Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


A recent raid upon the nation of Vaalgard's border towns has yielded hundreds of dead civilians, two dozen soldiers and several villages razed to the ground. Lord Highmall, the lord of said villages has now demanded reparations from Nastrond, who he assumes as the attackers, the lords of Nastrond deny that they have ever launched an incursion into Vaalgardi territory.

A diplomat belonging to House Highmall has been sent to settle the matter.


Your nation has become one of the richest nations on the continent, even rivaling the mighty Sylvannyr, but your soldiers are growing bored of the current situation. They fear that their skills are going to waste, only guarding the borders of your proud nation.

One of your generals along with a few veteran warriors have gathered at your court and after bowing to you, the general says:

"Honored King, we have come here to petition to you that we go to glorious war with the Daraski people, they are greedy and treacherous people and will undoubtedly attempt to attack us at any moment, so is not wise that we launch a preemptive attack on them?" The general asks.

"General, we know you love this nation and our King, but going to war for no reason with the Daraski will make us look bad in the eyes of the other nations we wi..." One of your councilor says but is cut off by the general.

"Do you not trust the capabilities of our armies and our Sun Knights, do you doubt that our armies are incapable of facing the enemy and crushing them under our heels?" The general asks.

"No general, however, our Sun Knights are not invincible, they will fall should they be overwhelmed by enemy forces!" The councilor says to the general, who was now ignoring him.

"My King, just say the word and we shall crush the enemy under our heels!" The general says bowing deeply.


A quiet day was about to end at the court when a Noatuni messenger barges in the court in a hurry. At first he is stopped by the guards, but once they see he is a Noatuni, they allow him to pass.

The messenger hurriedly bows to you and says in a hurry:

"My lord!" He says. "The king of Noatun asks for your help against a common enemy!" He says. "The Usurper in Gnyr Shalorn has demanded our surrender and says that if we don't surrender in two days, they will unleash their armies upon us, our king asks you that you help him in this time!"

"How dare you call the True Emperor a usurper!" The Shalorni ambassador in Sylvannyr shouts. "It is your Noatuni "King" that is a usurper to the throne!" He shouts then turns towards you. "Heed not this usurper wise king and stay out of this, if you do, we promise that we will give you half of the Noatuni fleet if you stay out of this war."

One of your older advisors gets up with the help of his aide and says: "My lord, the Noatuni have always been our trade partners and faithful allies, staying out of this would show that we are untrustworthy allies, I propose that we send a message to the king of Gnyr Shalorn to stand down unless they want war, we need to aid our allies in this time of need." He says, bowing curtly as soon as he is done talking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

Felrëich listened to the two bicker before they had looked to him for his answer, it was a tough choice. No matter what, a war with the Daraski was on the horizon and he knew that the attacks would just be wave after wave. However, if he were to attack first then he could run the risk of having the nation's reputation drop. Though, he did not care, so long as his people were safe from the greed of the Daraski. "We march to war. I will permit 15,000 men to go to Mtol Dærine with 200 Sun Knights to accompany them, do not make your presence known or formally declare an attack on them. The dogs need to learn what happens when you poke at a hive of hornets," the King stated, gazing at the general.

A surprise attack upon the enemies would serve well to cause havoc among the entirety of the Daraski kingdom, hopefully they could win without the enemy even truely knowing what happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


The general smiles widely and bows down to Felreich and says "I will personally lead the armies to show that we are the strongest of them all!"

-Two Days Later-

The 15.000 man army begins it's march towards Mtol Daerine, destroying a small scouting party that was about to see them, however, without the proper precautions, the army is soon spotted by another scouting party halfway to Mtol Daerine and a 20.000 man army rushes in to greet the Anqallyt army.

With that, the Caliph of Mtol Darask sends a message to Felreich demanding to retreat the troops in two days or it will be war. Meanwhile, another message arrives from the general with a message asking about his orders.

"We are in too deep to back down, my liege, I propose we ambush the enemy army in the night." One of the younger councilors says on a determined tone.

