Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ashur "Loki" Lean



She might have the soul of a demon, but she definetly has the body of an angel. She has a very pretty and unique face, whilst her body is perfectly proportioned. However her small breasts do irritate her. Loki is a sucker for fashion and neat looks. She usually wears flexible clothing in a black and white color, that is accompanied by cryptic icons. A glove and a hood is a must have for anyone who grew up in the slums ans Loki doesn't break this rule. She enjoys wearing shoes with high heels, and generally everything fancy, as long as it doesn't stop her from doing parkour. Her hair is always tied up into a ponytail behind her, and often made into deadlocks so it won't end up getting stuck in objects.

Loki is a devil in a human's body. She finds pleasure in suffering, both in other's and her own. She is a masochist and a sadist at the same time, which is reflected by her gadgets too. She is very arrogant and confident, and usually looks down on others. However she has a very soft side too, only revealed to those the closest to her. Loki also protects her own, as the leader of the runners, and takes risks if needed in order to save her comrades life.

Loki grew up in the slums. Her house was in an area of constant riots and maffia actions, so she began to learn the way of a criminal very fast. She was bullied a lot in school, and she dropped out of it when she was 10. From that point on she started to hate humans for their petty behaviour and respected only the law of the jungle. She soon started to learn martial arts from a sensei she met whilst participating in a riot. She was his only apprentice, and the master took a great deal in her education. In a mere 2 years she has grown to be more powerful than her master. After a sparr between her and his master, the sensei told her that she was ready, and the following day he was nowhere to be seen anymore. Without guidance Loki was destroyed. She couldn't go home and face her parents anymore, but she didn't want to spend the nights on the street either.

That was the momnent when one of the higher ups in the maffia saw something in the crying 13 year old child. And that's how her real story began. She was put under the direct protection of the queenpin and was trained in parkour and street brawl in order to become a member of the maffia. She often accompanied the lady to her daily trips to the busier and more wealthy parts of the town. She was treated almost as a child of the maffia's head. It was on these trips she started to get affected by fashion, and it wasn't late until she started to wear clothes that were modest but fashionable. After all she was the lady's bodyguard, and she could do that. It was when she was 16 that she was offically accepted into the maffia. And on her first mission she fucked up. She was banished from the bodyguards and was tortured badly by the lady herself. However she remained to be an asset of the crime organization. It took many fails and tortures for her to become a hard-cut mobster, even though her skills in martial arts and parkour. This was probably because of her inexperience with weapons at the time. It was the tortures that led her to be a sadist and masochist. It shifted her brain, and raised her endurance and resistance to pain to extreme levels. But time again won, and by her 18th birthday she was extremely good at handling a pistol and smaller firearms, and her ferocity was dueling with the queenpin's. But in the great aftermath of the <redacted> uprising the police force got a hint, and ended up eradicating most of the maffia. In time a new organization took over the void, and she had to run.

From this point on Loki's life was a real mess. She constantly wanted the pleasure of pain, and at the same time she had to quell her bloodthirst. She conducted many useful and neat body modifications on herself, which ultimately led to her feeling she was no lnoger a part of sociality. She had skin, eye, and brain implants by the time she was 20, and her skills were sought after by both the actual maffia and those in need of assasinations. it was this last rouge time if her life when she learnt to handle machines extremely good. Loki took all the missions she seemed fit for her skills, and executed them without fail. She became the well nkown secret of the underworld, a mercilles killer who tortured her victims before killing them. the one that painted Loki with blood arounbd her victim, and left a rose dripping with parfume with her victims. But her mission changed fast when the apocalypse hit, and her usual life ended, and her new one began.

