Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

(Joan- her office at River City Academy)

It was the start of another year at River City, and Joan Reynolds, better known to the world at large as Artemis, was watching the new heroes-in-training pass through. Last year had been pretty good, and the Academy had grown quite prestigious. There were still problems, though. Tops on her agenda was finding the location of this mysterious Blackwood Academy and shutting down the flow of new supervillains. She sighed, putting those thoughts out of her head. Today was about optimism, not dwelling on failures. She went out into the main hallway, greeting students and generally getting them used to her presence.

(Anita- River City Academy main entrance)

Anita walked into River City Academy for the first time, rather in awe. There were so many heroes here, and most of them probably had actual powers, not just a skill with devices. She looked up at the ceiling, which had been painted with a massive mural of famous heroes. The Dragon, Maelstrom, and Mr. Majestic, just to name a few. She wasn't worthy of being among them yet, but who knew, maybe someday she'd be up there. Or at least a bust in an alcove.

(Iris- Blackwood Main Entrance)

This was it. Her first day at Blackwood. Her first step on her plan for world domination. Admittedly, she wasn't sure what step two was, but one thing at a time. She looked over her fellow evildoers with a critical eye, sizing them up as best she could. It never hurt to get the measure of your rivals, and she was sure there would be very few friendships made. The very nature of the business saw to that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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(Calvin- River City Academy main entrance)

Calvin devours his third burger of the morning before looking down at his watch. Almost time to be at his first day at the academy. With a rush of excitement he slurps down the rest of his milkshake. He gets up, pays and rushes out the door of the place. With a grin he straightens his backpack on his back before taking off, running as fast as his red converse can take him. That is, until close to the school he trips causing him to tumble for a good 10 years and land on his face in the front of the school. "owwwww" he sits up and rubs his face before standing. A few bruises now on his arms and one on his cheek. "What" he looks at one untied shoe. "why sneaker why" He grumbles and reties his shoe before dusting off his jeans and walking inside. He pauses looking at everything with awe. "awesome" he whispers as he looks up at it all. Seeing as he is standing in the middle of the hall way it is quite likely he will get run into....not that he is thinking of that at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough Allergic to men

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Katie-Riverwood academy)@BlackPanther

The quiet steps of lightened feet hovered through the halls. The tapping of a cane loyally following suit. Sticking out like a bloom in the dead of winter, a figure moved as though lost. Her head brushing past the shoulder's of few, her eyes gently closed in a meditated face as she held her cane. Hair as white as snow dressed in riding cloths. Three small books strapped to her belt, bound in leather and locked up tight.

With bated breath she reached out to what she thought was a person, fingers barely grasping fabric only to be lost once more. A sigh escaping her lips as she was foiled again. "Its as if I was brought forth into lore that will scorch." In reply to her strange words and tiny voice, a formless shadow appeared on her shoulder without her knowing, only for the silhouette to start to vanish as she continued through the halls, her hand grasping a walking cane that was carved in ebony and painted in silver of a horse at the end. "Come now it must be near, they said I should soon be clear."

Shes been listening through each building, trying to find where she was supposed to go. Where she was supposed to stay. Her family telling her that she would have had a guide yet that person never came. And so the albino girl kept tapping her cane, continuing to reach out for sounds that she singled from the others, trying to find a person that would help her in such a strange place. Shes never thought she would have come here, she was supposed to be in the Olympics, a rider, and now she was in a school for super hero’s? It was as though someone decided to write her tale in someone else’s book.

Once again she reached out, hands grasping fabric she found a smile tug on her lips, the fabric seeming choreas, used and loved for quite some time. "Excuse me, but may I ask, where is the place in which we must stay? I've been quite lost all day."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

California City Airport
A day before the start of term
William and Charly Winter

William and Charly waited and watched as bag after bag passed by their eyes on the conveyor belt. Williams dark black suitcase stood upright like a soldier at his side, a small grin was on his lips, he was looking forward to the new term. He was finally a senior and he couldn't wait to be a fully qualified hero, even if he didn't want to become one that was a great qualification to have in any job field.

