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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I added more
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'd say that clears up any of my comments, so we just need @6slyboy6 to weigh in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Sento I dunno man. I might call a vote from the others. Whether we need ankther person or not. Because I don't want delays and kicks from my one week rule.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My vote is that 6 is a good round number to work with, not more than that though. So long as @Sento can post consistently, I don't see any big issues arising. Same goes for all of us though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

so Im guessing that means I can post it into the CS or still wait for approval?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey actually I have an idea Since you guys are full or mostly maybe I can just help read along maybe if you need descriptions of places I can help (i describe people badly but give me distruction and ruin and I am swimming in words)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Main;y I say this because by feburary 16 my ability to answer will be limited due to boot camp
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay, hearing that I'm more hesitant. If you know you'll be busy in about three weeks, maybe getting into a new RP that you can't commit fully to might not be a good idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@RhineQueen Ya I kinda forgot about it, *sigh* but this is such a cool idea *whines* I mean once I get done with boot camp and I'm just in the school part I can answer after school before bed. How ever I don't want progress to get hault due to me being in the military *pouts* theres got to be a compremise
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm not sure what to say then. How long is your boot camp?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

18 weeks i think
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That's a pretty damn long time to be only posting sporadically, especially in an RP where we'll be pushing for frequent posts. I'll leave the final verdict to @6slyboy6 but personally I would be hesitant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 10 days ago

@Sento can't promise anything. We are already many. And I have learnt it the hard way (Rhine knows what i ama talking about >.> ) that having many people, not wanting to send people away, can result in the end of any well made RP. So do your best to impress the gods of Enoh.

Finding that balance that suits an RP is probably the hardest thing for any GM. I've been in a few RPs where people dropped off like flies, or the interest was beyond what the GM was hoping for.

Sending people away is hard, especially when they've placed so much work into a character sheet, but sometimes it has to be done. :\

Edit: wow, this sounds so negative. O.o
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I understand
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@NuttsnBolts Sheesh, I should pay you for this. You are a natural man!

@Sento So yeah. Look man, maybe if we had more people I would launch another paralell RP, but as things are, this ain't cutting it for me. If you thinm of a way that I can make up for the trouble of asking your CS just tell me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Its okay really
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Maximilian "Max" Magnus
Nickname: His name is Max Magnus. He doesn't need one.
Age: 30

Max is a monster. A 7 and a half feet tall, 600 pound walking slab of augmented muscle, he looks as though he was forged out of pure steel rather than born of flesh and blood. Complimenting his physique, he always dresses in metalhead type clothes with a militaristic bend and he wears his dark shades at all times, further contributing to a "badass" look he works to cultivate. His body is also a bizarre, patchwork mess. He is covered in scars, both surgical and combat-earned, sports hideously prominent veins that pop up all over his body and his eyes are wholly pitch black, giving him an unsettling thousand-yard stare and making him seem even more monstrous.

Despite his fearsome look, Max is actually fairly calm, friendly and giving outside of battle. His "condition", which gives him a decade to live, has given him a newfound appreciation for life and he's determined to both make the most out of his and help others live theirs whenever he can. When in an assignment he transforms into a much colder, serious man, all about getting the job done and done right. Unfortunately for whatever gets in his way, and much as he hates to admit it, he also derives great joy from his abilities and just how powerful they make him feel, making him merciless, relentless and prone to occasionally going overboard when he engages in battle.

Max hails from the planet Quent, universally regarded as one of the most inhospitable worlds discovered by mankind. While settlers originally found the conditions nigh-impossible to manage, ages of adaptation and survival of the fittest meant that Quentians became some of the hardiest humans out there, famed for their qualities as soldiers and athletes. Max and his family arrived to Enoh following his father, a hired bodyguard to a wealthy industrialist with stakes on one of the moons’ shipyards.

A large child and son of a veritable giant, from a young age Max was trained to become a true Quentian as per the planet's customs. He didn't get to experience life much, instructed as he was in the ways of physical and mental toughness few outside of the already naturally gifted could bear. While his family had the right to live in the upper levels, he was never meant to socialize with the rich and pampered. He spent most of his days down below, feeling more at home in the harsher conditions that approximated those of his home planet.

It was this preparation, however, that saved him from the end of the world. That and luck. He was lucky enough to be down below when the apocalypse came, his family perishing during the catastrophe. He was strong enough to survive through the early chaos, when survivors turned on one another out of desperation and hunger and thirst. He was strong enough, in his mind, to remain human. He wouldn't turn into a scavenger, a revenant, dooming others to save himself. He would remain as he was, and help others in kind.

