Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 2 days ago

The Lair
Eppie followed the others into the entrance of the Lair, noting that Gang Ming-Seo's true name was finally spoken and how she called out... no... more 'demanded' for the beast to fight them head on. This was then followed by Harvey's warning shot that resonated down into the darkness, and finally Alice's call for the little monster to appear.

"Do you really expect a monster to serve itself up on a silver plateau? Eppie wouldn't be doing that if Eppie was a monster..." her words coming out a little sarcastic as she walked past the three individuals into the lead position, pushing by the Third Sister into the room that she was evaluating. "We can tell you now that there is nothing in here."

Casually Eppie looked around the room, noting the tables and crates that were scattered around the place. The lights flicked ever so gently with enough energy to show what they were but not enough time for the eyes to adjust to the change in brightness. As she looked around she lifted her arm and rested her hand on the back of her head. With a slight pop in the skin, the back of her hand opened to reveal a glancing eye. After a quick look at the other villains, it darted it's gaze around the room taking in all that it could see.

It has been here recently.

Eppie knows, she can see the damage to the walls and equipment.

Eppie walked over to a table, placing her hand on the flat surface and felt the smooth textured that had been scarred by some beast. She looked down at the eye, watching it's gaze fixate on her face. "You will kill soon... Eppie promises."

The eye's sight narrowed slightly before closing up and hiding away from the outside world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago


It had been interesting to see the various people that has decided to join him on this venture to take out a casino. A part of him had to wonder just how safe the method of teleportation that the lair team had used, but considering that he was going to be walking instead of using it himself he didn't exactly care that much.

As they had walked towards the destination, the plague doctor had tried to start a conversation but the walk was rather short and the moment they arrived the muscle headed girl with the belt had charged ahead without any attempt at thinking and forcing everyone else to charge in after her to save her ass.

Turning towards the snake woman for a moment as he remarked "It isn't like having a plan going into this would have been a good idea or anything. Oh well... Then again, your exotic beauty would have made anything subtle kind of hard."

Following after his collages at a somewhat more relaxed pace, Despration noticed the coat room woman who was clearly confused by what was going on. Raising his hat to the woman, he simply said "[i]Take your doctor's advice. Go home and get some rest." His message given, the hat was returned to his head as he continued to follow the sounds of destruction.

Going down the stars and entering the casino proper before drawing a scalpel. One of the guards turned their attention away from the others and moved to raise a gun at the newest threat. With a surprising amount of skill, Despration flicked the scalpel through the air, striking the man in the throat and causing him to drop the gun and reach for his neck.

Striding confidently over to the man, Despration seized the handle of the scalpel, causing the blade to start glowing darkly. Hearing the sound of someone sneaking up behind him, Despration twisted the blade before pulling it free by kicking the man off of it, spinning around to slice cleanly through a new guards throat and letting him start choking on air.

Two down...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Verminlord
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Spyder was cautious now. Fear was the wrong word, as his combat programming ensured he knew that fear led to poor decisions and lower survival rates. Still, he had no desire to be destroyed here, after all, who would look after Lucky?

He followed the rest of his team down the corridor, powering up the [Kinetic Energy Blaster] as he did so. It sprung to life with a small hum and a golden glow. Entering the room shortly after Ally Eppie/Maw he took center position, setting himself in [Turret] stance, legs spread widly apart. The barrel of the Blaster began to slowly rotate, providing Spyder with a view of all the rooms entrances. No movement spotted so far, but he would be ready.

"A warning to my colleagues, my creator never figured out the science behind cold fusion, so I run on Nuclear Fission. Should my core be breached I recommend you retreat immediately. If possible retrieve my head."

There, now they all knew. He hoped they wouldn't judge him for it, he had heard that some of the fancy cold fusion and extra-dimensionally powered machines would sometimes look down on a bot with such a primitive power source. He wasn't too worried though, his new teammates seemed too nice for that.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mortella slithered calmly behind the plague doctor, her long tail rubbing against the floor as she hung back in the shadows.

She cocked her head slightly when he made a remark about her appearance.

“You’re right. If only I could be as inconspicuous as the Mexican wrestler, the sith lord, and the man in the bandanna.”

The gorgon’s year on earth had given her time to develope a great understand of its different languages and culture, to the extent that it seemed as though she’d always lived here.

