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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

House Name:

House Placement(pick a territory to be the seat of your house):

House Lord(name of the current leader):
Felrëich Helier

Leader's Family:
Heinrich Helier (Brother)
Mitilda Helier (wife)
Sans Helier (son)
Florintie Helier (eldest daughter)
Seryl Helier (youngest daughter)
Xavier Helier (Cousin)

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep(How your main castle looks like, optional):

House General:
Heinrich Helier

House Admiral(if you have a sea opening):

Delen Fores, Kiniun Hos, Xavier Helier

Minor Houses(each minor house will inhabit a city of your territory, fill in only if you have other cities than your capital):
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Character Sheet:

House Name: House Sylvanas

House Placement: Sylvannyr

House Lord: Lord Castor II of House Sylvanas

Leader's Family:
Aline (Only daughter, 19)
Elias (Youngest son, 21)
Imrik (Olderst son, 25)
Silvia of House Araet (Wife, 51)

House Coat of Arms:
A golden chalice inlaid with a ruby. Behind it two crossed black swords. Upon a field of green.

Main Keep:
Euraith Citadel (Euraith is the capital)

House General:
Lord Gustav

House Admiral:
Lord Caledon of House Araet


Minor Houses:
House Areat, Lords of Araethun
House Hunler, Lords of Anrhaith
The Red Grail Knights, Masters of Cyniweiryth
House Assaldur, Lords of Deouinaeth
House Sundarun, Lords of Ariannu
House Ulthain, Lords of Qwayraith
The order of Mynorion, Masters of Mynorion
The Sylvaer Knights, Masters of Ilyiondraethu
House Wodan, Lords of Souynyr
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

House Name: House Gildedtongue

House Placement: Nastrond

House Lord: Nieldun Gildedtongue

Leader's Family: Hidden away from the public so assassins don't know who the heir is.

House Coat of Arms: A snarling gray wolf's head above a pair of crossed red swords with a green background.

Main Keep: Bharadûr with a moat of lava.

House General: Maymalsas Silverarrow age 38, a masterful tactician completely loyal to the Gildedtongue House. He has already won several wars and isn't afraid to use dirty tactics to win.

Head Admiral: Datar Steelhell age 45, a grim humorless man responsible for rooting out the pirates who had plagued the nation for decades.

Ambassador: Samuel Lockroad age 67, an old charming gentleman with a calming presence who happens to be an excellent negotiator.

Minor Houses: Dragonstar, Braveshine, Bornetall
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

House Name: House Vermiculus

House Placement: Tar Sequinus

House Lord: Lord Fabricus Vermiculus

Leaders Family:
Acquilina (Mother)
Calista (Eldest Sister)
Silva (Youngest Sister)
Lucius (Father-Deceased)
Vitus (Youngest Brother)

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep: Located in Tarsequin A keep on two sides of a river and connected by a bridge.

House General:
Legates Agustus Gnaes

Head Admiral:
Legates Julius Justius

Veraci Rationabili

Minor Houses: Custodi, Vigilum, Lancearios, Pugnantis, Nuata, Amica, Aequus, Bellator, Ignavus, Decemius, Faenum, Praevaricatrix, Vulpes, Iratus, Quinto, Cornigrum, Septem, Praevalidum, Odiosis
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

House Name: Suguharu

House Placement: Theveste

House Lord: Isand Noyan, 47 years old

Leader's Family:
Ogima Knyaz - Isand Noyan's Son, 21 years old
Ilu Knyazina - Isand Noyan's Daughter, 17 years old
Kaunis Noyani - Isand Noyan's First Wife, 43 years old
Lapseealine Noyani - Isand Noyan's Second Wife, 29 years old
Liigniani Rytsar -Isand Noyan's favoured Concubine , 18 years old

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep:

House General: Vaejuht Boyar

Ambassador/s: Kujutama Boyar
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


Remove the admiral, please, you have no sea exit... yet.
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