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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Supernatural have been discovered to exist, a war between humans and supernatural has ravaged the earth. From these ashes a new civilization rose, under the hand of a demon lord more powerful than any being. All seems well, supernatural and humans coexist peacefully. No slavery, no poverty, no hunger or war. Technology far beyond what was previosly capable. All in this world wide civilization love and worship their dark lord, his empire spreading around the globe. But this frail illusion is just that, an illsuion. The Dark Lord really uses his people as minions, manipulating them and their religion for his own sinister entertainment.

A prophecy that has long lay dormant has come to pass, and the dark lord has become paranoid. Making one boy disappear without a word, the one from the prophecy, the catalyst that will burn his regime to ashes then rebuild the world. He has labeled this boy, the one destined to change the world, The Heretic. Making him the most hated enemy of the empire. Which excuses the kidnapping.

The prophecy speaks of four who will tear the regime apart, three of them are loyal to the empire and the Dark Lord. Like any other citizen, though a meeting from the heretic should he escape may open their eyes to truth.

That is the story behind this rp, I will be playing the Heretic. This rp is going to be gory, violent, horror themed, romantic (with mature themes. So it will be taken to teh PM's for those parts.) such as a real event with two teenagers who start a religous rebllion then fall in love would happen. Below are the characters, you can choose one then make a female character based off it. She must be withing 2 years (above or below) my character. The military starts recruiting and deploying soldiers at age 12 so you can use that if needed.

Jason The Heretic Diabolus, Psionic, Power(s); Telekinsis of unrivavled power, teleportation, Liquifaction, and forced hallucnations- Me

The Ice Princess, Icemancer, Power(s): Creation and manipulation of Ice. Unharmed by ice or cold

The Ghost, Human, Power(s): None, but is extremly good at stealth, shooting, and hand to hand.

The Pyrotechnic, Pyromancer, Power(s): Creation and manipulation of fire, unharmed by fire or heat

CS Skelly:

My CS:
Name: Jason Diabolus 'The Heretic'

Age: 16


Personality: Jason is a boy who is broken, he has lost the meaning of life, and sees killing as another method to get his way. He is cold and cunning, and thirsty for revenge. Under his tough guy armor, the boy is a kind and romantic one. He is loyal and stubborn, but always there for those he cares about.

Bio: Jason was stolen from the streets at the small age of 4. Whenever the prophecy labeled him as the one to set fire to the dark lord's reign. He was labeled the Heretic and has been long since vilified to the public. Pictures of him are kept up to date in case of an escape. The boy has been experimented on and torchered endlessly for years, as the dark lord tries to make him a weapon to be used.

Weakness: Holy Light, Bright Light, Blessed Steel, his loyalty to others, and forcing memories of his torchered childhood to resurface.

Other: Some were born to make a difference, some were born to tear the old world down and build a new one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Elza The Ice Princess, Icemancer
Power(s): Creation and manipulation of Ice. Unharmed by ice or cold
Age: 15
Personality: Elza is shy, however, her temper showed when bullies at military school went too far, revealing that she is an ice fae. From that point forward Elza hardly talked at all, except caring comments towards the kids that couldn't fight back and honest opinions about those who were the bullies. She doesn't understand the concept of danger until it is too late to back away. Elza is very hard-headed and loyal to the people she knows and loves. The ice fae is rather innocent towards the world since she is separated from the kids at school because the military officials like to run her through series of tests every day.

Bio: Elza's parents were forced to give her up to a girls' home when she was 5. When she was sent to the military school at age 12, she talked a minimal to get herself past boot camp so the instructors wouldn't punish her for not responding. The only time she was allowed to be away from experiments was for core subjects like English, History, Math, and Science, but they add her in P.E. and lunch so she can have some human interaction.

Weakness: Too much of any type of heat via air or fire, but can withstand it better since the experiments started. Her silent protection pledges to the people she cares about, or those who cannot fight back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I like it. I'll make the thread later tonight
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WhiteAngel25
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WhiteAngel25 The Original Cupcake Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sounds good to me!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Whiteangel, sent you the link'to the rp
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