Max eventually gained notoriety, not simply for his size and deadliness but because his willingness to help saw him take in and provide for those who could not fend for themselves. Mostly children, but also the elderly and the invalid. It made him an easy mark for a proposal by the newly burgeoning mob. They would provide and care for his charges, ensure their safety and resources. After all, no one would think to mess with people protected by both Max Magnus and the mob. All he had to do was act like a guinea pig.

Soldier enhancement projects were nothing new in this day and age of interstellar travel, but they were subjected to a strict code of ethics and were, understandably, a rarity in a planet devastated by a cataclysm like Enoh. Fortunately (for them), the mob had managed to preserve a facility and the means to engage in those practices. There were several problems, however, all stemming from the fact that they just didn't have a precise means to do so, they lacked a stable, money-making process for it.

What they had was an experimental procedure with an extremely high mortality rate, requiring an already gifted specimen to even stand a chance at making it through. The process was also highly invasive and, to be blunt, maddening. Those who had survived physically had lacked the mental fortitude to make it through with their wits. Some were simply left blank, others became dangerous psychopaths and had to be put down, at a great cost to the mob. A perfect specimen was required and it'd been decided that Max was it.

All of this information was made readily available to him. The mob needed this to succeed. A world without order was one where organized crime would not thrive, if they could make this work then they could bring order to Enoh. They were impressed with both his physical and mental fortitude and were certain that the process could be perfected working from data acquired from him. Max did not necessarily see eye to eye with the mafia on many things, but this was an opportunity he could not refuse.

Max wouldn't be around forever, and those under his care would need some other means of defense. A world under the mob was better than the pure chaos that currently reigned. Perhaps not much better, but it was something. He was, finally, informed that the process would greatly reduce his lifespan. He'd have, at most, a decade to live. He didn't care. Chances were him and his people wouldn't live to see a decade as they were. He agreed and went through the process, something he'd rather not recall.

Now, Max lives out the remainder of life as a Devil Runner. Every successful job means more resources for those he cares for. Every job means more data, that the mob may finally stabilize their process and then, the world. If he can make himself useful, he can die proud.

Unique Trait:
-Painkiller: Already a naturally gifted athletic specimen, Max underwent an experimental process to turn himself into a bonafide killing machine. A mixture of invasive surgical enhancements, chemical mutations and copious amounts of nanomachines inserted into his system and bonded with his body to stabilize the process and ensure his survival, the procedure has left Max freakishly strong and impossibly tough, capable of competing with wasteland creatures without the use of firearms or heavy mechanized armor. Furthermore, the process has rendered him incredibly resilient to radiation poisoning and other toxicity in general, allowing him to forego much of the safety equipment necessary for survival.

He isn't indestructible by any means, and sending him out to fend off a large group of creatures on his own would obviously end badly for him. Relying on size and overwhelming strength also has its limits. He's unable to handle the vast, vast majority of portable firearms without accidentally crushing them, in fact, he takes great care not to touch anything for fear of breaking something important. He also can't fit inside most vehicles, let alone drive one, and his heavy weight makes transporting him something of a pain. But when the chips are down and you need to make a stand, you'll count your lucky stars that he's on your side and willing to take hits for you.

Thanks to his Painkiller process, Max has no real need for equipment. He often does, however, carry a large backpack around which he uses to lug around supplies and equipment for others.

Motto: “I will break you”.

Sorry that took a while. I realize it doesn't quite fit the profile for the current group, but I felt trying to diversify the character's style and profile while playing more with the obviously advanced sci-fi aspect of the setting would be fun and spice things up. Inspirations include the Sardaukar and Fremen from Dune, Juicers from RIFTS, Senator Armstrong from Revengeance, Brick from Borderlands and any giant wasteland raider from Fist of the North Star.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DocAwes
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DocAwes Lord of Nothingness

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hopefully its good now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Zero Hex Yep. Yeap. You know it when you see it. Even if I didn't like it, I couldn't send you away for the pure fact of how much u wrote. But I love it. I have one complaint but thats it.

"Has no real need of equipment" Yes you do biatch. Forgot the "most of the atmosphere was blown away" part? You can't really survive an enviroment like that without at least pressurizing your body. By default any non mutated man will fall unconcious in about 5-10 mins at best. Maybe 15 for max. You NEED a mask, Max!
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