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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

You awake to the frsh breeze that hits your face. It feels great after the long sleep you had. In order to keep you in hybernation you need to be in a warm enviroment, unless your body might not wake up. Heat based hybernation is just feeding yourself with narcotics and keeping them dissolved with heat, long enough so you can last a few hundred years. The scientists failed to invent cryogenic freeze by the time the end came so this is all you can have. Bu now that you say that, it is actually pretty cold here, no longer in the pleasurable area.

Jay C looked around and saw no scientists. Aren't there supposed to be a few who would come here to check on them? And why is it so cold. Did someone leave the AC running for the god knows how much time they were out? Nevertheless the terminal that controls the room's working is just on the others side. He takes his first step, but his muscles fail to keep his body satndindg. They are so numb they could even be sticks for all he cares. But it's not the hybernation for sure. They feeded tehm enough narcotics that could kill an enraged elephant. His muscles shouldn't have lsot weight. Meh. He didn't think too much of it. He laid there for a few minutes until he could feel his legs and arms. He coughed up a bit of blood. Never a good sign. He slowly pushed himself up to satnding and looked around the room. It seems that no one was inside. To be honest he just noticed the lack of ligting in the room. It wasn't exactly dark, but now that he could think clearer it seemed that only a few lamps worked and even they weren't enough to make the room brighter than a sky at dusk. He scanned around and spotted the terminal. He began to walk there, but suddenly with a hydraulic hiss the other capsule in the room opened. He thaught about prorities for a second, so he dropped the idea of checking on the terminal and went to see the other occupant. The systems can wait anyways. He went around his pod, and on the other side was a girl still half asleep, fresh outta hybernation "Wakey, wakey."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eve closed her eyes tighter as her consciousness returned. 300 years had never felt shorter. One day had never even felt shorter than The Hibernation. The tap tap tap of feet alerted her to the other presence in the room. This was expected of course, the scientists who had set up the operation were intended to check on them before they wake.

But that didn't occur, atleast not quickly enough. She pried her eyes open, and yawned. Blinky she noticed the guy making his way over, finally.

"Wakey, wakey" he said, his tone difficult to appraise. This guy could not be the scientist who was in charge of the habitation, wakey wakey was just to childish a thing to say, and any way she already knew what he actually was. He was a participant in the hibernation some sort of tech guy.

She squinted her eyes in condemnation. "Don't talk to me like I'm a child, and where are the people who actually know what they're doing," she spoke coldy. Her words echoing that which she'd said to her parents before the ice came to the world.

She had meant to sound detached although her voice neglected anything but scorn. For now it is best to know that she can atune her voice to be much more calouse, and that if at anytime she finds reason to sound other wise it will be the thin Vail gained by an accomplished health practitioners who must occasionally work with small children.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay looked into the woman's eyes, like someone who is carefully observing a small item, but after a showrt hile he just shrugged his shoulders and moved on to the terminal. "There is no one here. They either died or left us." He didn't even turn back to see the woman's reaction. In the past 3 minutes his sensory capabilities fully restored, and only now he could feel how cold it was. His muscles were still in hybernation so they spared him from the shaking, but his skin already hurt. If he had to guess, the room was around -20 Celsius. Which is not good. He accessed teh terminal and opened up the room info. - Temperature: -18 Celsius- -Life Support: Nominal- Hmm fair enough. He pressed teh button to turn on the heating, but he got a warning. -System Overload. Not enough power.- Interesting. He checked the status of the whole facility. -Sections A to E are non functional. F and G sectors are partially damaged. H and J sectors are nominal. Secondary reactor supplying energy to sectors A to J.- Aha, so that's the problem. He typed in a few commands and rerouted energy from the damaged sectors to the bottom 4 sectors. Suddenly the lights began to shine brighter, and the vent started to emit a sound resembling rusty fans spinning up. And the heat started to flow in.