Loki is defintely one of a kind when it comes to her specialty. She has so many implants even she can't count them all. However a few is used actively and noticably. Most of it is so she could survive her life when she ahd to constantly run, and often had no tiem to run and eat, so the main part of these are for sustaining herself for long periods. This gives Lokie the ability to go without eating and drinking for days, and not suffer any consequences. She has a subdermal implant covering her arms and legs. It can display information about her body on will, just by thinking about it. At also functions as a remote controller and hacking tool, which uses her own skin as a display, and responds to touching and other sensations. If that wasn't enough she has a small device on her wrist that can help manipluate these implants in a way that can help her camouflage herself along with her suit. However this won't make her undetectable on heat signals (thought reduced) and doesn't mask her presence at all (sound and smell). These implants make her skin almost unrippable, thought it can still be cut or punctured in ordinary ways.

But it doesn't stop there. She implanetd magnets into her palm and fingertips, which she can use to locate electronics even through walls, and gives Loki the ability to climb wal using these electromagnets, just like a spider. And finally she has a brain/eye implant which helps to raise her situatuoinal awereness to incredible levels (thought not inhuman), and helps a great deal in quickly hacking computers, which counters her very basic computer skills.

  • GAS MASK: Loki has an advanced gas mask that covers only necessary amounts of skin. It has dvanced filters that can get rid of most poison, however she only has acces to a few. If it comes down to it, common ones can also be attached to the mask. She also engraved some basic figures into the mask's leather.
  • MCAR CARBINE: The MCAR Carbine is a compact railgun weapon that has really good penetration at the expense of fire rate. It is small enough that it doesn't limit the users movement in any way. It has a magazine of 30 and can accept any magazine that has bullets with 7.62 diameter.
  • M40 MAGNUM:ImageThe M40 is a semi-auto gauss pistol that has a good accuracy and a magazine counting 40 bullets. It accepts only M40 rounds chambered in 4.12x23 dimensions. (hence it's name)
  • IMPLANTS: She has all the implants in herself that I talked about above, and the wrist controller too.
  • GECKO SUIT: As said above Loki's suit is made of nano fibers that can adapt to her skin changing into the background's color and image. It is also very flexible, but provides almost no protection.
  • KAMA: A kama is a small one handed waepon that resembles a schyte. They inflict deep woounds, and like paper, they rip skin instead of perfectly cutting. There is no question to why Loki never leaves her pair at home.

"In life many things can bring pleasure, but none of them matters without pain."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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[Withdrawn Character]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mira Cosgrove



Mira is a small, gaunt girl with bad resting bitchface. She prefers loose, simple clothing, prioritizing function. She looks a fair bit younger than she actually is, often lowering her voice slightly to sound less like a teenager. She wears orange goggles almost constantly. Though she rarely shows them, she does have several tattoos. She has an oroboros around her right, upper thigh, a robotic butterfly on the nape of her neck and a caduceus on her left upper arm. Her footwear, like the rest of her wardrobe usually consists of durable sneakers that are easy to move in. She also wears a belt to carry quickly accessible medical supplies and a pistol. She carries most of her supplies in the her backpack.

Mira is usually quiet when she isn't being snarky. She rarely loses her temper, and when she does, only does so briefly. She is confident in her skills, but tires and occasionally fails to not let it go to her head. Though it really doesn't always seem like it, she is loyal to her friends. She is slow to trust, but once the trust is earned it is there for life, though if it's broken, she will never forgive you. Her views on medical practices are a bit more loose and she takes the hippocratic oath more as guidelines.

Mira was born to less than affluent parents. Her mother died to illness when she was young and her father did his best to raise her and her older sisters. She usually had to fight for recognition at home and at school. She eventually managed to get into med school, though just barely. She studied well, though didn't make many friends. The students found her brash attitude a turn off and the teachers found she really didn't care enough about her studies. She technically would have graduated, but was out getting trashed the previous night and slept though her final. Finding herself out of school with no degree and a mountain of student debt, she looked for a place where she could apply the skills she had learned, and through some shady channels and a bit of tasteful lying she eventually found her way in with the Devil's Runners.

