The young boy let out a sigh as he stood in the center of a large group of people. The other Shinigami had formed a circle around the small section of the training area, watching anxiously as the Captain stepped in to join the boy. He stood a full head shorter than the other, but he was already well proven. What he lacked in size, he made up for tenfold in renown.

Sasami Kazuho simply watched Captain Hitsugaya enter the stage set for them, dull eyes keeping track of his every move. He glanced up at Kyouraku, his mentor from the early days within the Gotei 13, and sighed again. He didn't really feel like fighting this Captain. The only reason he was was because the Captain Commander thought it was time already for him to have his own squad. What more, he wanted to make a squad for him? It was unheard of in recent times. He supposed he couldn't be that surprised, though. Given what had happened only a few centuries previously, this might have been longer than they should have waited.

Captain Hitsugaya gave a small nod to the boy. “I'm sorry for this, but you are still too young to become a Captain. Too inexperienced. I will show your inexperience here,” he stated.

Kazuho didn't answer. He simply bowed before drawing his blade. “Absolve, Kuroi Karite.” The only response that was given as the blade seemed to grow, turning into a large scythe, a black blade adorning the end. He slowly shifted into a stance, waiting for the match to begin.

As Kyouraku announced the start of the match, Kazuho shot forward. Hitsugaya drew his blade, blocking the first strike. But the boy had moved behind him already, twisting the blade away with his scythe. Hitsugaya followed him easily enough, turning his body with him, keeping him engaged. Kazuho had stepped back, swinging wide, but Hitsugaya swayed his head to the side, dodging it and moving in. The blow that followed was blocked just as easily by the scythe's hilt. The younger Shinigami was on the retreat now, blocking moves here and there.

However, after a few exchanges with no hits given, both backed off. Hitsugaya slid into his stance a little more deeply and smiled. “You're skilled. But I'll end this now,” he said. “Sit upon the frozen heavens, Hyorinmaru!”

Kazuho's mouth moved but no words came out as he watched Hitsugaya begin to swing. “Vanquish.” He swiped the scythe quickly and...Hitsugaya froze. There didn't seem to be any effect to his attack until...

Several cuts opened up along Hitsugaya's body. He cried out in pain as dozens of slashes tore open, rendering him motionless as he fell to the ground. The scythe slowly returned back to its former state, Kazuho sheathing the blade and turning to head back into the crowd, the Shinigami gathered having been shocked into silence by the quick and brutal victory. Kazuho had been spoken about from time to time as a new prodigy...but he had defeated Hitsugaya, a rather powerful Captain from as far back as the battle against the infamous traitor, Sosuke Aizen. Even among Captains, Toshiro Hitsugaya was a name to be respected.

Sasami Kazuho, however, had just defeated him with little more than a few scratches after their few exchanges.