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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Celestial Empire has fallen and all it's former territories have fractured into smaller kingdoms ruled by the former lords of the grand Empire. The king of Gnyr Shalorn now fashions himself the emperor as he is the one ruling the former capital of the empire and it's royal armies and fleet.

But the king of Gnyr Shalorn isn't the only king that claims the now defunct throne of the empire, the other kings now desire to rule a vast empire as well, however, this desire to conquer has now set the stage for a war between kingdoms and the victor will yet again rule the vast reaches of the world... unless the Domani Tribes rise up to plunder the now small kingdoms, or if more ancient threats will rise up to take the world for themselves.

Well, the OOC is up! People can still sign up to this as I will not start this RP until tomorrow. Make sure to put the character sheet in the character section!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As you forgot to add the NS I will post it here.
Character Sheet:

House Name:

House Placement(pick a territory to be the seat of your house):

House Lord(name of the current leader):

Leader's Family:

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep(How your main castle looks like, optional):

House General:

House Admiral(if you have a sea opening):


Minor Houses(each minor house will inhabit a city of your territory, fill in only if you have other cities than your capital):
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 6 days ago

As you forgot to add the NS I will post it here.
Character Sheet:

House Name:

House Placement(pick a territory to be the seat of your house):

House Lord(name of the current leader):

Leader's Family:

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep(How your main castle looks like, optional):

House General:

House Admiral(if you have a sea opening):


Minor Houses(each minor house will inhabit a city of your territory, fill in only if you have other cities than your capital):

Erm... the character area is the place for the NS, not here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Claw2k11 Face palm... I checked aswell. Its not there! You dont have the skellington on the post so I put it there. I know you put the finished ones in the charecter tab
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It's basically for if others want to join
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character sheet is up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

House Name:
House Utgaard

House Placement:
Valgaard with Utgaard as the capital.

House Lord:
High King Agnar Krarup Utgaardson the Stoic

Leader's Family:
Sirin (Wife)
Nadia (Mistress)
Myra (Mistress)
Dylan - Jötunn (Eldest son)
Samia (Daughter-in-law)
Reinhølt (Grandson)
Gizela (Only daughter)
Pieter (Second son)
Kjartan (Third son)

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep:

House General:
Ivar the Bøneless

House Admiral:
Guthrum the Unlucky

Martin Lidegaard
Jørgen Lykke
Mogens Lykketoft
Ferdinand Meldahl
Søren Hald Møller
Adam Gottlob Moltke

Sworn Houses:

Major House:
House Reyksalar

Sworn Houses:

Major Houses:
House Sachaila

Sworn Houses:

Additional Information: Valgaard is made up of three main houses, all of whom contribute fighting men and taxes to the banner of the High King, who at this time is Agnar Utgaardson of House Utgaard. As such the armies of Valgaard march beneath his personal banner.

I dont think you quite understand, you post it here for accepting then in there once its accepted. Also from what I have seen you think that it is like kings at war and I can tell you its not. You play as a Lord of the terroritry who after the king died all the lords wanted the crown. Also you have added majr and minor houses which is also incorrect, you are a major house, minor houses are smaller houses within your terrortry
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by RisenDead>

I dont think you quite understand, you post it here for accepting then in there once its accepted. Also from what I have seen you think that it is like kings at war and I can tell you its not. You play as a Lord of the terroritry who after the king died all the lords wanted the crown. Also you have added majr and minor houses which is also incorrect, you are a major house, minor houses are smaller houses within your terrortry

And you don't directly control them minor houses, these are feudal kingdoms. The king owns a part of the territory while the rest of the minor houses own the rest in exchange for fealty. But if they think that either they should rule, they'll rebel. If they think that another lord will be a better ruler, they'll ditch you an join that other ruler...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can we start this soon?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 6 days ago

I'll try and start it in an hour or so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My dear detractors, I think I have in fact nailed the spirit of this game on the head with how I have chosen to Role-play Valgaard, and I shall explain why if you will but give me the time and the space to type it;

The Celestial Empire has fallen and all it's former territories have fractured into smaller kingdoms ruled by the former lords of the grand Empire.

