Yep. I'll start by randomizing everyone into squads and posting that here.
Some haven't yet finished their own CS's, though, so I'd prefer to wait for them to finish 'em. Like Gyro and Leos, Regardless I'll still randomize the two of them so that they see who their teammates are.
Squads have been posted in the first post of the Character section, if you want to check 'em out.
I wonder if @Sagittarius is still on board with this, but I think our own squad would be lacking one person BUT we have a healer.
So, what I propose is that, if squad Quinque agrees and the person in question agrees, they give us either Itazu or Hyakuya to better balance the squads and see if we need to implement an NPC healer for you squad.
Haha, sorry about that then. Also, a singer! We've got out own Olivia/Azura/Lazward now.
With this, squad entries are closed. There won't be another squad even if we get more people (which we probably won't, since I'll be closing this when we hit a 15 people, including me, mark).
Every new character can and will be introduced as a friend (perhaps enemy at first) of either of the squads, and as such will join the army.