Charly, however, had a much different point of view on the situation. Not only was she terrified that her bag had been stolen or lost, she was anxious about the start of the new term, and this was obvious in her physical mannerisms. She kept playing with her bright blonde hair, switching between straightening it and curling it around her finger. She knew it would be fine though, as long as she had her brother with her things would be alright.

William took Charly's bag from the conveyor and handed it to her, with a quiet
"Thank you" the two walked on. No matter if the year was good or bad it was going to be eventful, they could feel it in their bones.

River City Academy
William and Charly Winter

The Winter siblings walked side by side into the school, William with his normal confident demeanour and Charly with her usual anxious attitude. William took a look around the school grounds, scanning the area for any friends he could spot. To tell the truth, William had quite a few friends not only in his year group, but in the lower ones as well. He often volunteered for any projects the school had going on and just generally chit chatted with people to the point where his name was rather well known around the school campus.

Charly, however, was just known as his sister. She had a very small group of friends which wasn't exactly something she complained about. Occasionally she'd get rather mad at just being known for being her brother's sister, but for the most part she was totally fine with it, or so she told herself.

Nevertheless, William took to socializing and the siblings quickly said their goodbyes for the day. Charly headed into the building, only to see the principle of the school standing in the hallway greeting students. Joan Reynolds was a nice woman as far as Charly was concerned. She had greatly helped her with her confidence problems over the years and the two had become friends to some degree. As far as a student and a teacher can really become friends really. She hurried up to her before greeting her.
"Hello Ms. Reynolds!" She greeted. She'd never learned if Joan was married or not, and as a result had always just referred to her with 'Ms'. "How was your holiday? Me and my brother had a great time back in Germany!" She said gleefully.

William had taken another route while walking into the building, instead going into the main lobby rather than the hallway. He smiled gleefully, his gap tooth showing as he greeted various old friends and acquaintances. Before spotting a rather awestruck new student staring agape at the large mural covering the ceiling of the room. He did his duty as a good student and swanned his way over to her. She was short that was for sure, and obviously one of the younger students, hell, William even had to crouch slightly just to get within talking distance of her. He looked to the artwork she looked at and reminisced about his first time seeing them. It was a much smaller mural then of course, unfinished and lacking a few high name heroes, but still, fantastic painting.
"That's my grandfather you know" He spoke, pointing to a winged hero bearing the very same costume that William now held in his bag. "Fun fact" He said, cockily, expressing with his hands as he continued to speak. "That mural was actually painted by students of previous years, there was quite a problem when one student with the ability to bring paintings to life joined the school, that's for sure" He said, grinning as he did. "You are new yes? Did you get a tour of the school or are you having trouble findi-" He almost inquired, before feeling a tugging on his shirt. He turned to face an extremely pale girl, eyes closed and tapping a cane along the floor. She spoke in rhyme, not the strangest thing William had ever seen at the school but strange nonetheless.
"The place you need to stay?" He said, pausing to think for a second. "That would be the dormitory just outside" It suddenly struck him that the poor girl was blind, he felt a slight bit of blush come over him as he realized his stupidity. He quickly regained his posture and spoke again. "In fact, I'm rather sure you would need to know that as well wouldn't you?" He spoke, turning to the shorter girl. Joy sprung across his face. "I could introduce you both to my sister! She'd know exactly where your room was and would be more than happy to help!" He spoke, hurrying his words to the point where the mixture of his accent with the speed that he spoke at would be hard to understand for a non-native English speaker. "I'm William, by the way, my sister is, Charly, I think she's over in the main hallway if you'd like me to go and fetch her?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough Allergic to men

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Looking up at the sound of a male voice, the girl tilted her head. Locks of white framing her face and brushing her bag slung over her shoulder.
"The dormitory outside? So that means I must look for the sky, least I'll try." Dipping her head she was about to say her thanks, a new journey opening now that she has an idea of where to feel for. Only for the voice to continue, it was a strange one, full of mixed accents and speedy words. Telling of his sister and how she could give assistance.