The Plague Doctor demonstrated quite an impressive skill set, as he dispatched one of the bouncers with nothing but a scalpel, eliciting a sly grin of approval from Mortella.

It was when another guardsman emerged that the serpent decided to strike.

Her eyes dilated, rippling with what looked like a thin layer of grey tears, as she fixed the attacker with her gaze. His body went stiff and hard, freezing on the spot, his fingers inches away from his holstered weapon.

Mortella’s hand shot forwards, her clawed hand ripping through the man’s neck in a burst of dark red blood. She tore out his throat, letting it drop softly to the floor, before giving his corpse a light push, sending it tumbling down behind it.

“Hella rad.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Metoara was off like a bullet, vaulting over tables and kicking over one armed bandits as she lept into a drop kick. Due her super strength, her first target was sent crashing trough a group of patrons who screamed and flailed. The man coughed, holding his ribs as he tried to get back up, only to feel the scrawny looking brawler slide in behind her, wrapping her arms around his abdomen. 

”Meteor” She spoke in his ear. And Charlie Johnson, a rent-a-thug, realized that today was a terrible day to be alive. ”SUPLEX!” Metoara lifted him off the ground with ease, lifting him well over her head before arching back and slamming him trough roulette table. If asked why she felt the need to scream out the name of the attack, Meteora would likely tell you that she was her own commentary team untill she could hire a proffesional one. Of course, while his shoulder was dislocated, his ribs broken, Charlie was not getting of so easily. Meteora stood over him and grabbed him by the collar. Hoisting the protesting gun for hire. pulling him over her head and putting his legs over her shoulders, she power bombed him so hard into the floor he could feel his spine snap in several places. At that moment, one of the thugs not busy being murdered by a cadre of broke-as-hell villains, lashed at Meteoress with a stunrod. And thus it was that poor Charlie Johnson, 24 years of age, was used as a human shield. As he spasmed and his heart finally gave out, Meteoress released his body and did the most classic cheat move in all of wrestling. She slid down onto one knee and as smashed her arm up flat with all her strength. So hard in fact that the thugs feet lifted of the ground. He fell to the ground a gurgling mess next to Charlie.

Meanwhile, the good doctor and the lovely, beastial gorgons proximity to the door kept the patrons from stampeding out the exit by the sheer presence of the two too close to the door. So instead they swarmed the towards the back exit, trambling over each other and tearing and elbowing to get away. The thugs lay around, clearly having regretted their choices in life before dying horribly. However, there is a ruckus as the door to the VIP areas fling open and a hail of bullet forces the villains to take cover.

Situation; More MOOKS! They have a defensible position however. Find a way to deal with them! Collabs are encouraged.

The Lair.


As the group move inside, fox draws his blade. He moves up next to Eppy, eyes sweeping the strange mucus covered walls as they slip further into the base. There is a vague dripping sound from further inside. Fox could feel the opressing atmosphere getting to him. He wasn't cut out for this, yet he pushed on. He stepped in a puddle of something and nearly jumped and slipped on something else. Then he realized. It was blood. He looked up to see a door ahead, and motioned for the others to follow. He crept up to it, searching for a way to open it. The corridor terminated in a door up ahead as well. Just as Fox Blade found the controls, he realized something was staring at him. From above. He looked up, just a drop of blood hit his plastic mask.
”Oh dear” He muttered. And then there was a roar as something metal and flesh swung down from the ceiling and sent him trough the door. He rolled and bounced clumsily into the wall, feeling as if he cracked at least a ribcage. Whatever hit him retreated back into the darkness, and surged away trough the vents. Fox blade got painfully up on his feet as the creature suddenly flew out trough the floor panels underneath Eppy. Lovecrafian to Lovecraftian nightmare staring eye to eye. The thing was like a wall of flesh that moves almost like a liquid.
Puss and blood dripped from countless sores in it and it possed hundred of different, non-human eyes. This was all Fox-Blade needed. He moved suddenly so fast he could not be the seen by the naked air, utilizing his Tengu Step technique. He sliced the thing down the middle. Only for the two halves to shudder and reform as two smaller versions of it.

”Oh dear...”

And then the creatures slogged him away once more.

Situation: The thing is fast and moves trough the lairs very extensive ventilations system. Coming face to face with Eppy seems to have given it pause. Giving you a little time to inflict some damage. Appears slicing it isn't the smartest. But you have energy weapons. Looking at to long induces fear, but maybe you can get some help from your fellow mind abuser to give you some courage. Granted, that is letting her into your brain. Your call!