"They'll be expecting that, we need to engage them in honorable battle." The old councilor says, stroking his beard.

"No offense, revered councilor, but the Daraski are anything if honorable, they no doubt have prepared an ambush, so we need to act the part." Your military advisor says. "I propose we take 5000 soldiers then split them into two separate forces and fan out the area in case there are enemies trying to flank us. If there are not then they will flank the enemy army while our main army keeps them pinned." He explains. "If the there flanking armies there, then we will send the Sun Knights to charge in and take them out. I have confidence that our main army will manage to hold the enemy in place until the flanking enemy will be destroyed... what do you say, my king?"

(If you want, you cam come up with a new strategy, or actually leave their territory.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

His majesty Nieldun Gildedtongue frowned at the emissary and paced back and forth like a caged animal.
"These accusations you bring against my nation trouble me greatly. Are my people really so untrustworthy that we are your first and prime suspect in this atrocity? Are we such wicked beasts as to murder hundreds of civilians and raze entire communities? And for what exactly? No. My people are not the perpetrators of this raid and as such will not be held accountable! No reparations will be given to you. Now, I advise that you leave our presence and go find the real culprit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago

His majesty Nieldun Gildedtongue frowned at the emissary and paced back and forth like a caged animal.
"These accusations you bring against my nation trouble me greatly. Are my people really so untrustworthy that we are your first and prime suspect in this atrocity? Are we such wicked beasts as to murder hundreds of civilians and raze entire communities? And for what exactly? No. My people are not the perpetrators of this raid and as such will not be held accountable! No reparations will be given to you. Now, I advise that you leave our presence and go find the real culprit."

"My good king, I must warn you that Lord Highmall will not hesitate to drag Vaalgard into this and possibly into a war, his influence is the same if not greater than our king's." He says. "I must ask you to reconsider."

"Leave already before I cut you down myself for disrespecting the king!" Lord Bornetall said to the messenger. "Our king would never launch a raid on another nation and us, the lords, his loyal servants would not launch a raid unless it was his command." He says. "Now leave!"

The rest of the minor lords and officials seemed to agree with lord Bornetall and started to shout at the messenger, who despite now being scared of the group, stood his ground and waited for Nieldun's response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King Nieldun gestured for the group to back down. "We are not afraid of Vaalgard or Lord Highmall. I have told you that we will not pay reparations for a crime we did not commit. Send Lord Highmall my regards and my regrets that he is not willing to work with us to find the actual culprit. Now, I believe it is time for you to leave. If you mistrust the countryside, an additional escort can be provided. Farewell."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

“Silence!” Echoed through the grand throne room of King Castor. “I will not allow an audience to be disturbed. If you have something to say, you wait your turn!” he said to the Shalorni ambassador. Then he turned to the messenger. “Don’t you dare to call the Shalorni people a common enemy. I bare them no hostility.” With his loud booming voice he silenced the place. Castor had often been called a very aggressive pacifist. Enforcing peace everywhere he ruled, sometimes through swift and exceptionally harsh action. When he was younger, dissident was common among Sylvannyr. The village people thought they could get more for their grain. The Reaver Knights made of 2 towns an example. But peace was not only kept through a mailed fist. Lords were forced to listen to the wishes of their people.

He turned to the older advisor: “You are right. Send a message to the king of Gnyr Shalorn. Tell them that Noutun belongs to the Noutoni King. But also offer him the possibility to show his Casus Belli.” The advisor made a small bow and went off. Writing the letter and sending it with a dove straight towards Gnyr Shalorn. He turned once more towards the messenger and the ambassador and said: “For now, Sylvannyr stands with Nouton. A war against them, is a war against us.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


"As you command, my good lord." He says. "Prepare your armies." He warns, though with no malicious intent. "As foe guards, I need none, I'm a good warrior myself." He says glancing at his own sword before bowing and leaving the court.

