1. Please be respectful of other patients here. Attacking of staff or other patients will succeed in 4 hours in the P.D.C
2. If you have questions about any of the fallowing please ask a posted staff member or look for posted charts.
- Questions about the schedual
- Complaints about other patients
- Questions about Food
- Facilities or programs
- Release.
3. Do not argue with doctors or nurses or any other staff. The staff will decide on how long you will stay in the P.D.C if you do
4. Just because you are different does not mean special treatment.
5. Your number will be assigned after acceptance.
6. Excape attempts are punishable by 15 hours in the P.D.C
7. Hiding in your cell is not permitted unless you are told it is by a registered staff member.
8. All rules are subject to change without informing the public, check here regularly.
Your Application.
[b]Appearance:[/b] real or realistic anime pictures please. Descriptions are fine as well.
[b]Name:[/b] full name
[b]Age:[/b] 13-40. make it reasonable.
[b]Illness/Difference:[/b] Delusional, listeners, goody two shoes, to the down right mentally sick. What is yours
[b]Personality:[/b] Please be reflective with this and the illness.
[b]Text color:[/b] what's your characters color for speech.
[b]Background:[/b]Some may have became this way, some should be here, some have been like this forever. What is your story?
[b]Other:[/b] What else is there to know?
Important Staff.
My Characters.

Name: Ember Dusken
Age: 28
Illness/Difference: Psycopath,
Personality: She's usually the most social girl in the facility. She easily can hide some of her psychopathic traits some things such as her lack of empathy is shown easily due to certain things about the asylum. It will become clear to the new arrivals that she does not care what happens to them as long as she comes out on top. She has an alluring charm that could possibly keep people from seeing her for what she really is. She holds an certain un-attachment with others and hates working in groups where she is not in control. She believes strongly that one day she will escape this hell hole, though her reasons why are never clarified it is believed that she is intent on becoming a successful business woman. her fondest way of getting ahead is killing those in her way.
Text color: This.
Background:Her past before the Asylums is classified. Though she brags about killing someone before being sent here. She is methodical in her plans and is determined to escape the facility for an unrevealed cause. She knows most of the ins and outs of the facility and is planning a new attempt now. Unluckily for her. These new arrivals are going to put a damper on her the plan.
Other: She has made five excape attempts in her 10 years here, more unknown from her last facility. Three succeed in getting her away from the facility for at least a day.