A smile spreading on her face she nodded her head. "That help would be quit grand. For you see I am quite new to this land, the one you see goes my the name of Kaite Siree, and its a pleasure to meet thee." She was more than used to finding places on her own but to have someone help her to the exact location was always a welcome hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Zaiden- Blackwood Dungeon)

The power of Zaiden Moore came not from the ability to conjure fire or punch through walls, but rather his ability to control and manipulate those who could conjure fire or punch through walls. He knew how to pull people’s strings. He knew how to pander to their darkest desires, and their deepest fears.

Take for instance, the widespread islamophobia which seemed to be slathered all over every garbage “news” story that the mainstream networks shat out. People were scared of metahumans. People were scared of muslims. Why not put the two together?

It just so happened that Adam Khameed, head janitor at River City Academy, was an american citizen of Bangladeshi descent. He was a practicing Christian, but Zaiden had an inkling that little detail would be skipped over when the newsteams started rolling in.

With a horde of superpowered individuals at his fingertips, it wasn’t hard for Zaiden to snatch mister Khameed out of his shitty little downtown apartment in the dead of night, and quietly move him to the Blackwood dungeon, a sort of network of basements and bomb shelters which ran beneath the school.

In a school full of students who could create machines out of thin-air, and re-write people’s personalities, it really wasn’t that hard to shift Adam Khameed’s mind into a state of complete chaos. Prior to today, the worst things the janitor had ever done was smoke a smidge of weed on a friday night. That was about to change.Drastically.

“Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” Zaiden called across to the doey-eyed janitor, stroking his finely groomed beard with a faint hint of disinterest.

“Yeeesh, mistah Mooore…” the husk of a man stammered, just about managing to vomit out the words.

“There’s no more Mister Moore after this,” Zaiden snapped“No dungeon. No Blackwood. You were never here.”

“Yeeessh...Sir.” He wheezed.

“Excellent.” Zaiden reached down to the side of his chair, where the fully-automatic assault rifle was waiting expectantly.

He took a few, calculated steps over to the ex-human, placing the weapon firmly in his grasp.

“Shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ before you start shooting up the place, and you’ll be paying Fox News’ bills for the next month .”Zaiden gave a grim little smirk “Now get your ass to River City Academy and start getting trigger happy.”

He gave the janitor a slap on the shoulder, prompting the brainwashed zombie into action.

Zaiden clasped his hands together, letting out a sweet laugh, like bathing in chocolate “Now...I do believe I have a school to run.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

(Joan- River City Hallway)

Joan looked at Charly when she came up to her. The young girl had been one of the school's better heroes, once she managed to get a sense of self-confidence. "It was fine, Charly. Lots of paperwork, though. Running a school like this is a year-round job." She gave the young girl a cheery smile. "So, how about you? Been practicing your powers, I hope." She always liked to remind her students to get some work in during their time off. It made things so much easier if they weren't rusty when they came back. @Mr_pink

(Anita-River City Hallway)

Hmm... the launcher could use a little more elastic. Anita had been thinking of ways to improve her devices. In fact, she'd been so focused on this that she wasn't watching where she was going, and bumped into a boy. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" She recovered enough to say, "I'm Anita. Gadget maker. Mind if I ask who you are and what you can do?" @Blackpanther
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

River City Academy - Main Hallway
Charly Winter

Charly smiled as Joan spoke. Charly looked up to her somewhat, not only for her heroing duties, but for the fact that she had decided to open up an establishment such as River City Academy. She could have gone for the fame and glory of being a solo hero, or even the greater glory of forming a superhero team. But instead, she chose to build a school to house and educate the heroes of the next generation. It was charitable to say the least, half of the kids at the school had been alienated by their parents for being freaks, a safe haven like River City was just what they needed. When asked if she had been practising her powers, Charly perked up considerably, grinning from ear to ear like a child in a candy shop.
"I almost forgot to say! I figured out a new thing that I can do with my powers!" She exclaimed gleefully, reaching into her satchel and pulling out a small tied pouch. She picked a seed from the pouch before putting said pouch back into her satchel and placing the seed on the palm of her open hand. Previously, a look of serious conviction would have spread across her face, but she had gotten quite good at this little trick since she began trying it out. Within a minute the seed sprouted and grew into a small tree sapling. "I'm able to make it fully grown as well! I just wouldn't want to start a garden in the middle of the hallway." She joked, the delivery was rather flat, but Charly was never one to be a comedian.