Back at the Warehouse: Cyrax and Emerald Sorcerer


Blueberry looked at her list. There was two names missing. Looking up she saw them both arrive. She smiled sardonicly and tilted her head. ”You two are late!” She said in a huff. But just as she did, there was the sound of screeching cartires from a police cruiser speeding down the road towards the Casino.

”Ohhh. Things are heating up!” She exlaimed, exhileration evident in her voice. ”Maybe this lot isn't to bad!” She hopped of her crate and walked up to meet the cute cyborg and handsome mage with the snake. But before she could reach them, there was a loud explosion of sulfur and Broker appeared behind her.

”DADDY!” She exclaimed with happy squeek but a look from The Broker calmed her down in a instant. She looked up at the two men in turn and spoke. ”You were not supposed to be here? Late arrivals?” He scoffed. ”Really. Was 'Meet here, 10 o'clock' that hard to grasp. Never mind, don't answer that. I don't wanna lose all hope this early in the game.” He waved them off before the could reply. ”Listen Emobot and Snake-Charmer. I have a special assigment for you two, seeing how you are here and all.”

He grinned. ”You see. Blueberry and me being here likely set of some alarms with magic community. And I expect there to be a hero here any mi-” Once more, there was no time to finish the expostion that villains were so fond off. The door was kicked in and there stood a man in a cape and a cheap Mage outfit. It looked like a very poorly made larp outfit.

”all yours boys. This here is ”Magic Missile. I figured he'd be here. Putting him in the hospital should net you some infamy. Or you know, If you kill him. But that might get you more heat then you can handle. Up to you really. I would go with the former rather then the latter. Now. Ta-ta!” And then the air screamed as it tore apart in a portal for the two demons to step to. The sound of violins and fiddles escaping its entrence. As it closed, Magic Missile pointed at the two. And shouted.

”MAGIC MISSILE!” From his hand two arcane bolts of energy set of towards the two.

Situation: Broker wants you to kick the kid down enough for others to take notice of you. The nerd you are fighting appears capable of some magic. Don't take him lightly. He has been doing this longer then you.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Oscar immediately rolled behind a couch as a hail of bullets burst from the newly opened doors, swearing as a shot just barely missed his face. "Son of a BITCH!" After his enhancement, he could take a shot or two without dropping, but something told him he wasn't THAT bulletproof - certainly not enough to stand up against the storm of gunfire long enough to sprint into the VIP lounge and start punching people. Why the fuck was I the only one who brought a gun...

An idea crossed the criminal's mind as his gaze fell on a heavy metal gambling table right across from him. He might not be bulletproof enough, but that thing looked as though it might be...

Immediately, he rolled behind the table and began straining to lift it, managing on his own to get it a few feet off the ground. "Oi, luchador!" he called out the the girl in the belt who'd loudly supplexed someone through a table a moment ago. "Help me with this! Everyone else get behind us, we're gonna ram this thing into the bastards!" If they could just get close enough, the villains could punch and stab and smash the hired muscle to their hearts content - so Oscar strained, and hoped the rest of the freaks would back him up with this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Eric Belmont:Casino

Eric was trying to be cool when everyone else was on a murderous rampage. Well they are meant to be leaving an impression Pann reminded Eric as the common people ran for the back exit. Eric was gong to stop them until a rain of bullets came from what must have been the VIP section. "Darn it!" Eric shouted at bullets flew by. Throwing himself to the ground, Eric managed to get behind a row of slot machines without a scratch. Allowing himself a sigh of relief the man sitting next to Eric said, "That was a close one eh?" "Yeah that it was." Eric replied. The two men suddenly realized who they were sitting next to and turned their heads to face one another. Eric looked into the black glasses of the casino guard. Just kill him Pann urged Eric but it wasn't something Eric really enjoyed doing, only killing people when he had to. The guard reached for a nearby stool leg and swung it as Eric, who took it to the shoulder while trying to dodge. Now you have to, Pann stated in Eric's mind. Without much choice Eric tackled the man, both of them hitting the ground. Eric then began to punch the man in the face, until the guard threw Eric off of him. The two men took the moment to reach for their ranged weapons, but Eric was faster. The man fell over, the queen of hearts planted firmly in his skull.

