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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Nils shook his head. "Everyone deserves some time off, even someone such as myself." The man explained. "But atop that, we're overseeing tournament, i'd personally like to watch my student's fights instead of over a screen at the labs." He listed off rather calmly, but with an atmosphere of enjoyment about his work, something unique about the Gunpla world.

"That and for the new technology we're debuting, this is a personal honor to be here to unveil it. From considering how much good it's going to do for the world i wouldn't miss this." He said, an obvious excitement about himself. "However, not a peep until the event." he commented.

Dani also seemed rather excited, and actually giddy for once. "It's really going to be a wonder to finally show everyone what we've been doing, Sensei." she happily said, then drank down a glass that she had fetched.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"Always pushing the limits seems to have become a staple for Nielson Labs huh?" Sakuya asked as she took a small sip from her drink she was unused to such gatherings and parties and felt rather uncomfortable just being here. Still it gave her time to catch up and as a bonus she got to meet Nils sensei so that was always a good thing. Now if she could just find out who was participating that was of note well she did manage to spot the Meijin and Lady Kawaguchi but as far as she knew they were not fighting in this tournament rather it was due to the Meijin and Lady Kawaguchi for the odd prize from her understanding. Though there was always the perchance that they will end up participating anyway doubly so knowing how over the top the Meijin was for gunpla and gunpla battles in general.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nils nodded. "Yes, we always strive to move forwards with our technology and improve what we have. Stagnation is of the worst diseases." He commented, still in a highspirits. "However, we must be away, we have final preparations to do. It was a pleasure meeting you in person." he said as Dani Bowed as well. "Toodles, i'll see you on the floor." she said with a smile before herself and Nils disappeared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"See ya later then" Alexis said as the pair left. "Should be interesting to see what they came up with, well, we'll see soon enough I guess." She said as she stood up. "I'm gonna take off to, go pick up my daughter, so my brother can sleep off the jet lag, and make a few final checks on my Gunpla before the battles start." Alexis gave Sakuya a wave as she to left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Sakuya sighed lightly as she left the party a bit later it seems her idea of scouting the enemy was not going to work so with that said she left. Into the next day Sakuya stood in the commons area looking at the screens mounted on the walls since it was only a few minutes before the beginning of the actual event and they were starting to explain the first match. "The first event is about to begin for this round it is a simulated war battle. Need more clarification its a team free for all fight the opposing team and their battleships. The team with the most survivors by the end of the round wins. Though be careful the field is full of danger from "support" fire from opposing battleships to hi mocks one each side painted the colors of the teams. Keep your eye out and your skills sharp pilots the beginning of this round will be representing the eternal conflict that is presented in Gundam seed the Earth Alliance vs ZAFT. Will fighters please step down to the arena to receive your team band." With that repeating over a few times Sakuya stood up and headed towards the arena her qubeley held gently in her hand as she looked at the small ZAFT sticker that was she was supposed to place on her gunpla.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis gave Cassandra a kiss on the forehead "You be good from Uncle Dami, Mommy needs to go be awesome." she said as her brother took the baby from her and sat down as Alexis walked down to get her band, or sticker rather. A fairly cheap one to from the feel of it, must not be meant to last the battle.

Ether way, she was please to get a ZAFT sticker rather then an EA sticker, still, the nature of the battle forced her hand though, and she'd rather not have had to use it just yet but a large scale battle like this, her reborn Exia would be better suited then her Viper.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Walking out to the stage, the Nielsen contestant was there. "Unfortunately, Dani Hatashi's wheelchair couldn't make it to the stage due to electrical problems, we apologize for the inconvenience." A minor announcement said. The contestant was in a pilot's suit, the likes of which were seen in Gundam Iron blooded orphans, used by Tekkadan. The Visor was darkened out and probably had an info uplink to interface with the gunpla battle systems.

Placing the EA sticker on the delta plus they had, the Contestant silently walked out to the field of battle and set down the gunpla and base on the entrance. They seemed to possess a silent intensity about them that was ominous an unnerving. Displayed on the pilots suit was a single symbol:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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His heart beat resounded in his ears, thumping loud enough to trump all other noise. The stares of every spectator in the arena didn't faze him. Attached to his waist were several pouches containing his Gunpla, his perfected Sphere King. The Ball Guy costume he had once wore for protection, was now one of his greatest strengths. He felt he was the hero Gunpla needed to truly become about freedom. He walked down the lane to get his team ticket, and suddenly passed a strikingly familiar face. If he recalled she was a big fan of the Exia line. Yeah, it was her alright. Just an old friend and rival from younger days. Were the others here too? His classmates from Neilson Labs? Surely, they were all talented individuals after all. Maybe this tournament would be even more important to him than he thought. When he got to the ticket giver, who was agape from his outfit, he read his sticker. "ZAFT" he said solemnly. "Excellent." Rou turned around and surveyed the stage. His stage,
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"The stage has been set let us ride to battle than shall we?" Sakuya questioned to herself her hat creating a shadow over her face blocking it from view. "My heaven, reconstructed! This is where the limelight shines! Fubuki Kai Launching!" Sakuya exclaimed her Qubeley custom launching among the red mocks that represented the ZAFT forces. It was her heaven this is where she felt alive after all launching forward leaving behind a white trail she barged through the EA lines her Klein field reflecting back shots from the mocks back at them. Though she did release multiple funnels firing at any suit that got nearby.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

'That's surprising, I wouldn't have figured Dani's chair would have had any issues' Alexis thought as she walked up to the stage, passing ... Ball Guy ... ? No ... Alexis turned to look again, and sure enough, it was Ball Guy. Probably the only Builder she knew that could make a Ball dangerous, if he was here to, then things really where gonna be interesting. 'And that makes four of us.' Alexis though as she put the ZAFT sticker on her Starlight Radiance Exia's shoulder and set the Gunpla and GP base on the Battle System.

