name: Drallinix Von Carstein
age: thousands of years
sex: male
race: immortal human (BladeMage)
Standing at 6'1 and weighing around 200 pounds he is slightly above average sized. He has spiked hair with star white tips, his hair seems to get brighter and almost glow the more he focuses his magic. He has numerous scars on his body from countless battles to hone his skills.
tier: 5-7
powers/abilities/skills: enhanced physique Drall is faster than most men can imagine, able to move at up to a maximum of 800 miles per hour his sword breaking the sound barrier with its intricate movements. His body is also extremely durable, as it must be to endure his speed, however it is not resistant to blades or magic and is otherwise completely human. He is stronger than the average man, able to lift up to 2000 pounds, this is due to his relentless training with a sword, on top of magical alteration of his body.
Mystic DefenseOnce every 30 seconds Drall can focus his magical energies around himself and have them defend him. While this is active the next uncharged attack that would wound or subdue Drall is stopped by his magical energy. This ability has a 30 second(6 posts) cooldown, and the cooldown is only begun after it is destroyed, not upon casting.
Shove Drall points at an opponent and utters the incantation "my power shoves thee" and they are hit with a force of 700 pounds. Drall must complete the entire incantation and cannot move while stating it(unless overridden by another ability). This ability has a 6 second(2 post) cooldown.
Throw Essentially a more powerful version of shove, Drall throws his hand towards an opponent and utters the incantation "my power throws thee" and they are struck be a force of 1500 pounds, sending them backwards. Drall must complete the entire incantation and cannot move while stating it(unless overridden by another ability). This ability has a 12 second cooldown(3 posts).
Dazzle Using complex bladework and magical energy, Drall is able to dazzle an opponent in order to break their concentration when casting a spell. This can also work to temporarily dazzle an enemy's martial skill as well, generally causing small mistakes, such as a mistake in footwork, or being slightly off from their intended target for a swing. This ability is largely dependent on the enemy's mental fortitude and training against such things, and can be negated completely, however doing so requires IMMENSE concentration. This ability has a 12 second cooldown(3 posts)
Dancer of Blades Drall has become a master of the sword and as such the blade is a part of him. He may cast a spell while moving when uttering its incantation, also while blocking and or attacking. This ability has a 6 second(2 post) cooldown. the cooldown is only activated after it is used.
immobilize Drall casts his hands forth and concentrates on harnessing his magical energy around his target. He attempts to bind them with chains of pure energy, and completely stop their movements. This requires his complete concentration and he cannot even move while doing so. He must utter the incantation "My power holds thee" while gripping at his opponent to use this spell. He must utter the entire incantation and cannot move while doing so. If he moves or attempts to do any other action the spell is broken and the opponent is released. This power is able to completely immobilize dragons and the chains can hold up to 20 tons per square inch. If an opponent is able to move, the chains will still hinder their movements, slowing them at the least.
Blade attunement Drall is able to use magic to repair his longsword even able to completely reform it from nothing. He can only do this with his sword, or one that he has extensive knowledge of from the owner, and the owner must be present and lending their energy. this ability has a 9 second cooldown(2 posts).
targeted annihilation After studying his opponent and fighting them for at least 6 turns Drall gains knowledge of their anatomy. He must concentrate and prepare his magic for 12 seconds(3 posts) after that he may reach out and attempt to target a vital organ of the enemy and grasp it with ethereal chains of magic. These chains then constrict attempting to crush the organ causing immense pain and unless stopped after 9 seconds(2 posts) it causes death. Drall cannot cast other magic or move at top speed or the magic is broken.
soul drain Drall can drain the soul out of a fallen enemy or ally to either heal himself or to greatly empower one of his own spells. If he empowers the spell, the effects are doubled. The less damage the target of soul drain had taken, the more energy Drall receives thus the stronger the empowerment or heal
Power of the Wylds Drall focuses on his opponent's gear and utters the incantation "By my power I command growth" and roses sprout and entangle anything the opponent is currently holding. These are violet roses, with thorns as strong as steel, the roses slowly wilt and die before disappearing after 30 seconds(6 posts) this spell has a 12 second(3 post) cooldown.