Allowing himself another sigh Eric looked down to see a deck of playing card. "Score." He said to himself as he picked it up. Then looking over the casino Eric saw that the thuggish member of the group had placed himself behind a heavy looking metal table and was trying to lift it. Sounds like he shouted something but with all the gunfire Eric was somewhat hard of hearing. Pann however was kind enough to point out that the Thug was likely going to use it like a shield, and that Eric could stand behind it. Of course, they had to run through some gunfire first.

Bracing himself Eric charged through the hail of bullets, throwing a few cards at the VIP section as a sort of return fire. Eric doubted any of them hit as he slid into position behind the makeshift barricade. However Eric wasn't very skilled at sliding and was just a little short, having to inch himself the last foot, giving the guards a chance to clip him with a bullet across the back. "Aggh... so, what's the plan?" Eric asked as he picked himself up just high enough to chuck a card into the horde of goons in the VIP section, making one of them fall over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Third Invincible Sister was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the loathsome creature, an oozing lump of flesh with far too many eyes. No, it was more than just mere surprise- it was fear, a gnawing worm in her gut that made her stop for the briefest moment, as the man in the mask cut it into two smaller creatures with his sword (the inferior katana, weapon of the gutless and rapacious Japanese who had done so much harm to her Korea, and a useless weapon when compared to the far superior hwando).

This dank and foul-smelling tunnel had not been the battlefield she had pictured for the Inevitable Showdown. Gang Min-Seo had always seen herself storming into Seoul or Mercury City or Tokyo or even Tel Aviv. Shoulder to shoulder with her four sisters, the full might of the People's Army behind them, and before them the Glorious Leader himself, pistol in one hand and the flag of the great and true Korea in the other. Mowing down their enemies like wheat under the scythe.

But no, the longer she looked at the wretched thing that should not be the more Third Invincible Sister was convinced she would die down here, alone and forgotten. No one would even know what happened to her. Why struggle? It was all hopeless and pointless. No matter what she did, she would fail the Gang family, and of course she would fail the Glorious Leader.

"No!" she cried aloud, an involuntary sound of pure despair.

Fail the Glorious Leader? Fail in her mission and her service? The idea of that was inconceivable to her, worse even than the thought of any death this disgusting thing could visit on her. Not while the self-reliance that had been placed in her by the guiding hand of generations of leaders still remained. The thought galvanized her into action, pushing the pheromone-induced fear aside long enough for her to make a move on one of the creatures.

She leaped forwards in a practiced taekwondo attack, fingers extended like claws. Between her extensive martial arts training and her own unnatural strength, her fingertips could tear and pierce like chisels. And chisel they did, her fingertips finding purchase in the many soft eyes in the thing's rubbery body. She grabbed, twisted, and tore, finally yanking her hands free and holding them up in triumph. Ten eyeballs, dripping gore and fluid, one impaled on each fingertip, like a child eating olives. Hopefully the pain of having several eyes plucked out would immobilize or distract it long enough for one of the others. As she quickly withdrew, the fear finding purchase in her mind once more, she managed to call out to her new comrades in arms. "Now, friends! Strike like the fists of the Pulgasari!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 2 days ago

Attack from Below
She felt the movement from beneath her but before it had a chance to register the floor that Eppie was standing on exploded upwards with a force that caused her to launch into the air. She floated there for a moment and saw a brief flash of movement which ended with Fox holding his sword within his grasps and the beast howling in what could be believed as agony. It was then that she saw each half gain a new life with one being dealt with by the Third Invincible Sister, and the other pushing Fox away with a heavy hit.

Eppie's feet landed with skid before she held out her right hand in what could be simply be described as a punch that exploded out of her arm. The bones cracked, the skin tore open, and a large length of flesh extended towards the monster, grabbing it like an octopus tentacle. The blood vessels pumped hard and extruded themselves from the arm, giving her the strength to swing her body around and hold the creature with a binding grapple.

LET ME KILL IT!!! LET ME RIP IT TO SHREDS!!! The voice of Maw rang through Eppie's skull like a demon that wanted to be let loose, but she knew from what she saw with Fox's attack that tearing this beast apart would pose the risk of a Hydra effect, a risk of creating more attackers from splitting each body in half. As she tightened her grip, she felt the body begin to slither it's way out. The puss and fluids that expelled from it's skin created a mucus layer of protection like the skin of a wet frog. Her achievements were short lived with each moment passing and putting the team more at risk.