1 day later

Scouts on the southern and western borders reported two armies headed in for Nastrond. The army in the south, 60.000 in all was lead by none other than Lord Highmall himself. From the west arrived another army of 50.000 troops headed also for Nastrond, it was led by the Vaalgardi king's eldest son Roderick Grainwad.

Meanwhile, a friendly force of 10.000 mountain people from the mountains devoted themselves to you as their protectors.

(PM me your battle tactics...)


The messenger bows and leaves back with King Castor's message towards the Shalorni King. It arrives a day later, via a letter from the Shalorni King.

"Dear King Castor,

If you consult the history books, you must notice that Noatun has always been part of the Empire, even since it's beginning, we now simply want to retrieve what was once ours, so I humbly ask you now, stay out of this war and we shall both benefit from this.

With Respect, The Rightful Emperor of the Celestial Empire

Your closes advisor looks over the letter and laughs at it.

"Noatun has always been part of the Celestial Empire, but the king of Gnyr Shalorn isn't the emperor, he has as much legitimacy towards the throne of the empire as much as I." He says. "Of course, your highness, if you decide otherwise, we- your loyal subjects- will comply. But heed me when I say this, help Noatun." And with that silence set over the room as everyone expected King Castor's response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

"We shall stand our ground for now. We will request go into honorable combat through champions, if they are not to accept them then we will fight like they would. Dirty and bloody. They will not win this. Put our demands of the two cities into the request and send another 5,000 men down to begin as reinforcements," Felreich stated, taking in both sides at once. If the Anqallyt champion is to loose then they shall back off for another time, if there be any sign of cheating then the army will attack with full force.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


The message is sent and the champion of Anqallyt, Magnus Dia, a veteran warrior proceeds forward to challenge the Daraski champion. However, the champion and the army are greeted by a hail of arrows.

As soon as that's done, the main army charges at the Daraski forces starting a bloody battle. The two flanking armies proceed to fan out the area and attempt to flank the enemy force. The left army proceeds and hits the flank of the Daraski army while right flanking army encounters a larger Daraski flanking force.

However, the flanked Daraski army soon begins to rout and then outright retreat in front of the Anqallyt army. The larger flanking force, seeing that their main army is retreating, they retreat as well.

Result: Anqallyt Victory


Mtol Darask: 2.500 spearmen, 1.500 swordsmen, 1.000 archers, 1.000 cavalry, 45 Malmuk Cavalry(special Daraski Unit).

Anqallyt: 800 Spearmen, 500 swordsmen, 300 archers, 150 cavalry, 2 Sun Knights

Your army proceeds to march towards the enemy city of Mtol Daerine and eventually the Daraski capital, Avat.

(From now on, I suggest PM-Ing me the battle strategies from now on so that other players don't see your strategies from now on).

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

This time Castor himself wrote the letter.

King of Gnyr Shalorn

The Celestial Empire is broken. I, King Castor, do not recognize your claim of Emperorship. Therefor I do not accept your Casus Belli against Noatun. Even worse, your claim of Emperorship would give you claim over my lands. Are you declaring war to Sylvannyr, king? Further, know that starting a conquest against Noatun would mean starvation. No grain will flow from Sylvannyr to your people and I will insist upon my allies that they too seize all trade with you.

The letter was brief and stern. Written in regal red ink only used by King Castor himself. In it, he refused to use the word emperor. Maybe one day another great man would rise again. Uniting the kingdoms once more. Though King Castor did not expect that to happen in his life time. He sealed the letter with the stamp of Sylvannyr and handed it to his advisor. Who was to send it to Gnyr Shalorn. But the king would not sit idle. He ordered Lord Caledon, the High-Admiral, to start a fleet exercise in the strait of Turgai and another one in the strait of Valais.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


With your rise as the new leading noble house of largest kingdom(besides Mtol Darask), came new troubles. A few other noble houses do not recognize you as their rightful ruler and as such have rebelled. The rebel houses of Custodi, Nuata, Amica and Aeequs have gathered an army of 80.000 soldiers and are currently challenging your right to rule Tar Sequinus.