I think this point alone can help shed some light on his I have set up Valgaard. This opening post stats "Fractured into smaller Kingdoms", of which Valgaard is one correct? Who but the people of that region decides, ultimately, what title they would bestow upon that "King". If they call him a "High King", it is no different, for he is High King of Valgaard, a land which was created in the spirit of this very opening statement in the RP's descriptor.

But the king of Gnyr Shalorn isn't the only king that claims the now defunct throne of the empire, the other kings now desire to rule a vast empire as well, however, this desire to conquer has now set the stage for a war between kingdoms and the victor will yet again rule the vast reaches of the world...

Here again we see the blunt statement that more than one King, Valgaard can easily have its own King and fit nicely into how you saw this world working out, very much like Feudal Ireland, famous for its many Kings and at one time it even had over 600 Kings! Occasionally they were united by a single man calling himself "High King".

If you're still not convinced than allow me to explain a little more in detail how Valgaard operates and why it is listed as having other major houses, which I think is the only thing you read before laughing and self importantly going "This guy has no idea." I assure you, I am well aware of how Feudal Kingdoms worked and that Valgaard is perfect for your RP.

Valgaard is an independent Kingdom, formerly ruled by the Celestial Empire as I think we can all agree. Following the collapse of the Celestial Empire, Valgaard simply returned to its traditional ways, its people bound together by cultural ties, language and regional economics. No different than say, Ireland, when it broke away from the United Kingdom. Valgaard, as I shall RP it, has always been an army with a nation and when it was included into the Celestial Empire it was only thanks to negotiation rather than force of arms. Now that the Celestial Empire has collapsed, the Valgaard nobles feel no ties to the Throne but still maintain their allegiance to the ancestral heritage of their homeland, the figurehead of whom is known as the High King.

This means the three main houses, with their smaller sworn houses, all agreeing on a High King, who at this moment happens to be Utgaardson. As the noble families of these houses are well known to inter-marry, it is possible he carries the blood of all three houses which is why he was seen as a logical choice for High King. His people need a uniting factor in the unstable and terrifying times after all.

Yes, I am aware that smaller houses might rebel if they think they can do a better job. That very reason is why Ireland or the Danes never conquered the world, they were to busy fighting amongst themselves.

Additionally, the idea of smaller Lords trying to unseat a more powerful King is an idea far older than "Feudal" times, I would submit the Danish invasion of England in the 800's. The Islamic Invasion of Spain in the 700's. Both are times when an organized enemy took advantage of disorganized and fractured people to conquer a vast swath of territory, and in the case of islamic Spain, build an empire that took Christian Spain 800 years to reconquer.

So, I submit to you once again the same nation sheet based on the reasons above since I think it fits perfectly into a "Feudal Kingdom" idea and the promise that intend to provide excellent RP and storyline to your role-play idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

.... I like you, you just brought up many great points.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@RisenDead Okay, we are not saying that it is wrong, its just that you put it in the wrong tab. Pushed yourself into a high position without asking. Everyone wants to be the "High King" thats why we are all fighting. Also, you diddnt specify where you wanted to be. Thats my mr meaner, also the silly GM never gave the list of terortrys. So what I would say is re do the CS, ill get the terrortrys from the Iterest Check and go from there. Since you want to be called the high king ask the GM for the Gnr Shalor terrorty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Here are the terrortrys you can have
Playable Kingdoms:

You have to give a good reason to allow you to play with Gnyr Shalorn:

