@OneStoryToMany You can count how many there are so far from the CHAR tab, can't you? Or do you mean everyone who plans to make their CS soon?
Tried to incorporate some of the races before more CS's came c: I'll actually read all the CS's tomorrow or when I have the time. BTW, Harlock the orphan ; 3; if thats fine. I need to add he either lives with another family, alone, or with morrigan later x_x
He'll probably live alone secretly and occasionally Morrigan xDHarlock Rose
"A crude art, Equally elegant and ugly."
- ? ? ? (saw it on a hannibal image but not sure exact source)
|Full Name|Harlock Rose
|Nickname|Kitty, Kitten.
|Birth Date|February, 1st.
|Zodiac Symbol|Aquarius.
|Mentor|Morrigan is the mistress of magic and comes from a very long and royal line of magic users. Any magic-user of her blood is known to be 'The greatest' normally and she has 1 daughter whom Harlock has an undying love for despite not dating. Unlike the other mentors (or at least, everyone else) Morrigan is quite the peculiar woman. She is dark and gloomy, and seems to take joy in the most cruel things that would otherwise be known as 'inhumane' to those of 'normalcy'. Morrigan's eccentric behavior does not stop her from being sardonic, and while it may be a hot topic to talk about she nonetheless is accepted by everyone. While her alignment may be questionable, Morrigan is at all cost truly neutral--However seeing as magic is a powerful thing she for sure leans more towards the hero side despite not acting like it like a normal hero would.
|Hero or Villain|Anti-Hero.. In a sense like catwoman, Whichever side that bribes him best.
|In Depth Appearance|Harlock is a tall male with dirty blonde hair and gold eyes. He is 6'1 with a muscular build, and always seems to be unfazed by his surroundings. It is apparent that Harlock has many tattoos that appear to represent his insides/skeletal structure, and what seems to interest people would especially be how he manages to have tattoos on his own face. It's a key trait of his that definitely makes him stand out of the crowd besides having a peculiar mentor. The male doesn't seem to have a particular style really besides wearing dreadful looking clothes that are rather gloomy.M Y Q U I R K S
|Powers|Manticore Transformation: Harlock's only shape-shifting ability allows him to transform into a large monstrous looking lion. He'll have a beautiful red-gold mane surely enough, however this is where the monstrous parts come in as 3 bones from the sides of his back appear, a scorpion's tail, horns on his head and even scales throughout his body as armor. While Manticore's were known to bare bat-like wings, Harlock's wings were unfortunately taken from him so only the very bones of where his wings once were remains and he uses it as a sort of weapon to damage his opponents off guard since they're retractable.
In this form, his abilities are enhanced and he is quite large (but he can control his size at will). His tail is prehensile and carries a deadly poison, but he is only limited to using it three times once he transforms. The three needles carry the poison, the 2 smaller needles being able to literally shoot and penetrate whomever he wishes, while the larger one stays. As a manticore, his gaze affects his surroundings, sending a sort of petrification to living organisms and even his aura alone causes plants to wilt before him. The only reason why his gaze or aura doesn't kill (a person) in an instant is because he has not yet fully matured or adapted these sorts of powers yet Or at least that is what is believed for now, it's unclear weather Harlock will inherit such powers soon. Better yet the last Manticore who had these abilities was his great-great-grandfather and since then certain powers like said did not go through each blood-member. Rather, it is only inherited by the more 'powerful' or 'lucky' Manticores.
|Power Weakness:|- To reverse the poison requires the Manticore's own saliva in his true form. However an alternative would require the blood of a demigod, a scale from a dragon, and a feather from a phoenix. Once you're poisoned, you have at least half an hour.
- Fire harms him terribly.
- Breaking one of Manticore's horns will force Harlock to revert back into his human form. It nearly takes a week for him to be able to turn back into his true form again, However to speed the process of him growing a horn back is the same process it takes to cure his poison.
|Quirks | Habits | Oddities|- His tongue is sensitive to hot food, like cats.
- He tends to swallow boiled eggs whole.
- Harlock loves to hiss in people's ears, or breathe down their neck depending on who it is. Its just an enjoyable thing he likes to do.... Don't question it.
- Similar to how cats play with their prey, he likes to play around with people. Be it frustrating them more, to edging them on by striking fear, or even making them flushed (blushing), he loves the reactions he receives.
- If stressed or confused, his ears will appear. It's an actual habit now since he has been doing this as a kid.
