Mako Kor'eh
Planet of Origin:
Prior Occupation:
Slave/imperial soldier/farmer

Mako has a generally pessimistic and nervous disposition meaning a lot of general fidgeting and shuffling. He is a follower plain and simple, his time as a slave insured that. When it comes to his colleagues he tends to try a little too hard to fit in with them often leaving him at odds with others. Despite all this he does have a streak of black humour running through him a mile wide. In battle he is hesitant but if pushed will fight if necessary. It should also be mentioned that he is not all that bright and he should best be excluded from tactical decision making.
Mako's family were indentured slaves to a very wealthy Zolander family and had been for several generations. Mostly they were used as general labour however after a small rebellion in mines controlled by said family, Mako was sent to do heavy labour at the age of fifteen. The work was long and hard and many workers died from either fatigue or sickness. Personally he fell victim to both of these things but through perseverance he overcame them and emerged stronger than before. Which was good because strength was pretty much all he had. After ten long years of work an opportunity presented itself in the guise of an imperial emissary arriving to make an arrangement with his owners.
He never did find out what they got out of it but the imperial army got soldiers. Ones that were more than the simple clones. Being able to change shape the clawdites were mostly used for espionage however due to his above average strength, Mako was instead used as a soldier for the frontline. Due to his sub-par vision though he was outfitted to be a melee trooper with modified gauntlets that acted like a powerful taser upon impact.
For three years, two of which were spent in combat training and one that was in actual combat, he was a slave to the empire. During one mission to quash a small resistance on a desolate planet he found himself cut off from the rest of his team during a sandstorm. He was marked dead and that was that as far as the empire was concerned. In actuality he was saved by small farming family whom he repaid by helping in any way he could but not as a slave. This was the first time Mako was treated like an equal and he become attached to his new-found friends.
Unfortunately the empire was not done with the planet just yet. A year later soldiers came back, intent on massacring anyone who had not given the empire their exorbitant due tax. The outcome was predictably bleak and a severely wounded Mako made a vow to end the tyranny of the empire for good. He made his way to the capital city began digging around in bars and clubs for any information as to the rebel recruitment center. It took some time but soon he found himself signing his name over to fight the good fight and he relished it.
Useful Skills:
Hand-to-hand combat
Brute strength and endurance
Knowledge of the workings of high-tech weaponary
Very self-conscious of his bad vision.
Has never mentioned his past military history. It is not that he wants to keep it a secret but he will not be the one to bring it up in conversation.