[hider=Gnyr Shalorn]
Population: 958.000
Manpower: 536.000
Land Army: 400.000(150.000 spearmen, 100.000 swordsmen, 70.000 cavalry, 50.000 archers, 30.000 royal guards(cavalry))
Fleet: 1.200 ships(80 sailors each)
Army Efficiency: Good Infantry, Good Cavalry, Good Cavalry, Good Fleet, Perfect Special Unit
Capital: Gnyr Shalorn
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

But he did say where he wanted to play, he said he would play as Valgaard
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@RisenDeadBut anywho. I would say its fine but you would need to give a terrorry with the army stuff. Kay?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Lauder@RisenDead Ignore me... I am stupid...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 6 days ago

My dear detractors, I think I have in fact nailed the spirit of this game on the head with how I have chosen to Role-play Valgaard, and I shall explain why if you will but give me the time and the space to type it;

<Snipped quote by Claw2k11>

I think this point alone can help shed some light on his I have set up Valgaard. This opening post stats "Fractured into smaller Kingdoms", of which Valgaard is one correct? Who but the people of that region decides, ultimately, what title they would bestow upon that "King". If they call him a "High King", it is no different, for he is High King of Valgaard, a land which was created in the spirit of this very opening statement in the RP's descriptor.

<Snipped quote by Claw2k11>

Here again we see the blunt statement that more than one King, Valgaard can easily have its own King and fit nicely into how you saw this world working out, very much like Feudal Ireland, famous for its many Kings and at one time it even had over 600 Kings! Occasionally they were united by a single man calling himself "High King".

If you're still not convinced than allow me to explain a little more in detail how Valgaard operates and why it is listed as having other major houses, which I think is the only thing you read before laughing and self importantly going "This guy has no idea." I assure you, I am well aware of how Feudal Kingdoms worked and that Valgaard is perfect for your RP.

Valgaard is an independent Kingdom, formerly ruled by the Celestial Empire as I think we can all agree. Following the collapse of the Celestial Empire, Valgaard simply returned to its traditional ways, its people bound together by cultural ties, language and regional economics. No different than say, Ireland, when it broke away from the United Kingdom. Valgaard, as I shall RP it, has always been an army with a nation and when it was included into the Celestial Empire it was only thanks to negotiation rather than force of arms. Now that the Celestial Empire has collapsed, the Valgaard nobles feel no ties to the Throne but still maintain their allegiance to the ancestral heritage of their homeland, the figurehead of whom is known as the High King.

This means the three main houses, with their smaller sworn houses, all agreeing on a High King, who at this moment happens to be Utgaardson. As the noble families of these houses are well known to inter-marry, it is possible he carries the blood of all three houses which is why he was seen as a logical choice for High King. His people need a uniting factor in the unstable and terrifying times after all.

Yes, I am aware that smaller houses might rebel if they think they can do a better job. That very reason is why Ireland or the Danes never conquered the world, they were to busy fighting amongst themselves.

Additionally, the idea of smaller Lords trying to unseat a more powerful King is an idea far older than "Feudal" times, I would submit the Danish invasion of England in the 800's. The Islamic Invasion of Spain in the 700's. Both are times when an organized enemy took advantage of disorganized and fractured people to conquer a vast swath of territory, and in the case of islamic Spain, build an empire that took Christian Spain 800 years to reconquer.

So, I submit to you once again the same nation sheet based on the reasons above since I think it fits perfectly into a "Feudal Kingdom" idea and the promise that intend to provide excellent RP and storyline to your role-play idea.

Your reasoning, my friend is absolutely perfect! I will accept your house, however, since you would be too OP if you controlled the noble houses of Valgaard, I'll have to take control of them if you don't mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Error
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Error What Happens When Mahz Screws Up Coding

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Claw2k11 when we start
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by RisenDead>

Your reasoning, my friend is absolutely perfect! I will accept your house, however, since you would be too OP if you controlled the noble houses of Valgaard, I'll have to take control of them if you don't mind.

So are you okaying me to join based on my app or jacking my idea and forcing me to come up with something else?

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