- He brings sexual tension everywhere.
|Hobbies | Talents|- Reading books (some find it surprising as he looks 'different')
- Survival instincts
- Improvising
|Likes|- Hair playing: He enjoys the feeling of people feeling his hair or playing around with it. But sometimes it gets frustrating as it distracts him very easily depending on how good it feels.
- Tribute/Gifts: Although he pretends to not care, Harlock doesn't hate the gifts he receives. In fact he completely adores receiving random gifts from random people. He likes to be liked, even if he seems like a scary jerk, it interests him based on bravery. And women tend to be the suckers who offer tribute to him.
- Children: He doesn't mind them. But he won't show proper 'love', He's the type of 'sadist' who likes to bully and taunt them until they cry and point and laugh in front of their faces before being nice to them afterwards. It is a cute sight seeing him be nice to kids, however tough love conquers as well as being the 'monster' {Only kids are allowed to call him monster} or the 'hated guy'. Sometimes if he feels really bad where the child is actually badly shaken up, he'll make up for it and be their favorite before calling them 'twerp' and pushing them aside, Only to see them chase after him.
- Relaxing: Downtime is nice.
- Daydreaming
- Museums: He likes to wander in a peaceful area to learn and observe new things alone.
|Dislikes|- Stress: Why? Because stress affects Harlock's appearance, and stress can also make him turn into a lion cub. Not a baby manticore, but an actual normal lion cub. Despite becoming cuter and softer in appearance however, Harlock can still speak and gets mouthier.
- Fire: A sort of personal weakness (he's the only Manticore with fire as a weakness), and mental weakness. PTSD type thing. He dislikes it when fire is used against him.
- People who complain: He is the last person you wanna vent to. If he asks, then tell. However, don't just tell him your problems knowing it'll irritate him as well. Unless theres a sort of reward for his greed, he'll oblige if you're a stranger/not a person he likes as a friend.
- Competition: He hates the sort of people who wishes to compete against him. He finds it pointless, childish, and just really shitty in general. Harlock just wants to do what he does best and mind his own business.
- Loud noises: Won't complain but he internally suffers.
|Fears|- Fire
- Becoming an actual beast/falling into beastly instincts
- being alone / abandoned
|Personality|♦ Responsible ♦ Blunt ♦ Laid-back ♦ Stoic ♦Harlock appears rather intimidating due to the aura he tends to give off as well as his appearance for the most part. But while he may seem negative and aggressive, you will find that for the most part Harlock is truly laid-back and easier to accept than expected. If you put enough effort into the conversation, he will actually give you the effort back however don't expect him to be all friendly smiles like a 'normal person'. His tone will surely be flat, as well as expressions but in the end he is easy to communicate with less than he is credited for, and also a sincere gentleman mixed with darkness. Often times it is hard to cut Harlock off as an ally due to his strange nature of good socialization (if given the chance to befriend), but once you overcome his looks and take up the courage to talk to him, he's more than happy to keep the conversation up. Just don't expect him to accept you right off the bat.
Adding on, It often comes off as a sort of surprise that Harlock could be 'caring' yet being 'responsible' isn't as surprising.The young man everybody thinks they know is 'quiet, freaky, and gloomy' but once you get to know this beast, he can be concerned about every little thing if he finds you worthy enough to be his friend. He's most likely to stay by your side, and even back you up in situations when it calls for it. His stoicism can immediately be switched to nurturing behavior as well when children are involved, But it's not quite the proper care without him adding in some sort of adrenaline to the kids or tough love sort of thing. Normally it's an interesting sight seeing the male give up on his poker face once in a while, or even hear him not tell a crude comment.
Lastly, while Harlock may be the quiet type, he is not one to tamper with at all. With aggression being strictly contained upon him, bluntness is the only opening for him to express himself. Harlock can still be angered, but if triggered it's best to take caution of his beastly form as it is said that not even he himself can fully control his beastly state to the fullest potential with confidence yet.D E F I N I N G M Y P A S T
|History|Manticores were one of the races deeply despised upon due to their behavioral issues of being prone to aggression and having beastly feasting. They were considered to be the bane of existence, and thus by all means were hunted upon to be exterminated as it was believed that if the population of manticores were to grow, there would be no balance in the world. For years Manticores had been frowned upon even by other creatures who were related to 'bad omens' and no matter who it was who took the challenge into 'clensing' a Manticore and their behavior issues it was simply impossible as containing them only caused more aggression. Violence was in their very souls, and they 'depended' on this violent behavior to survive. Thus, Being born as a manticore had proven it's hardships in life, especially during the majority vote of exterminating them. When Harlock was born, only as few as 85 Manticores had existed, However he was born in a very special lineage of his kind that was much more powerful than the other Manticores, and much more adapted around other races without as much aggression than normal Manticores. His line was able to walk away from conflicts, as well as resolve most of them in peace.
