My soon-to-be-fiance and I have been trying for our firstborn for the last week and a half.. we will be taking a test to see if it was successful in a week or so. The thing is, I think I might already know the answer but I'm not completely sure (obviously). My dog, who is as clingy to me as they get, has been MORE clingy than usual the last couple days, and always wants to be near my belly.. like, her head over it or back against it, depending how I'm laying down in bed. Do you think I could actually be pregnant? I know dogs can sense things us humans can't, and I know that when a woman becomes preggers, her scent will change and I'm sure that's weird for the dog to be smelling a new scent as to the one she's so used to smelling on her human (me). I just wanted to get a few extra opinions.. any thoughts, guys/gals?