How do you choose to deal with this? Shall you gather your armies and crush these rebels, or shall you try to settle this via diplomacy?

(Do not respond until I send you via PM the size of your army and your special unit.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago

This time Castor himself wrote the letter.

King of Gnyr Shalorn

The Celestial Empire is broken. I, King Castor, do not recognize your claim of Emperorship. Therefor I do not accept your Casus Belli against Noatun. Even worse, your claim of Emperorship would give you claim over my lands. Are you declaring war to Sylvannyr, king? Further, know that starting a conquest against Noatun would mean starvation. No grain will flow from Sylvannyr to your people and I will insist upon my allies that they too seize all trade with you.

The letter was brief and stern. Written in regal red ink only used by King Castor himself. In it, he refused to use the word emperor. Maybe one day another great man would rise again. Uniting the kingdoms once more. Though King Castor did not expect that to happen in his life time. He sealed the letter with the stamp of Sylvannyr and handed it to his advisor. Who was to send it to Gnyr Shalorn. But the king would not sit idle. He ordered Lord Caledon, the High-Admiral, to start a fleet exercise in the strait of Turgai and another one in the strait of Valais.

The "Emperor" of Gnyr Shalorn can clearly see that his fleet would overmatched by the combined fleet of Noatun and Sylvannyr and such removes his fleet from Noatun's vicinity and sends a short and ominous sounding message via a messenger.

"We shall remember!"

However, as soon as this matter settles down, news of the war between Nastrond and Vaalgard arrive. After lord Highmall accused the King of Nastrond of raiding his land, he pleaded to the king of Vaalgard to resolve this, as such, the King of Vaalgard has declared war on Nastrond and is now marching it's armies to subdue it.

However, the Vaalgardi King, King Korain Grainwad has asked of you to use your fleet to blockade the Nastrondi port of Yakulla and promised great treasures should the aid come.

Your advisors, however, are skeptical of the chances that the Vaalgardi armies have against the seasoned armies of Nastrond. There is also the economic impact on Sylvannyr. Nastrond is the only producer and exporter of the rare and expensive Stygian Steel, blockading Yakulla would mean that your nation's trade would suffer quite a lot.

(Thanks to your help in the matter, Noatun has granted you access to their secret weapon. I'll PM you that secret weapon of theirs).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Vermiculus was angry at the news of the rebellion against him. He was angry that these nobles thought they knew better, that they could do a better job than him! But, before he reacted with violence, he should react with diplomacy. So, he had Rationabili fashion a letter to the nobles, and let him deal with their responses. But, if they wouldn't accept peace, he will crush them and their families to dust.

So, Rarionabili got to work on a letter.

Dear Houses Custodi, Nuata, Amica, and Aequs,

It saddens me greatly to hear that you aren't pleased with House Vermiculus rising to power. I understand that your Houses are old and respected, and that without you, this great land wouldn't be here. However, rebellion is not the answer. I ask that you make it known what displeases you so much, and that before any lives are lost, we negotiate a peaceful, and profitable, outcome that benefits everyone. I eagerly await your response.

Signed, your friend,
Veraci Rationabili, Ambassodor of House Vermiculus.

He then gave a letter to a messenger and sent him has fast as he could to deliver it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


Only a day later, a response arrived from the rebel houses, with your messengers head in tow.

Lord Vermiculus,

As you have said, we are old and respectable families, older than your own as such, one of our families should have ruled over Tar Sequinus, unlike you, who are just a upstart noble family who most likely has taken advantage of the empire's downfall to rule this great land!

The only way we will come down from this rebelion is if you come down from power and allow a older and more respectable family to rule.

With Respect, The True Founders of Tar Sequinus

"I propose we make an example of these rebels, your Highness and crush them, then we'll be able to focus on the Wolastran's!" One of your military advisors says.