He didn't even see or feel, but his sweat from the hybernation froze on him in the last five minutes, and as the room started to heat up, it started to collect in puddles below him, soaking his shirt, trousers, and shoes. The regulations for clothing were really just fro show. Only scientists would havge to wear capes, no one else. The participants were allowed to walk in and test with almost any clothing, like T-shirts, hoodies, sweaters, and could walk in sandals and high heels (for teh female participants that is) if they wanted to. The security stated that, there would be always scientists around, so a participant could go into hybernation with any clothing that suits him best, and there is no need for any special clothing. Actually they especially said that they should wear some light clothing as the hybernation would place them in a hot place. He tried to access teh security files but, he coudln't do anything from isnide the room. They were locked inside. Jay glanced over his shoulder with a sad face and looked at the woman. "The door is not working."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Her face remain stagnant with the news of everyone else's demise and even, as her mind quickly connected, their own. Hibernation had failed when granted it's face value, while Eve did give it deeper thought the original verdict still remained. She raised a shaking hand, and then the other, raising herself from the small cocoon that she had spent several lifetimes in. The chill of the air wasn't immediate but she had enough since to know that staying in the fridged temperatures to long could lead to many unpleasant ends. Her favorite sweater, though warm in most indoor environment proved useless against this particular brand of cold. She moved on, focusing solely on the cold would only kill her faster.

She dragged her gaze across the entire room. It was the same one she had left, though it now seemed much older. The walls were now worn and grey as was the tiled floor. The tech geek was now messing with the computer in the room, at least he seemed to be useful for something. Soon the air came on, rattling and hissing, reminding her that all this technology was old and no wonder it all shut off. The heat fell over the room in waves causing the frozen water and sweat to thaw and join in the reawakening. It dripped on the walls and the two life forms skin. This was a mild irritation, however they would need new attire anyway. Things had gone wrong and now they would need to be prepared for whatever lay outside.

After several more clicks the man cast her a wayward glance, a mournful light clearly distinguishable on his down turned face. What had he said, she'd spaced out for a moment. The door was it? "The door, is broken?" she guessed giving her best shot at what he might've said about the door. The door did something wrong his face said that much. "Why don't you just pull it open or something. Doors are supposed to have a manual way to open it's business law." She said, unamused by the situation. Inconveniences were one of the many things she loathed, and broken inanimate objects topped her list of inconveniences.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay C sat down on the floor, and examined the room once again, now that the lights were on, and the place was warming up. It was small, just enough to fit the two hybernation machines in. He remembered the white walls amd the bright lights like it was a second ago, however god knows how much time passed. The worst case scenario is that the program released them because the 300 years ended, that it was supposed to work with. There were 4 very small vents in the corners that sent in the oxygen and pumped out the used CO2 from the room. He fell into his taughts, but the cracking sound of the vents soon distracted him. He looked above himself and saw the vents that pumped heat in. They were man sized if not bigger, and it seemed like the panel on it can be opened with minimal force. He looked at his freaked out companion, and stood up."You are using air. Stop it." He gave a sharp look at the woman before continuing. "Hope you are strong. We can get through these vents, if you stand on my shoulder, I lift you up, and then you can pull me in." Jay kneeled down and gave the women a cold, feelingless look, that could either mean "I hope you do it" or "see if I care".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The women didn't appreciate the attitude. None the less he could be right about the air thing, she really didn't know, and anyways his plan wasn't the absolute worst. She scowled back at him anyway, easily expressing her displeasure through her facial features. Then without wasting anymore precious time she strode over and use him as a step stool to reach the vent. It's panel was hinged in place though easily removed due to years of rust. It took quite a bit of effort for her to heave herself up, she hadn't really had to strain herself since college when she had had a gym membership and used it. Inside the vent was unpleasant in a different sense than the room. It was warm at least but it was cramped and made odd noises, threatening often to give out from below.

Gathering her breath and wit she turned around and held her arm out so that whatever his name was could get up to. She could only offer one, she'd need the other to hold herself up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay waited patiently until the women finished taking down the hinges, and then looked up. For a second she disappeared but then, he could spot the woman's face as she lent him a hand. However the he wasn't tall enough to catch it. He tried grabbing her hand a few times, but every time there was a small, but reasonable gap behind their hands. This isn't gonna work, he thought to himself. He looked up at the woman with empty eyes, and an expression that told absolutely nothing, and tried to figure out something. The room was empty of things he could use as a stool, thus was the need to use himself as a stool for the woman. His thought drifted away, as he was looking for a solution, until they reached a point where he was thinking about games. He stopped mid motion as he walked past the terminal. He slowly tunred his head to teh terminal and narrowed his eyes in a suspicious way. "Have an idea. Make sure you grab onto my hand."

