Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Many don't know, but right now someone out there is not like us normal humans; In more ways than one. They act differently, think differently, some even look differently. We couldn't accept these rejects into our society. Many of them committed feral acts. We are not insane, unlike most of them. So we, as humanely as possible, ship them off to a place where they can live, away from out society. To a place where they can be helped.

But unknown to those who put the different there; they aren't being shipped away to be cured or helped. While alive at Brocklen Hall Asylum subjects are given a residence(room/cell) access to medication and nutrition. But there is a downside to residence here, treatment of the subjects by the head doctor; Dr. Brocklen, is anything but helpful to their condition. Experiments, harsh punishments and treatments less than ethical. No one every leaves the hall. Not alive at least. But in affects, no one cares. No one cares if you die here.

Welcome to Brocklen Hall Asylum. This rp if focused around the subjects, the different, You. Where we explore their adventures throughout the Asylum. How their situations differ, how they make their way through the facility, who if at all they will trust.
From the worst psychotic criminals, arsonists and regular delusional's. To listeners,- Those who hear voices in their heads-and Multiple persona's.
We hope you will have a good time here at Brocklen Hall.
1. Please be respectful of other patients here. Attacking of staff or other patients will succeed in 4 hours in the P.D.C
2. If you have questions about any of the fallowing please ask a posted staff member or look for posted charts.
- Questions about the schedual
- Complaints about other patients
- Questions about Food
- Facilities or programs
- Release.
3. Do not argue with doctors or nurses or any other staff. The staff will decide on how long you will stay in the P.D.C if you do
4. Just because you are different does not mean special treatment.
5. Your number will be assigned after acceptance.
6. Excape attempts are punishable by 12 hours in the P.D.C
7. Hiding in your cell is not permitted unless you are told it is by a registered staff member.
8. All rules are subject to change without informing the public.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I got two questions. What does P.D.C. mean, and do we have to have a picture? And I will try to get my profile up as soon as possible too. I am in the process of writing it out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kiwaniahhh good you read rule #2 all questions should be answered to staff, me.

P.D.C is a Padded Cell or Padded Contianment cell.

No descriptions are fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Song Book I'm interested, but I can't tell whether you want an anime picture, a real picture, or either. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

realistic anime.

its more beliveable but keeps the style.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here's my character sheet! I wasn't sure if I'd be assigned a number, and if not, I wasn't sure how many digits it should be, so I left it blank. Other than that, tell me if it's ok!


Name: Sophia Mistly

Number: ???

Age: 18

Illness/Difference: Borderline Personality Disorder

Personality: Sophia is a fearful, emotionally unstable girl who, despite being quite clever, hasn't figured out a way to coexist with other people. She acts stuck up, like she's better than everyone else, but in reality, she feels insufficient, unworthy of being loved. She loves cute things. Somewhat sadistic when pushed.

Text color: Lavender


For a while, Sophia was "normal." She had friends, did fun things, wasn't afraid. Then the teasing started. They called her naive, immature, a nerd. They shunned her, cast her out. After a while, she started to prefer to be alone. Everyone was evil; no one could be trusted. She was safer on her own. Safer, but not happy.

For years, she hid her depression, but eventually the inner chaos overwhelmed her. It became her goal to find someone -anyone - who was worthy of her. For a brief while, she had hope. There were a few people she thought could be trusted - her older brother, her boyfriend, even one of her teachers. But, one by one, they proved her wrong. She had relied on them to be strong, to always be there for her, and they betrayed her. It was pointless; she would always be alone.

In a fit of despair, Sophia took all her all of her anti-depressants at one. It was a stupid, desperate act, the sort she would have mocked before. Blackness engulfed her.

But she woke up. And when she did, she was in a hospital. She still doesn't know who exactly "rescued" her, but as she bides her time as a prisoner to the asylum, she never stops guessing. That person... did they do it because they hated her, wanted her to go away? Or did they somehow care?

Other: Sophia is obsessed with plushies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Here's my character sheet! I wasn't sure if I'd be assigned a number, and if not, I wasn't sure how many digits it should be, so I left it blank. Other than that, tell me if it's ok!

Read the rules to answer your question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh. Derp. =p
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RevCrux
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

All finished. ^^


Name: Lucas Soto


Age: 25

Illness/Difference: Bipolar Disorder

Personality: Lucas, to most people, is a spark that flares up and then dies down. Soto is his name and attention is his game. Lucas loves to meet new people and be chaotic if only to shake things up and make his peers smile. His audacious and wisecrack personality is only rivaled by his constant nervous energy. Words usually leave his lips before he has time to process his own thoughts. Even with the best intentions, this can often get him in trouble with more sensitive individuals. Lucas doesn't spend a lot of time in between his extremes and is often either high strung with nervous ticks or completely exhausted of all energy and seemingly oblivious to the world around him

Text color: Mint

Background: Lucas would never admit it, but this disorder has affected him as far back as he can remember. He grew up with his older sister and grandmother while their parents worked overseas. His sister was gone most days and nights working two jobs and his grandmother stayed home, yelling broken japanese at the living room wall. That musty cramped apartment was enough to drive him crazy. And sitting still in a classroom was never an option. Lucas preferred to roam free; to follow the railroad tracks until the sun set, whooping and hollering at the graffitied trains passing by. Playing hooky never proved to be a problem for him until he started feeling too brave. Some days he would sneak from the house with four or five pots and pans, set up in town, and perform on his extravagant drum set for any poor soul within ear shot. The occasional flight or fight with the cops was worth his freedom. Anyone who saw Lucas outside of his tiny apartment saw a vibrant truant with an infinite supply of energy. It was another story when he came home, which was what got sent to the loony bin. Lucas still had plenty of spirit at home, but it was out right destructive. When his grandmother yelled at the walls, he screamed back until his voice cracked. Books were thrown, sheets ripped, and mirrors broken. Then it would all come to an abrupt stop and Lucas would collapse in a pile of blankets on his floor, curling up into a fetal position. Once he turned 18, he began his stay at Brocklen Hall. Since then, Lucas' more violent behavior has calmed down to occasional outbursts and depressive episodes.