"Eppie can't hold it for too much longer!" she yelled out to the others before opening up her mouth and taking a large bite into the creature. Her jaw extending out to give her a larger grasp as her protruding teeth dug into the thrashing beast.

I can't let him out in a situation like this. There will be too much blood for me to control him... thinking silently to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As the fox man dude ran down another hall she stared into the halls she was a little bit more. Wanting to explore rather than fight. Following after the blonde girl she responded towards her. "It would be better than waiting for it to get the drop on.. Us Watching the fox man attack the creature, his cheep blade slicing it in two new creatures. The Korean lady went next to one of them. Clawing some of its eyes out it, bloody goop dripping and spitting from the wounds. The blonde girl morphed an arm into some beastly looking thing and lifted the other one up. That creature seemed to be slipping away from her grip though.

Her eyes ran back to the creature on the ground, thinking, staring at it induced a nervous butterfly in her stomach. She hated butterflies alive and in her head. Keeping the fear suppressed. She wouldn't let fear jeopardize her missions again. It was a distraction at most and she wasn't going to fall for it. She stayed staring at it forming a phrase, more like a group of phrases. Looking away soon as she could.
Show them your weakness, they won't exploit it.

She wanted to help kill the creature but stayed back after sending it towards the creature on the floor.
If anything it could distract it long enough for someone who doesn't have a blade to do something. Her dagger being brought out as protection. She wouldn't be the first to die here. No sir.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Woundwort


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Warehouse: Byz'zul

Byz'zul knew he really should have expected this, all things considered. In answering that invitation he'd made three faulty, dangerously untrue, assumptions.

1. He has assumed that the universe did not, in fact, hate him personally.

2. He has forgotten dear old dad's sage advice: "If the world can find a way to fuck you, it will."

And last but certainly not least....

3. He had forgotten that traffic at this hour was practically a layer of hell unto itself. The layer of dumb pedestrians, dumber drivers and enough carcinogens in the air to make Bejing blush. Making him late. Resulting in....Gandalf the Insipid over there bursting in on them.

Of course, he was processing all of this even as he was desperately twisting away from the blasts of magical energy that said insipid larper had launched at him and his new comrade-in-suffering. It was two on one, which was something of a comfort, but it was the sort of comfort one might take from the fact that, even if they were in the middle of a school of sharks and bleeding from a stab wound, there was someone else alongside them to be consumed in the orgy of blood, teeth and fins that was about to commence.


If they were gonna get out of this, they needed a plan.

Truly, your powers of perception are the envy of all demonkind.

Not the time Azazel. Not remotely the time.

He could feel his overly sarcastic familiar twist and coil around his body beneath his robes, no doubt trying to get out of the way of the incoming magical blasts and whatever other tricks ol' insipid had up his sleeve by shielding him with his "masters" body.

The snakes confidence in his ability to avoid harm was touching. Really.

Nothing for it then. A plan...they couldn't get one of those nailed down, let alone time to think of one if they didn't get the resident hero on the backfoot, if only for a few seconds.

Less focus on the evasive, and more on firing back. Dropping to his knees in midtwist, Byz'zul tapped into the infernal energies bound within his tattoos. He could feel the heat, the power, as it broke through it's bounds and traced it's way up from his lower back to his hands. Just as it reached his finger tips, a blast of pure fire sprang forwards, aimed directly at Byz'zul's least favorite larper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Verminlord
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[Movement detected. Combat Protocols in full effect. Kinetic Energy Blaster ready to fire]

Spyder had been waiting patiently for the creatures to reveal themselves, and thus they had! Now it was time to show his new teammates what he could do. After this they would be glad to have him around, unlike his pathetic creator.
The ninja had worsened things almost immediately by creating a second creature, though Eppie and The Invincible Sister had managed to set up the perfect opening, despite the strange effect the creatures seemed to be having on some of the biological members of the group.

Still, no time for overthinking. It all came down to a single fact, that although he was a friendly droid most of the time, interested in socializing and becoming a respected villain, he had been designed for one singular purpose.

To [FIRE!]

