the form of diamonds and gold. If not then the economy goes to complete garbage.

All citizens have equal rights and they rely heavily on the progress made through civil actions. They are also extremely tech heavy, often being their downfall depending on what they are facing. Schooling is completely free but an Ohmuru must serve a full year in the military in their life time or else they will face heavy fines in their later life. The reason behind this is mainly to encourage a larger military out of fear in what is the universe.

Race Name:
The Ohmuru

Race Description (Color, Height, etc):
The Ohmuru are a race of avians that have evolved from their anscestor pteradons, they have evolved to fit a jungle biome as their homeplanet is just that one large jungle with seven oceans. There most dominant color it green or red while recessive skin colors would be blue, purple, orange, and black. They pocess a full body coat of feathers. Colors for the feathers are typically red, blue, yellow, or white. There is no eye color as all irises are just black.

Alright enough on that, here is what their body has evolved as. The Ohmuru have evolved beaks to be used to break open nuts and pick out worms or anything meaty. They have evolved to be humanoid so they stand upright, their wings have moved onto their backs and they have gained arms with a sort of set of talons as hands. They pocess talons for feet as well and their eyes have evolved to deal with near complete darkness. The Ohmuru have evolved a set of ears that would be mistaken as horns on the tops of their heads. They do not lay eggs like most avian species and so they give birth to live young unlike most of the avian species.

Culture Description (Religion, Holidays, etc):
The Ohmuru only worship beings known only as the Ancestors, these are the ones who gave their planet life, the ones who molded the Ohmuru. They follow the teachings of the Ancestors which was largely just equal rights and such. However, they are the ones who taught the Ohmuru to speak and write common language. There is one nationally recognized holiday and it is to honor the ancestors, no body needs to work on this day but can if they feel the need to.

Leader Name:
Seryl Helier


What area you own:


I like it, accepted.

Definitely, definitely interested.

My System Claim

Working on an app :b

Okay, can't wait to see it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eyyyy, thanks :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PolishKing
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PolishKing Kebab Remover

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nation Name

Cyrosian Empire
Nation Description

The Cyrosian Empire is ran by the Emperor who has an absolute rule over the nation. The Emperor is someone who is selected by the Emperor who proceeds them. They typically pick their eldest son, but in some cases they pick high ranking generals.

The currency of the Cyrosian Empire is the Daric, a round gold coin. The first emperor gave it the name Daric after the name of his son who died of disease. The coin grows in size with each interval, the one Daric coin is the smallest, with the 100 Daric coin being the largest.
Race Name

Race Description

Cyrosians are mammals with flaps of skin that expand out of their sides. These flaps help them glide across the sky. A typical Cyrosian stands at around 2 meters tall with a wingspan of around 2.4 meters. They have sphere-shaped skulls with a large canine-like beak on its face. Its eyes are typically blue or green.

The Cyrosians are a carnivores species, typically feeding off the meat of the livestock around their empire, though they are sometimes known to eat prisoners of war or high-ranking criminals. The Cyrosian teeth are large and sharp, used to rip apart prey if they do not have a weapon with them.
Culture Description

Leader Name

Darius Selkusia

What area you own

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@PolishKingI like this idea but the map is seriously claustrophobic to me.
I support the idea of operating within a more limited map. I am honestly grown weary of these galaxy-spanning map where out of the hundreds of billions of star systems we occupy less than a hundred.
it doesn't make any sense to me.
On the other hand your map is now too small to be useful.
Space is also 3-dimensional. I'd suggest using Terminal's idea from "True Vacuum" for making a 3-dimensional map
No need to make it that big but ou get what I mean.
Also I'd suggest some limitation on the FTL speeds or at least how fast you can get from point A to B.
Otherwise I'm interested.
It should be about time to pull off the dust from my Morte Empire.
Link to that RP is here
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