(Now respond, then send me your battle tactics against the rebels via PM, then I'll respond with the results.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Vermiculus looked at the advisor, and nodded. "Send your best troops to conquer these men. Take no prisoners, kill the families of the lords, burn their houses. By the time it's done, I want these Houses to be but a memeory." The advisors nodded, and preparations were made for battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


The 150.000 man army heads off to crush the rebel army marching for the capital Tar Sequinus. They meet on a vast open plain where both cavalry and archers are much more effective.

The Sequini army seeing that the rebel army chooses not to move, they charge ahead in tight formation at the rebels. The infantry, being from the same nation are mostly equal in close combat, making the fighting be a long and messy battle.

The cavalry on the other hand, with the help of the Dragon Riders rout the enemy cavalry and eventually reaches the flank of the enemy army. The flanking maneuver, soon caused a full on retreat for the soldiers in the back rows, those that couldn't run, instead surrendered and left themselves to the victors mercy.

Tar Sequin Victory:


Rebels: 30.000 spearmen, 20.000 swordsmen, 15.000 archers, 15.000 cavalry

Tar Sequinus: 3.000 spearmen, 1.500 swordsmen, 800 archers, 300 cavalry, 2 Dragon Riders

Despite the King's orders, the head of house Vigilum comes in front of you and says:

"My lord, we have defeated the rebels and have captured the heads of it, however, instead of executing them and destroying their holds, I propose that you instead strip them of their title, exile them and give their lands to more loyal nobles. Executing such old and noble families, even if they are rebels, would make you look bad in the eyes of others kings, so heed me when I say this, spare them, exile them and give their lands to other nobles."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago


The army pushes on quickly giving the retreating army no chance to regroup and making it disintegrate under the pressure of the pursuing army.

Your army eventually reaches the two interlocking cities of Mtol Daerine and Avat, but soon after, the general at the head of the army requests that in order to successfully besiege the two cities, he needs about 20.000 more soldiers to fully encircle them as the cities are too fortified for his current army.

He also asks in a more private letter to send your secret weapon to tear down the walls of the city. It could also serve as a intimidation weapon to force the enemy cities surrender.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Vermiculus ponders what the head of House Vigilum says, it makes a lot of sense. Finally he makes a decision, "You men stand before me by the graces of the very man who brought you here. I wanted you and your families dead, but he thinks it's better to exile you. So I shall do that. But, I cannot let your treason go unpunished. You are all hereby exiled, your lands forfeit and your names meaningless. Your families will remain here, so that if you ever return to these lands, I will send them to you, one piece at a time." The guards take them men to the docks and pop them on a ship bound to the north. The families are removed from their estates and put into the fanciest inn in the capital. Their lands given to Houses Nobilis, Fregit, Opulentus and Avarus, four new Houses that supported House Vermiculus in its claims.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 5 days ago

Lord Vermiculus ponders what the head of House Vigilum says, it makes a lot of sense. Finally he makes a decision, "You men stand before me by the graces of the very man who brought you here. I wanted you and your families dead, but he thinks it's better to exile you. So I shall do that. But, I cannot let your treason go unpunished. You are all hereby exiled, your lands forfeit and your names meaningless. Your families will remain here, so that if you ever return to these lands, I will send them to you, one piece at a time." The guards take them men to the docks and pop them on a ship bound to the north. The families are removed from their estates and put into the fanciest inn in the capital. Their lands given to Houses Nobilis, Fregit, Opulentus and Avarus, four new Houses that supported House Vermiculus in its claims.

The new houses get their affairs in order and become new houses (hopefully) loyal to Vermilicum. However as soon as the dust settled, a new issue... or maybe an opportunity arose.

A letter had come from the new queen of Wolastra, a rebel army had arose to dispute her leadership since she was a woman and all, her small army wouldn't be enough to defeat the rebel army and as such, requests help from lord Vermilicum.

If he does aid her, she promises that she will become an ally to the king of Tar Sequinus and supporting him in his endeavors.

However, some of your advisors treat this with skepticism and find this suspicious, however, if this is true, then the borders with Wolastra could finally be secured.
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