The first golden energy bolt slammed into the creature Maw was holding, just as it was slipping free. Spyder didn't know exactly how his gun worked, but having the formidable power of a (miniaturized) nuclear power generator (partially) converted into kinetic force couldn't be pleasant to experience. It showed as the creature let out another shriek and was thrown against a wall. The second shot came exactly 2.0 seconds later, shoving it back into the wall as it tried to regain its bearings. Spyder could keep this up all day if he needed too, though he didn't know if the creature could adapt to his attack or not, best to finish it quickly. He turned on his speakers and shouted out.

"I have it stunned for now, act quick my fellow villains!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 10 days ago

It all went incredibly fast. First the Blob appeared. Then he got cut in half by the funny looking human. Then the other funny looking human ripped in a incredibly brutal fashion a whole bunch of eyes of from the monster and after that the third funny looking human did something Harvey found very hard to describe.
Also he should really try to learn the names of his company... Exactly when he had that thought the cute little Robot shot at the Monster with a much better effect than the sword attack by the first funny human. But why would anyone fight with a simple steel sword?


Harvey screamed as he activated the highest power level on his weapon and fired at the blob who was just stunned by the robot. A blue lightning flash shot out of the gun, directly into the monster...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Werehouse: Cyrax

Cyrax quickly gets out of the car, along with his new... how would he call him... snake-friend dude. All he was doing was just walking around the city, scrambling for food and stealing all sorts of shit from oncoming pedestrians, and now he's somehow not only with this guy, but also going to work for some group of some sort. He has barely any idea on what he was getting himself into, but all he knows now that they were both late to the invitation. All due to traffic being a bitch though, rush hour on these days are an absolute nightmare. If only he could somehow fly with his one mechanical arm, let alone get a second~ nah nevermind that.

Either way, after getting himself called Emobot and his partner Snake-Charmer, they now have to fight what appears to be some sort of lame superhero. It was pathetic really, I mean Magic Missile? Thats the lamest and stupidest name he has ever heard. And so far he hasn't spoken a single word, maybe nodded like once or twice, but that was all it in the social communication department.

But enough about his depressing day and life so far, there's a battle he has to win. As the Emerald Sorcerer goes in for some quick melee attacks, Cyrax stays in the back as he provides cover fire. His mechanical hand unleashes several volleys of yellow-orange plasma at the hero. Even if several blasts won't do the job, he can just call on a long, consistent, beam to cause him a bad day. Not like his day was any better though...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Despration was not a brawler or a proper fighter; He figured himself to be a healer that occasionally had to kill someone in order to help several others. But while he was good at ending the lives of others, he preferred ambushing single targets rather then getting into an extended fight.

As the high pitched cry of police sirens started to appear on the edge of his hearing, a new wave of goons burst through from what wasn no doubt the VIP area. Deciding to let the others handle the new assault wave, the plague doctor tackled the gorgen that he seemed to have teamed up with earlier behind a couple of slot machines to avoid gun fire while he talked to her.

"The police are on route. We can leave the goons to the others but we need to seal off that staircase before we get caught in a crossfire. Do you think you can move a table and some chairs or something to block up the door while I visit the bar Ms... Sorry, I don't know what to call you."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 5 days ago

Tim hesitated going inside when he was only armed with a paltry stun gun which he really doubt would do anything to any monster the Pulp thought off. His hesitation had led to him being left behind by his group and he had to catch up. When the monster attacked, it was all Salvage could do to not scream like a little girl. However the monster splitting into two and the actual little girl transformed into yet another monster proved too much for the newbie villain as such there was only one action that Tim could do. He froze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dear mom.
Today I got a job at the casino. The Amino family finally reward me for my loyalty. It is great here. I don't have to worry about being shot at in the street, the rich folk tip amazingly.

Josef Amberline, Professional Muscle.

Josef and his thug thriends stared in awe as the scrawny brawler and the thug lifted a heavy, all metal table like a shield in front of them. There was a profound moment where the thugs realized just how fucked they were. Because they were truly and utterly screwed. That table was moving faster and faster as the two gained momentum and each attempt to aim properly got disrupted by a card nicking or lodging itself into your arm or shoulder.

”TAKE IT PUTA!” As they approached like a locomotive with a death wish, the luchadoress began shouting all kinds of profanities in spanish. Sooner rather then later, the two smashed the table trough the door opening, opening up the situation into a full on brawl. Before Josef could comprehend what was happening, he was clothesline'd so hard he was literally knocked out of his shoes. He rolled across the floor, knocked out well and good. His buddies weren't fairing better. The young luchadoress had moved on to the biggest man in the room and was now beating him over the face with his own gun.