Coldness of Heart Drall attempts to use his magic to pull the thermal energy from the air surrounding an opponent and redirect it. By doing this the air around the opponent is turned a blue hue as ice crystals form in the air surrounding them. Frost rapidly forms on them and their equipment, hindering movement immediately, and after 12 seconds(3 posts) freezing them for 9 seconds(2posts). This power has a 15 second(4 post) cooldown.
Fracture Drall places his hand upon a frozen opponent and utters the incantation "fracture" shattering the ice they are in and generally them along with it. Opponents that are extremely durable or that have powerful armor will not be shattered, but their armor even if it is naturally occurring will be destroyed or weakened substantially.
Dimensional Overlay Slash One of Drall's more
unpredictable spells, this can come back to bite him in the ass if used wrong or counteracted. This MUST be used with Dancer of Blades and his crucifix sword and cannot be used otherwise. Drall rushes towards his opponent, dragging the crucifix blade beside him as it gathers energy. He finally launches it at a chosen location. Upon impact the sword sticks into the ground and a immense gravity field is created. This increases the atmospheric pressure of a square patch 10 meters by ten meters tenfold. Meaning in that 30 foot area, the atmosphere and gravity are ten times what they would normally be. This move has a 9 second prep time(2 posts) and the rift lasts 15 seconds(4 posts).
Equipment:Remorse, Bringer of Woe- this magical sword was forged only for Drall, by his uncle. The sword is forged of a rare type of steel and can withstand the strikes that Drall delivers. It is nearly indestructible and appears as a 42 inch curved sword. The sword has a crossguard and its blade is golden.
Crucifix Blade- A straight sword measuring 26 inches in total length. The crossguard is enormous measuring almost half a foot on either side, these are usable as handles. The blade is silver and has red runes that glow down either side. The wrapping for the handle is white.
History:Drallinix Von Carstein was once a proud noble. His life was good, he awoke regularly at dawn and spent his morning in tutelage with the Castle's scholars. He was an exemplary student and learned extremely quickly, the scholars stated that if it wasn't for his position they would have sent him to a collegiate to study magic. Following this he would spend the better part of the day training in survival skills and horseback riding. The afternoon would be spent training in swordsmanship with his Uncle James Von Carstein. This was his Father's brother who had practically raised Drall, because Drall's father never had time for his son, in fact he seemed to hate the child. At night James would tell Drall stories from his childhood and of magisters and monsters. Life was all but perfect, Drall even had a beautiful betrothed, her name was Castella Caradryan. She had long blonde hair and eyes of ice blue. Her smile made the stars envious and she would pick apples and lay in the sun with him in the afternoons after he trained with a sword.
This happy world was shattered one day when the Vampires of the north marched upon their kingdom. Drall was 14 years old, and was not allowed to go to war because of his elevated social position. The war lasted all winter, but the Vampires eventually marched upon their castle, however the leader of the vampire's Vladimir Horstmann had a twisted sense of humor. He decided to make the king a deal, if the man would sell his own son then the Vampires would allow him to keep his crown. The king readily agreed and Drall was walked out of the castle and through the city in chains in Horstmann's custody, shaming his family, tears could be seen in the boy's eyes, but they were not tears of sadness but rather tears of rage. As he was walked away, Drall saw his uncle banished from the kingdom for publicly berating the king for his decision.
For three years Drall was kept in captivity, Horstmann was not a cruel master, in fact he was quite fair. The boy continued his tutelage under the brightest Vampires in Horstmann's kingdom, he was given three meals a day, and he was taught swordsmanship and magic by Horstmann himself. Eventually Drall was 18 and Horstmann made him a proposition, he could become a vampire and become Horstmann's heir or they would send him away from the Northlands with no supplies to make his own way. Drall was tempted to take Horstmann's offer, however he had his own agenda.
