Ever wonder what is out among the stars? More life than just the one here on Earth? The thought of other creatures, beings, living their life while we live ours. The idea of having to life just about all of our life without seeing the other. Wondering if it actually exists or if you are the only civilization in the Galaxy. A troubling thought. An idea that bounces around in your brain, giving you possibilities and throwing out little tidbits of info made up to amuse yourself. That's the way the human mind works. Always thinking.
In the year 2020, when technology has advanced slightly more. Where humans have finally been able to develop better ways to their life; a strange event came to pass that startled and confused lots of people. A strange aircraft was seen flying about strangely high in the sky. However this aircraft was unusual, not recognized to be of any military aircraft. This craft, contained a Alien that had crash landed after it was thrown into orbit from a existing battle with its planet against another force about 100 years ago; costing the loss of its home. However, upon landing on Earth, the inhabitants were both curious and afraid. Some of them were rather violent and of course, on guard. With that, the wounded, tired alien had crawled out of the wreckage and had escaped before it could be seen while sustaining painful injuries. However, it was later discovered by a teen who vowed to keep this creature safe and secret.
Character Sheet:
My Character:
Name: Bokan Ecocha
Age: 200
Gender: Male
Personality: Often times he can be a rather quiet individual, however he is always curious about things that are new to him. He will become afraid of things he does not like or that catch him off guard. He has a gentle side, thought that is usually hidden by his curiosity and often times fear. He tends to learn at a slow rate, but give him enough time and he'll be rather decent. Not the best, but borderline "good."

Height: 6'
Weight: 260
Likes: Soft and Fluffy things, Sheep, Technology, Animals, Good People, Pineapple, Socks, Rain.
Dislikes: Weapons, Aggressive People, Dogs, Hats, Chilly Weather (Winter)
Bio: Bokan was born and raised on the planet Vikkora, a planet with beautiful landscaping and overall lovely community. As a child, he loved to play with the Slikorgi, a creature similar to Earth's animal that they call a "Sheep." He loved playing with them on the nearby farm pasture. He loved them for their soft and fluffy coats. Upon growing up, he took the roll of taking care of his parents and younger siblings. His job consisted of working in a factory that built AI machines (Artificial Intelligence) and robots. They were rather high tech and did a large amount of work on Vikkora. To say that Bokan loved his job, and the fact that he worked that job for a good many, many years said a lot. He was always curious with building things and seeing how they work. That was what he loved most.
One day, however, a dark shadow had loomed over their planet. A alien species known as the Tograa, were considered pirates of the galaxy. Going around to capture other civilizations that they thought were useful to them. Only the useful ones. It just so happened that they had been targeted, but his family loved him so much that they had forced Bokan to flee the planet. He tried to disagree with his family several times, but he knew he had to do what was asked of him. The aircraft could only hold one occupant and his family was more than willing to send him off. With that, Bokan had escaped from the Tograa, only to be found again. Instead of being captured, the Tograa decided to attack him, blowing out his engines and sending him spiraling through space, only to crash land to Earth.
Extra: He understands a little bit of English, however when he speaks it, it is rather basic and he is learning. He cannot read. Has night vision. Has 3 fingers on each hand and 2 toes on each foot. Lean and quick. Cannot Swim in Water.
So I have created my first roleplay idea here. I don't know if anyone would even be interested in it, but if you are, thanks for being interested! This idea has been in my head for about a week or so, and it took a bit of time for me to figure out how I wanted it to go. So, yeah! If you wanna join, then create a character! :D (And yes, I made my character the Alien.. don't judge. e_e Aliens are epic..)
In the year 2020, when technology has advanced slightly more. Where humans have finally been able to develop better ways to their life; a strange event came to pass that startled and confused lots of people. A strange aircraft was seen flying about strangely high in the sky. However this aircraft was unusual, not recognized to be of any military aircraft. This craft, contained a Alien that had crash landed after it was thrown into orbit from a existing battle with its planet against another force about 100 years ago; costing the loss of its home. However, upon landing on Earth, the inhabitants were both curious and afraid. Some of them were rather violent and of course, on guard. With that, the wounded, tired alien had crawled out of the wreckage and had escaped before it could be seen while sustaining painful injuries. However, it was later discovered by a teen who vowed to keep this creature safe and secret.
Character Sheet:
My Character:
Name: Bokan Ecocha
Age: 200
Gender: Male
Personality: Often times he can be a rather quiet individual, however he is always curious about things that are new to him. He will become afraid of things he does not like or that catch him off guard. He has a gentle side, thought that is usually hidden by his curiosity and often times fear. He tends to learn at a slow rate, but give him enough time and he'll be rather decent. Not the best, but borderline "good."

Height: 6'
Weight: 260
Likes: Soft and Fluffy things, Sheep, Technology, Animals, Good People, Pineapple, Socks, Rain.
Dislikes: Weapons, Aggressive People, Dogs, Hats, Chilly Weather (Winter)
Bio: Bokan was born and raised on the planet Vikkora, a planet with beautiful landscaping and overall lovely community. As a child, he loved to play with the Slikorgi, a creature similar to Earth's animal that they call a "Sheep." He loved playing with them on the nearby farm pasture. He loved them for their soft and fluffy coats. Upon growing up, he took the roll of taking care of his parents and younger siblings. His job consisted of working in a factory that built AI machines (Artificial Intelligence) and robots. They were rather high tech and did a large amount of work on Vikkora. To say that Bokan loved his job, and the fact that he worked that job for a good many, many years said a lot. He was always curious with building things and seeing how they work. That was what he loved most.
One day, however, a dark shadow had loomed over their planet. A alien species known as the Tograa, were considered pirates of the galaxy. Going around to capture other civilizations that they thought were useful to them. Only the useful ones. It just so happened that they had been targeted, but his family loved him so much that they had forced Bokan to flee the planet. He tried to disagree with his family several times, but he knew he had to do what was asked of him. The aircraft could only hold one occupant and his family was more than willing to send him off. With that, Bokan had escaped from the Tograa, only to be found again. Instead of being captured, the Tograa decided to attack him, blowing out his engines and sending him spiraling through space, only to crash land to Earth.
Extra: He understands a little bit of English, however when he speaks it, it is rather basic and he is learning. He cannot read. Has night vision. Has 3 fingers on each hand and 2 toes on each foot. Lean and quick. Cannot Swim in Water.
So I have created my first roleplay idea here. I don't know if anyone would even be interested in it, but if you are, thanks for being interested! This idea has been in my head for about a week or so, and it took a bit of time for me to figure out how I wanted it to go. So, yeah! If you wanna join, then create a character! :D (And yes, I made my character the Alien.. don't judge. e_e Aliens are epic..)