Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shock an awe comes to mind. But only moments after does someone try to put her in a hold! F*cker gunna' regret attacking her in the moment of crisis! As they surface in the rather shallow water it was the runt?! As she is taking in the bewildering situation he asked such a ridiculous question.

"Wait you thought I WAS DROWNING! The pool isn't even 2 meters deep right there! ARE YOU KIDDING! I dont know to think your a good guy or just a F*cking Idiot!"

She is to busy being shocked at his actions to notice the towel till it hit her in the face. "How about some morphine." She steps closer to the runt. And illustrates her gratitude. A jarring headbutt for both parties. She flips her wet hair before pulling herself out of the pool. Making sure to shake her head enough to get the good Capetian! with at least a little bit

"Thank you both for the most embarrassing unneeded experience of my life. You need not change the music. I am going to black out in my room for the remainder of the voyage."

With that the dripping wet wolf stumbles off, more than just a little inebriated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

micheal rubs his forehead with a wince as he mutters "that's gonna leave a mark..." and hops out to face the captain. "sorry for leaving my post sir but she was blind drunk and had slipped into the deep end, i just happened to be the first one to notice her" he says sheepishly, a welt forming on his forehead as he prepares to face the captain's wrath
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by snowblzr


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lyke put a hoof on his forehead, kept his eyes squinted, and followed the DJ to the booth. "Alright, so here's what, because you don't somehow have any 'Pop' songs, I'm gonna tell you something." He waited until the both of them approached the DJ booth, and continued plying songs. He turned the dial down so that everyone could still hear the music across the deck, but high enough so that they could privately discuss without someone over-hearing them.

"This is what I want you to have done. We've got some Wi-Fi on this ship, now I'm not saying you're gonna 'pirate' some songs, you're just going to 'legitimately illegitimately obtain some music from the internet'. And it's going to be 'Pop' or whatever's on the global charts, and you're gonna play it. I know nothing of you getting music this way. I know how much it might hurt you, because I enjoy deadmau5 just as much as you, but there are some angry celebrities I don't want to deal with." He sighed deeply, the muttered, "I'm gonna have to drink this day off." he made a face as if he had swallowed something repulsive and sour, and made his way back to the bar.

"Another drink please," he asked the bartender, while resting his head and arms on the table, ready to receive the drink. "Don't worry, the co-captain's got this trip."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

snowblzr said
Lyke put a hoof on his forehead, kept his eyes squinted, and followed the DJ to the booth. He waited until the both of them approached the DJ booth, and continued plying songs. He turned the dial down so that everyone could still hear the music across the deck, but high enough so that they could privately discuss without someone over-hearing them. He sighed deeply, the muttered, he made a face as if he had swallowed something repulsive and sour! and made his way back to the bar. he asked the bartender, while resting his head and arms on the table, ready to receive the drink.

micheal sets about to his new work and switches over to a little bit of zomboy so as to not get stale as he starts surfing the web for free mp3's on his phone while listening for the ones with good beats and ok bass lines, downloading them if they be deemed worthy enough to not drive him mad while listening to it. his thoughts begin to wander to the she-wolf as he contemplates whether it was stupidity or drunkenness that kept her from seeing that he saved her from drowning and the fact that he'd begun to form a welt on his forehead where she'd headbutted him, his hand automatically going to the spot as he does
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cupid


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Nai seemed a little absent, sitting in his chair with his cocktail, just staring at it and running his paw along the rim. He hadn't touched it or taken a sip, just just looked down at the clear liquid that sat in front of him. He hadn't really noticed what was going on around him, nor had he really cared. It wasn't until the Stallion of a Caption left that he had snapped out of his little trance. He looked over at his friends and noticed the small piece of paper that the Captain had given them and tilted his head, maybe the one he got from the Captain wasn't all that special after all.

"I'll take those!" Nai said.

He reached over and took the pieces of paper the Captain had given the other two boys. He hopped off of the bar stool and stuffed them down his pants, knowing that neither one of them would go for them in there. He slowly made his way around the pool and into one of the private huts, leaving his untouched cocktail at the bar. Nai hopped onto one of the beds and closed his eyes, placing a pillow over his face to block out the brightness of the outside world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by snowblzr


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Something was on the Captain's mind. As he was going to talk the the DJ, he noticed Nai... He noticed how he walked, oh so- sternly. It seemed that he was upset. He walked right into one of the massage clinic's. Too much stress? Doubt it. Nai seemed so happy just an hour ago. This crappy drama really started to bother him.

"Here's to forgetting that, too." He muttered quietly, to no one in particular, yet talking about everything happening that day, and finished his drink, again.

He pulled out the few sheets he still had in his pocket. All yellow and frayed from when he first copied these. When he first got this job. When he thought he was such a "player". He hit his head against the table several times muttering, "Idiot, idiot, idiot" He wasn't even sure if the papers had anything to do with the problem.

He slid his head so that he could see the faces of the shark and Kevin. Only for a moment, but he didn't see much.

He slid off his chair, and said to the bartender, "Put the drink of mine, and the other guy's, on my tab." For the first time he noticed other people in the bar. And quite an interesting fellow, looking at a photo album and sipping, he thought about talking to him, but he'd just ruin another vacation, 3 down, so many more to go, he thought.