Despite her not having graduated, Mira is a talented medic. She has a couple of implants to aid in her work, such as a medical specialized HUD and a fine manipulation aids. This HUD monitors remotely monitors her temmate's vitals and aids in diagnoses and treatment of wounds and illnesses. It also provides limited x-ray vision. Her body also regulates and monitors itself and can heal minor wounds.

  • Gas Mask: (Image) Mira carries a medical standard filter mask. This full face covering is designed to not limit vision.
  • Auto Pistol: (Image) A fairly standard sidearm with an extended magazine. She rarely fires it.
  • Trauma Kit: (Reference) Her backpack holds a collection of medical supplies.
  • Sewing Kit: Not technically medical grade, but it'll close you up.
  • Bonesaw: (Image) Good for amputations, and self defense in a pinch.
  • Moonshine: Used for both sterilization and drinking.

"Not gonna lie, this WILL hurt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: John Dean

Nickname:The Butcher


Appearance: Average height, average build. Pale skin with red hair. Blue eyes and covered in scars all over. Wears steel toed boots and knee pads, white under shirt with a grey long sleeve shirt and a black jacket. Has gloves with brass knuckles built into them. Wears a leather face mask over his mouth and nose, and nearly always wears a butchers apron that's covered in gore

Personality: Agressive, cunning, friendly and polite while not in combat, ruthless and a bit reckless while in combat

Biography: Not much is know about The Butchers background, even by him. In the few weeks since the disaster happened, he took to taking drugs and liquor in vast quantities. Because of that, most of his long term memory is gone. The only thing he does know is how he got his name, and it isn't because of how he dresses. He basically worked up the name by killing lots of creatures, mutants and raiders, either for money, drugs, sex or even just because. He always tore them to pieces, and always used a meat cleaver when in close enough. However, while he does like a good fight, he always knows when to run when the odds aren't in his favour. If is told to run for it, he will, and he can run for as long as it takes. He joined on with the mercenary group soon after he earned the name "The Butcher", partly because they paid well, mainly because they seemed like fun. And while he has cut back on his drug habit a lot since joining the group, whenever he gets into a fight it gives him a feeling of euphoria that can only be matched with being high as kite. Or sex. Or both at the same time.

Unique Trait:
Battle crazy - while in combat he doesn't feel pain from wounds, which can also hinder him if he has a bad wound and continuing on would make the wound worse

Mr Face - Gas mask with red splattered on it.

Betty - A large meat cleaver which is made from the finest steel.

Boomer - A .357 caliber pistol which is modified to have as little recoil as possible.

Boxer - Brass knuckles gloves which he uses when he needs to.

"I'm gonna use your skull as a piss bucket."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kian "Dead Eye" Eden

Dead Eye


Kian always dons his winter coat over his shoulders. Much like above he adores that flimsy thing for some reason. Underneath his mask is a smooth jawline'd face, some called it good looks, others haven't who knows. The thing that stands out the most of his appearance are his stark orange eyes that seem to pierce right through you, almost like a bullet, and a notable scar running down from his left eye next to his mouth.

He also always dons this simple, short navy blue scarf around his neck. The rest of his apparel are pretty much normal, loose jeans for sprinting and tight upper clothes with a bullet vest.

Kien is one of the few optimist left in this desolate world. He somehow tries to look at the silver lining at every bad things that happen, no matter how grim. He has a love for the old, forgotten things of the world, which tripled after the world's destruction right after the incident, he always tries and collects anything that does so, like old books, items and such.His smile is always plastered on his face, unless the situation turns serious.

When the situation turns bad/serious, he dons an almost apathetic facade. His voice loses its usual happy go-lucky attitude and becomes cold and deep. He also talks alot less, only talking if key information needs to be said. His eyes also becomes half-lidded, which for some odd reason allows Kien to focus on his current situation.

Kien was born to parents who adored the ways of the past. Be it from old tales of the older century, of knights, samurai or cowbows, they were absolutely rapt in these ancient stories. In an age of techlogical advance where everyone was leaving the past, they stuck to it like damned tree sap. This fascination even extended to weapons, katanas, rapiers, and especially the crossbow.