"It's time to shine, Starlight Radiance Exia, Launch." she said as her new Exia took of down the ramp and into space, and flew off at a break neck pace into the EA lines, impaling a Strike Dagger on Her Moonlight GN Sword, before grabbing her Blue Moon GN Blade and cutting a second in two like it was nothing before carving a path through the Strike Daggers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Sakuya was tearing apart the npc forces, there was a gray blurr that flew past her and she saw two funnels go down. If she'd focus in on it, she'd see that it transformed a good bit away from her. A delta plus, with a Nielsen laboratory custom painted emblem on the shoulder. IT was clearly their contestant.

It had a weapon now, a beam rifle and took aim, firing resting on the shield at the Quebely. It took two shots, obviously curious to see how it'd respond from a long range attack. The thing was blistering quick if the display was anything to go by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ball Guy set down his Ball Modules into the field, sending them forward in a tight "V" formation. The Neilson Labs people might be weary of what they're capable of, but no one else in the tournament had even a remote clue. He could feel their sneers and mocking, but if only they knew. Ball Guy played it cautiously, picking off Mocks and Daggers left and right, careful to not draw too much attention to himself. The cannon on Ball Daizen fired off several shots in the direction of a group of players, attempting to garner their attention. He was an easy target for them to chase, after all. They were only Balls...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Not really turning to block the shots fired Sakuya quickly use the klein field to block the shots fired and reflect it back at the pilot. "The nielson labs rep huh? Lets see what kind of tricks you have up your sleeves!" Sakuya exclaimed releasing more funnels and letting her normal beam sabers slid into the hands three beam blades ignited from the tips. Raising one arm at the delta plus and pointing the blade at it showing that she saw it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Seeing the shots come back, the delta plus was quick to move and use the shield to deflect the shots, the beams bouncing off into space taking out a high mok or two. the pilot flew backwards and specifically targeted the funnels outside of the shield, having learned their lesson about shooting the shield. they seemingly wanted to remove the funnels before they became a real problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"So trying to take out the funnels well I have a surprise for you those are the ones you need to worry about." Sakuya exclaimed as she let the invisible funnels let a burst of fire weaker than a normal burst shot of her regular funnels but her invisible ones but it would do. "Lets see how well you dance." Sakuya exclaimed as she charged forward her beam sabers held firmly in hand as the invisble funnels kept firing along with the regular ones the lost of a few them not really worrying her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

With a quick reaction time, the Delta plus only lost the rifle, abandoning it to explode as the mobile suit dashed away and transformed again, gaining distance between itself and the quebely, dancing around as it did its best to avoid the funnel shots.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Tch." Sakuya remarked her qubeley was fast but not fast enough to catch the delta plus. Deciding to not chase it she sent more funnels having them chase the delta plus while she slowly moved forward keeping the delta plus in her sight. The Delta plus had speed she give it that but it had to have more than just that going for it all things considered. With a slight wave of her hand she let a small shockwave from her Klein field hoping to throw the suit off course and allow the funnels to catch up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Keeping the momentum from the inertia in space, the Delta plus transformed and kept dodging around using some of the AMBAC motions before it got into a stance that hadn't seen the tournament stage in almost 11 years of battle. Sakuya could hear a feint female voice whisper come over the comms. "Fa... Jin..." it just ever so dragged into her head. It was almmost in slow motion that she saw it happen.

There was a burst of sparkles from the vents on the delta plus and the funnels around the delta plus imploded. Out of the explosion flew the mobile suit and withdrew a sword from the shields inner cavity. It was silver and happened to give off a similar shimmer of plavasky particles as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ball Guy let the group of players tail him for a bit before bringing them in between the two warring ships. They were confident enough that they had surrounded him and his squad of Balls. Rou smiled underneath his mask.

"Welcome to my little show, friends."

The Balls began orbiting Ball Daizen slowly. Ball Daizen slowly transformed in mobile suit mode and outstretched its limbs with one arm skyward. Slowly Ball modules began to attach themselves to Ball Daizen, Ball Guy began speaking.

"Forged in the mighty foundries of Justice, built with only one purpose! Tasked with changing the world of Gunpla for the more creative, this is my steed! Bow down to the power of the mighty Sphere King!"

With that, Sphere King was completed with a mighty thundering explosion.

"Thanks for playing in my little game. Sorry it has to end like this."

Sphere King quickly drew a heavy beam saber from its shoulder and with a single slash, the EA was down three players.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"So the rep has some moves from the teacher huh? Well guess what your not the only one who can manipulate plavsky particles!" Sakuya exclaimed as she held her had out and let the klein field form in front of her as she felt the blade clash against the shield. "The spear that can pierce through any defense, or the shield that can weather any attack lets see what happens shall we?" Sakuya said as she stood her ground the Klein field staying strong in front of her without really giving in.
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