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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay once again found himself in the wretched vents of the facility. In the past 3 minutes he already forgot the stink that was here, and now that he came back, he almost threw up. Not that it was so bad, it was just a surprise compared to the coolness of the actual facility. Anyhow they will need to find a place where they can get supplies and clothes. He was thinking. Real hard. On this level there are 3 rooms like that. Guessing by the terminal's info and what they have seen, this floor is most likely stripped. So either they go up and see if the destroyed levels still have supplies, or they go down even more and hope they find something. However time is against them. He turned back and looked at Eve. He opened his mouth trying to say something, but he closed it and stopped. He sat down and turned around. Jay looked into the eyes of the woman. "Look. We have to choose the lesser evil here, and I want you to think it through with me. We either go up, which is a risk we might die, or we go down and find nothing, and probably get stuck there. None seems good, and both could end up with us dying. So what is your bet?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eve thought about it for a while, neither of their chances were good but honestly she couldn't remember the lay out of the building and had no real idea of which way might be better. From what jay had said, up sounded better. "up-" she said as her breath caught. She gasped trying to catch her breath before coughing. Her throat was constricting, the dry air wasn't helping. She needed her inhaler, but it was gone. The people were supposed to give it back when they woke up but obviously that hadn't happened.

She rest her head on the metal air duct, trying to take deep breaths between wheezing and coughing. This was the best she could do for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay heard coughing and turned back to look at Eve. She first just waved and Jay followed onwards, but after minutes of ever intensifying coughs he looked back to see Eve coughing over a shaft. He crawled back to the woman and sat down next to her. "So, do you have asthma? You should have said earlier, maybe there was an infirmary back there somewhere." He waited until the woman stopped coughing and startes crawling again, this time at a lower pace. Again minjtes of silence fell. Jay had enough time to think. And he thought about all sorts of stuff. Somehow a good beefsteak was all he wanted, amd his groaning stomach reassured him of that, and shared his passion about meat with him. However he still kept the image of the map in his head, so he would know where they were. Roughly. Very roughly. I mean he kinda knew the estimate whereabouta of their location. He sighed at this thought. Who is he to kid. A few ducts before he completely lost their location. But as fortune goes, not so long ahead he spotted a new shaft. He looked back at the wheezing Eve. "I will look around here, if you want you can stay up there. Be back in a minute." That said he kicked in the vent and jumped down into the room below.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eve waved him on, takeing a break would be good. After Jay hopped down she rest her head by the now open slot. The cool air of the room was better than the must that was warming the vents. It wasn't for a while that she even began to wonder where Jey had gone off to, or where they where.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As jay landed on the vent, a long ocrridor appeared before his eyes. There were 4 doorson the side, including oone which caught his attention, with it's large red cross infirmary sign. He went to the door, which opened with some rusty cracking, and then he netered the small room. The infirmary wasn't especially large, maybe some 40 square meters. On the left side the wall was lined with shelves and cases full of different medical products, large bottles, and small tubes that looked alien to him. In from of him were two beds, laid nicely facing each other, with a small curtain dividing them. OIn the right side were a desk, and a small tbale with 2 chairs. Jay walked to the large case with anticipation. He needed something for asthma, like a rebreather. Thank goodness he didn't need to be a genous to spot the unique shape of it. He quickly grabbed it and ran back to the went. From far afar he could hear the coughing. As he came under the went he looked up and shouted "Eve! Catch!" He threw up the small device and the woman catched it mid air. "I think you shold come down here!" With that said he turned his gaze on another door to the left, next to the infirmary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eve caught the inhaler and held it for a moment, coughing once more before inhaling it. The bronchialdialator seemed to work still, some forms don't work past the expiration date. She took a long breath of air before yelling back as best she could to jay "be there in a second". Her voice wasn't really a yell more of a croak. after a minuet or some she finally hopped down into the hallway. "where'd this come from anyway?" she said, quietly but in her usual tone.