He walked away from the terminal, and backed himself agains their pods. He relived his gym classes in his thoughts and what he learned in parkour games. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened it, Jay jumpstarted towards the terminal, and in a few quick steps, he was right next to it. He jumped onto the terminal's sloped screen, spun around on his sneakers, and launched himself the other way, towards the hand still hanging from the vent. He focused on it, and grabbed it with his right hand,and stopped his motion with his left, not to break the woman's arm. He looekd up at the woman who was obviously not happy at all with teh situation, but he just ignored it. He grabbed onto the vent with one hand, and his other still grabbing the helping arm, and he pulled himself up into the small tunnel. Once inside he quickly took a break to get his energy back, and looked at the woman. This time he was smiling for once. "Thank you for cacthing me. Are you fine?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The crazy man knew parkour. The crazy man, he was like a freaking majestic ballerina. Eve was almost certain that nothing could get any more strange in the next hour. Sure she could feel were the connective tissues of her shoulder had been strained and figured they might bruise but that was worse case senerio and honestly even that wasn't that bad. "i'm fine." she said offhand as she turned to make her way through the ventilation system.

Moving along was tollsome, everything looked the same and there was no telling where they aught to even go. Eve tried to recall the layout of the facility. After awhile though she had no clue. Directions had never been her strong suit, and the lack of variation didn't help. "okay, where now glasses?" she said after what felt like an exceptionally long time, though it had only been a few minuets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay looked at the woman who was going in front of him. He was lot in his thoughts like always, when she suddenly stopped. The question was brief and straight on. It was the first intelligent question of the woman he felt like. Though he learned that other people think differently, so there is no point in argues. However here was a question that puzzled his mind. He stopped, and sat down in the shaft, slightly tilting his head forward in order to have enough space. "I don't know. Familiarize with each other. "

He looked at the woman with his head slightly tilted to the left, he felt like a dog, and he imagined that his face probably also looks like a begging dog. Doesn't matter. If his suspicions are right, then shit must have hit the fan around the world. Which means they will have to stick together. The woman didn't like him, which was obvious, but Jay didn't bother himself having grudges after the apocalypse. And as much as he would have loved to escape this place, he feared that the woman might try to leave him, which would drop his survival chance. Both of theird actually. So he sat there and waited for the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She sat as best she could and looked over her shoulder, turning around would be a waste of time. Eve had honestly thought he mightn't misspoken, but his face gave no sign of it if he had. If anything he looked downtrodden. Perhaps he'd not heard her right , the chambers were echoey and perhaps she aught to repeat herself. "I meant where are we going, we can't become rats and live in the air ducts,". She thought for a moment perhaps she was being to harsh,".

She glanced behind herself again, this time turning slightly. He really did look rather sad. "I'm Eve by the way, have you got a name glasses?" This was her attempt at friendliness, not perfect but not the worst. In the long run Eve could see that having someone else along would come in handy. Truthfully enough it already had. Without this guy she'd be frozen and dead and trapped in that room with a door that might have had a manual way to open it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"The name's Jay C" He smiled for a second, but then it disappeared again, as quickly as it came. He looked at the woman cravling in fron. Eve. Just like the mythical character from the bible. He should have introduced himself as Adam now that he thought about it. Eve. "Does that stand for Evangeline?" He decided that the conversation should be on the move, so he followed Eve as shr was going forward in the duct.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She kept going, ignoring his question until the silence wouldn't hold any longer. "no" she sighed. She resented her name. It was a terrible name and meaningless to her. It was the name of one of her grandmothers but she'd never know her. "It's actually Ester, but that name is god awful so don't use it." Her sharp tone reflected her disgust at the connection to her lost grandmothers.

There was a grate up ahead, a way out of the vent and into the unknown depths of the white walled building. The hallways of the building had reminded her of the hospital, pristine white and clean, people in lab coats hurrying all over. That was before, who knows the things that must have changed.