River City Academy - Main Hallway
William Winter

William gave a small smile to the girl as she spoke. It was rather humorous to hear her constantly speaking in rhymes. She must have been quite quick on her feet to think of the rhymes on the spot like that. He scratched the back of his head before speaking.
"How do you think of rhymes that quickly? I struggle to even learn lyrics to my favourite songs, let alone make ones up on the spot!" He joked grinning. "Is that your power? Are you one of the smart people or something?" He asked, his words lingering upon broken English. He quickly realized what he was supposed to be doing. "Anyhow, it's lovely to meet both of you, my sister is just in the hallway across from here." He explained, beginning to walk before realizing something and turning back to the two. "I almost forgot, are you able to follow me without any help? You can just grab on to my shirt if you like, saves you having to call out so often." He spoke, stretching his shirt out with his hand as he did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alistaire 'Alex' Vael - Main Hallway - Tagged;; N/A

'So...this is the place, hm?' High in the sky, above River City Academy, a lean figure levitated in the air, his medium-length, messy hair waving cautiously with the breeze. He had his hands in his pockets, seemingly very casual despite the fact that he could easily fall to his doom, miles above stone-hard gravel. The teen wore a casual, zipped-up black designer jacket, slim jeans, a duffelbag slung over his shoulders, and black and white high-top sneakers, a pair of Beats headphones hanging off of his neck. His ears were pierced, electric-blue 'bolt' earrings held within his earlobes. As he simply floated there, a cool breeze drifted through the atmosphere, the boy moving downwards with the breeze, until his feet touched the gravel on the ground. Taking his hands out of his pockets, Alex took a creased and folded schedule out of his pocket, looking through it's contents. 'Main lobby is this way...dorms on the path to the left.' Calm, sharp eyes quickly glanced over the crowd all wandering towards the main lobby's entrance, packs still slung over their shoulders. Some of them were newcomers, like him...but he honestly did not feel like carrying this luggage for however long he had classes for. Without another glance back, Alex made his way to the male dormitories, quickly scouting out his room - labeled 'Room 4A'. The actual room was pretty nice...tidy, not too small, but not large enough to not be labeled a dorm room. No decorations, thankfully. Casually tossing his bag into the corner, Alex weighed his options. Head to the lobby...or stay here and find something meaningful to do.

'Clothes won't sort themselves.' Cracking his knuckles, the teenager began unpacking his items, as a constant, cool breeze floated through his dorm room, through the cracked window. Insurance. Could never stay defenseless in this world, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough Allergic to men

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kaite Siree, River city Acadamy, main hallway

A smile on her features the albino grabbed her cane, tapping it vertically on the ground as it rose to her hands in a smooth motion. She seemed to gain a little pride from the question, her back straightening slightly more. "Tis a simple trick, as though one would wave a stick. I grew up with stories you see, and thus they became a part of me. If I for some reason were to stop, than my powers would be amok."

She never really had any control over her abilities, but ever since she began to speak as though she were living in a story book the strange things that followed her would become a bit easier to manage. Even than she continued, it brought a smile to her face, as though the things that made her connected to those around her, the stories read to her at night were that much closer.

Hearing his footfalls she began to follow, shaking her head when he asked if she needed to hang onto him. "I was born without my eyes, and thus what I see is as clear as a morning sky. So you do not have to worry, in fact I have been known to move quit fast when in a hurry." Following after him, the sound of her cane followed, a gentle hand she waved through the crowed, the tip of her cane pressing into something causing her to move out of the way before it was too late. She was a contender in the Olympics, hanging onto that fact she felt as though she could take on anything.
"So new friend, if I may call you so, is it aright if I ask you what you know? Of this school and powers alike, you see I just came here because my own has caused my family some fright, I'm afraid I am lost in more than one way, the rules here are strangely made, but this was the only place that would let me stay
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Calvin-river city hallway

Cal gets bumped causing him to stumble a bit. Luckily, he is able to recover quickly and turn. He manages a sheepish smile as he rubs the back of his neck. "Its all good, my own fault for standing in the middle of the hallway." He smiles as he removes his hand from his neck. "Im Calvin, but I prefer cal." He holds out his right hand. "I guess you could say I'm a speedster....run fast think fast..that sort of thing." He beams at her his hand still outstretched as he talks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Jessica Sharon Rosefey - Hero.