In the background, the sirens was getting closer. The situation was about to go supernova.

Situation: It is time to think about escape, fight your way trough the VIP area to the backdoor. Mooks are in disarray, destroy property as you go. No limits on mooks you get to wreck :D


Fox Blade was flying. He was sincerely starting to hate the sensation. But he liked a whole lot then the landing. Fox blade hit the floor hard and skidded across the blood and grease, wincing as he tweaked his shoulder something fierce. He forced himself back onto his feet. It seemed his friends hade better luck then he did, attacking the two creatures in tandem. Eppys maw bit off chunks, with blood pouring out of the gashes. She would find that thing tasted awfully and it screeched in pain as she tore into it, its mass writhing like crazy and puss and blood oozing from it in larger and larger rivulets. A mouth formed among the mass and out from it shot a needle like tongue. It stabbed right into Eppy as the Alien teenss gun hit it. As the stun ray smashed into it, part of it traveled trough into the Eppy, flinging her off it as it screamed and thrashed about. Smoke began to pore from it before it collapsed in a heap that slunk back into the ventilation tunnels underneath, slithering back towards the direction you were heading before the attack.

Meanwhile, the second creature focused its angry, still intact eyes on the north korean battle sister. Ther was malice in it to such a degree it began to affect everyone around it. Causing them to grow angry and irrate. Arms shot out from it and grabbed her by the arm, then tore her to the floor in a show of extreme and utter violence. It began to lift and smash her shoulder and arm into the floor, utterly forgetting about the others in the room. The killer bots shot it square in the mass of eyes left on it and it let go, reeling back in shock and apparent pain. It started to bubble and boil more and more as it slithered away a little from the group. But something made it stop. It looked towards Conscious for a second then it opened up its middle to show some sort of mechanical core, and large gun attached to it. Fox blade took this moment to "Tengu step" close once again, and instead of slashing it in two, he stabbed at its core. There was a brief but bright explosion, and he was sent flying yet again. But this time having achieved something proper. The thing was just blood and bits of meat all over the place now.

Situation; You have not yet beaten the monster! It has retreated back further into the base. Now it is time to hunt it down! Up ahead in the teleporter and control room.


Magic Missile lived up to his name. The dork supreme was firing blue arcane bolts all over the place. His aim was a far from impressive however, and the blasted things flew everywhere. High Tech repulsor beams smash together with arcane blasts of power as the warehouse is showered with sparks. The nerd was suprisingly nimble nad tried to dodge as Emerald Sorcerer tried his best to charbroil him. The fires did hit his cape however, and it was lit accordingly. Magic Missile flailed about as the fire began to spread quicker and quicker. He just barely got the cape off before he was himself on fire. He stared daggers at the Sorcerer.

”You think that was funny do you?” He growled. ”I'll show you funny! NASURA DRACONIS!” He shouted as he aimed both palms at the sorcerer, a dragon of blue and white energy shooting from his palms, it barralled towards the faboulus snake charmer. However, the LARPER had completely forgotten about Cyrax, blinded by impotent nerd rage.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Third Invincible Sister's moment of triumph was short-lived, as the thing wrapped protoplasmic arms around her and began to slam her against the hard concrete floor. She remembered her training, rolled onto her side to protect her head and vital organs. But the thing was far stronger than one would expect from a shapeless and rubbery blob of human flesh. Her arm and shoulder went numb after the first couple slams, while green and purple sparks swam behind her vision. Even with her augmented bone structure, she couldn't take much more of this pounding- a little more and Third Invincible Sister's arm would be badly sprained or even broken.

Salvation came in two forms- Spyder's energy blast and the inferior barbarian sword of Fox Blade, plunging straight into the mechanical heart of the beast and killing it, actually killing it. Third Invincible Sister felt a grudging respect welling up in her, the man's skill was apparent.

That respect mixed suddenly with anger as she saw the other creature escape into the vents and deeper into the base. It was perhaps six parts anger and one part respect in her- the same gin-vermouth proportion for a perfect martini, in fact. "Capitalist scum!" she yelled at the retreating monster, adding the olives to her vengeance martini as she picked herself off the floor, her numbed arm hanging at her side. Min-Seo wanted to pursue the thing, but knew she couldn't do much alone and with a hurt arm. Instead, she pointed a slender finger at Fox Blade. "You! Kumiho-dongmu!" She shook her head angrily at herself. They spoke English in this country and it was her job to blend in. "I mean Magical Nine-tailed Fox Comrade! You can kill these things with your oppressive blade! Let us combine our forces against our common enemy!"