He began walking to the hut Nai was in, hoping for once, he could fix a broken relationship. He always had problems with long-term relationships, anyways. He just didn't want any more ruined vacations.

Woo. Vacations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kevin has just taken a little sip from the drink before he sees Blanka destroying his phone. He looks Blanka with terrified glance.

-Do you realize what you have done!? You A-T-E. M-Y. P-H-O-N-E! Kevin shouts at him.

-I'll leave after I drink this! He continues and points his drink. He is so angry that he drinks it once and for all.

The alcohol.

-...But I would take another round. And why would I leave if there was a cutie like you in here? He says while pointing at Blanka with a not-so-steady hand.

He hears Lyke's words and reads the room number. Then Nai takes it from him. He thankfully remembers the number.

-What's wrong with him?

He then opens his mouth to the bartender and says:

-Hey! Some strong drinks here! Vodka, maybe. With TWO UMBRELLAS! He says while looking at Blanka like the umbrellas were some kind of competition.

The bartender brings him some vodka. He clears it fast, and he looks at Blanka.

-Hey handsome... Would you like to have some fun today with me? Only we two.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Blanka laughs everything happening so quickly! And this Cap is clearly more than just a dude in suit, probably good for an adventure! Maybe he can hook us up with some skis and we can shred the wake! Then Kev loses his shit! Vacation mode engaged!

"If eating your phone lets you say and do what you want, I would happily lose three teeth eating your next one! Hell I would sacrifice a whole mouth full eating a Nokia!"

Kev starts ordering more drinks...."Yo I know it was on someone else's tab but don't go charging the guy a fortune!" He starts to laugh at the rapid change from just a little bit of liquor.

"Dude I am always ready for some fun! Wanna explore? Go swimming! Oh wait I think we can get them to crank up some grungy music!"

He starts looking about the deck wondering where Cap and Nai went. "Dude Nai is always doing that. remember that one time I got lost in the mountains looking for you two! Just glad you stuck with me this time, In the mountains I at least feel safe! Here I feel like half the people wanna eat me."

Glancing over at a Avian of some kind, licking her beak in a rather suggestive manner.

"Dude see. Its like I am covered in whip cream or something."

Blanka misinterpreting the gesture entirely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kevin's attitude changes when he realizes Blanka didn't get it.

-You really can be boring sometimes, he said with a really tired look.

-I think I could eat you if you were more intelligent to realize my little perverted joke. Maybe it wasn't a joke after all. I think its the same if you do it with women or men, he says with a bit serious face.

Kevin hasn't never even been in a relationship, so maybe he isn't the right person to talk about things like that.

Even though Kevin is drunk, he is a bit jealous to Blanka. No one has ever noticed him, and during that time, everyone have always been around Blanka.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cupid


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Nai just laid there in his own private hut, enjoying the moment of relaxation for a minute. The curtains were open and pretty much anyone that walked by could probably see in. He took the pillow off of his face and rolled onto his side, resting his head on his arm and slowly massaging his leg with his opposite foot. His eyes slowly began to get a little heavy, tired from such a long day of traveling. It really takes a lot out of a cute little kitty. Nai slowly closed his eyes and snuggled into a comfy position, nustling his head deeper into his arm. His tail slowly swayed back and forth, signaling that he wasn't fully asleep, but just resting his eyes. What he could really go for was somebody to cuddle with, somebody to wrap their big strong arms around him to keep him warm and safe. Unfortunately, the life that Nai was currently living didn't really come with cuddles and love, mostly sex and getting used. It was all for the best, Nai didn't really trust anyone to get close enough to his heart.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by snowblzr


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lyke took a chance at the knob, slowly spinning it to see if the door was locked. It wasn't. Nai didn't lock it. At this point he didn't care if they already saw someone enter, and the Captain was entering there too, he really wanted to talk to Nai.

He entered to see Nai, lying there, almost napping.

"Nai... Uh... You dont mind if I talk to you for a moment?" His voice shook, and he took a stool that massueses used, and sat on it, prepared to be turned away by Nai, and forced to leave.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kevin adds to what he said to Blanka:

-Maybe I can help you out from this "problem" you have. All we have to do is that we have to pretend we're a couple. Then nobody will stare you anymore!

He smiles while looking deep inside Blanka's beautiful blue eyes.

-Should we start off with a kiss? He says with friendly, but still a bit weird tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Blanka stares at Kevin, a rather strange way to make on look less delicious. Blanka suddenly cracks a grin and points at Kev. "Ohhhh you almost had me there!" He starts laughing, "We should get you a drink more often, you have so much more energy now! Yo!" He motions for Kev to follow him
"Don't just stand there man we got stuff to do!" He stops and thinks for a moment. looking back at the Kev "Wait wait wait, Grab so drinks to go! We can surely find a story to Make Nai regret he didn't hang with us!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kevin orders another vodka and drinks it fast. Then he orders two Sprite and Bacardi blends. He hands the other to Blanka.

-Here. Don't drink too fast or you'll get drunk haha...

He doesn't even realize that he's drunk.

-What kind of story did you have in mind? Some fairy tale? I think just Alice in Wonderland doesn't make him regret anything...
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