"Hey, want to go for a swim after class or something?-Ariel
|{Name}|Ariana Jennifer Kingston.
|{Nickname}|Ariana likes to go by Ari, sometimes but not all the time. She also likes to be called AJ, too.
|{Birth Date}|April 17th.
|{Sexuality}|Bisexual but leans more towards guys than girls.
|{Relationship Status}|Single and looking to mingle.
|{Sexuality Active}|Yes.
|{Major}|Criminal Justice.
|{Appearance}|Ariana has bright red locks of hair that flows freely pass the middle of her back. She has her hair tied up in a high ponytail, mostly but often of times leaves it straight and unkempt. She has olive toned skin, which is evenly toned throughout her body. She has chestnut brown eyes with dark brown tint close to her pupil. Ariana is a petite female, standing only five foot six and weighing merely one-hundred and ten pounds. She has a slender frame to her body and tries to show it off every single chance she gets.
|{Clothing Style}|Ariana wears everything short sleeved and shorts. Even if it is cold outside, she still wears shorts. She will dress elegantly, if she has to but it is highly unlikely.
|{Scars | Piercings | Tattoos}|She has her two lower ear lobes pierced along with the two industrial piercings and her belly button. She doesn't have any scars but has a tattoo of a heart with devil horns on her right ankle.
|{Skills}|Ariana is very good at socializing and persuading people, at least she likes to think so. She is an excellent cook, too. Ariana also has an exceptional singing voice. She is a gymnast and really flexible.
|{Hobbies}|Collecting old coins | Writing lyrics | Coming up with new ideas for anything | Gymnastics | Scrap Booking
|{Personality}|♦ Observant ♦ Blunt ♦ Adventurous ♦ Sassy ♦
Ariana is a very observant female that watches people's every move before she intervenes on anything. She also watches people mouths when they are talking to her, just in case their lip quiver up to tell a lie or whatever. She sees everything and always speaks on what she sees. She is a very adventurous female that is willing to try anything once. Ariana isn't afraid to take on any challenge or anything really that is thrown her way. She is afraid of anything, to be honest. Well, certain things she is. Along with all of her positive traits, she has some negative ones, as well. She is very blunt and will always speak her mind. She is also very sassy but tries not to be as it her usual reflex towards people and when responding. Overall, Ariana is the person you'd want to hang around if you're willing to have a good time and befriend just about anyone.
|{Place of Origin}|Beverly Hills, CA.
|{Family}|Tristan Kingston - Father - Alive - Owner of King Tristan's Aquarium
|{Background}|Growing up, Ariana was always a fairly easy going type of kid. Even though she always wandered off away from her parents, going wherever her imagination takes her. She never knew her mother was because she had passed away a few weeks after her birth due to natural causes, or at least that what she was told. Her father raised her to be a respectable, young lady or at least, he tried. Ariana wasn't a really bad kid, just did things the way she wanted to do them and such. Growing up in her teen years, she became very rebellious and didn't listen to a word her father said, or even her watcher Cedric. She has gained many friends over the years, one of them being her best friend, Floyd, whom has been by her side since day one.
She did find love once upon a time but that was short lived though she hopes to try and find love again though isn't rushing it, since she likes flirting for now. She is came about Fairy Tale Academy because he father signed her up, to keep her out of trouble. Her father even went through the trouble to sign Floyd up, too so that she wouldn't be too alone.
She's been attending the academy for awhile now and is ready for a new year and hopefully it is her last one.
F A I R Y T A L E & E X T R A I N F O
|{Fairy Tale Character}|Princess Ariel.
|{Story}|The Little Mermaid.
|{Dorm Room Floor}|16.
|{Dorm Room Number}|1601.
|{Abilities}|Siren Song- She has the ability to sing, yes but with this, she can put someone in a trance-like state of mind and get them to do anything she desires.
Weakness; In order for her Siren Song to actually work, the person has to be within a reasonable range of her for when she is singing.
Aquatic Manipulation- Ariana can control anything aquatic even some animals. She can control any forms of water, too.
Weakness; She can only control animals and any form of water, one at a time. If she pushes herself too far, she'll collapse unconscious.|{Theme Song}|Bastille - Pompeii.