Other: Lucas has difficulty finishing meals and falling asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Disorder, check. Relavent background, check. It seems Lucus met the requirments and has been Accepted. Number assignment 237. Move him to his assigned cell and proceed towards the waiting area.

I am debating whether she would be accepted. Answer will be given tomarrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Song Book Hm. Too mild a background? I can make it more extreme if necessary. =p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago


I always heard that if you have to change the one thing that makes your character them for an rp then the character doesn't fit in.

I've me a few hours to figure it out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I always heard that if you have to change the one thing that makes your character them for an rp then the character doesn't fit in.

I've me a few hours to figure it out.

I don't think any one thing defines my character, or people in general, for that matter. =p Besides, even if something does, then changing that thing would just result in a new character who might fit better than the first one. All that said, I think I'll just opt out of this RP. For whatever reason, you seem to dislike me. Have fun!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Well that went off to a good foot hasn't it.

Top three reasons why i dislike people. @Airalin

1. They don't read the rules.
2. They jump to conclusions
3. Give me reason to debate if they would be a drop out.

Anyway, still open to new people. Please do read the rules, they are put in there for a reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Harley Q
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Harley Q Regular Decorated Emergency

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She is 5 foot 1 inch and 100lbs.

Name: Audrey Elizabeth Montgromery


Age 24

Illness/Difference: Schizoaffective Disorder

Personality: Audrey, like all the Montgromery's who came before her, like the finer things in life. She is use to a particular amount of attention and praise and grew up understanding that people don't care how you feel as long as you present yourself according. With this being said, Audrey never truly leaned how to hide her emotions or filter her thoughts. When her illness emerged, this truth only became much more intense. Audrey has auditory hallucinations, constantly hearing others tell her to harm herself or others. As well as the voices, her mood can fluctuate rapidly, from weeks of depression to a month of mania. When she is manic the 'high society' grooming of her mother takes over. At first she thought the voices were friends, and to this day will defend the voices as part of who she truly is, as she yearns for affection.

Text color: Pink

Background:Audrey was born and raised in the upper east side. She attended the best schools, expensive parties, and dressed in the latest fashion. She is the only daughter of the well off Frances and Anne Montgromery, and as such was expected to act like a lady. Audrey was sexually molested from the ages of 3-12 years old by her father, a fact that is sharply rejected by her mother, but a hot topic of conversation for the voices. She suffered from depression as a teen, silently attempting to withdraw from the lonely sting of the emotional abandonment of her mother and lasting agony given to her by her father. She lashed out at maids and friends in the security of her home, and in once firece screaming match with her father set his study on fire. She sat by quietly as her family collected insurance for the "space heater malfunction."

When Audrey was 20 and attending college she had her first psychotic break. She thought the voices were a comfort, and didn't notice their dangerous demands until the winter break, when she threatened her mother with a knife during Christmas dinner. The woman had been asking for it, talking to her that way. She had cut her cheek before the police had been called. Or so they told her. She didn't remember that, no because the police enjoyed going after the special ones. She was a victim, why was she here? A common question she asked over the four years she spent at Brocklen Hall Aslyum.

Other: Audrey is fearful of tall men, and distrusts any food that is not prepacked. After all her mother did try to poison her...didn't she?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Harley Q
Mhmm good girl. prepackaged food? We have a packager machine in the kitchen. Seal of Approval. 138 is your number escort to her cell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Harley Q
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Harley Q Regular Decorated Emergency

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thank you, ma'am. I'm sure there won't be any trouble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suzy Blue
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Suzy Blue That's Lady Sunday to you!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Ashley Murdoch ("Hannah Belle Lecter" to the Media)
Number: 366
Age 18

Illness/Difference: Wendigo Psychosis - The insatiable and pathological need to consume human flesh, even when other food is readily available.

Personality: Ashley is intelligent and dangerously charismatic. She enjoys watching people, studying them, and then using her insight to manipulate them into doing what she wants. She almost always has a plan and everything she does or says, no matter how seemingly pointless, is in aid of that. She views all other humans as a lesser species than herself, useful only to be used for her ends and then devoured. But of course she'd never say so to anyone face, that wouldn't be polite. She shows absolutely no remorse for her past crimes.

Text color: Orange

Background: Ashley came from a very wealthy family and her parents used their money and influence to cover up Ashley's indiscretions for years. They moved her out to one of their remote properties in an attempt to keep her away from other people as much as possible, however this simply ended up giving Ashley the space she needed for her crimes. After an investigation into several disappearances lead police to suspect the Murdoch family of involvement, they raided several of the family's properties, including the one that Ashley was staying at. They found that Ashley had turned much of the basement level into one big "murder room". A survivor found imprisoned on the property quickly identified Ashley as his attacker and, after a very public investigation and trial, during which the Media labeled Ashley with the moniker "Hannah Belle Lecter", she was found to be criminally insane and sentenced to incarceration in Brocklen Hall Asylum, until such time as she was judged to be fully rehabilitated. Many of her family members were charged as Accessories and sentenced to prison time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Suzy Blue

We will have ways of feeding our little cannibals don't we nurse.

Nurse covered in blood: yes we do doctor. A strict feeding schedual to.

She seems fine for the staff here to handle. Accepted. Number 366. Please escort her to her cell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Harley Q
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Harley Q Regular Decorated Emergency

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Suzy Blue

I don't think Ashley and Audrey will be having a dinner party any time in the near future.
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