Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Oh my, our first pre-promotes class! Welcome aboard @Mega Birb!

@Katakon From what I can see, reclassing and promoting should be IC things entirely done by RP. It doesn't make sense to make it some mechanical change, as we aren't playing with stats or die rolls. In my head, the characters should be able to practice other talents without some obtuse "class change" to bump the plot around. Keep it seamless, maybe just have someone like Pauline cast a spell, or have Viviane fight on foot, simple things that show a chracter is "training" in another class.

That's my two cents, though, I'm not sure what @Grafroy Zeppeli has as a ruling on the matter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

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In my E rank support with @Redstring the idea of teaching each other our fighting styles came up a bit, so that's already gunna be cool.

I DID want to ask you in particular how magic works for Tybalt. I'm borrowing the way magic works in tabletops like D&D for Aika, but if you wanted Tybalt to practice magic differently then that's fine. Can just be a regional/cultural difference.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Bah, this post should have been up hours ago. Apologies for the hold up, but my professors are already attempting to drown me in papers :|
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

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Nah, school's important man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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@NeutralNexus That make sense, but if that's the case it looks like Alexandria will end up as a Wyvern lord if she doesn't start learning how to sling spells.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Redstring
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@Light we'll need a new class for Aika and Pauline if they're not going to learn anything else. Glass cannon who throws far? Sounds nice
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

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Magus is actually a class from Pathfinder, which is a game very similar to Dungeons and Dragons. Ninja is also a class in it, and in PF, Ninjas actually have inherit supernatural abilities. With @GrafRoy Zeppeli's approval, maybe you can just give Pauline powers from it.

It's a lot to read and can be off-putting if you're not versed in it, but give this a skim if you're interested.

Also, waiting on your reply to the support convo~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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@Redstring Sure thing, lemme see what ya got and I'll consider it.

@Katakon Like what Nexus said, just ask me through a PM or here if you think your character is already ready to promote classes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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@GrafRoy Zeppeli Oh cool! I think I have Alexandria promote after the second trial~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@Light You know, I thought the description of the magus on Aika's character sheet sounded familiar. The Magus is a badass pathfinder class, I'm running one in my Pathfinder game now and he is far and away the most damaging PC on the party. Please tell me this means that Aika has the power to spellstrike people(SHOCKING GRASP MLG PRO).

To answer your question, while I suppose the D&D method of spellcasting could work, I was modeling Tybalt more in the vein of Fire Emblem games in practice. Both Fire Emblem and D&D require some sort of material or focus to use spells(so long as you aren't a sorcerer, bard, or druid). However, in the case of D&D, you have a limited number of spells known to your spellbook, and even then it's limited to castings per day. For me, that doesn't mesh with FE Play, as for many magic-users in the past the use of magic is their only weapon, only now having them use swords and weapons as well as spells. Similarly, D&D has very rigid and well-known spells that do specific utilitary things(grease, black tentacles, fireball, etc.) but not much more or less, whereas in the Fire Emblem universe it is simply utilized as a weapon, with no real evidence of other practical uses.

With this in mind, I was utilizing Tybalt's magical prowess as more superhuman than practiced specific spells. I figured he had a natural energy that he would focus through the use of something like an Arcfire tome to project an effect of fire, while using an Arcwind would produce a different effect with the use of the same amount of energy. I suppose that would be closer to a sorcerer than a wizard in D&D standards, but with no limit on how many uses per day and is heavily reliant on the focus. Of course, in FE fashion I would have these tomes degrade over time, due to the amount of magical energy being forced through them causing them to deteriorate. In this way, I'd keep true to the utilization of magic in the Fire Emblem Universe.

However, if we don't want to have two entirely radical different methods of magical practice, we could collaborate over PM and try and find a good system for how magic works in this world, that way everything in this kingdom flows together well and creates a good grounding for future magic users.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

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No no, I think that's fine. I wasn't actually going to limit Aika with spells per day like in Pathfinder though (but oh Naga can she spellstrike). I think it would be really cool to let them show each other how differently magic is used in their countries.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@Light Sounds like a plan, but with this in mind I'll try keeping with a bit of the theme, making their practices a little bit more similar.

Also @Katakon you have a mage on your party who'd be happy to teach you spells.

EDIT: Also Tybalt may make his way into the 'tactician' class soon, but maybe he won't wield swords. I'm thinking axes, we're short on those. Axetician.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Redstring
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I was looking through the link @Light sent here and I got something hilarious

This is the description of a ninja in that game
The ninja spends almost all of her time honing her skills, practicing her art, or working on her next assignment. Even when not specifically working, the ninja is ever vigilant and ready for the situation to turn deadly.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is Pauline a sweet cinnamon roll

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

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You dont HAVE to stick to the description, @Redstring. I was just talking about the class features and Ninja Tricks xD. In addition to those, you could look at the Rogue and the Slayer. Rogue is the original class, Ninja is an alternate to Rogue, and Slayer is a hybrid between Rogue and Ranger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Redstring
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It's fine, @Light, I wasn't even thinking of sticking to the description x) Thanks for the links though, they're pretty useful!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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On another note, I'll try to have a post in today or tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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@NeutralNexus Aw ye~ Should we have Tybalt and and Alexandria teach other how to use their weapons as a support?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Katakon Sounds like a plan to me!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Did I mention I hate controlling NPCs? Well I do.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sagittarius
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sorry i think i need you to repeat that

i'm not sure if you got your point across
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