Expanding horizons sure was great. Jessica walked up to the front entrances of the Academy without a care in the world. She just had a teeth baring smile on, and her hands behind her head. Most of her features were hidden behind the striking cowboy hat on her head that hid those conspicuous horns. She was excited to show up here, so she can learn to be a hero! Well, she already had the strength down, she could tear another superhuman apart. In her eyes, her strength couldn't be competed with. You'd have a better chance of finding life on the moon!

Apart from that, Jessica wanted to see what this Academy had to offer. Mostly in terms of the other heroes. She wasn't as versed in the Superhero world as her daddy (Who just said that he "had a history"). Well. This is just one thing that she'll fix! She had a massive bag slung over her shoulder. That - from the way Jess was just so casually carrying it - looked a lot less lighter than it actually was. She walked through the main hall of the Academy.

She already saw some kids having a chat... She could go unpack - but seize the day! Haha!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

(Alan – Blackwood Main Entrance)

Alan cursed quietly as he walked into Blackwood School. He had sworn he wouldn’t come back, not after all that had happened last year, yet here he was, in a broken pair of sneakers and an orange hoodie. He had only shown up for the second half of last year, as he had started late at the school, yet he gone through more than enough to know what lay ahead would not be extremely pleasant. Still, there was a sense of familiarity that came with returning to the school, despite all of his worries.

The people looked the same. Most looked even more mean-spirited, but then again, so did Alan. He hadn’t shaved for a week and it showed on his grizzled face. Pushing his glasses up, he scanned the main entrance hall, where all sorts of students chatted and played nice.

There were the Lisgar twins, who never spoke to anyone besides each other, and further down the hall he saw Eels, a “friend” who had threatened to murder Alan on many an occasion. All in good fun, of course. Further down the hall, he saw… well, this was interesting. Iris, the heiress to a fortune of villainy fame. He had heard rumours of her parents getting thrown in the chink, but never expected her to turn up here. She was young, and currently intent on glaring at every other person in the room. Alan had no intentions of interrupting until he saw Eels waking towards him. He was quick to walk over to her.

“Hey.” He muttered, turning back to make sure Eels had taken the hint. “I, uh. I’m sorry about whatever’s going on with your ‘rents.” It wasn’t an apology, merely a statement of fact.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

(Joan- River City main entrance)

The older hero blinked in surprise as Charly manifested a seedling in her hand. "That- that's really impressive. And you can grow it to full size, too? You've been doing real good, Charly. Maybe I can get a flower bed or something set up out front for you to practice on." She thought for a second, realizing she was missing something. "How's William been, by the way? I've haven't seen him yet today."


(Anita- River City main entrance)

"Nice to meet you, Cal." Anita gave him a hint of smile. The girl was still taking it all in. "I'm a first year here. Anything I need to know about this place? Who the strict teachers are, which classes are tough, stuff like that." Any bit of information she could get would be a real help, and she might even start making a new friend along the way.


(Iris- Blackwood Main Entrance)

"It's okay. That's an occupational hazard we all have to worry about. Heck, I hear they've got classes on how to break out of prison here." Iris looked around and saw that there was a random student walking by, not watching where he was going. The perfect opportunity to play a little prank. Iris closed her eyes and concentrated, and a block of ice appeared right in front of the student's foot, tripping him. She turned back to Alan. "Hey, you gotta make a reputation for yourself in this world. I, for one, am not going to ride my parents' coattails."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cal rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Im a first year here to so Im just as lost as you are" He stuffs his hands into his pockets. "I hear its easier to get through school with a friend...and I know we barely know each other...but...hey want to be friends" He smiles awkwardly. Everything here was new to him and making a friend...especially a friend who is into making gadgets would be beneficial. Hopefully his sudden request wouldn't scare her away though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BreakingMe
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BreakingMe My whole existence is flawed.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kallista Carver - Blackwood Academy