Drall was sent away with nothing but a coat with fur and his tunic. As he was seen off through the castle gates Horstmann himself took off his signet ring and placed it on the boy's right hand announcing to all that the boy was his heir and that no vampire shall ever hurt him or they would face Horstmann's wrath. With that he sent Drall on his way, and Drall traveled for weeks returning to his kingdom with one goal in mind, to kill his father and retake his kingdom and bride. However, Drall was in for a terrible realization, his father had died many years before, and now Castella was queen, with her new husband as king. As Drall was told this by the innkeeper his wrath was palpable, his knuckles white from clenching his fists in rage. Drall stood and flourished his coat as he stormed out of the bar with a new mission in mind.
Drall searched for half a year before finally tracking down the man he had been searching for. His uncle had been living in exile since Drall was taken away and the man had aged harshly. Drall knocked on his door and was greeted with a knife to his throat, before he slowly told his uncle who he was and showed him Horstmann's ring to further prove it and his story. James Carstein dropped the knife and embraced his nephew, and invited him inside his home. Drall told him of his ambition and his goal, and his uncle readily agreed to help him with his plan, and told Drall to wait while he retrieved something. Returning minutes later with something wrapped in a black silk cloth, and as Drall unwrapped it on the table, his face broke into a broad smile, it was a sword, one modeled after those the vampires used, but the blade was a brilliant gold. His uncle explained he had obtained the rare metal from a trader for some much needed meat, and had made this sword from it and vowed to never use it, but with Drall's return it had found its master.
Using his new blade and his natural charisma Drall called upon the people for aid. Word spread the lost prince had returned from the North, a feat never accomplished before, and he was starting an army. His emblem was one of power, a crimson gauntlet inside of a golden circle on a white background. Drall's forces were called the Crimson fists and he only gathered more as peasants and exiled knight's rallied to their prince's name. Finally he marched upon the castle, the new king's forces attempting to hold it. The siege began and lasted weeks, until Drall could no longer stand seeing his people die for a false king and queen. He crafted a plan and his men created a vanguard around him, they modified carts to hold roofs above their heads as the approached the gate, stopping rocks and burning oil. Finally, Drall stopped in front of the gate held both hands forward and screamed "MY POWER THROWS THEE!". As he did the gate exploded inward, wood shattering and splintering into the waiting forces inside, for a brief moment there was calm, then the forces collided and the world shook.
The battle lasted hours, the forces inside the castle fighting desperately for survival, their superior weapons and armor staving off wave after wave of peasants and men at arms. Drall never left the front lines, his golden sword weaving intricate patterns so fast men couldn't even track its blade. Soldier after soldier was felled by his golden blade while his magic wreaked havoc upon the enemy ranks, throwing them into themselves, finally Drall cut a path through and into the keep to make his way to the throne room, where he would find Castella and her new husband.
Drall and the man traded blows, his rival quite skilled with a blade. No doubt the man could not see his sword, but he had amazing instincts and used a rapier with utmost skill, truly a paragon, a master with a blade. Eventually the man parried one of Drall's blows and lunged forward to deliver a fatal blow, this was his first and last mistake. His sword did pierce Drall, but Drall had managed to knock it downward with his left hand and it simple grazed his side, a faint line of blood trailing where it did. However Drall's golden blade had been buried in the man's chest, blood dripping from its razor edge before Drall ripped it free letting the man fall dead at his feet. Slowly he advanced on Castella and she begged for his forgiveness for mercy, however Drall knew what needed to be done, and she had betrayed him. He held her down and cut her throat, letting her blood spill on the floor, and as he left the throne room he held the man's crown in his hand.
Stepping out Drall called upon both armies raising the crown above his head, and the fighting ceased. Both sides kneeled before him, however Drall told them to stand and called his uncle to his side. Placing the crown upon James's head he made them swear fealty to their new king, one truly of the Carstein bloodline. Drall then left, his revenge and justice served, he returned to the north. Horstmann welcomed him back as family, and informed Drall that he had heard of his endeavors through traveling vampires. He was proud of the boy and to solidify his place as his heir he performed a ritual, explaining that he was giving Drall some of his power making him immortal and giving him even greater physical abilities, he would not be a vampire but he would have their lifespan and many of their traits. Drall was grateful and has ruled with Horstmann in the North since.