If you endeavour, the fate will favour you. - Mongolian Proverb
The rise of Genghis Khan, the greatest Khan of all who united the clans of the steppe and raided the far Western lands for gold and tribute. It was a great moment for the clans of the steppes - at least, those who survived Genghis Khan's initial wrath upon those who opposed him. However that is a tale for after we have passed and told our tales, lived our lifes.
This tale will take place before and during the rise of Genghis Khan, who was then only known as Temüjin. This tale will be about the smaller, broken up families and clans, that are lead by their own Khan - small warlords, nowhere near the greatness of the Great Khan. Never the less, they ride for Tengri, the Skygod, god of the Steppe Dwellers. Here we are, in our own clan, lead by a Khan, trekking from place to place with our horses and huts.
Hello and welcome to this interest check. I've always wanted to do a steppe nomad RP, based around the lifestyle of the sober nomads in Mongolia. Their culture, while simple, is simply fascinating and they have proven their importance in history when they dominated any country that dared to stand in their way and not pay tribute.
Their lifestyle was also interesting, where every Mongolian more or less had their own ways - some were cruel and some were not. However, taking slaves and fighting nearby tribes/clans for petty reasons was very very common, with rivalries between tribes being enough reason for bloodshed.
Before we continue with an OOC, etcetera, I would want to know if there is any interest at all (duh, hence the interest check.

The RP itself I see taking place in Mongolia, where we are part of a small sized tribe, think 20-30 people. Ofcourse some would be women and children, so the actual fighting band would be around 10-15. However for the sake of including people I'd go on a limb and say that women can have a slightly a-historical role and we can take some liberties with that, allowing them to join in the whole plunder and kill thing. Just cause we can!
The plot would revolve around the tribe, making it greater and making some decisions about how they can best assert themselves within Mongolia. Perhaps a raid into Chinese lands is not out of the question, to take some slaves, or perhaps we join Genghis Khan when he rises to power and journey to the West, where we encounter the Rus' or the Polish and Lithuanians! Who knows where the journey takes us - that's the beauty of the nomads, we can go pretty much everywhere we want to.