KC released the last puff of smoke she was holding on to and dropped her cigarette to the ground. She used the toe of her boot to snuff it out, watching a few students enter the school. They seemed eager to start their first day. One boy hesitated a bit but made his way in despite himself. She, however, made no effort to go inside. She knew what awaited her there - freaks of all kinds. Antonio, the mafia don her father worked under, had exchanged KC's safety for her admission to the school. She knew she wasn't one of these people though. Sure she could hack like no one else, but that skill was entirely earned. There was nothing super about it. Still, what was her option? The alternative was to answer to a man who would kill her without second thought. There was no appeal to that. It irked her that a man like Antonio could make her father crawl on his knees, but she had to admit that it was a rush to see that kind of power in action. It was a power she wanted to attain for herself. If that meant enduring a few years at super-villain school, then so be it. She leaned down a picked up the black, leather book bag that held her supplies and slung it over one shoulder. She took a deep breath and headed toward the door. Day 1 started, 10 million more to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Alan was surprised by her casual response. She was so much more at home here, compared to him. Already, she was getting in the swing of things. “I wouldn’t be surprised, honestly. They kinda do whatever they want here.” He realized he hadn’t introduced himself yet. “I’m Alan. Alan Hyll.” Her casual demonstration of her power was typical of the students at Blackwell, and he rolled his eyes slightly at the boy’s fall. She obviously was trying to step out of the shadow of her parents, and all these little things were just her way of proving that she was her own person. To Alan, this was worrisome. “A reputation is a fucking anchor at this school. It just drags you down.” He meant it. He had seen enough students been targeted by others when their heads grew too big. Only a few would bounce back from it, stronger than before. A lot just gave up, becoming some C-tier villain even the news didn't care about.

He turned to see another student enter. She stood tall, chin up with a book bag over her shoulder. He turned back to the ice witch. “See, someone like that. That girl’s isn’t going to last a month here.” He gestured towards her. He didn’t even know the girl, but there was something about the way she scanned the room and the people in it that made Alan nervous. That was true of almost everyone at the school.

@shagranoz @BreakingMe
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

(Anita-River City entrance)

"Oh, super speed. That's a useful ability, to say the least. At least you don't need a ride anywhere." Anita glanced around. "So what's your first class? I've got science, which I'm pretty good at, to say the least."


(Iris-Blackwood entrance)

"Maybe a reputation around here is a bad thing in some respects, but you're still going to need one," Iris said. "It's the law of the jungle out here. If you don't let the other guy know what's going to happen if he messes with you, he's going to walk all over you. Plus, there's the whole problem with the general public. If they're aware that even the other bad guys are afraid of you, they might give you what you want without a fight. Face it, Machiavelli was right: it's far better to be feared than loved." Iris paused for a second to let her words sink in. "Especially in our line of work."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Cal-river city entrance)

Cal pats one of his pockets and pulls out a hand written version of his schedule. The writing is in well done cursive. "Oh cool! I've got science too. Awesome way to start the day" he folds the paper back up and puts it back in his pocket. "This will be awesome" he seems honestly excited for science. Most likely because it's the field he exceles at.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

(Joan-River city entrance)

Joan tapped Charly on the shoulder, then turned around to see Adam enter the school. Normally, she would have gone over to greet him, the two were somewhat close friends. Normally, however, he wasn't carrying an AK and shouting in Arabic.

A burst of full automatic fire ripped through the main entrance, but whoever had screwed with Adam's head had thankfully forgotten to teach him how to ain properly, so nobody was hit except for one student whose main power was being bulletproof. Joan knew that the next student might not be so lucky.

She whipped her bow off her back and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. A tripwire wasn't the best, but it was what she had. She placed her shot perfectly, the wire cutting off Adam's forward movement.

(Anita-River City entrance)

When the gunfire tore through the halls, Anita sprang into action. She was at the far end of the entranceway; too far for her homemade stun gun. She'd have to get closer, and to that, she needed cover. Anita lobbed a smoke bomb in Adam's direction. Her aimwasn't great, but it was good enough, giving her a place to hide as she raced in.
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