Kien's parents were both excellent marksmen, being able to hit something difficult from an extremely impressive distance. Of course, Kien also grew up fascinating things of the past much like his parents, but his prowess with the crossbow was unparelled. He quickly surpassed his parents skill and rose above and beyond what any kid should have. For some peculier reason the symbol of the goat was always present, to his arm logo and his crossbow.

It wasn't until that incident that Kien would be forced to up the antsy of his masterful use of the crossbow. He survived the destruction of Enoh, and with his own eyes witnessed his own parents demise infront of him, but his parents pleaded at him not to blame himself and live on happily. A few years pass, and whilst doing some oddjobs he had a run in with the Devil Runners and somehow was able to impress them with his own sharpshooting and the rest was history.

Unique Trait:
Kien has a transplant on his eye that gives him an 'eagle's eye', he's able to see wide and far distances easily, allowing for some quick reconnaissance and maybe picking off a few enemies with his marksmanship. He can also run insane distances without getting tired, a trait honed since he was young.

The most impressive thing about Kien is his marksmanship. He's able to shoot far distances, and on extremely small objects with no sweat. Only few have been actually able to match his shooting skills, and he prides himself on that.

Gas Mask: [Seen in the appearance] As per the norm, Kien also carries around a gas mask for safety reasons.
Crossbow:[Reference] His most prized crossbow, lovingly named 'Ash.'
Tavor: [Reference] A small, lightweight assault rifle for when his crossbow doesn't cut it.
Bullet Proof Vest: He wears it just in case it would be for use, and it's light enough to be able to sprint in.

"Got him right between the eyes..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

never mind
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Maximilian "Max" Magnus
Nickname: His name is Max Magnus. He doesn't need one.
Age: 30

Max is a monster. A 7 and a half feet tall, 600 pound walking slab of augmented muscle, he looks as though he was forged out of pure steel rather than born of flesh and blood. Complimenting his physique, he always dresses in metalhead type clothes with a militaristic bend and he wears his dark shades at all times, further contributing to the "badass" look he works to cultivate.

His body is also a patchwork mess. He is covered in scars, both surgical and combat-earned, sports hideously prominent veins that pop up all over his body and his eyes are pitch black, giving him an unsettling thousand-yard stare. When engaged in combat, his nanomachine augments transform his skin into an dull, metallic grey armor-like construct, further contributing to his appearance as a monster.

Despite his fearsome look, Max is actually fairly calm, friendly and giving outside of battle. His "condition", which gives him a decade to live, has given him a newfound appreciation for life and he's determined to both make the most out of his and help others live theirs whenever he can. When in an assignment he transforms into a much colder, serious man, all about getting the job done and done right. Unfortunately for whatever gets in his way, and much as he hates to admit it, he also derives great joy from his abilities and just how powerful they make him feel, making him merciless, relentless and prone to occasionally going overboard when he engages in battle.

Max hails from the planet Quent, universally regarded as one of the most inhospitable worlds discovered by mankind. While settlers originally found the conditions nigh-impossible to manage, ages of adaptation and survival of the fittest meant that Quentians became some of the hardiest humans out there, famed for their qualities as soldiers and athletes. Max and his family arrived to Enoh following his father, a hired bodyguard to a wealthy industrialist with stakes on one of the moons’ shipyards.

A large child and son of a veritable giant, from a young age Max was trained to become a true Quentian as per the planet's customs. He didn't get to experience life much, instructed as he was in the ways of physical and mental toughness few outside of the already naturally gifted could bear. While his family had the right to live in the upper levels, he was never meant to socialize with the rich and pampered. He spent most of his days down below, feeling more at home in the harsher conditions that approximated those of his home planet.

It was this preparation, however, that saved him from the end of the world. That and luck. He was lucky enough to be down below when the apocalypse came, his family perishing during the catastrophe. He was strong enough to survive through the early chaos, when survivors turned on one another out of desperation and hunger and thirst. He was strong enough, in his mind, to remain human. He wouldn't turn into a scavenger, a revenant, dooming others to save himself. He would remain as he was, and help others in kind.

