Plot: Taking place in an alternate world, the State Alchemists are dealing with an old and dangerous threat. There is a rouge alchemist using human transmutation to mutilate humans all across the country. They are found in various states of being, but almost always fused with strange metal contraptions throughout them. This had happened before, nearly fifty years ago, but then suddenly stopped. Now the threat is back and the state alchemists are rushing to try and resolve it while keeping the news about said events on the down low.
Add this into the other issues with Rogue alchemists and reports of possible humunculi and they have their hands full. With this, the search for more alchemists and soldiers has been increased.
Will you take up the mantle of a soldier? A state Alchemist? A rogue? Will you do what is needed to save the lives of your fellow countrymen or join in the slaughter?
Throwing this out there to see if anyone would be interested in joining it, I really love FMA but i don't know if there is enough love for me to really want to start it up yet! :D I know i'm still relatively new to the forum but, I've GM'd a few games on other forums and i've always wanted to do an FMA RP