For the most part, as a baby, Harlock was happy nonetheless. It had turned out that his mother was a human with a small percentage of Manticore in her, but his father was 100% Manticore (with a human form). They had the capability to act more 'human-like' as well as blend into the mundane life. However being so young as well as slightly genetically altered in a sense due to his mother's genes, Little Harlock had yet been able to control his own transformations. He would randomly turn from beast, to human child, and sometimes even a mixture of the two and thus was often kept in layers of clothing since his parents believed that keeping him in for to long would be disastrous as their main goal was to 'change' the view of how Manticores were seen as. They wanted to break the 'statistic' and not be part of a belief system which oppressed their race. But despite having layers, Harlock was kept away from other children due to his animalistic-habits. Some examples would be prey drive (chasing squirrels), growling at strangers, even pouncing on other children. Intense emotions or sickness turned him into his true form, and being exposed so recklessly was something his parents could not afford to happen. But this had soon ended when Harlock recklessly ran off from his parents from a walk in the park and encountered a strange man. "Oh my, what a rare sight you are nowadays." scoffed the man as he turned around. Apparently, he was a phoenix and Harlock felt something ominous within this man. He felt fear, and immediately dropped into the form of his manticore appearance. The man smirked and without hesitance, he snatched the child up by the tail and preceded to burn the wings off the creature with his other hand, slowly. Harlock in this formed only whimpered and cried around helplessly, until his father came to the rescue, causing bloodshed by forcing the man into transforming to a phoenix and tearing him apart ruthlessly. From that day on, the definite existence of Manticores now living amongst Humans became confirmed information.
After that encounter, Harlock's father had gone missing when he was 7. While his lineage was seen as perfect, It had turned out that his own father had been killed and his mother fell into a deep depression for months. She figured that she shouldn't give up, but only being a small percentage of Manticore she wasn't able to train Harlock in his true form and often worried about his random transformations. What would happen to his Manticore instincts? Will his behavior become worse due to his father being out of the picture? Day in and day out she pondered endlessly with worry and eventually upon research found a sort of 'camp' for all sorts of races. Harlock was only 7, and his mother visited the camp to check it out. He was probably to young to join anyways, and it was only until then that before being denied Morrigan surprisingly came to claim the kid. If he was not accepted into the camp, then she would visit the child as a sort of 'home-training'. The peculiar mentor saw something in the child, she believed in him and with a secret agreement between the mother and mentor, Morrigan visited the child and observed the family. Throughout the years she had watched Harlock grow up in a way, but never trained him, only disciplined and trained him of 'human-mannerisms'. Talking more, being polite, etc. When Harlock felt an intense urge or emotion, Morrigan would immediately jump into action and distract the boy from transforming on time. She contained him, but never trained him in other words for 4 years, until he was 11. Morrigan left, Telling Harlock to make his own decision about joining the camp at 16 if he was really desperate. Because she knew, that his beastly urges would soon come out in a monstrous form and warned him of it. Unless he believed he can compose himself once he turns 16 then he wouldn't need the camp. However if beastly signs occurred, he was to pursue the 'witch'.
Everything was 'fine' but not really. Harlock was more prone to aggression and irritation, His instincts were coming in, and every time he saw his mother she seemed to be injured in some small way. Eventually he shook all these 'signs' away, refusing to admit that he was becoming more like a beast than a man, until the unthinkable happened. Harlock encountered the phoenix-man again and saw his mother, then things went black. It was only then that he woke up in an unusual place and his back was in intense pain. He was taken by Morrigan immediately after the incident and was confined. Chained to the wall, behind some sort of enchanted encasement, and restrained down heavily. While in this state, Morrigan had explained to Harlock everything to which vivid memories came back from his beastly state and he broke down mentally in these enchanted bindings which not even he could break himself. However, Morrigan was more-so impressed by his strong mentality it seemed. As within 3-4 days the male seemed to accept everything. On the fifth day to be safe, she released him from his confinement and took him to the camp (he was 16). After overcoming certain complexities, he was officially 'enrolled' and since then they had been working together.M I S C.
|Extra|- I don't really have a favorite creature..
|Anything Else|- Since his wings had been burned to a crisp where only bones remain, they cannot be recovered (unless you guys want him to have wings super later)
More pictures....