Max eventually gained notoriety, not simply for his size and deadliness but because his willingness to help saw him take in and provide for those who could not fend for themselves. Mostly children, but also the elderly and the invalid. It made him an easy mark for a proposal by the newly burgeoning mob. They would provide and care for his charges, ensure their safety and resources. After all, no one would think to mess with people protected by both Max Magnus and the mob. All he had to do was act like a guinea pig.

Soldier enhancement projects were nothing new in this day and age of interstellar travel, but they were subjected to a strict code of ethics and were, understandably, a rarity in a planet devastated by a cataclysm like Enoh. Fortunately (for them), the mob had managed to preserve a facility and the means to engage in those practices. There were several problems, however, all stemming from the fact that they just didn't have a precise means to do so, they lacked a stable, money-making process for it.

What they had was an experimental procedure with an extremely high mortality rate, requiring an already gifted specimen to even stand a chance at making it through. The process was also highly invasive and, to be blunt, maddening. Those who had survived physically had lacked the mental fortitude to make it through with their wits. Some were simply left blank, others became dangerous psychopaths and had to be put down, at a great cost to the mob. A perfect specimen was required and it'd been decided that Max was it.

All of this information was made readily available to him. The mob needed this to succeed. A world without order was one where organized crime would not thrive, if they could make this work then they could bring order to Enoh. They were impressed with both his physical and mental fortitude and were certain that the process could be perfected working from data acquired from him. Max did not necessarily see eye to eye with the mafia on many things, but this was an opportunity he could not refuse.

Max wouldn't be around forever, and those under his care would need some other means of defense. A world under the mob was better than the pure chaos that currently reigned. Perhaps not much better, but it was something. He was, finally, informed that the process would greatly reduce his lifespan. He'd have, at most, a decade to live. He didn't care. Chances were him and his people wouldn't live to see a decade as they were. He agreed and went through the process, something he'd rather not recall.

Now, Max lives out the remainder of life as a Devil Runner. Every successful job means more resources for those he cares for. Every job means more data, that the mob may finally stabilize their process and then, the world. If he can make himself useful, he can die proud.

Unique Trait:
-Painkiller: Already a naturally gifted athletic specimen, Max underwent an experimental process to turn himself into a bonafide killing machine. A mixture of invasive surgical enhancements, chemical mutations and copious amounts of nanomachines inserted into his system and bonded with his body to stabilize the process and ensure his survival, the procedure has left Max freakishly strong and impossibly tough, capable of competing with wasteland creatures without the use of firearms or heavy mechanized armor. Furthermore, the process has rendered him incredibly resilient to radiation poisoning and other toxicity in general, allowing him to forego much of the safety equipment necessary for survival.

He isn't indestructible by any means, and sending him out to fend off a large group of creatures on his own would obviously end badly for him. Relying on size and overwhelming strength also has its limits. He's unable to handle the vast, vast majority of portable firearms without accidentally crushing them, in fact, he takes great care not to touch anything for fear of breaking something important. He also can't fit inside most vehicles, let alone drive one, and his heavy weight makes transporting him something of a pain. But when the chips are down and you need to make a stand, you'll count your lucky stars that he's on your side and willing to take hits for you.

-Gas mask: More an armored helmet than a simple breather, Max's mask is a show of Quentian heritage. Made to resemble the deadly predators of his home planet, it sports a front somewhat resembling a fanged maw and uses cables to simulate hair-like protrusions to further fuel Max's image as a towering beast. It's not only made for looks, however, as comes with a built-in flashlight and a myriad of visual assistance functions to better help Max track down and squash opposition. Many a raider with a handle on their wits, and many that don't, have fled rather than face the sight of Max in full battle "gear".

Motto: "Strength takes sacrifice"/"I will break you"/"Fear is a powerful ally".
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