That said, the tiny woman reached out and closed her good hand around Magical Nine-tailed Fox Comrade's belt and lifted the man bodily off the ground, carrying him in front of her as she stormed down the tunnel in pursuit of the creature. "Together, Magical Nine-tailed Fox Comrade, we shall strike fear into the hearts of all who oppose us!"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 11 mos ago


The charge began, the mexican girl helping to turn the table from a heavy piece of cover to a ram. Eric was just happy he was on the right side of it. Of course he had been throwing cards into the mess of casino guards as they charged, throwing off the aim of the guns and keeping the enemy distracted as the metal ram tore into the VIP section. It was from that point pure chaos. Fists and bullets everywhere, Eric couldn't process it all. But then again, that was what Pann was for.

Fear drove Eric to fade away from the top of the mind, allowing Pann to be in charge for a brief time. It was during this time that men would die. Pann may have been weak, may have been shackled to a card and now a pathetic and merciful human, but he was still a demon, one with experience. Cards were flying, one into the skull of a man as he ran towards Pann, two more with cards in their chests as they attempted to attack from two sides, another with a ace in his eye as he pointed his gun towards Pann. Leaping over a table Pann grabbed another deck of cards before flipping the wooden table onto the goons closing in. Standing on the overturned table Pann looked over the crowd, Thug was nowhere to be seen, likely just in the thick of it, the girl on the other hand damn near riding one of the bigger men in the room. "Cute girl, your going to have to introduce yourself Eric." Pann said aloud, though unheard by the others due to the battle taking place.

A horde of men, numbering eight, were rushing towards Pann and his vantage point. "Will ya mortals never learn?" He asked as he held the deck he had picked up a moment prior. Then with one movement he threw the entire deck of cards, which scattered and butchered the men. Pann jumped down from his perch to stand over the sole survivor, a goon who took two card to the leg and one to the arm. "Pl-please, I have a family." The man pleaded. Of course, Pann wasn't listening, instead placing his shoe firmly on the man's neck and slowly applying pressure. Then a faint snap, and he was dead. With the men near Pann dead he finally had the chance to hear sirens on the wind. As much fun as it would be to fight the law enforcement Pann knew he wasn't ready, this body still to frail and Eric likely to be taking it back any minute now. So Pann moved to the backdoor, turning around to shout, "Ya'll best be finishing up, we're going to be having friends over soon and it would be a shame to see you all dead so soon." Pann would then throw two more cards, one aimed for the shin on the big man in the room that the luchadoress was fighting, the other aimed for a slot machine in the main room. When the card hit the machine it would lodge itself into the lever, pushing it forward and allowing the machine to start, in a moment the jackpot was spilling out of the machine, with nobody to collect. "I've still got it." Pann said to himself as he slipped through the door out to what should be escape.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

She watched the other monster leave before she could send something towards it. The robotics blast towards the one she had sent to. The alien, harvey, had shot a shot at the one in the blondes grip which had caused it to slighter away and leave. She wondered slightly if she could make the monster a pet, or find a pet here. The blue prissy demon had saidd he may have some things on mind control so that would be well. She wanted a new friend. Back to the creature on the ground it opened its mouth, the pulsing core shown right towards her, it had listened but no one would believe her. The fox man had taken her kill though. Seeing the core swell and stabbing it. Meat, slime and metal exploded from the monster. She turned her back to the explosion. That being another thing to add to the list on why she needs a new wardrobe. a grimace on her face. She would get the fox back for that.

As the korean yelled som random things out Conscious mind wandered to her wardrobe. Hmm evil scientists had wardrobes. Must be better than blood splattered, dirt ridden, stolen throw togethers right?

Brandishing her dager and fallowed being the Korean who was dragging the kill stealer.
" Thanks for obeying." She muttered to the now dead monster formulating another phrase for the next monster. Sighing slightly she wouldn't be known for her contribution. But she wouldn't get hurt from it if it listens. Its listened once. If anything she could convice it she's no threat.
" Come back here, they aren't going to hurt you. " she said outloud. Wanting to kill this one herself.
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