Now she was at the vent and didn't know what to do. "do we get out here, there's an opening?" She asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Jay stopped at the question and looked up at the vent's ceiling like he was studying something. Usual reactions don't translate well in cramped places it seems. He revised the layout of teh facility in his head. Their hybernation chamber was 5 corridors away from the emergency room. Guessing how much they have traveled so far in this disgusting tunnel, they have cut down two of them. However they are not gonna get anywhere with lock down in place. That means that they need to go a bit over their destination to reach an area without security doors. He shaked his head and looked at Eve. "We have to go further if we want warm clothes." He was about to move forward but he saw Eve's disappointed face. He stopped and thought about it for a moment. "Maybe a little break from this place won't hurt. There is a break room jsut down this hallway." As he finished he quickly cursed himself for saying such things. They have to press on. No time for idling around. Ugh! It can't be helped. It seems they will be taking a break here. Who knows. Maybe there is still some 300 year old coffee left for them to drink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jay C didn't really seem to be good at translating what she was saying which irritated Eve. This guy. He didn't want to get out of the vent but insisted for some reason, she really couldn't tell what his deal was. "Look, if we should keep going that's fine. But if this is a hallway we can just walk to where ever there's clothes." She said in exasperation. The grate was already off the vent, and she was already halfway through it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay saw as Eve was trying to get out the vent, but pulled her back by her sweater.
"Wonder why we couldn't open the door? The whole place is locked down. Unless you have a power tool or a blowtorch, you can't open these doors." He released the woman and sighed with a disappointed face. "Let's just move forwards. The next vent should be the one we need." That said he took the lead, going around Eve in the cramped duct as if he was a mouse. He never had problems with small places. He just hoped that his suspicions won't come true.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"whatever," she huffed, pulling herself back up and then She glaring at him from behind as he took the lead. Maybe he shouldn't have suggested going down then she thought, scuffling after him. Maybe the cramped space and the sleepy feeling really wasn't helping. This was why she hardly slept, as a college student you just don't and as a nurse always on call you can't afford to do so. Learning how to function on minimal sleep was possibly her best feat and the stupid hibernation screwed that up. She needed coffee or a cigarette or something ending in -ine. If things kept going down hill she was going to wish she'd died like everyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

jay led in front. He was exhausted and wanted a good breakfast. Or a lunch if possible. However he thought that it would be pretty unlikely at this point. Maybe an MRE at best. He thaught about different foods he saw in magazines and really wanted to eat them. His stomach began to rumble. Better not think about food. For the next minute or so they crawled in silence. Soon Jay spotted the grate they were looking for. "This is it" He held himself in palce with his hands above the grate, and kicked it down with his legs. The screes instantly gave up, and the grate fell on the ground, and immidiately Jay followed. He waited for Eve to land too, and then he took the corner. He was so excited. Food and supplies avaible for them. He spotted the room "There!" He walked to the door. It responded to a short code and opened with a hiss. But as soon as it opened, his confidence dropped as fast as it came when he saw the room. "We are so screwed...." It was gone. The food, the supplies, the clothes. EVERYTHING. He ran in the room and one by one kicked in teh lockers. He was furious. After 300 years of being frozen they would just let them die here! He was so angry, he let out a maniac shout and brought a whole line of lockers, which fell to the ground making a loud noise. He just noticed Eve who looked at him like one looks at a psychopath. He coughed and straightened his shirt, wiping the dust off of it. His face tunred back into his usual, depressed and sad look, and he just sat down in one corner, silently thinking about possible solutions. He didn't notice but he slowly bited his nails off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"you've got a little blood right there buddy," she said, scuffing her finger across the corner of her mouth. "might wanna get that checked out, could be pretty bad."

Her words where voiceless though, lost in a tone that hardly signified the gravity of the situation. It was perhaps that the situation simply outweighed any that Eve had ever experienced, that alone was true enough. She thought silently for a moment of any way they'd be able to survive. If the inside was this unlivable outside must be even worse and so leaving was a definite no. They could continue looking for clothes and food, wandering the halls for some three hundred year old supplies that may or may not lie waiting in the forgotten bowls of the facility. That was unlikely given what the outside circumstances might be but it was one of their only hopes.

"lets just go, we can gather whatever is left over from the other rooms." Eve said, a sullen tone dipping in between the apathy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay shook his head violently. "No use! You can't open these doors. I tried. The only reason we could open this is because this was overwritten by whoever took the supplies." He stood up however and walked to the open door. He stopped before exiting the room, and looked back. He pointed at a small foldable chair "Though we might need that." Then he left the room and walked down the corridor without looking back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With a sigh Eve grabbed the chair and started after him. "look kiddo we'll figure this out. We could go back to the other room and see if there's anything left there." She said trying to keep their spirits.
In the room with the vent she set up the chair, letting Jay go back up first this time.

Somewhere in this facility had to be something of use.
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