If there was an inhaler there was bound to be other things, and she could use any number of them at the moment. Medical facilities were usually well equip with a large variety of things that could be useful especially if they were looking to explore a more dangerous part of the building sooner or later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay tinkered with the terminal next to the door ooposite the infirmary. As Eve asked, he pointed at the door, but didn't cease to work on the terminal. The door was shut tight for some reason, but he realy wanted to open it. It was an equipment room according to the terminal, which is something they can't miss. After a minute of tinkering the lamp turned green next to the door, indicating that it is open. The door hissed and with loud screeching it opened. The room was very small, and half of it was covered by debree. The ceiling was torn apart, and water poured in from above. Jay sighed, as the water coming out of the room wet his sneakers. There wasn't much water and he guessed that ice started melting when he turned on the heating. If that's so they wil have to be more careful in the future. He looked around in the room, but the only thing he found was a pen. The debree covered the actual equipment so he put away the pen and went outside. He closed the door and shouted for Eve "How are you doing?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eve strut into the room intent on getting every useful device in it. Fortunately for her, that wouldn't be possible. The room was stock full of ever medical supply i doctor could dream of, many far to large to carry. She found a dark bag under the desk full of miscellaneous papers that she removed. It was big enough to hold the necessities though there wouldn't be much extra room. She didn't have time to waste and started organizing the supplies into stuff she would want and useless stuff. Shelf after shelf she arranged jars of painkillers and antibacterial pills and every other kind of pill, as well as rows of needles and boxes of gauze. Really she had everything she could want.

And then he called out. Jay, of course. She'd forgotten all about him. Not that she was unhappy he was around, just, she didn't like people. She wouldn't want him not to be around. Empty backpack over her shoulder she went to the door and peered out. "You don't have to yell i'm right here," She said firmly, after a short sigh she continued, smiling a little now. "But yeah, i'm okay" So she maybe was trying to be a little nicer. He'd pretty much kept her from dieing so maybe he deserved it.
"There's a lot in here,". She gestured to the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jay heard the woman, and suddenly started to develop a tiny grudge. He leant into the door's opening from behind the wall, and gave a piercing gaze to Eve before slowly disappearing behind it. he had to make a choice. There were two rooms left to go, none which had a label. At one point they had, and a few colorful dots could be seen on the doors and the walls, but the reast was eaten away by the cold. He started to hum a nursery rhyme and choosed a door randmoly. After some tinkering, the door opened with a neat hiss and voila! The conents revealed itself to jay.

At first he was surprised the door opened so swiftly, but after he went into the room that was least of his concern. It was a break room. With a few vending machines. Most of them were partially empty, and signs of rush could be seen around the room. Littered cans and bags were all over the floor. But the two machines full with soda and snacks was something out of a dream. He walked over to the machines, and tried a few buttins, but they had no power. Strange. Jay looked around the room for anything useful, and fixated his eyes on a fire extingsher. With some strong blows the vending machines gave up, and their glass fell on the ground. He couldn't help but shout "Halelujah!" as he spotted ice coffe amongst the cans. He grabbed one and instantly drank it. As he was gulping it down, he felt the energy slowly returning to him, as coffeine made it's way through his veins. He rolled a can of coffe over the the infirmary's door where Eve was packing meds. "Leave some place for these babies too!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eve finished stuffing the last of the equipment in the bag, finishing with the stethoscope on top. She had everything she could want, except food. How could she have forgotten that, the pair needed another bag.

Jay started rejoicing at something, only a mild concern at this point. A few moments later he seemed to yell something to her and a can of cold coffee showed up. She picked it up mainly because seeing it on the floor was so out of place in the white emptiness that it seemed wrong to leave it. Eve had never actually had ice coffee, or even regular coffee. She preferred tea but in the cold apocalypse beggars can't be choosers. She examined the nutrition label, finding exactly what she'd hoped for.

"Jay we need another bag, and maybe more of these. They've got lots of calories," She said confidently. More calories was a good thing in this situation, and the bottles were conveniently labeled so they could track their food and nutrient intakes, possibly even supplement with vitamins. Eve internally reminded her self to go back and get the vitamins. "but um," she popped open the bottle of coffee and took a sip, realizing how hungry she was. "yeah we need a bag to carry these". She liked the ice coffee well enough, something warm would've been better. She finished it while she switched out the antacids for multivitamins. She stowed a few in the side pouch with other miscilanious pills and tablets just encase.
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